I'm just an actor

Chapter 313 Resolute

Chapter 313 Resolute
As the stage curtain slowly opened, the performance of "Home" officially began.

Backstage, Li Kelong, who once played the roles of Liu Chali, Lu Cheng, and Wu Youde in the "Detective Di Renjie" series, looked at Xu Rong's tired face and asked worriedly: "Is it okay?"

In "Home", he played Juexin's third uncle Gao Keming.

He knew that Xu Rong had been very busy recently, coming and going in a hurry, and never touched the ground.

It was completely unexpected for him to be able to produce this play, and produce the current effect.

Needless to say, the two old men have been active on the stage since they were young. Although Mr. Lan Tianye has been away from the stage for 20 years, he has probably never been far away from the art circle and human art. He is more and more interested in the deconstruction and reorganization of characters The pinnacle.

What surprised him the most were the two young men, Xu Rong and Yuan Yu.

Probably because of this, the two old men were cheerful all day during the rehearsal. Although the two old men didn't say anything, he understood the source of the two old men's good mood recently.

There are people who succeed in art.

The management of Renyi has always been different from other units. Although it is a public institution, at the beginning of the establishment of the academy, no one knew what atmosphere should be maintained in the academy, so it was inevitable to follow the traditional theater troupe.

Respect for teachers.

As a result, many traditions that are completely different from those of international theater troupes have been formed, such as One Belt One and Returning Troupes. Strictly speaking, they are all in the style of traditional theater troupes.

It is also for this reason that the retired old people in the courtyard are also willing to regard Renyi as their home. At the beginning, the director was completely disappointed with Renyi. At that time, he still chose to return without hesitation.

For Xu Rong, the two old men didn't comment much, but Yuan Yu was simply praised to the sky.

For Li Kelong himself, he was surprised by Yuan Yu's performance, but in comparison, Xu Rong's progress was incredible to him.

As the No. [-] student in the mainland, he had to pay attention to Xu Rong's admission to the hospital, and it was impossible not to pay attention to it. In fact, at the beginning, he didn't take seriously the attitude of the courtyard to Xu Rong.

Born in Nortel and a film and television actor, in his opinion, Xu Rong Dingtian is the king class of the trumpet.

It's just that after the rehearsal and performance of "Thunderstorm", he completely changed his view.

It takes two or three years for newcomers to enter the hospital. It is not for human art to put on airs, but to help newcomers re-establish the foundation of the sound table.

But Xu Rong is an exception in this point, just like many newcomers who have just entered the hospital need to practice hard for at least half a year to pronounce words, but when they come, they come with their own, no need to practice at all, just open their mouths, as for most of the fresh graduates The students are the worst, and they are also the voices who pay the least attention in film and television teaching. Xu Rong's level is catching up with the top actors.

But at the beginning of the real rehearsal on the same stage, what he felt deeply was nothing else, but the super stage control that made him seem familiar.

During the rehearsal, he didn't try to compete with Xu Rong for the rhythm, but he was going to perform soon. Seeing Xu Rong's state, his heart suddenly rose. Once Xu Rong had something wrong, the effect of the performance would be greatly reduced.

In the future, if Xu Rong's self-criticism is posted in the background, the fun will probably be aroused.

There was a circle of smile on Xu Rong's face, and then quickly dropped, saying: "Third Dad, it's okay."

Li Kelong looked at Xu Rong's peaceful expression and listened to his slightly low tone, and he couldn't help feeling helpless in his heart. Xu Rong's talent is so good that it makes people jealous, but he just doesn't know how to do it. Having such a feeling, what makes him feel evil most is that Xu Rong's skills are quite rich and solid.

However, with the understanding of this period of time, he gradually became relieved. Unlike the vast majority of stars, entertainers, idols and bastards who became famous at a young age, Xu Rong spent most of his time almost entirely devoted to the exploration of performances. Research and understanding, even some paper strategists who specialize in theoretical research, can't compare.

He threw himself into a career that completely changed his destiny.

This is a rare thing. He has seen too many young people. After achieving some achievements and becoming popular, they gradually forget why they became famous and their foundation, until one day they found that they were not I became popular, and my peers surpassed me one by one, and I suddenly realized that it was not because I made a movie that I became popular, but because I made a movie.

"Three teachers, get ready to play."

"it is good."


Li Kelong was in front, Xu Rong followed closely, and Gao Qian, who played the Zhou family, was a few steps behind the two, as if they had chased after them. When the three entered the stage, Li Kelong's voice sounded, but not loudly.

"I have a few words to tell you, today is a day of great joy."

This is bringing the background to the stage in the performance. The character does something, and it definitely doesn't start when he is on the stage.

It is also the thing that many acting majors hate the most, because when teachers assign homework, they often ask students to write a short biography of no less than [-] words about a character who has only two lines in the audience.

Xu Rong was a head taller than Li Kelong, followed behind him step by step, bent slightly, showing the appearance of listening carefully.

But his seriousness seems to have been forced out, and his slightly stiff body and numb expression all show his true state.

Gao Qian chased after her and shouted, "Ming Xuan, you."

"Mingxuan." Li Kelong immediately interrupted Gao Qian, raised his right hand slightly, and pointed at him, "Listen."

Xu Rong stood still, nodded lightly, and replied, "Yes."

His response was not strong, especially compared to Li Kelong's resonant voice, which was almost as coping. After the "yes" fell, he raised his eyelids to look at Li Kelong, and raised his voice slightly: "Third Dad."

His presentation was slightly different from the rehearsal. During the rehearsal, he did not have so many layers. Instead, he looked up at Li Kelong first, and then he spoke up.

He is about to marry someone he doesn't like, but the person he loves is a stranger. He is a little out of his mind at this time, but his long-term habits make him habitually respect his elders.

"Yes" does not reflect his respect, but it reflects his absent-mindedness, and the subsequent actions and tone of voice show the shackles of feudal ethics on people.

Experience is part of the reason, and the busyness of more than a month has made up for his lack of skills.

Gao Qian chased after Xu Rong and asked, "Ming Xuan, are you feeling better now?"

Xu Rong turned around slightly and said, "It's much better."

In contrast, he did not show the respect he had for his third uncle Gao Keming towards his mother.

The lack of life experience has basically been completed through the relationship between Aunt Wang and Xiao Zhang and some other mother-child relationship patterns he has seen. In his opinion, as the most trusted person instinctively, even the senior In a distinguished family, there should also be affection between mother and child.

At this time, there was no noise in the auditorium.

The cheapest ticket at the Renyi Grand Theater is 80, and the front row ticket is 680. Students get a [-]% discount. If you miss the exciting part due to your own reasons, the money you spent will be lost.

In the center of the auditorium, seven or eight spectators wearing baseball caps and masks stared intently at the stage.

When the first act ended, seven or eight people sat quietly until a girl in front who accompanied the old man made a sound of "ton, ton, ton" while drinking water, and everyone seemed to come alive.

"Or, our small team should disperse."

Someone among them suddenly suggested.

As one of Renyi's repertoires, "Family" is a repertoire they are all familiar with, but it is because of their familiarity that they find it incredible.

Juexin grew up in a large family under the shackles of cannibalistic feudal ethics. After the old man Gao retired, the family had no source of income. Uncles who eat, drink, prostitute and gamble, aunts and aunts who always make troubles, and brothers whose thoughts and behaviors are completely contrary to the rules of ethics, but just as his father fell ill and the world was in trouble, he had to marry someone he didn't like. Girl, anyone in his position would be powerless and even desperate.

And Xu Rong's tiredness that was revealed from the inside out and tried to hide, completely stupefied everyone.

What kind of trick is this?
"No, no, no." A thin middle-aged man shook his head, "He's in great shape today, great, he wasn't so stressed during the rehearsal."

"That's it" Another thick voice immediately picked up the words, but because the voice was too high, which attracted the attention of the audience in the front and rear seats, he immediately suppressed it, "It's just that the state is good, and the top is [-]% performance .”

"Anyway, it's not like it is today under normal circumstances."

"Look again, look again."

In the second scene, when Xu Rong said with a half smile and tears, "I am the eldest grandson of the eldest son, my brothers and sisters should all follow me as an example!", several of them suddenly took a deep breath.

This has changed, absolutely.

At this point, the center of the auditorium was completely quiet. No one discussed any more, and no one drank water or went to the toilet. They just sat there quietly until the curtain was closed and then opened.

After the performance, the seven or eight people did not exchange a word. Like other audiences, they applauded numbly and left the stage quietly. After walking out of the theater gate, they went their separate ways.

No one mentioned the itinerary of getting together after the plan before coming here.

Chen Baoguo and Chen Daoming are neighbors, they came together, got in the car, drove for a long time, Chen Daoming suddenly said: "Who do you think is better among the three?"

He knew that Chen Baoguo understood who he was referring to. On today's stage, the performance of Lan Tianye, Zhu Xu, and Xu Rong was in the same category in his opinion.

Chen Baoguo hesitated for a while, and said: "From the perspective of the richness of the expression dimension, Xu Rong is almost unreasonable, but from the perspective of empathy, that kid is stronger. Hey, I said, you know he kept What kind of skill is the state of the audience?"

"Newly developed by Renyi?"

Chen Daoming immediately said: "Impossible, Renyi doesn't have any decent scholars right now."

His extremely affirmative voice suddenly stopped, Renyi really has a relatively well-known scholar-type actor right now.

If this is the case, then everything can be explained. The skills Xu Rong developed by himself are still in the practice stage, and he has not formed a systematic training method and theoretical system. It is reasonable for others not to understand.

But this kind of possibility made the two of them feel absurd. They knew that Xu Rong had made great achievements in exploring new methods, but his previous theories were mostly supplements to the past theoretical and practical systems, like today's. I am afraid that even if it is included in the entire category of acting, such an extremely explosive technique will have to be a separate article.

"I feel that this technique must be universal in all aspects of emotion, and I will find a way to find out later."

In Renyi, Xu Rong is still busy.

Interviewed by reporters after the performance, "Family" has attracted a lot of attention since its establishment. Today, more than 20 media came, including drama and entertainment media because of him.

"Xu Rong, can you comment on your performance today?"

Xu Rong said without hesitation: "The acting was very bad. This may be the worst scene I have acted since I entered the theater. I hope that friends from the media will express my apologies to the audience on my behalf. I hope everyone will give me a chance. Next time I will strive to perform better.”

This is his true feeling. He feels that the whole audience has been in a contradictory state. He wants to cheer up his spirit, but his body is tired objectively. Under such a kind of internal friction, he also fell into a Deeper fatigue.

But he was not upset about it. The biggest advantage of the play is that it gives the creators a chance to start over. As long as the show is better than the other, he has the confidence to reverse the word of mouth.

The media looked at him with an annoyed look on his face, and they couldn't say anything. They also watched the whole play just now. Xu Rong's steady and suffocating rhythm and empathy, except for Yuan Yu, who showed a little Except for the flowers, they are almost neck and neck with the two old men.

As a last resort, they changed the subject: "Xu Rong, many people on the Internet said that you are not doing your job properly in acting, what do you think of these comments?"

Xu Rong asked back: "Then what is doing business properly?"

"Make TV series and movies."

Xu Rong's brows stretched slightly, and he said, "Why is making film and television a business?"

"Because it's more profitable."

Xu Rong smiled instead, and said, "Do you know the box office of my round of performances?"

"1000 million, one month." Xu Rong paused, stretched out a finger and said, "The cost of a play is about 20 to 100 million. If the production cycle of the film and television is the same, do you still think it is not enough to make money?" ?”

"But, that money has nothing to do with you?"

Xu Rong's face was serious, and he said immediately: "I want to criticize you a few words, the fresh air we breathe, the subway, bus, and road we take when we go out, the construction of public facilities, where the money comes from, don't always think about yourself , think more about everyone and society.”

"Teacher Xu"

The purpose of Xu Rong's interview was originally to apologize. He just looked at the large group of reporters surrounding him, and then looked at the rest of the crew. Except for the two old men who had two media in front of them, the rest were all concentrated on him. Said: "Everyone can interview other actors, the audience knows me too well, there is no need to know more, we should give other actors some opportunities."

Pu Cunxi who was not far away was stunned when he heard Xu Rong's words, and then a gratified smile appeared on his face.

Xu Rong asked reporters to interview other actors, which he did not expect, but it was precisely because of this that he felt relieved.

But the more gratified, the more uncomfortable.

He has already paid a visit, and the Chinese opera's attitude of not letting anyone go is very frankly firm.

(End of this chapter)

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