I'm just an actor

Chapter 315 Signature

Chapter 315 Signature
Zhang Guoli carefully smacked the word "not easy" in Xu Rong's mouth, the more he smacked, the more meaningful these three words were.

If you are optimistic, you can think that his evaluation of "not easy" is comparable to professional drama actors, and even close to the height of Renyi's "Wotou Club". It's not easy.

It's just that after he found out that Xu Rong had finished saying "it's not easy", he immediately put the microphone back into the little fat man's hand, as if what he was holding was not a microphone, but a piece of hot potato.

Seeing this situation, he didn't understand the tendency of Xu Rong's "not easy", so he didn't ask Pu Cunxi for his opinion.

Xu Rong is young, after all, he still has some scruples. With Pu Cunxi's current status, qualifications and personality, I am afraid that he may not give him face.

After Xu Rong finished speaking, he sat down and said nothing more, but he didn't gain anything from watching the show today.

At least in terms of makeup, they really prepared it carefully.

This is completely different from our home. In order to let the actors find the inner world of the characters more deeply, unless famous artists are invited, the actors usually do the makeup themselves.

But after all, I am not a professional, so it is inevitable that there are flaws. Modern dramas are fine, but once you encounter costume dramas, such as the first scene of "Tea House", the obvious headgear is quite dramatic.

He is going to recruit two professionals back, or hold a special training.

After the show ended, Jing Hao, who played Yuan Jiangmiao in his own "Wotou Club", whispered in their ears: "I'm surprised that there are so many audiences applauding, not even the characters. Got it."

Zhang Guoli sent ten tickets. Besides Pu Cunxi's relatives and friends, there were also a few young people who came to the courtyard.

The key point is that the liveliness of "Wotou Club" is given by the screenwriter, not by the actors.

"What are you mumbling about, as long as you understand it in your heart."

Xu Rong glanced at him, good or bad, good or bad, some viewers commented, they are professionals, and they are still practitioners in this industry pyramid, no matter positive or negative evaluation, they will inevitably be over-interpreted.

After getting into the car, Pu Cunxi asked, "What do you think of today's performance?"

Xu Rong thought for a while, then smiled: "It's fancier nature."

"How to say?"

Xu Rong started the car and said: "This play is quite lively. Compared with the more profound and serious "Tea House", it is easier to be accepted by the audience. In fact, when I read the script, I have a doubt that I am not sure about it. It's just whether the screenwriter Liu Heng has a problem with his thinking, for this reason, I took the time to chat with him later, only to find that this guy is not a little problem, but a big problem."

"From the point of view of a literati, he has no problems. The ideas expressed in "Wotou Guild Hall" are the closest to reality. Regardless of who is the emperor or who is in power, as far as ordinary people are concerned, they don't care so much. ?In fact, few people care about GDP, CPI, Engel coefficient or even what they are. They are most concerned about whether the whole family can have enough food and clothing, whether they can see a doctor when they are sick, and whether there is anyone for them when they are old. Support, this is what the common people care about, that's why there are heavenly soldiers. There is no difference.”

Seeing that Pu Cunxi's face was slightly serious, Xu Rong said, "Don't look at me like that. I'm just discussing the matter. Although I don't study and participate much, my heart is still toward the party."

After he finished, he added: "Although this point in our courtyard is not very obvious, it is also presented. Today they don't care about anything, just let it be lively. This play actually has nothing to do with comedy. Watching it It’s like a comedy, it’s quite cheerful, but when you finish watching it, you find that it’s actually a complete tragedy.”

"You have a very deep understanding, do you want to try?"

"But pull it down, I have no objection if you want me to accept "Tea House"."

Pu Cunxi laughed dryly, he couldn't make this decision.

Sending Pu Cunxi to the door of the house, before getting off the car, Pu Cunxi said: "By the way, there is a "Richard III" in Mandarin the night after tomorrow, you can go and have a look."

Xu Rong didn't respond immediately, and said: "Let's watch it when the time comes. I have to go to the Chinese Opera in the morning the day after tomorrow. Dean Xu made a special trip to my house yesterday, and there will be another performance in the afternoon. Let's see the situation then."

He didn't ask who played it. There are indeed a few good drama actors in the Chinese language, but all of them are now rooted in the film and television industry, so there is no time to do "Richard III".

When Pu Cunxi heard the first half of his words, a look of strangeness flashed across his face, and he nodded absent-mindedly: "Oh."

Before Xu Rong closed the car door, he seemed to remember to tell him: "Slow down on the road."

"Do not worry."

Watching the two orange circles go away, Pu Cunxi was still standing there. Although it was still midsummer, he only felt a chill rushing from the soles of his feet to his forehead. Xu Xiang's attitude towards him did not change. Contrary to his expectations, after all, he would rather play tricks than return the person. Before Xu Rong cultivated a sense of belonging to Zhongxi, his attitude must be closer than his own son.

Nowadays, there are a lot of talents in the field of performance theory, but in essence, domestic performance theory has not made any progress in these years, and the three highly innovative articles published by Xu Rong have caused quite a stir in the industry. As far as the Chinese opera that stands out from the three major colleges is concerned, it is simply a favorite.

And he also noticed that Xu Rong is already starting to fully explore his own way of acting. Although there is only a sign of it now, who can predict the future?

He thought for a while, and instead of going back to his home, he walked to the unit where old man Lan's house was located.

After a while, two leaders will come to watch "Home" in the courtyard. After the performance, there will definitely be a condolence session. Regardless of the status and status of the old man, his wish to transfer Xu Rong back along with it is all reasonable.

He is very clear that with Xu Rong's academic ability and conduct, if he can't be transferred back within three years, it may be difficult to get him back. That kid has always been generous. It's not very happy, but when it comes to Chinese opera, I'm afraid it's hard to say.

Two days later, Chinese opera.

Xu Rong was dressed in a suit and stood in front of the auditorium. After the applause fell, he said slowly: "Students, I am Xu Rong. First of all, on behalf of the Acting Department, I welcome you to the Central Academy of Drama and start a four-year university career. Just now the dean said that in learning art, you should learn morality, and in acting, you should be a man first, so I will talk about professional issues."

"First, why did you come here, and what purpose do you want to study? Some people want to be a star, some want to make a lot of money, and some want to marry Bai Fumei or Gao Fushuai, and I believe that most of you Most of them are actually sitting here in a daze, of course, these are all right, the full name of our school is '**Drama Academy', since this is the case, we have to talk about the original purpose of our drama?"

For a group of students who just stepped into the school, he did not expect them to be able to answer, so he said: "It is to improve, to improve our society, to improve our living environment. I hope that starting today, in addition to retaining the above purposes, You can remember the original intention of the theater."

"Second point, let me talk about how to learn?"

When Xu Rong said this, he smiled and said: "First of all, I suggest that you find someone who loves to learn."


The students were listening seriously, and many of them were still taking notes, because they had already heard about the tragic experience of the last Nortel freshmen from the Internet: You don’t need to remember what Xu Rong said, but you will pass the exam!
They thought Xu Rong would say something serious, but in the end they asked them to find a partner!

Xu Rong also smiled, and said: "Why did you give this strange suggestion? Because the university has too much free time, and you can spend it as you like. You can fish in troubled waters for four years, and it's also four years for you to work from dawn to dusk, and the two supervise each other. , Mutual progress is actually a very happy thing.

Secondly, you must love it. If you are not interested in this line of work or even dislike it, then I suggest you change your major or even drop out of school as soon as possible. Doing something you don’t like will be a torment for yourself and our faculty and staff. On top of that you have a hard time getting grades.

Here, I also have a kind reminder to all the students, if a boy or a girl does not love this industry, then I can say that he or she will not love you, because when you leave the school, you will You will find that it is very likely that you will not continue to be together.

Let me give you an example. Teacher Song Dandan from Renyi, the purpose of taking the Renyi examination was to be with her boyfriend.

During the four years of college, what you and your partner have to do is to consolidate the foundation of sound, stage, shape, and appearance, eight processes, and 32 training methods. Before college, you must be familiar with the heart and even form the instinct of the body. "

Xu Rong looked at the confused expressions on the faces of each student, and said: "It's enough to memorize a rough idea, and I won't take the test. Of course, please keep believing and be mentally prepared. In the next four years, I will definitely pass the exam." Let you rehearse until you vomit."


Xu Rong looked at everyone who seemed to be okay, and also smiled, but mourned for them in his heart, and continued: "The third question is also a question that many people care about. Will it be useful if you learn it? Or should you learn it? Can it be red?"

"I can honestly answer everyone. It may not be useful for the time being, and it may even be useless for a lifetime. But when you need to use it, you find that you can't. Wouldn't it be a big embarrassment?"

"I have a friend who is also your senior sister named Yuan Yu. You may not have heard of her. She plays Mingfeng in "Family" currently being staged by Renyi, but she is different from most people in our industry. Similarly, she usually works very hard and is not well-known, but after working with her, I think her talent and hard work should not be buried.

Please remember this name, I think you will be familiar with her in the near future.

In the end, I would like to give you a word. There is a kind of bird in the world that cannot be kept, because every feather of them is covered with brilliance. "

After the speech, Xu Rong did not stay in the venue, but followed the dean Xu Xiang to the administrative building.

Xu Xiang had a long thin face, short stature, bald head, and his speech was not fast, as if he was thinking about something.

After coming out of the venue for a while, Xu Xiang said slowly: "Xiao Xu, today's lecture was very good. When I have time, I will lead a class of students?"

Xu Rong looked at Xu Xiang, who was not tall, and said, "Success, thank you for the cultivation of the dean."

Xu Xiang also understands what he said, when he has time, he has just entered the film market right now, so he really won't be able to spare time.

Xu Xiang waved his hand and said with a smile: "We are a family, what is cultivated or not, let's go, I will take you to see your office, in fact, it has been prepared a long time ago, we can't learn from certain units, just talk The boss shouted to pay attention, and the office will only be in place in the Year of the Monkey."

When Xu Rong heard Xu Xiang's voice, he always felt that he was criticizing Sang Huai, because he was in Renyi's office, and it was only in the middle of this year that he tidied it up.

"Xiao Xu, I read a few articles you wrote. They are very bold and constructive. I need to write more articles like this in the future. Now we are short of scholars with rich practical experience and solid theory like you. That’s right, when you meet such a teacher in the future, you should be more praised and encouraged. Just like you, although you are not very old, I still defy all opinions and let you be the head of the department. Why? As you just said, there is a kind of Birds cannot be kept shut, for their every feather is covered with light."

"Thank you, Dean."

Xu Rong stayed at the school for a while, declined Xu Xiang's proposal to have dinner together, and hurried to the parking lot. He still had a performance in the afternoon.

"Ms. Xu, Mr. Xu, wait a minute."

As soon as Xu Rong left the administrative building, a thin girl rushed over like the wind. The pink backpack on her back did not affect her speed at all.

He looked at the girl, stopped in his tracks, with a warm smile on his face, and said softly, "Are you a student?"

The girl nodded hurriedly: "Ah, yes, Teacher Xu."

As she spoke, she took out a book and a pen from her backpack, handed them to Xu Rong, and asked expectantly, "Mr. Xu, can I trouble you to sign for me?"


Xu Rong nodded first, but was stunned when he took the book. The title of the book is "I Know Where the Light Is".

The author is Pu Cunxi.

The girl said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, Mr. Xu, I came in a hurry and took the wrong one. I wanted to take the notebook."

Xu Rong straightened his face and said, "Study hard at school, don't learn outside, chasing after stars, that's no good."

Having said that, he signed his name on the title page without hesitation, but it was not his own, but Pu Cunxi's three characters.

"Xu, Teacher Xu?" The girl looked dumbfounded at the book Xu Rong handed over, "Can I sign yours?"

Xu Rong patted his forehead: "Oh, I'm sorry, I wrote it in a hurry. I wanted to write my name, but isn't it just right?"

"Okay, goodbye."

The girl stood there in a daze, and it took a while to come back to her senses, and then chased after her with her bag and books in her arms: "Teacher Xu, wait a minute."

Xu Rong looked at the girl standing in front of him, and said with a smile, "Do you have anything else to do?"

The girl hesitated for a while, and said in a low voice, "Well, Teacher Xu, I'm Wang Lei's girlfriend."

"What's the matter?"

Xu Rong carefully looked at the girl in front of him, seeing that she was young but Wang Lei was five years older than him, so he asked, "Are you really a student?"

"Well, I just entered my junior year."

"When did you meet Wang Lei?"

"five years ago."

"Cough cough, I didn't expect that."

Xu Rong's face became more and more serious, and said: "I have to criticize Wang Lei well when I go back. How could I lie to a little girl like you with little social experience?"

When the girl heard Xu Rong's words, she immediately became anxious, and said, "No, no, no, I went to school later, and I was already an adult when I was with him. Teacher Xu, please don't criticize him."

From the girl's eager expression, Xu Rong judged that she did not look like a liar, so she took the book with a smile, and signed her name while saying: "I said that I asked that guy before if he had a date, and he always replied It’s because of this that you faltered with me.”

(End of this chapter)

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