I'm just an actor

Chapter 316 Evaluation

Chapter 316 Evaluation (Change first and then change)
Regarding Wang Lei's private life, Xu Rong didn't ask any more questions. Although the age gap between the two is a little big, they are both adults after all, and the male and female are unmarried. It's not his turn to worry about the height.

Just like at the beginning of the year, Yu Zhen's marriage caused an uproar on the Internet.

At the beginning of the year, with Yu Zhen's wife's online complaint, Yu Zhen fell into the spotlight overnight, and various domestic violence men, perverts, etc. were vilified one after another in the traditional media and on the Internet.

Regarding the condemnation of Yu Zhen from the outside world, Xu Rong did not make any statement.

He has always insisted that if there is no investigation, there is no right to speak. He will pay attention to the evaluation of XX from someone, but he will reserve his opinion. Although he is not engaged in the media industry, it is an industry with many intersections after all. , and he really understands the virtues of the media, and he really doesn't understand what happened between Yu Zhen and his wife.

As for the comments on the Internet, he is even less convinced, as if he has never shown his true self in front of the camera.

Even the words of close friends are always mixed with more or less subjective will because of closeness and interest.

Just like what Yang Mi said, the relationship between the two is very good, and the reason why they haven't cooperated before is because they are too familiar and embarrassed to cooperate.

But what the actual situation is, the two sides are simply clear.

In fact, in the past few years, Xu Rong has keenly discovered the difference between online speech and the past.

The hostility is getting worse, and even a good thing can be magnified infinitely, and then misinterpreted and attacked by others.

It seems that for any one thing, there is no unified opinion on the Internet.

What first made him aware of this was the discussion about the plot outline of "The Blowing North Wind".

And his sensitivity also made him think for a long time about the completely different attitudes of the two generations towards Liu Qing's behavior. It was not until Zhang Luo wrote a biography to the seniors in the courtyard that he figured out the reason.

It was too ruthless.

Since 08, housing prices and commodity prices have risen in an all-round way, and young people are under increasing pressure. However, for a few taels of silver, they have to make compromises. Facing harsh criticism from their bosses and leaders, they can only smile.

But people's emotions need to be released, but society does not seem to give contemporary young people a reasonable way to release, but instead makes them shut their mouths, and they subconsciously can only vent their accumulated dissatisfaction through the Internet.

Because in most cases, the speech on the Internet does not need to be held responsible.

In fact, in his view, the media and new media should bear a small part of the responsibility.

In order to gain attention, the media is now extremely keen to report negative news about society, but in fact life is not so dark, but only darkness can satisfy the voyeurism of most people.

However, people's social circle and vision are limited. During the day, they are busy working and being squeezed like livestock. At night, they read all kinds of the most shameless and unlimited news that happened in the world. Over time, they will think that This is the environment we are in, and if the long-term negative emotions cannot be vented, it is impossible not to be crazy.

As for the bearer of most of the responsibilities, he can only guide them through his own actions.

Back in the courtyard, he locked himself in the dressing room after eating something.

This afternoon we will play "Thunderstorm".

This opera has been studied in university for four years. After graduation, it has performed nearly [-] official performances and rehearsed dozens of times. As for how many times each line was said, it is impossible to count.

Because leaving aside the background of the times and simply looking at the character and fate of the characters, it is easy to find similar people around you, speaking similar words in the same tone.

Whenever he encounters a similar scene, he will take out his lines and chew them again.

Then I suddenly feel that what I did in the past may not be real.

Just as we grow older, when we look back, we regret the choices we made in certain situations in the past and feel that maybe the present might have been a little better.

For "Thunderstorm", his feelings are deeper. In Renyi, this is an introductory play, but if you want to perform it well, the difficulty has risen sharply.

Because each of the characters is full of huge contradictions, rather than a single character in other film and television works.

Perhaps, in the 20s, such a group of people did exist, just like "Family" written by Mr. Ba Jin based on his own experience.

Mr. Zheng once told him that the line in "Thunderstorm" "Things in the world are really strange. Today I suddenly realized that it is not easy to be a human being, it is too difficult." He has acted for decades before he really put this line into practice. The lines are clear to the actor.

The first time Xu Rong felt this sentence was when he was discussing with Uncle Zhang how to deal with the marriage. Regarding the conflict of etiquette between the two parties, Uncle Zhang ignored Aunt Wang's objection and listened to his opinions.

He thought it was very strange at the time, but afterward, he slowly understood the painstaking efforts of the other party.

What impressed me the most was that as he became more and more integrated into the courtyard, when he sincerely wanted to do something for the courtyard and make some reforms, he suddenly realized that there were many obstacles.

And Zhang Heping, Pu Cunxi, Ren Ming and others also knew that he was out of good intentions, but they still couldn't implement it.

Gradually, I also had a deeper understanding of "Today I suddenly realized that it is not easy to be a human being, it is too difficult."

The mutual reflection of drama and reality can also be glimpsed from the Internet, just like the phrase "I love our country, but who loves me?" Who loves me so much?" Although the background of the times is different, the sufferings that people encounter are similar.

This is the meaning of his insistence on acting in dramas, because today's film and television are already on the road of commercialization, and most of the audience who want to pass the time through film and television cannot accept the profound and suffering.

The performance started at 02:30 in the afternoon. At one o'clock, Xu Rong stared at the face in the mirror that was gradually unfamiliar due to makeup, but gradually familiar, and exhaled softly.

Yu Mingjia's state was no longer the same, which invisibly added a lot of pressure to him.

After making sure that his makeup was okay, he leaned on the long sofa in the dressing room.

Before Zhou Ping entered, she was lying ill on a recliner in the yard.

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu, get ready."


Xu Rong straightened her gown a little, opened the door, and walked out of the dressing room.

After taking the stage, Yu Mingjia obviously felt something was wrong. Compared with last year's performance, she found herself much more relaxed, and Zhu Xiaopeng, who was on the same stage, also had a similar feeling.

This weird situation was immediately felt by the audience in the audience. They always felt that after nearly a year of rest, "Thunderstorm" was more natural than last time.

But they didn't find it strange that Xu Rong's strong empathy in the performance of "Family" had already formed an inherent impression in their hearts, just like Pu Cunxi, Feng Yuanzheng and others.

It is only natural to act well, but if the acting is not good, there will be problems instead.

After the performance was over, Pu Cunxi looked at Xu Rong's eyes, which could really shine.

After a play was performed, he felt the shadows of two familiar elders from Xu Rong.

Therefore, Lin Liankun.

In the past, there were two actors who were good at performing rhythm.

He originally thought that according to Xu Rong's talent, it would take him about three to five years before he could support a play, and after more than ten years of polishing, he could become the "new god" in the audience's mouth, but today he performed on the same stage Afterwards, he discovered that even though he had set high enough expectations in the past, Xu Rong still exceeded his expectations unknowingly.

At this time, he was no longer worried about the ownership of Xu Rong's establishment. Although he was scolded by the old man Lan Tianye when he confessed, in the end, the old man still took it all his own, but he didn't wait for a performance for a while, but Condolences to old comrades at the end of the year.

"Xiaopeng, you performed well today."

"Brother Yu, you've worked hard."

After the curtain call, Xu Rong stood at the entrance of the backstage and shared his hard work with the cast and crew. This is what he learned from Pu Cunxi. Performance is his job as an actor, and the encouragement after the performance is the responsibility of the cast leader.

"Xiao Xu."

At this moment, Ren Ming led a middle-aged man with yellow hair and blue eyes who looked familiar to him and walked over.

"Hello." After seeing Xu Rong, the middle-aged man quickly walked up to him and introduced himself, "I'm Kevin Spacey."


Ren Ming watched Xu Rong shake hands with the other party, looked at himself with a puzzled face, laughed twice, and introduced: "Kevin Spacey, winner of the 2000 Academy Awards for Best Actor , I am currently holding a global tour of "Richard III", and I have been performing in China for the past few days, and today I heard that we are performing "Thunderstorm", so I will come and see it."

Then, he introduced Xu Rong to Kevin Spacey in English.

Xu Rong glanced at Ren Ming in surprise, but didn't notice that the vice president of his family actually spoke more English than himself.

Kevin Spacey looked at Xu Rong and said with a smile: "Your performance has a unique aesthetic."

After Ren Ming translated again, Xu Rong smiled and said, "Thank you."

Seeing that Xu Rong didn't seem to care much, Kevin Spacey froze for a moment, thought for a while and then felt relieved, took out a business card from his pocket, handed it to Xu Rong, and said, "This is my business card, today There will be my performance at your National Theater tonight, I hope you can come and watch it."

"Yes, certainly."

Yu Mingjia looked at the business card in his hand and said, "Wow, Oscar winner."

Xu Rong handed her the business card casually, and said, "Here, I'll see you off."

Yu Mingjia knew him a little bit, so he was not surprised, but he still said: "Old Xu, I think you can also hold a global tour."


"Don't you know, many big directors and producers in Hollywood are loyal theater fans, maybe you can get into Hollywood because of it."

Xu Rong shook his head and smiled. For every actor who has just entered the film and television industry, the Oscar is the ultimate dream. He used to be like this, but later, he slowly realized that the Oscar has national boundaries.

As for Hollywood, it's not his goal. In the first half of this year, the domestic box office totaled nearly 60 billion, and 100 billion for the whole year should not be a big problem.

And this is because the domestic film market is still in its infancy. Ten years later, with the improvement of people's living standards, trillions will definitely not be possible, but a market of hundreds of billions should not be a big problem.

There is no need to lose watermelon for sesame seeds.

Moreover, his solid foundation means that it will be difficult for him to gain recognition from the western world. Even if he does go to Hollywood, the most likely thing is to help foreign film and television production companies develop the domestic market.

In the evening, Xu Rong watched Kevin Spacey's "Richard III" performed in Mandarin as scheduled. What I have to admit is that this is a very good actor.

Even if he doesn't understand the lines, he can understand the general meaning of every sentence, just like every western drama actor is familiar with the two classic Chinese dramas "Tea House" and "Thunderstorm".

And it really gave birth to the idea of ​​doing a global tour.

Although most of the so-called global tours earn money from overseas Chinese, it is not impossible to earn money from foreigners.

However, these short periods of time may be difficult to achieve. In the next few years, his focus will still be on movies.

"Xu is a great actor."

In an interview with reporters after the performance, Kevin Spacey was asked by the media which Chinese actor he likes the most. To the media's surprise, he did not name the other two Chinese people who are familiar with them. Xu Rong's flattery.

The super high evaluation of the word "great" is like adding fuel to the fire, making Xu Rong, who was already at the forefront of public opinion because of his bold speech at the Huabiao Awards, once again the object of public discussion.

After the analysis of many netizens, Xu Rong's actions of pushing the mirror frame many times during the speech proved that he was extremely unconfident in his speech.

In other words, he was bragging.

At the same time, Xu Rong's speech at the welcome ceremony of Chinese opera was also uploaded on the Internet, and he was called "the most down-to-earth department head of the year" for a while.

The two completely different remarks made many netizens feel confused, but also attracted the attention of many media people.

Because the number of Xu Rong's appearances in front of the media is too limited, in the past two years, except for "Art Life" which invited him once in the interview program, there was no second program that won this honor.

But the more so, the more frequently Xu Rong appeared in major entertainment programs.

"I have worked with him on an advertisement, and the impression is that he has a very strong aura, the kind that makes you nervous when facing him."

"If you were asked to cooperate with him now, would you be nervous?"

"Haha, kinda."

When a well-known actress who became popular at the beginning of the year participated in a talk show, her description of Xu Rong once again refreshed the perception of netizens.

Is this still the Xu Rong who had to wear a pair of glasses for bragging at the Huabiao Awards?
Is it still Xu Rong, the warm man who Yang Mi said "other people are super considerate"?
Xu Rong listened to Xiao Zhang talking about the news about her cheerfully, frowned, and thought for a while, but still couldn't remember even the slightest impression about Tang Yan, and said: "I have never cooperated with her, Let Jin Fangfang inform the other party's brokerage company later, I'll let her classmate touch me, she is a front line anyway."

When Xu Rong was talking about how to deal with this matter, classmate Xiao Zhang dug out an advertisement video from two years ago, held it up to him, and said, "Here, you have worked together before."

Xu Rong took a look, and slowly remembered, it turned out to be this one, so why didn't he remember it.

"Hey, Mr. Xu, you read this comment, you read this comment."


"Netizens said that you are the only male actor who let Da Tang Shixian serve as your background board."

"No, who is Shi?"

"Hey, that's it. When you participated in an event a while ago, she was being interviewed, but when the media saw you coming, they all ran after you, and then she stood there, either leaving or staying. "

Xu Rong thought about it for a while, but still didn't have the slightest impression, but in the messy vat of the entertainment industry, not being popular is the biggest sin in itself.

After more than a month of busy work, the drama performance has come to an end.

The controversy over him from the outside world is still going on, and the cause of the matter is also due to his remarks that the dramas he said were very profitable. It was only after several companies tested the water that they discovered that his words were simply nonsense.

Although many stars were invited, the first show was okay, but the attendance rate was lower every time after that, and even a lot of capital had considerable doubts about his later "3000 billion market".



The brilliance of the morning falls on the earth, and the melodious and melodious birdsong quietly echoes among the lush trees in the community.

On the wicker chair on the terrace, Xu Rong was slightly stunned, raised his head, and listened attentively.

It's been a while since I've experienced anything like this.

He withdrew his gaze and returned to the movie script on his lap.

The third volume is over.

(End of this chapter)

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