I'm just an actor

Chapter 317 Features

Chapter 317 Features
Inside the study.

Xu Rong looked at the three words written down in the notebook, and gently rubbed the center of his brows.

The plot of the script tells the story of the drug lord Cai Tianming being arrested by Zhang Lei, the captain of the Jinhai City Anti-Drug Team due to an accidental car accident.

Zhang Lei decided to use Cai Tianming as a bait to completely destroy Li Zhenbiao's gang, but unfortunately, he and the other party died together in the process of capturing Li Zhenbiao's gang, and died heroically. At the same time, Cai Tianming also escaped quietly.

In the notebook, there are only four lines:
Cai Tianming in "Drug Wars"




This is his first impression of the characters after going through the script completely.

Liu Yanming initially hoped that he would play the positive role of Zhang Lei, but after a general scan of the outline, he decided to play the negative role of Cai Tianming.

Since entering the industry, the characters he has portrayed span a wide range of ages. There are handsome red soldiers and Wei Duanben who is nearly middle-aged, but they all have a commonality, that is, almost all of them are positive characters.

The only exception, Shen Yishi in "The Ming Dynasty", is just a poor man struggling to survive in the cracks of many forces.

For a while, he even felt confused, how should he play a positive role?
It's just that I slowly discovered that it was just a problem for myself, because the real and living people will not shine forever. As for the absolutely positive characters like Wang Yimin, they only exist in idols. in the script of the play.

He picked up the pen, wanting to add something, but hesitated for a moment, then put it down again.

The first impression may not be absolutely correct, but since this perceptual intuitive understanding has been produced, the first impression must be given enough attention when making corrections.

Every normal person has the three personality traits, but some people have more and some people have less.

And it is also his instinct to put "self-interest" first. Everyone has a self-interested instinct, and all actions of Cai Tianming are driven by extreme self-interest. Look, the choices he has made since he was arrested are all efforts made by his survival instinct.

However, this ending is still open to debate. The mainland is no different than Hong Kong and Taiwan. A drug lord escaped successfully. Even if he shows his face, he may not be able to pass the trial.

As for the second point of cleverness, he thinks his judgment is accurate enough, and Cai Tianming himself is very convinced of this kind of cleverness.

As for the final ruthlessness, it is more obvious that Cai Tianming betrayed his two apprentices without hesitation in order to reduce his sentence.

His actions are very deceptive, but if these three personality traits are combined, the behavior is reasonable.

But there was one thing he wasn't sure about.

Xu Rong picked up the notebook, got up and walked out of the study, saw Xu Xing lying on the sofa in the living room downstairs, walked down, handed the notebook to her, and said, "Xu Xing."

The most common mistake most actors make is that they don’t have a clear understanding of themselves. They always think that they are handsome even though they are average. type of role.

It is also based on this that when many actors receive a script, they always feel that one of the most outstanding roles is played in their true colors.

Xu Rong knew himself very well in the past, but in the past one or two years, many things that have had a great impact on him have happened, such as Shidi Grand Slam, serving as the deputy captain of the actor team, the director of the Chinese opera department, engagement and so on.

He felt that some changes had taken place unknowingly, but he had been so busy recently that he didn't have time to take a good look at himself.

He also understands that Xiao Zhang and his grandfather are the ones who know him best, but right now, Xiao Zhang is going to perform in the courtyard, and grandpa is out for a walk, so he can only let Xu Xing, who has been busy for 29 days, take a look.

And he also wanted to hear what Xu Xing thought of him.

Xu Xing turned his head weakly, and looked at Xu Rong sadly. Since signing the contract, she felt that she had completely become her brother's money-making machine. Since graduation, the month she had the most rest days was during the Spring Festival last year, and she even took it home that month. During the Chinese New Year, she rested for a total of four days, and in the remaining 26 days, there was never a single day where she slept for more than six hours.

Even though she has filmed more movies, appeared in variety shows, and filmed more and more magazines, and earned more and more money, she is getting more and more tired and tired of this industry.

She doesn't want to be a celebrity anymore. In the past, she thought that celebrities were similar to her brother. If she wanted to make a movie, she would do it, and if she didn't want to, she wouldn't.

But now she fully understands that her brother is an extremely special existence in the entire film and television industry, so much so that even if she is a second-tier artist, there are many people she doesn't know who are willing to get close to her wherever she goes.

At this time, although I was so tired that I didn't even want to move my fingers, but after hearing the seriousness in my brother's tone, I still had to get up from the sofa, and forced a smile as if rushing to announce, "Ah, brother, You're coming down."

Xu Rong pushed the notebook and said, "I want to play a character. These are the character traits of that character. Look at how different they are from me."


Xu Rong looked at Xu Xing's exhausted appearance, smiled dotingly, and said: "I heard many friends call me and say that you performed very well on the show. It's not easy. Your career is going uphill. Fangfang told me We talked about it, you are very suitable for variety shows, and you will develop in this area in the future."

It's impossible not to be pampered, Xu Xing is currently the main income of his studio, and the monthly income of millions is enough to ensure that he and Xiao Zhang are squandering.

It’s better to be a real sister. I know that I love my brother’s hard work in making money. He works hard all day and night without complaining about hardship or tiredness to subsidize the family for his brother.

It's not like Li Gen's hot guy, who always wants to ask him for money, money, money.

Xu Xing listened to Xu Rong's extremely rare praise, and after being dazed for a moment, his two black jewel-like eyes bent into crescent moons, and the gap between the crescent moons overflowed with joyful light.

In fact, she is very clear that her brother has always cared about her not focusing on acting, and she has been able to persevere in the past year because she is holding her breath.

Now, she felt that although she was a little bit tired, she at least proved herself to him!

Xu Xing looked at the words "drug war" on the notebook, and couldn't help but envy. Since the official preparations for this drama began two months ago, it has attracted great attention in the three places on both sides of the strait. After all, it was directed by Du Qifeng, co-starred by his brother and Sun Honglei. With such a luxurious lineup, it's hard not to attract attention.

Seeing that her brother poured a glass of water for herself and put it in front of her, she hurriedly said thank you, looked at Xu Rong and said, "If I tell the truth, you can't be angry."

Xu Rong smiled gently, and said, "We are brothers and sisters, how could I be angry with you?"

Xu Xing was a little unaccustomed to it, and looked at him suspiciously for a while, until he felt uncomfortable looking at him, and then said: "I feel that you don't have much to do with these three points."

From the theory she learned from her brother in the past, saying such a thing is actually telling him in disguise: You are not suitable for this role.

Seeing that Xu Rong was about to refute, Xu Xing hurriedly blocked his mouth: "You said just now that you are not angry."

Xu Rong swallowed the words that reached his throat, nodded with encouraging eyes, and said, "Well, go ahead."

Only then did Xu Xing say: "When I was having dinner with Mr. Wang Han, I heard him tell you about you. He said that the most powerful thing about you is that if a table of people eats, you are obviously the smartest one, but you always habitually put Treat yourself as the stupidest one at the dinner table."

"So if you play such a role, this point is actually the furthest away."

Xu Rong nodded. He agreed with Xu Xing's words, because he clearly remembered that he only scored 617 points in the college entrance examination. Compared with those with more than 700 points, his IQ was naturally far behind many people. , might as well do things honestly.

"what about others?"

"Others are also inappropriate, hehe, let Xiaofei tell you, she told me everything else."

Xu Rong looked at her with a smile and said, "You, you are still hiding from me."

He knew that in the past, because of his love, he was too strict with Xu Xing, so that she was a little afraid of himself, and she didn't dare to say many things.

He was about to ease this tense labor relationship and transform it into a sincere brother-sister relationship. After taking the notebook, he asked, "How is it? Have you talked to anyone yet?"

Xu Xing didn't understand why his brother suddenly cared about his own life today, after a moment of daze, he shook his head and said, "No, no."

Xu Rong looked at her expression, saw that she didn't seem to be lying, and said: "Well, don't always put your mind on work, work is for a better life, otherwise grandpa will blame me later."

But Xu Xing's words also let him breathe a sigh of relief. Jin Fangfang labeled Xu Xing as a goddess. How can a goddess be a partner? !
Girls, you should put your mind on your career, start a career first, and not start a family!

Looking at Xu Xing's tired face, Xu Rong suddenly felt that his thoughts were too cruel, so he said with concern: "When the busy part is over, take a good rest, you see that you have been tired during this period, and you are a little thinner."

Xu Xing was completely confused, she felt that her brother was too strange today, not only was his attitude towards her ridiculously good, but he even cared about herself?

"It's okay bro, I'm not tired."

"Well, come on, keep your current enthusiasm, I believe that one day you will become more popular than me." Xu Rong encouraged again.

If Xu Xing keeps going, he is not sure if he will be more popular than him, but what he is sure of is that in a few years, he can throw that broken A8 to Jin Fangfang and exchange for a better car.

Going upstairs with a notebook, Xu Rong picked up the mobile phone on the table and dialed an unfamiliar number: "Hi, Brother Zhao, it's me, Xiao Xu, Xu Rong."

In the evening, halfway through the meal, Xu Rong said abruptly: "There is something, I will go on a business trip in a few days, and it will take about a month."

Grandpa has long been accustomed to this. During the holidays, there will always be many guests at home, who say they come to visit him. In fact, he knows in his heart that he doesn't know any of those people. They actually come to talk to him. Grandchildren come and go.

During the chat with the visiting guests, the old man also fully understood the nature of his grandson's work, and learned that with his popularity, it is reasonable to burn incense if he can rest for ten days all year round.

He understood the reason, because if Xu Rong wanted to go out, at least one of Xiao Zhang or Xu Xing would stay with him at home. If his granddaughter and granddaughter-in-law were busy, he would stay at home by himself.

He knew it well, so did his grandson, and Xu Xing was not stupid either, maybe only his grandson-in-law was stunned, but that's okay, there must be something in the family, and there must be something that doesn't understand.

"Where are you going? It will take another month?"

Xu Rong smiled and said, "City Prison."


The old man's face tensed for a moment, but then he relaxed again. He read some news that celebrities were arrested for smoking D, but after all, he was the grandson he watched and grew up. He should have a sense of what to do and what not to do.

Xiao Zhang had read the script of "Drug Wars", and when he heard what he said, he immediately thought of the reason.

The old man was still worried and said: "You go to the prison and go on a business trip, what kind of business do you go on?"

"Experience life." Xiao Zhang explained, "Ms. Xu published an article some time ago. He said that the most important thing to experience life is to experience the state of mind of a certain group. After a while, Mr. Xu will play the role of a criminal. "

After listening to what Xiao Zhang said, the old man put down his chopsticks, pondered for a while, and said worriedly: "If you don't think about it carefully, the people there are not good people. I heard that when you go inside, you will be beaten as much as outside. .”

Following the old man's worries, Xiao Zhang and Xu Xing also turned their attention to Xu Rong. They didn't understand how Xu Rong experienced life, but if he really lived with a group of prisoners, it might be really dangerous.

Xu Rong smiled and stroked his biceps, and said: "With my body, how can I be afraid of being beaten? And it's not like you don't know, I have learned Baji."

"Don't worry, I have already said hello, there will be no surprises."

This trip, he didn't plan to come out in a short time, and he was going to mingle with the people in it. If he couldn't mingle, then he would mingle. No matter what, he had to explain his experience obediently to him, and then let him analyze it. The journey of each person's mind.

If you can't find anyone every now and then, I'm afraid everyone has to be suspicious.

Seeing Xu Rong's firm attitude, the three of them couldn't persuade him anymore.

The reason why I will go again in a few days is because Xu Rong needs professionals to help him make a case file.

A case file of why he was "going to jail".

Just like when writing a biography of a character, it is necessary to explain clearly where the character comes from.

Only in this way can he deceive his inmates and himself, and then give birth to the desire to reduce his sentence and escape.

(End of this chapter)

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