Chapter 318

Xu Rong followed behind the prison guard in uniform, and when he heard the sound from behind, he glanced out of the corner of his eye.

The iron gate has been locked tightly.


Accompanied by the footsteps of the two, an increasingly deep and hoarse voice suddenly sounded.

Jin Wenbin, who was walking in front, occasionally turned his head and looked at Xu Rong curiously. He didn't know what was going on, but he knew that the hottest actor in the country was under his control for the time being.

When he received someone just now, Jin Wenbin was in a daze.

It turned out to be him, Xu Rong? !

As an authentic native of the capital, he has been a loyal fan of Xu Rong since a few years ago.

At first he didn't like Xu Rong very much, because his girlfriend put up posters of him all over the room, which made him quite disgusted.

Because he always felt that, to some extent, Xu Rong put on a green hat for himself.

For this reason, he went out of his way to get to know Xu Rong, because he really couldn't understand what could make his girlfriend like or even become obsessed with a packaged star.

Xu Rong's past was easy to find out at night. He almost searched the entire Internet, but he didn't find any black history. Some controversies in the past, according to later evidence, also proved to be framed and slandered by others.

It is a model of struggle for contemporary young people.

Unbelievable, he went to see some of Xu Rong's works.

Because in his opinion, Xu Rong is so young, his acting skills must be worse than Huang Xiaoming.

Then, he brushed Xu Rong's works once, and when he was done, he brushed again and again.

After that, even if his girlfriend tore up all the posters in the room and threw them into the trash can because Xu Rong had a girlfriend, even if he changed to a second or third girlfriend, whenever Xu Rong's new work starts , he followed the latest episode.

The only thing that makes him feel uncomfortable is that compared to previous years, Xu Rong's production this year has dropped significantly. Since "Snow Leopard" at the beginning of the year, until today, only one "The Founding of the Party" has come out.

He read the news on the Internet and heard that he had devoted most of his energy to the drama industry in the past year. For this reason, he gritted his teeth and reluctantly bought a ticket to watch a drama.

As a result, after watching two scenes, he realized that Juexin was Xu Rong.

But after watching one episode, he found that the drama was very interesting, much more interesting than watching TV dramas, because the immersive feeling was incomparable to TV dramas and movies.

The only downside is that the tickets are too expensive.

He didn't think about it, just in the blink of an eye, he saw him again, but it was different from the previous situation, Xu Rong neither appeared on the screen nor stood on the stage today, but appeared in handcuffs, just like that In front of him.

It would be a lie to say that he was not curious, because in his opinion, a person with such great influence as Xu Rong had to have some rumors before entering here.

But this morning, the news was still reporting that he had performed 32 performances of "Thunderstorm" a while ago, plus the nine performances of "Home", within one and a half months, he achieved a miracle of 2000 million box office.

Seeing Xu Rong stop and go, even though Xu Rong was handcuffed and imprisoned, he did not urge him.

Because he feels that the next journey is not only Xu Rong's journey from freedom to detention, but also the trace of his youth flying away.

But he didn't know if it was his own illusion, Xu Rong was a little different from the prisoners he usually sent, there was no fear or confusion in his eyes, but he looked at everything he saw with curiosity.

And in his heart, Jin Wenbin actually didn't believe that Xu Rong really committed a crime.


After the sound of closing the third door sounded, Xu Rong stood at one end of the corridor, looking at the words "Conviction, Confession, Repentance, Repent.", "Learning the Law, Knowing the Law, Abiding by the Law, Be a man again." The slogan gave a little understanding of Cai Tianming's desire for freedom.

On the other side of the slogan, there are iron bars, doors and windows like cages.

Seeing him standing there in a daze, Jin Wenbin pointed to the front and said, "Follow me."

In the process of walking forward, Xu Rong glanced at the cell on the left. There were a number of men of different heights, fat and thin, but all of them were numb. When they heard footsteps in the corridor, some of them Will look out, some suddenly do not realize.

In front of an iron gate with "9" written on it, Jin Wenbin turned his head, looked at him, paused, and said, "Squat down!"

Xu Rong froze for a moment, then nodded lightly. For a long time, no one spoke to him in such a simple and direct command tone, which made him a little uncomfortable for a while.

But after glancing at the other party's serious expression, he squatted down silently.

With a burst of rattling sound, Jin Wenbin opened the door, pointed inside, turned his head and said, "Go in."

"it is good."

Just as Xu Rong entered the door with his front foot, the iron door behind his back foot slammed, followed by a "click", and it was locked tightly again.

Standing behind the door, he glanced at the sights gathered on him in the cell, trying to figure out whether they recognized him or not.

Jin Wenbin's voice came from outside the door: "Liu Chun, don't make trouble."

One of them, a middle-aged man with a bald head, long face and big eyes, who sat cross-legged against the window by the window, hurriedly responded: "Hey, yes."

The cell was quiet for a while, but Xu Rong still didn't move. After waiting for about ten seconds, with the sound of "pat-pat-pat" footsteps leaving, he keenly felt that the air in the cell began to flow slowly.

As three "bangs" sounded one after another, Liu Chun, who was sitting on the upper bunk, suddenly shouted: "Squat down."

Xu Rong didn't follow his words, but looked up at Liu Chun, and met his big piercing eyes.

Seeing that Xu Rong didn't move, Liu Chun said "Yo He", jumped down from the upper bunk, walked to the front and looked down at Xu Rong slightly.

Xu Rong looked at the opponent's figure, and estimated that Liu Chun was about 1.9 meters tall, and he was much stronger than himself in terms of size.

Although he has been exercising, in order to maintain a reasonable figure, the exercise is also within a reasonable range to ensure that he will not look strong after wearing clothes.

Seeing Xu Rong just looking at him like that, Liu Chun sneered and said, "Hehe, it's still a thorn."

He said, walked up to Xu Rong, and asked, "Hey, what's your name?"

"Xu Rong."

"What crime came in?"

"Drug trafficking."

"Otts, you're fucked"

While speaking, Xu Rong saw Liu Chun's shoulders shrugged, and a broad slap was about to greet him on the forehead. He exerted force on his legs, raised his left hand to block, and at the same time pushed his right arm horizontally, hitting Liu Chun straight Chin with blue stubble.

At the same time as the collision, his calf pierced the opponent's crotch, and it did not directly hurt Liu Chun's calf.

If the person is sent to the hospital within 5 minutes after entering, I am afraid that his experience plan will come to an end.

It's just that he didn't expect it, his left hand blocked the gap, it seemed that the opponent's slap was a little slower, and his body fell backwards involuntarily.


Liu Chun lay on the bed on the first floor, stupefied for a moment, he didn't expect that he just said hello casually, and this young man who just came in had such a big reaction.

Without saying a word, he got up quickly, waved his huge fist, and threw it at Xu Rong's head without saying a word.

Fighting is not allowed under the regulations, but if you are not caught, it means that you did not fight, and it will not affect the commutation of sentence!


In the blink of an eye, Liu Chun's strong body hit the floor at a faster speed than his previous charge.


A gasping sound echoed quietly in the cell.

Now everyone saw clearly that when Liu Chun rushed up, Xu Rong just stepped forward sideways, and Liu Chun fell to the ground strangely.

This is a trainer!

Liu Chun was lying on the ground, staring straight at Xu Rong. The first time he was knocked over, he thought it was an accident, but the second time when he tried his best, he was caught without even touching the corner of the other party's clothes. When he fell to the ground, he saw the clue.

This is a new boy, his skill is unbelievable, probably he came in because of a trafficker.

And he could see clearly that the other party kept his hand just now, because at the moment of contact, Xu Rong's slap was directly above his brow bone. Abolish.

He has a bit of experience, and knows that this kind of Lianjiazi, once they fight, they will only greet the key points everywhere.

Xu Rong and Liu Chun looked at each other until he looked away, then sat silently beside an empty bed.

He won't stay here for a long time, and he doesn't have time to connect with him after heavy work.

He looked at Liu Chun on the ground, patted the side of the bed: "Come here."

"Xu, Brother Xu."

Xu Rong smiled and asked, "Hey, what's your name?"

"Liu Chun."

"What crime came in?"


Xu Rong nodded and said, "Tell me about the situation here."

Liu Chun swallowed, and asked, "The situation, what's the situation?"

"That's what we're going to do."

In a villa not far from Xu Rong, Sun Honglei once again covered the script on his face, but when he closed his eyes, Juexin's face immediately appeared in his mind.

When he got the script half a year ago, he was quite excited. Unlike many high-prolific actors, his production has never been high. Even if he doesn’t cut the drama, once the time is tighter, the performance of the second drama will inevitably be eclipsed. Not a lot.

Therefore, after achieving the Shidi Grand Slam with "The Right Way in the World Is the Vicissitudes of Life", his requirements for the script were more stringent than before, and at the same time, the focus of his work began to shift to the film.

It's just that the result is always unsatisfactory, because of his image and high salary, his acting career is actually not wide.

In the film market, there is no progress.

When he first received the script, the producer hoped that he could play Cai Tianming, but he refused without even thinking about it.

Because he played a similar role and vomited.

For the role of Liu Huaqiang, his feelings are very complicated. This role has made him famous, but because of this, he has completely restricted his acting. Now that he has finally climbed out of the pit, he doesn't want to jump in again.

Originally thought that "Drug Wars" was completely hopeless, but it didn't take long before the producer agreed to his request to play Zhang Lei.

Out of curiosity, he asked, "Who plays Cai Tianming?"

"Xu Rong."

After knowing about working with Xu Rong, while he was excited, he was also under heavy pressure.

Because Xu Rong is the second male lead!

An actor who can definitely play the second male as the first male.

In order to have confidence in his mind, he even secretly went to see the premiere of his "Home" some time ago.

He regretted it after watching it.

Because if you don't watch it, although there is pressure, it is more motivation, but after watching it, he sat in the theater for a full 5 minutes.

He was born in Chinese opera. Although he is not an acting major, he is also a major in rehearsal and rehearsal. Not only is he no stranger to "Family", but he has acted in it himself.

In the past, he always thought that Lan Tianye and Zhu Xu were existences that he could hardly hold a candle to in 20 years, but Xu Rong's performance made him feel like he was dreaming.

This young man, who is more than ten years younger than himself, even with the two old artists on the stage with his outrageous rhythm.

He doesn't want to be anyone's background, even if he plays a supporting role, he has to show his own characteristics, but if the male lead is played by himself as a supporting role, this is unacceptable to him.

For this reason, he deliberately went to the drug rehabilitation center through the Municipal Propaganda Department to carefully observe the signs of people with D addiction.

But this trip did not make him feel at ease, because as soon as he closed his eyes, he thought of Xu Rong in a long gown.

How will he act?
The closer the start-up is, the more pressure he will have. He is no stranger to the police, but he has no idea what a drug dealer is like.

He put down the script, and prepared to ask for another relationship, to see the real appearance of the drug dealer, and then design his own treatment.

When I arrived at the No. [-] Prison in the city, I waited for a long time, and when I saw the person approaching from the opposite side of the glass, his eyes suddenly widened into a slit.

This drug dealer really looks like Xu Rong!

But right away, he denied it again, because the other party only looked like Xu Rong, and the unruly temperament and eyes on his body did not have the slightest resemblance to Xu Rong.

And what made him sure was that if Xu Rong really came in, the media would have been blown away by the media.

When Xu Rong saw Sun Honglei across from him, he was also quite surprised. He was about to go to the workshop to work on a flat car, when Jin Wenbin notified someone to come and visit him, and asked him to cooperate well.

After Xu Rong sat down, he picked up the phone and asked curiously, "Are you looking for me?"

Hearing the voice, Sun Honglei was stunned again. Although he had never dealt with Xu Rong before, he had met Xu Rong on many occasions. At this moment, he was sure that the short-haired young man sitting opposite was Xu Rong.

He was stunned for a while before asking: "You, Xu Rong?"

"It's me." The corners of Xu Rong's mouth curled up slightly, and he looked at Sun Honglei, "How do you know I'm here?"

Sun Honglei was completely dumbfounded. He had seen Xu Rong before, but Xu Rong felt too strange to him at this time, especially when he smiled, which made him look evil.

Sun Honglei didn't answer Xu Rong's doubts, because he didn't come to see Xu Rong at all, he came to chat with the drug dealer who had just been arrested.

"How long have you been here?"

Xu Rong thought for a while, he felt that a long time had passed, because life was so boring that it made people desperate, and after a while he said: "About half a month, it should be."

"Fuck, you are such a ruthless person!"

Seeing that Sun Honglei didn't seem to be in trouble, Xu Rong said, "If it's all right, I'm going to work."

Sun Honglei nodded subconsciously, and said nothing. He always thought that he had worked hard enough for acting, and he didn't discover the green mountains beyond the mountains until today.

Holding up the phone, Sun Honglei looked at Xu Rong who turned away just like the prisoner, and didn't speak for a while.

At this moment, he suddenly understood a little bit why Xu Rong was able to have an equal share with the two old artists.

This is a wolf!
(End of this chapter)

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