I'm just an actor

Chapter 319 Origin

Chapter 319 Origin
"Xiao Liu, why are you back again?"

Holding the spoon, Xu Rong caught a glimpse of the skinny young man sitting diagonally across from him, and couldn't help being dazed for a moment.

Xiao Liu is one year younger than him, not tall, and has only been out for a week.

Before, he didn't think it would be so scary. After staying in it for half a month, he finally understood the meaning of freedom. It's not about doing whatever he wants, but not doing what he doesn't want to do.

At home, he always gets up at six o'clock for morning exercises, but here, he has to get up at five o'clock to make the quilt, and then he has to get the shit done within 10 minutes, waiting for the roll call.

It is seven o'clock now, and he has just finished morning exercises with a group of brothers. Now it is breakfast time, and at 07:30, they have to line up to work in the workshop.

It makes down jackets, and the ones it makes are domestic well-known brands.

Antarctic people.

The young man he called Xiao Liu picked up the mustard in the bowl and said weakly: "Boss Xu, I can't do anything except steal. My parents don't recognize me at all. If I don't steal, I can only live." starve."

Xu Rong sighed. The outside world always said that the people here are more fierce and more dependent, but in his eyes, everyone has the best temper and is the most cute. Anyway, since he came in for three days, no matter how old or young When seeing him, he would politely call "Boss Xu".

In the women's prison, fighting is absolutely not allowed, but here, it cannot be said to be commonplace, but it does happen from time to time.

The strenuous work that must be done day after day, even if you eat, you don’t care whether you eat well or are full. In this case, a group of elders, who have been suppressed for a long time, will inevitably become angry and have disputes at the beginning. Prison guards Turn a blind eye to this too.

Xu Rong looked at Xiao Liu, and didn't feel pitiful anymore. Anyway, Xiao Liu sprinkled his youth and sweat here. After a few years, when he looks back on the past, he will not regret for wasting his time, nor will he regret doing nothing. And ashamed, when he was dying, he could say: "My whole life and all my energy have been dedicated to the most magnificent cause in the world."

After breakfast, with a sharp whistle, Xu Rong immediately led his brothers to line up.

Going to pedal the sewing machine!
Here, the most uncomfortable thing for him is going to the toilet. No matter during the daytime work or when resting at night, he needs to go to the toilet together, that is, four people must go together.

Probably he has a strong affinity and good popularity, every time he goes to the bathroom, his eyes sweep away, and immediately there are brothers who happen to go too.

"Xiao Liu, if you write any more ink marks, your points will be deducted."

In the workshop, Xu Rong was busy, when Jin Wenbin suddenly scolded him, he glanced up, and when he was looking forward, Jin Wenbin happened to be looking at him.

He understood what Jin Wenbin meant, stopped what he was doing, and asked, "Xiao Liu, haven't you eaten?"

Xiao Liu glanced back, forced a smile, and said, "I see."

Jin Wenbin looked at this scene without saying a word, just staring at Xu Rong ecstatically.

In the past, if there was a passive sabotage, he would have put the electric baton on him long ago, but in the past two years, the higher-ups have proposed to build a civilized prison, and here is the capital again, so the higher-ups will not allow it to be done like in the past.

He just couldn't understand, what civilization is needed to manage a group of prisoners? !

In his opinion, whenever someone is disobedient, just press the tiger stool, and he will be more honest than his grandson.

But since there was an order from above, he had to carry out inspections every now and then.

What puzzled him was Xu Rong.

Since this guy came in, he usually didn't talk much, but after a few days, he seemed to be the leader of this group of prisoners.

He also inquired, what happened and what happened?
It was only later that I heard that when the joint number went to the toilet, the other three took the opportunity to clean up the prisoner, but they were stunned by his beating in the toilet and almost spat out shit.

At this time, looking at Xu Rong who was seriously pedaling on the sewing machine, he had a kind of understanding that excellent people can't hold back wherever they go, just like the speech he gave in the Chinese opera a while ago: There is a kind of Birds cannot be kept shut, for their every feather is daubed with light.

At 11:30, the labor was over, Xu Rong dragged his tired body, had a meal, and walked back to the cell.

Dull, repetitive and meaningless work does not feel mentally tiring, but physically tiring.

He took off his shoes, sat on the bed, spread out his notebook, and held a pencil. Not long after, a middle-aged man with glasses and a beard came to him.

"Boss Xu."

Xu Rong pointed to the empty bed on one side with a smile, and said, "Isn't it Zhang Zhong, what crime did he commit to come in?"

Zhang Zhong didn't sit on the bed as he pointed out, and said dryly: "Abduction, abduction and trafficking of people."

"That's what you fucking promise." Xu Rong threw away the melon seed with a brain, and then picked up the half-bottle of the priceless old godmother that had been prepared and handed it over, "Take it to improve the food."

Zhang Zhong took it in a hurry, then sat down on the bed and said, "Hey, thank you Boss Xu."

Xu Rongyang lowered his chin and asked, "Tell me, what's going on?"

"Boss Xu, in fact, if he can survive, who would be willing to do this illegal business?"

Xu Rong found that most of the brothers here were talking nonsense in the process of narrating the past. Probably because there are not many opportunities to chat and talk, one brother even felt a little mentally abnormal.

He listened carefully to Zhang Zhong's description, and occasionally jotted down a few key words.

Only during this time can he feel the meaning of his coming here, but such time is not much every day. At 01:30, he has to go to the workshop to work again, and then until 05:30 in the afternoon, the whole day Labor is over.

The labor is over, but his work as a prisoner is not over yet. After dinner, at 07:30, he has to go to the lobby to watch the news broadcast to improve his ideological awareness and political position.

After that, he could continue to have a long talk with his brothers.

Of course, there were some who did not cooperate during this process, but fortunately, most of the brothers were more winking. Except for a few with mental problems, most of the brothers would be very cooperative and confess the truth under his persuasion with a carrot and a stick.

And what he has to do is to find their mental state at certain moments from their narration and their behavior.

Few of the prisoners here have stayed for less than a year. During the dark transformation process, some of them regretted the crimes they committed, but some just regretted being caught. Otherwise, life would definitely be a hundred times better than it is now. times.

For the latter, he doesn't need to worry too much about the deviation between past and present thoughts, but for the former, he can only judge the other party's state of mind in that situation from the behavior of the other party at that time.

The state of mind of a lawbreaker.

Theoretically, the things he wrote cannot be taken out under normal circumstances, but this rule has little effect on him. At that time, the notebook will first be reviewed by the relevant unit, and it will be handed over to him after confirming that there is no problem.

Late at night, the cell was still brightly lit.

The lights in the cell were not turned on during the day and turned off at night, which brought great convenience to his work.

Xu Rong was lying on the bed, going through every episode in his mind over and over again. At a certain moment, he turned over and suddenly found Liu Chun on the opposite bed staring at him with open black eyes.

"Why aren't you sleeping?"

Liu Chun was stunned for a moment, as if he hadn't thought that Xu Rong was still asleep, but soon, a smile appeared on his face: "Hey, Boss Xu, just sleep, just sleep."

As Liu Chun said, he turned over and faced the wall, snoring loudly after a while.

Looking at Liu Chun's broad back, Xu Rong felt a doubt in his heart, did Liu Chun really fall asleep?
Why were you staring at yourself just now?

Of course, he wouldn't think that the other party had any dirty thoughts, at least as far as he knew, there was no similar thing happening here.

And Liu Chun is usually afraid of him. When he "talks" with his brothers, Liu Chun has always been the second.

After a while, when Liu Chun's snoring rhythm stabilized, he suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

A man with his head pinned to his waistband trusts no one.

Because of absolute trust, it may lead to his own death.

He sat up slowly, picked up the notebook and pen, and wrote three lines on the first page of the notebook:



He first wrote a bracket after "self-interest", and then added the word "extreme" in it, and then added the word "self-confidence" after "smart" by the same operation.

After that, I turned a page lightly, and the pencil touched the paper, flowing slowly:

In 1978, I was born in an ordinary rural family in ZS City, which also made the poor family even worse.

Above me, there was an older brother, and within two years, another younger brother was added.

Since childhood, I seem to be the one my parents dislike the most. Every New Year, my older brother and younger brother can wear new clothes, but I can only wear my older brother’s old clothes. it's me.

Then I realized that I shouldn't fight them over little things, because it doesn't do me any good, it just gets me beaten.

ZS City was not called this name before, but it was called Xiangshan County by the outside world more than 50 years ago.

ZS City was renamed in honor of Mr. Sun Wen, which led to the fact that I grew up listening to the stories of Sun Wen.

It's just a pity that I don't have the good luck of my fellow countryman Sun Wen. There is a self-reliant elder brother who has gradually changed the fate of our family from a hired worker to a capitalist.

After writing this paragraph, Xu Rong couldn't help frowning, and then, he crossed out the "our family" in the "our family" he just wrote, and it became: It's just a pity that I don't have a grandson from my hometown Wen is so lucky to have a brother who is self-reliant and gradually transformed from a hired worker to a capitalist to change my fate.

He sat thinking for a while, the pencil rustling on the paper again:

At the age of 14, in 1992, I dropped out of school.

I cried and knelt down in front of my father, hoping that he would change his decision and let me continue to go to school. He just sighed: You go too, and your two brothers go too. How can there be so much money?
At that moment, I suddenly realized that begging, at best, can only be exchanged for mercy, and it has no meaning other than that.

In the past, I always thought that I could build a career like Sun Wen, and no matter how bad it was, I would do a great job like his elder brother, but in the first month after dropping out of school, I found that I had passed The delusion is too naive.

I am not satisfied, it belongs to child labor, it is difficult to find a job in theory, but it is not the case in reality, many small factories use child labor, it seems that no one cares about them at all.

Fate is always so unfair. Two months after I went to work in a factory with a cousin from the same village, I excitedly lined up to go to the finance department to receive my salary, because this was the first money I earned.

But to my despair, the accountant told me that the first month's salary should be used as a deposit, and the second month's salary will not be paid until the end of the next month.

The reason for despair is that the little money brought from home is almost used up.

I went to them to argue, and in addition to being beaten, I was fired from the factory.

Later, the cousin in the same village told me: Most of these small factories are similar, and they all have to be deducted.

But in the end, I got my salary again.

At first, I wanted to buy a knife, but in the end I used the law to protect my rights.

It's not that I think I should obey the law, but I feel that with my thin frame, a knife is not enough to get me back my wages, so I choose the more effective one.

When I went home during the Spring Festival, when I was visiting, I met a cousin who came back from Hong Kong and had a very handsome hairstyle.

According to him, money is everywhere in Hong Kong, and it has to be packed in sacks and pulled by trucks!
I'm tempted, and most importantly, I'm fed up with those black-hearted little bosses, I'm going to Hong Kong!

There, my life was also not smooth, even because the small local boss discriminated against mainlanders. Once I was so angry that I beat the boss.

But because of this, he got into trouble with people who shouldn't be messed with, a few members of the club that the little boss hired with money.

In order to avoid being brutally beaten according to the rumors, I joined another club and met a person who changed my destiny.

In the club, I found that only people with better brains, darker hearts, and tougher hands can live and live more freely
Because of me, there was an explosion in the factory. My wife and her two older brothers could have survived, but no way, the explosion may attract attention, and I can no longer risk saving them.

I'm sorry, but I must leave immediately.

My physical condition is very bad. Although my brain is still awake, my body is out of control, and I feel that the world is spinning, but I know I can't stop, I must leave as soon as possible, the farther the better!
As expected, a car accident happened.

Unfortunately, during the process of being sent to the hospital for treatment, I happened to meet the captain Zhang Lei who had just finished a case, and his professional sensitivity discovered my identity.

After waking up and realizing that I was under surveillance by the police, I knew that I had to leave the hospital immediately, or I would be shot a hundred times for the crimes I had committed.

(End of this chapter)

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