I'm just an actor

Chapter 320 The Key

"Hey, my old leader, don't worry, it's all right, he wants to make a movie and play a specific role, and now he goes in to go deep into that group, find out the state of mind of that group, as an externalization action Inner support is what they often call experiencing life.” Zhao Ke smiled wryly and said very skillfully on the phone.

After he finished speaking, there was a brief silence on the other end of the phone, probably trying to understand what he said earlier.

In fact, Zhao Ke didn't know exactly what he was talking about, but what he conveyed was the original words of Xu Rong's lover, and he was sure that there was no difference in a single word.

Zhao Ke is not a practitioner in the film and television industry, and the intersection of the film and television industry probably means that he is an ordinary audience.

The reason why he was able to recite the reason why Xu Rong ran to prison is because Xu Rong is now on his territory.

In the past few days, the news of "Xu Rong was arrested for committing crimes." I don't know which link went wrong, and it began to spread in a small area.

At first, when asked by colleagues, he always smiled and said nothing.

In fact, he also understands that Xu Rong's matter is not a secret at all, but he is unwilling to tell others. In this way, he seems to have a responsibility to keep the secret for the other party, which increases his status.

However, as more and more calls were received, more and more people came to inquire. He could prevaricate the media at will, but Xu Rong's relatives and friends, business circles, various art troupes, cultural propaganda, and even a few teams He didn't dare to hide the phone call from Li because he was afraid that things would become serious.

After asking Xu Rong's lover, he didn't say that set of words smoothly at first, because he was too professional, and he didn't understand the meaning, but he became proficient in talking too much, and now, he just opened his mouth Just come, and vaguely, he really understood something.

He never thought about becoming an actor, because in comparison, he is more willing to serve the people, but he has been a little confused by the various phone calls these days.

He is not at all uncommon for Zhongxi and Renyi to come to ask about the situation. After all, they belong to someone else. As for whose family it is, he is also happy to watch the fun. The stupid operation of not coming back has long been a joke among colleagues.

But he couldn't understand that so many people who didn't care about Xu Rong also came to care about Xu Rong, because in the past, he had never heard of Xu Rong's relationship network being so complicated.

Many of the people who came to ask were people who were usually close to him. After explaining it a dozen times, he couldn't hold back any longer and asked someone he was familiar with.

Because according to his understanding, a large part of the people who called should not have any intersection with Xu Rong at all.

After understanding the reason, Zhao Ke once again refreshed his perception of the young man who was much younger than himself, and the only sigh in his heart was that Xu Rong entered the wrong line.

According to that friend, some time ago, Xu Rong had been talking about one thing, to be a senior in human art.

At first, Xu Rong's idea was to create a biography for every accomplished veteran actor in the show.

Zhao Ke doesn't watch dramas, and he doesn't know how many "achieved" old actors there are in Renyi, but he is clear about Renyi's establishment. He only needs to calculate in his heart, and he knows that it will definitely not be a small sum.

It is absolutely impossible for the city to allocate such a large amount of fees.

Xu Rong's later encounters were indeed as he expected, except for spiritual support, he didn't take a big piece of Zhang Heping's ribs.

Hearing his friend talking about this, he felt that Xu Rong was too naive. Young people know how to do things with enthusiasm instead of being considerate.

But following his friend's narration, his judgment soon completely reversed.

After hitting a wall, Xu Rong learned to be smart, and no longer pursued to become a fat man with one bite, but started to write biographies for Zheng Rong, Lan Tianye, and Zhu Xu.

But the revision of biography always needs materials, and writers can't be allowed to sit in the room and talk nonsense.

Renyi does have some information about this group of people, but Renyi was officially established in 52, and there were no performances for ten years in between. He needs to come forward to collect information about major events in their private lives before 52 years and during the interval. .

When he heard this, he always felt that what this guy did was purely thankless, not to mention spending money on himself, and it was still laborious to finish.

But a series of things happened afterwards, which made Zhao Keran cheerful.

In order to collect complete first-hand information, Xu Rong began to contact most of the residents who could be contacted in No. 56 compound of Shijia Hutong. If he could come, he would try to come to the door. If he couldn't, he would also make a phone call to find out. Knowing the situation, only a very small number of these people are now engaged in the art industry, because in order to return from Baiyangdian, many people have engaged in industries that are completely different from their parents.

Some are now ordinary office workers, some are scattered in major art troupes and film and television studios, and some have started businesses, and most of them are similar to him, serving the people.

When Xu Rong found them and hoped that they could provide relevant information about their elders for a fee, something interesting happened to him. The standard of Xu Rongxiu's biography was "achievement".

This standard scale is too idealistic.

But in the eyes of children and grandchildren, one's parents and grandparents should also practice the biography, not to mention being famous in history, at least the contributions made to human art back then should be valued and remembered by Xu Rong, the successor.

Therefore, many qualified ones expressed their willingness to contribute money and efforts to help facilitate this matter, especially Xu Rong's original plan was to only revise biographies for old actors, but big directors such as Jiao Juyin, Ouyang Shanzun, Xia Chun, Tian Chong, etc. There are also lighting master Song Yin, dance master Wang Wenchong, sound effect master Feng Qin, and prop master Ding Li, who are also well-known in their respective fields.

Their children and grandchildren also hope that the contributions of their elders will not be diluted by a short time.

After that, Xu Rong's operation began to amaze him. Xu Rong refused the funding from many parties, saying that as a junior in human art, he should do the cultivation of biography, and their children and juniors only need to provide the corresponding information.

At this point, Zhao Ke completely understood that Xu Rong's so-called cultivating biography for his predecessors was simply a contemporary Xiangzhuang sword dance.

Although he heard from Pu Cunxi that Xu Rong taught his seniors to learn their skills and specialties, but if Xu Rong didn't teach Su Min, as his son, Pu Cunxi would definitely have to argue with Xu Rong's theory.

He also heard from Zhang Heping that Xu Rongxiu's biography was for the sake of upholding the culture of people and art, so that young people can learn more from their predecessors, but today's young people, let alone let them read books, even if they let him participate in the study, can they listen to it or not? .

In Zhao Ke's view, Xu Rong's move is really high-level, and it is like a clear wind, with no traces between the moves. Once completed, Xu Rong took the lead in completing it, but it was the contacts of those generations who grew up in No. 56 courtyard of Shijia Hutong.

Just like in the past few days, as soon as there was a slight disturbance, a large group of people came to intercede immediately.

No wonder he climbed so fast at such a young age. With just this hand, how many people have broken their heads can't figure it out.

Xu Rong didn't know that his simple motives would be so complicated to be interpreted by Zhao Ke. At this time, he was thinking about a question. After Cai Tianming was arrested again by Zhang Lei in the freezer in the hospital mortuary, did he really want to commit crimes and meritorious deeds, or did he go from here? From the very beginning, it was false and submissive, with the intention of escaping midway.

This is a very critical issue, a plot issue that directly affects the overall plot.

He didn't judge or ask the screenwriter based on the script. As a movie with realistic ideas, the script is mixed with the screenwriter's personal subjective will. The script is contrary to the objective facts, so revision is also due.

If it is pure meritorious service, then in the process of interpretation, he has to give the point of Cai Tianming's emotional changes, so that the audience can understand that he Cai Tianming started from this point, he does not want to commit crimes and meritorious service, but just wants to get away with it!

If he was thinking about how to escape the moment he was caught, then it would be another treatment with many nuances.

As for whether the final ending is as written in the current script, it is not that important.

While eating, Xu Rong seemed to think of something, looked up at Liu Chun who was eating rice, and asked inadvertently, "Old Liu, you have been here for six years, right?"

Liu Chun said vaguely: "It's been seven years, and I can go out in two more years. If the sentence is reduced, it may be faster."

Xu Rong nodded first, and then lowered his voice: "Did you ever think about running away when you first came in?"

Liu Chun raised his head and glanced at him, with a strange gleam in his eyes, and said: "Boss Xu, I advise you not to have such unrealistic ideas, running away is a serious crime, and, where are you going?!"

Seeing Xiao Liu next to him turn his head to look at him, Liu Chun immediately stopped, and said instead: "Actually, when I was just caught, I was young, so I didn't think it was a big deal. I used to hear people say that there are many big brothers and heroes here. , In fact, I still have a little yearning in my heart, but the moment I entered the door, I was afraid."


Liu Chun lowered his head, picked up the rice with a spoon again and again, and said, "Yes, I'm just afraid, and I really want to go out, and I don't want to stay here for a second."

"Then why didn't you fight for the chance to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds?"

Liu Chun stared at him blankly: "I'm a crime of injury, and I don't have a gang, so how can I fight for it?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Xu Rong with a wrong look, because he remembered that this brother came in for a different reason than himself, and based on the business he was doing, it was impossible that there would be no gang. If he really went all out, he said Maybe there is no chance of getting a reduced sentence.

It's just that he didn't know what happened to Xu Rong's business, so he reminded: "Boss Xu, do you have any family?"

"What do you mean?" Xu Rong's doubts were suddenly resolved after seeing Liu Chun's meaningful eyes. Yes, if he wants to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds, will he not care about his family's life or death?

The biography will be changed.

After a pause, Xu Rong asked, "Then do you think there is any difference between life sentence and death penalty?"

"Of course there is a difference. It is better to live than to die." The little Liu Shun next to him interjected.

Liu Chun gave him a disdainful look, and said, "You know what, you haven't seen the world of flowers, anyway, let me tell you, there is basically no difference between life imprisonment and death penalty."

Both of them have a certain truth in what they said. Between death and life, most people will undoubtedly choose to live, but if this kind of life is a darkness that cannot be seen at a glance, there may be many more choices variable.

On a certain day when Xu Rong was about to be "released after serving his sentence", late at night.

"Dong dong dong."

"Hold him, hold him."

Xu Rong suddenly woke up with a "bang" noise, and then heard a rush and dull "dong dong dong" footsteps in the corridor.

In the prison cell, there were also people who heard the movement like him, but they only listened carefully, then turned over and continued to sleep, without any intention of paying attention to it.

Xu Rong looked at Liu Chun on the opposite side suspiciously, it seemed that they were used to similar situations.

Liu Chun explained in a low voice: "There is a new one who is said to be on death reprieve."

Seeing that Xu Rong was getting more and more confused, he smiled: "I guess I can't think about it."

"Can't it, and there's no such condition?"

In the outside world, it is very easy to want to die, but here, it is as difficult as heaven, because there is no sharp iron utensil at all. For example, even if you eat, you use soft spoons. The main thing is to prescribe medicine. If you need an IV, you will be accompanied by relevant personnel.

Moreover, the joint monitoring system of groups of four, no matter eating, sleeping, going to work or even going to the bathroom, there are people monitoring each other, which basically completely eliminates the possibility of suicide.

Liu Chun smiled: "It's not easy to live, but if you want to die, a mouthful of saliva is enough, for example, clothes."

Xu Rong understood what Liu Chun meant.

After lying down, he thought about Cai Tianming's situation again. After being arrested, what would he think?
For heroes like Cai Tianming, there is not much difference between indefinite term and death penalty. To a certain extent, indefinite term is more painful than the death penalty.

Because if he performs well, he may be released early, but how old was he at that time?


Or eighty?

What would it look like to be out of touch with society, and how would a dying old man survive?
Therefore, after being arrested, his core appeal should be freedom. As for indefinite period and reprieve, there is no difference for him.

But Zhang Lei certainly couldn't agree to let him go, so the so-called meritorious deeds are just a chance to escape, and it is an expedient measure in an emergency.

So far, Xu Rong has determined that the most core point, freedom, is the motive of Cai Tianming's behavior after being arrested.

After this incident, he completely determined the main line of Cai Tianming's role, and everything he did was for freedom.

Even everything can be handled with "false" elements, because his purpose is to escape, so the symmetrical real Cai Tianming will only be shown at the beginning of the script and after shooting everyone at the end. How the plot is presented is also extremely critical.

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