I'm just an actor

Chapter 321 Scale

"Drug Wars" producer Liu Yanming, director Du Qifeng, and screenwriter Wei Jiahui sat around the tea table, watching the fully finalized script, and the three of them fell silent.

The three discussed for a long time, but did not reach a consistent conclusion.

Heilan Films has already sought the consent of the relevant departments involved in the plot, and the plot summary has also been reviewed and approved, but Liu Yanming actually has no idea whether the finished product can pass the review.

Although he had already inquired with others in private, he still felt dizzy the moment he saw the finalized script.

In the ups and downs of the film and television industry for more than ten years, he really understands the urgency of specific reviewers, and would rather kill mistakes than let them go.

At the beginning of the film, Cai Tianming watched his wife and two brothers-in-law die and run away alone.

Based on his experience, the chances of such a scenario being passed are quite low.

But this plot is very necessary, just like Zhang Lei's undercover at the beginning, through such a plot, the image of the characters can be established at the beginning.

The round-faced Du Qifeng is a typical neutral. He doesn't like the restrictions on creation in the mainland, but he is unwilling to give up the growing market. The spiritual core contained in Chinese-language films is more likely to be accepted by Chinese who are nourished by the same culture. .

Therefore, he has always reserved his views on the Mainland.

But looking at Liu Yanming's tightly furrowed brows, he said slowly in substandard Mandarin: "I discussed with Jiahui, and we still use the old method to shoot two versions, one for review and broadcast in the Mainland, and the other One was filmed according to the script and released in Hong Kong and abroad."

Liu Yanming smiled. Du Qifeng's so-called Hong Kong and foreign markets were not within his consideration. Among the cast members, Xu Rong was the only one with overseas appeal, but his influence was also limited.

Moreover, Xu Rong's foreign market is not the European and American markets that most people understand, but the Southeast Asian and African markets that were opened with "Beautiful Times of Daughter-in-law".

Secondly, even Du Qifeng's so-called mainland version is unacceptable to him.

"I have to admit that the script is really good. Personally, I like it very much. But from my personal experience, even if the plots you two just mentioned are deleted, it will be very difficult to pass the review. Director Du and screenwriter Wei , can the script be revised and replaced with some relatively soft plots?"

Wei Jiahui has a long thin face and wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses. He usually doesn't talk much and has a relatively sensitive personality. Hearing Liu Yanming's words, he immediately said: "We have discussed it many times before, and the level of deletion is already the limit. , and if you don’t try, how can you guarantee that you won’t pass the trial?”

Liu Yanming chuckled: "One side of water and soil nurtures the other side. Of course I believe in your ability, but please also trust my judgment."

He didn't want to have an argument with the two of them before turning on the machine. He seemed to have remembered something, looked at Du Qifeng and said, "Has Xu Rong contacted Director Du recently?"

A strange look flashed across Du Qifeng's face. As one of the next main actors, he also had feelings for Xu Rong recently. Especially since the game company's endorsement quickly disappeared, he even asked about this person.


The market of more than one billion yuan in the mainland is something he cannot abandon. Hong Kong's population of 700 million determines its box office ceiling, but he is different from other directors. His style determines that he cannot fully conform to the rules and regulations of the mainland, otherwise he will become a filmmaker. An ordinary director is his destined ending.

And recently, he really heard some unreliable gossip, but he didn't take it seriously, because "The Indelible Number" starring Xu Rong is said to be warming up on major TV stations. According to the situation in the mainland, if something happened to Xu Rong, the TV series he starred in would have died out long ago.

He didn't answer right away, but instead asked, "Not yet, where is Mr. Liu?"

Of course Liu Yanming knew why Xu Rong was there, he got the approval from Zhao Kena, but he still didn't know if Xu Rong came out or not.

Moreover, he has another idea. Although it is a co-production, except for some actors, most of the entire film crew are from Du Qifeng. It's better to spread the matter out now.

He got up, turned the phone on the desk, and dialed Xu Rong's number.

"Everything, everything, everything."

After a busy tone, there was no sign of answering.

Liu Yanming put down the phone and sighed: "He probably won't be able to get away now, so how about it? After two days, everyone will have time. I'll be the host. Please let the two of you try the special dishes of the capital?"

"Thank you Mr. Liu."

"All are all."

"All are all."

Liu Yanming got up and glanced at the caller ID, then pressed the speakerphone to answer.

"Hello, Lao Liu, what's the matter?" Xu Rong's voice came from the phone.

"Are you out?"

"Huh?" There was a pause on the phone, "How do you know I went in?"

Liu Yanming didn't answer his question, "haha" laughed twice, and said, "Director Du and screenwriter Wei Jiahui are here, are you free later, let's have a meal together?"

"Well, wait a minute? Well, you can send me an address, and I'll pack up and go there."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Yanming pointed to the phone and said, "Director Du, if you don't know what to do during the filming, you can ask Xu Rong, he knows that."

Du Qifeng and Wei Jiahui looked at each other and asked in confusion, "How should I understand this?"

Because in his impression, Xu Rongman has made a movie in his lifetime. Even if he is a native of the mainland, he probably hasn't even figured out the way of the mainland film market.

Liu Yanming made a fool of himself and said, "There's no rush, you'll know about it when the time comes, let's go, let's find a place to eat and talk while we eat."

Du Qifeng and Wei Jiahui imagined many kinds of appearances of Xu Rong, but after seeing them, they realized that those were all their own imaginations in the past.

As Xu Rong pushed the door open, the eyes of Liu Yanming and Du Qifeng focused on him at the same time.

The lines on his face are clear, it seems that the rumor is true, and the hairstyle does not know when it became a standard hairstyle.

But after a general scan, both Du Qifeng and Wei Jiahui focused their gaze on Xu Rong's eyes, which were dark and peaceful, and only occasionally, they would radiate a very aggressive flash. Light.


"Come on."

Liu Yanming originally wanted to reach out and pat Xu Rong's arm, but when Xu Rong looked over, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment. Although Xu Rong's hair was only a little shorter, under the smile, there was a smile in his narrowed eyes. The lack of a smile, like a narrow and bottomless abyss, always made him feel evil.

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"You, what's the matter?"

Xu Rong is very aware of his own changes, because when he looked in the mirror after taking a shower just now, he already found that his face had become a little "fierce".

It was the first time for him to play a role like Cai Tianming, and he never expected such a change, but it turned out that his experience was qualified.

"It's okay." Xu Rong smiled lightly, turned his head, looked at Du Qifeng and Wei Jiahui, and stretched out his hand: "Hello, Director Du."

Du Qifeng has been sizing up Xu Rong since he entered the door, and waited for Xu Rong to stretch out his hand before he said: "Hello."

"Hello, Teacher Wei."

"Ah, hello hello."

Wei Jiahui was very uncomfortable being looked at by Xu Rong. The division between him and Du Qifeng has always been very clear. Du Qifeng is outside and he is inside. Therefore, the moment Xu Rong watched him, he was a little flustered, but soon He calmed down again.

In any case, in his eyes, Xu Rong is just a young man, and he is also a young man from mainland China.

Wei Jiahui looked at Xu Rong's appearance, and asked doubtfully, "Xu Zai, do you feel like a person?"

Liu Yan said "ha" to express her doubts, and at the same time gave Wei Jiahui a meaningful glance. In the industry, people who are generally unfamiliar with each other will either call each other's occupation or teacher when they meet. Of course, the premise is that they think that the other party is There is such a need to shout.

But calling Xu Rong "Xu Zai", or "Xiao Xu", in today's film and television industry, there are really not many.

At least he felt that Wei Jiahui, who met Xu Rong for the first time, did not have the qualifications.

But seeing Xu Rong's normal expression, he didn't say anything immediately.

When Du Qifeng heard Wei Jiahui's address, he subconsciously felt something was wrong, but immediately he didn't feel anything wrong. In terms of qualifications and status, Wei Jiahui was qualified.

Xu Rong looked at him and asked suspiciously, "Oh, what does Teacher Wei mean?"

Wei Jiahui turned his head to look at Du Qifeng, he just had a vague feeling, who he looked like, he couldn't tell for a while.

Du Qifeng looked at Xu Rong, and said word by word: "Du Yuesheng."


Xu Rong and Liu Yanming looked at each other and smiled at the same time: "Director Du's words are too flattering, I can't compare to him."

Liu Yanming glanced at Xu Rong, and said with a smile, "Sit first, sit first."

After taking his seat, Liu Yanming said: "I'm calling you here today. Firstly, I got to know each other. Director Du and screenwriter Wei are both big names and leaders in the industry. There is no doubt about their professionalism. Xu Rong is also a domestic writer." Representative actors of the new generation, in the next three months, I hope that we can work together to shoot "Drug Wars" with quality and quantity."

"Boss Liu is too polite."

Xu Rong just nodded, he knew that if he was simply asked to know Du Qifeng and Wei Jiahui, Liu Yanming would not call him out in a hurry.


Sure enough, after a short pause, Liu Yanming continued: "Secondly, you have also read the script. How do you deal with some large-scale plots? What do you think?"

Seeing Liu Yanming looking at him, Xu Rong was happy, and said, "How do I know this?"

Liu Yanming explained: "Director Du means to make two editions, one to be broadcast in the mainland and one to be released in Hong Kong, but there is still a problem, you know the script to what extent the mainland edition should be controlled. , In the past, there was no such large-scale work.”

Xu Rong looked at Liu Yanming in surprise, and said puzzledly, "You didn't ask?"

"I asked. People said that as long as they don't violate Article [-] and the six principles of the "Regulations", they can pass, but isn't that the same as not saying anything?"

Xu Rong first looked at Liu Yanming, and then turned his head to look at Du Qifeng and Wei Jiahui who were also looking at him in surprise. After a little turn in his mind, he understood what Liu Yanming meant.

As Liu Yanming is at the helm of such a large company, and he was originally from a newspaper office in the early days, he naturally has his own channels. Asking today's question seems somewhat redundant.

But now that the question has been asked, the purpose is obvious.

Let him show off his muscles in front of Du Qifeng.

After Xu Rong understood the meaning of Liu Yan's name, he pondered for a while and said, "Then let me ask a knowledgeable person?"

"Do you understand?"

"In charge of review."

Xu Rong didn't take out the phone immediately, but first consulted Du Qifeng and Du Qifeng for their opinions, and then dialed the phone.

"Hey, boss, are you busy?"

"Brother, you're not messing with me, aren't you? What are you busy with? Tell me if you have something to do."

"Why don't we have a meal together, there is a script that is difficult to grasp, please come over and give us your palm."

"Let me just say, you don't have to go to the Three Treasures Hall if you have nothing to do every day, but let's make it clear first, it's okay to talk about work, and you don't have to eat."

"to make."

After Xu Rong said the address, he hung up the phone and said: "Please wait a moment, let's decide what can be photographed and what can't be photographed today, so as to save trouble in the future."

Du Qifeng originally thought that Xu Rong had just hired a specific staff member, so he didn't pay much attention to it. He even felt that Xu Rong was a bit pretentious, because he was a well-known director, and he just waited dryly for someone who might not be able to speak well. waste time.

But when Xu Rong invited the "Eye of Palm" to open the door, he and Wei Jiahui stood up immediately.

"Young man, it's so lively, Director Xu, what you do is not authentic. There are so many big names in the industry, and you didn't say hello to me in advance."

The middle-aged Du Qifeng who came here had only met once, and it was when he was sent for trial, which was reviewed by his subordinates at that time.

A person who can decide whether they can eat meat in the interior or drink Mistral in the future.

Du Qifeng was shocked by Xu Rong's behavior. He is not the first director to go north, and he has heard many complaints about the "confusing" standards in the mainland, but this is the first time he has seen Xu Rong's operation. .

Invite the supervisor of the audit? !
Du Qifeng looked at Xu Rong strangely. He finally knew why the game company apologized so quickly at that time. It turned out that this young man who usually kept a low profile was the real boss in the mainland.

Just looking at the situation where Xu Rong and the other party are completely peers in front of each other, and the other party's name for Xu Rong, it gradually dawned on me.

"As long as it is not expressly prohibited, and the plot that affects the image of a specific group, it is generally acceptable. I will ask you to take a closer look at your script. I will give you a detailed reply in two days. I will not talk about work today, Director Xu. I heard that you spent a month in prison some time ago, what's going on?"

After the explanation by professionals, Du Qifeng fully understood that the policy is actually quite lenient, but because some people at the bottom were lazy, it became a one-size-fits-all, and everyone followed suit, and the more it spread, the more outrageous it was. Some people mistakenly believe that the mainland has strict controls.

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