I'm just an actor

Chapter 322 Biography

Xu Rong has heard people mention that Du Qifeng's temper is not very good, especially on the set, he loves to swear.

This is not a prominent feature. There are not many directors who love to scold others in the industry, but there are also many, because the composition of the crew is quite complicated. Many crew members and even actors have not received serious education. To put it lightly, even The wind in the ear is not counted.

And in comparison, he thinks this kind of director is easier to get along with, like Zhao Junkai, no matter how angry he is in his heart, his face is always kind, which is really scary, because it is impossible to guess that he is an adult A lot, but I'm still holding back some bad ideas.

After today's dinner, Xu Rong knew that even if he was the only mainland actor in the whole group, Du Qifeng would not dare to go too far unless he made up his mind to give up the mainland market completely.

After all, the precedent of Zhang Jizhong is there. Although there are some gossips in the industry, he has never said a word against Zhang Jizhong, nor has he done anything against Zhang Jizhong, because he has always I think it's not time yet.

But at this point, he has no intention of clarifying.

Because looking at the operation, he always felt that it was Jin Fangfang who did it.

Even if he is asked face to face in the future, he will truthfully admit that he is just venting his anger for his good friend Yang Mi.

He didn't stay long either. He and Du Qifeng were not the same people, and he was not even the same as most Hong Kong actors. Workers, he has long suggested blocking them.

And he also understands the mentality of the people in the north. Although they have made money from the mainland, most of them still look down on the mainland people in their bones, but they dare not show it.

When he got home, as soon as he entered the door, Xu Rong heard the laughter of "hehehaha" from the practice room. When he changed his shoes, he listened attentively, his face slightly moved.

Because the two laughs were what he didn't want to hear at this time.

One he is very familiar with is Xu Xing's.

Xu Xing has only been working continuously for a month, and he took a break again? !
You're so lazy when you're not popular yet?

And another slightly sharp voice was Song Yi.

Because of blocking him with his life for a while, he felt a little guilty about Song Yi.

It's just that he always feels that since "Our Jing Ke" was rejected last time, Song Yi hasn't blocked himself again.

He took a sip of water before going upstairs. From the direction of the voice, the three of them should be in the practice room.

Seeing that the door of the room was open, he walked over. Inside, Xiao Zhang was doing body exercises alone, while Xu Xing and Song Yi sat aside, their heads huddled together, pointing at the album.

"This looks good, this looks good."

"This is so pretty."

"Tuk Tuk."

He reached out and knocked on the door twice, met Xiao Zhang's eyes, and then turned his gaze to Song Yi who was sitting cross-legged: "What are you two looking at, so happy?"

"Here, let's pick out the wedding dress."

Xu Xing held up the album in his hand.

Xu Rong glanced at it with a smile, nodded, and said, "It's pretty nice."

"Song Yi, when did you come here?"

"Just came here for a while."

Xu Rong said "um", and said to her, "Don't just play, remember to practice."

After he finished speaking, he prepared to go back to his study. It was only a few days before "Drug Wars" started, and his biography had not been completely completed.

When Xu Rong turned to leave, Song Yi hesitated for a moment, then suddenly got up and chased out the door. When she was almost at the door of the study, she chased after Xu Rong, took out a crumpled envelope from her pocket, and said, "Mr. ,Wait a moment."

When Xu Rong turned around, she lowered her head, pushed the envelope in front of Xu Rong, and said, "Mr. Xu, this is my letter of resignation."

Xu Rong stared blankly at the envelope she handed over.

"Our Jing Ke" starring Song Yi did not pass the review of the art committee, and he was also one of the people who voted against it.

The screenwriter Mo Yan, who was specially invited over at the time, didn't have any comments.

But there is no evaluation, in fact, it is evaluation.

In his opinion, this drama needs at least half a year to polish it.

But for Yu Song Yi, after working hard for several months, being rejected by the art committee is simply the worst blow he has encountered since his career.

Besides, even if the queue continues, will it pass the next review?
Xu Rong couldn't answer her either.

He glanced at the two heads protruding from the door of the practice room, glared at them, and said to Song Yi: "Follow me to the study."


After entering the study and closing the door, Xu Rong poured her a glass of water, sat across from her, and asked, "Why are you suddenly resigning?"

Song Yi looked at him, shook his head slightly, and said bitterly: "Mr. Xu, it didn't happen all of a sudden. I've been thinking about it recently. I feel that I might not be an actor. The practice you mentioned , I have been practicing, but in the end I still failed to pass the review.”

Xu Rong shook his head and said: "You know, you are a good seed, you can definitely become a good actor, you should be able to guess, I voted for that day, if I were the director of the art committee, I would definitely Figure out a way to get this drama through."

Hearing Xu Rong's comfort, Song Yi's eyes turned red, he pouted, turned his head away, and said: "Isn't that why you said that, if you did, you definitely wouldn't say that, and I also found out that practice is also very important. It's useless, "Jing Ke" has failed, and I will never be given another chance in the future."

Xu Rong wanted to sigh, but he stopped him before he could breathe. This is not the right time.

Song Yi's departure went so smoothly, she entered Renyi after graduation, and acted in a role within a year after entering the academy, it was a perfect life template, but the ensuing rejection of the arts committee immediately cast her into the dust, and he What is certain is that if Song Yi cannot regain his confidence in acting in Renyi, even if he enters the film and television industry, he will be a third-rate actor at best.

In terms of life, she is far behind Yang Mi. In terms of professional ability, an actor who has lost his confidence in acting can no longer be called an actor.

Xu Rong looked into her eyes, unhurriedly, and said seriously: "Don't think so, you must have confidence, remember, opportunities are equal, only you lose the opportunity, there is no chance to lose you, Think about it, if one day you were asked to play a role, but you couldn’t speak the lines well, couldn’t lift your legs, and watched others act, would you say that you were not given a chance? That’s because you let it go, don’t say it I am not the darling of fate. Opportunities are for those who are prepared. You are still young, you must learn, and I will also tell you a little secret. I have retinal detachment in my eyes, but I am still learning German by myself. Why? No To advance is to retreat, one must learn while alive, so many arts are not overwhelming.”

Listening to Xu Rong's words, Song Yi looked at him with a strange expression, because she had never heard of his eye problems.

Xu Rong looked at her and said: "41 years ago, Aunt Fang Zichun in Mandarin, the daughter of Teacher Fang Guande, also faced the same predicament as you. She took eleven art exams and failed No. 11. On that day, in a small dark room, she cried and said to her first teacher, senior Jiao Juyin, that she didn't want to be an actress anymore. Senior Jiao Juyin told her what she just said. Today, I will pass on these words to you."

Song Yi stared blankly at Xu Rong, never before had she felt that Xu Rong was so strange and yet so close.

Seeing that Song Yi was silent and staring at himself blankly, Xu Rong smiled and said: "You always want to learn from me. I really didn't have time to teach you well before. In fact, I used to I'm not very good at teaching people. You should have heard Xiao Zhang mention this point. I can give you lessons, but not acting classes. You can practice with Xiao Zhang for the basic content. They are all stupid methods and hard work. As for me, Or start with cultural knowledge, how can an actor do without a solid cultural foundation? So if you really want to learn from me, shall we start with "Historical Records"?"

Song Yi stared at him blankly: "Historical Records?"

"Yes, since you want to act in "Our Jing Ke", you should study "Historical Records" first, and after you finish studying the "Historical Records", you can go and have a look."


Song Yi hesitated for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay."

Xu Rong pushed the crumpled envelope back, and said: "I believe you can take it back first, don't worry, go to them today to relax and relax, and clean up your mood."

"Thank you, Brother Xu."

"It's all right."

Seeing Song Yi close the door lightly, Xu Rong took out a notebook from the drawer. In the past, he was really not good at teaching, but now he feels that he should have made a lot of progress.

After sorting out the life materials of many seniors in the courtyard, what he got was not only their understanding of performance, but also the teaching methods for the juniors. At his current height, he can understand most of the teaching methods The deep meaning in it, and what he adopts is the most typical Jiao-style teaching. The growth period is very slow, but once he is a teacher, he will definitely be a blockbuster.

Because what she will master is the specific method.

Putting the matter of Song Yi out of his mind for a while, Xu Rong first sat with his eyes closed for a while, and then opened his notebook.

On the first page of the notebook, there were originally three lines written:



It's just that now, there is an extra parenthesis after "self-interest", in which the word "extreme" is written, and similarly, the word "self-confidence" is also added in the parenthesis after "smart".

Afterwards, he gently turned a page, and the words on the paper suddenly became denser, his eyes turned, and he muttered softly:

In 1978, I was born in an ordinary rural family in ZS City, and my birth also made the family that was not well-off even worse.

There was an older brother above me, and within two years, another younger brother was added.

Since childhood, I seem to be the one my parents dislike the most. Every New Year, my older brother and younger brother can wear new clothes, but I can only wear my older brother’s old clothes. I.

Then I realized that I shouldn't fight them over little things, because it wouldn't do me any good, except get beaten.

ZS City was not called this name before, but it was called Xiangshan County by the outside world more than 50 years ago.

ZS City was renamed in honor of Mr. Sun Wen, which led to the fact that I grew up listening to the stories of Sun Wen.

It's just a pity that I don't have the good luck of my fellow countryman Sun Wen. There is a self-reliant elder brother who has gradually changed the fate of our family from a hired worker to a capitalist.

Seeing this passage, Xu Rong couldn't help but frowned, then picked up a pen, and crossed out "our family" in the written "our family", and it became: It's just a pity that I don't have fellow Sun Wen Such good luck, there is a self-reliance, step by step from a hired worker to a capitalist brother to change my destiny.

He sat and thought for a while, nodded, and then continued to read silently:
At the age of 14, in 1992, I dropped out of school.

I cried and knelt down in front of my father, hoping that he would change his decision, but he just sighed: You go too, and your two brothers go too, where do you get so much money?
At that moment, I suddenly realized that begging, at best, can only be exchanged for mercy, and it has no meaning other than that.

In the past, I always thought that I could build a career like Sun Wen, and no matter how bad it was, I would start a career like his elder brother, but it was only in the first month after I dropped out of school that I found out that I had lost my past. The delusion is too naive.

I am not full, it belongs to child labor, it is difficult to find a job in theory, but it is not the case in reality, many small factories use child labor, and it seems that no one cares about them at all.

Two months after I went to work in a factory with a cousin from the same village, I excitedly lined up to go to the finance department to get my salary.

That was the first money I ever made.

To my despair, the accountant told me that the first month's salary should be used as a deposit, and the second month's salary will not be paid until the end of the next month.

The reason for despair is that the little money brought from home is almost gone.

I angrily argued with the finances, but not only did I not get the money, I was beaten and fired from the factory.

Later, the cousin in the same village told me: Most of these small factories are similar, and they all have to be deducted.

But in the end, I got my salary.

I wanted to buy a knife, but in the end I used the law to protect my rights.

It's not that I think I should obey the law, but I feel that with my thin frame, a knife is not enough to get me back my wages, so I choose the more effective one.

When I went home to visit during the Spring Festival, I met a cousin who came back from Hong Kong and had a very handsome hairstyle.

According to him, money is everywhere in Hong Kong, and it has to be packed in sacks and pulled by trucks!
I'm tempted, and most importantly, I'm fed up with those black-hearted little bosses, I'm going to Hong Kong!

Fate is always so unfair. There, my life was also not smooth, and the local small bosses discriminated against mainlanders.

Once I was so angry that I beat up the boss, but I also got into trouble with people who shouldn't be messed with, a few club members hired by the little boss.

In order to avoid being brutally beaten according to the rumors, I joined another club and met a person who changed my destiny, my godfather.

In the club, I found that only people with better brains, darker hearts, and tougher hands can live and live more freely.

Because of me, there was an explosion in the factory, my wife and her two brothers could have survived, but no way, the explosion may attract attention, and I can't waste any more time to risk saving them.

Sorry, I have to leave now.

My physical condition is very bad. Although my brain is still awake, my body is out of control, and I feel that the world is spinning, but I know I can't stop, I must leave as soon as possible, the farther the better!
As expected, a car accident happened.

In the process of being sent to the hospital for treatment, my good luck in recent years seemed to have run out. In the corridor of the hospital, I happened to be met by Zhang Lei who had just finished the case, and his professional sensitivity discovered my identity .

After waking up and realizing that I was under close surveillance, I knew that I had to leave the hospital immediately, or I would be shot a hundred times for the crimes I had committed.

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