I'm just an actor

Chapter 323 Success or Failure

I was stuck in the morgue, and the corpses I saw did not frighten me, because the dead were not scary.

Lying in the freezer, when I heard the sound of the search outside stop abruptly in front of the freezer, I knew that my attempt to escape had failed.

Right now, I am faced with two choices, fish to death, etc. Maybe, I was just killed on the spot unilaterally.

I should bide my time, and from what I know of them I may have a chance, at least a better chance than I have now.

After weighing the pros and cons, I chose to let it go.

In the process of being taken to the place of detention, I began to think about the method of escape.

At this time, I was just an ordinary car accident patient, or suspect.

Because as long as they don't have enough evidence, they can't arrest me.

But I am not sure, I have forgotten where the car accident occurred, which places I passed on the way, and whether I was photographed by surveillance.

This is very important, related to whether they can obtain enough evidence.

I know very well that it is a kind of luck to hope that they will not find the factory that exploded. They are walking on the edge of life and death, and they should not hand over life and death to illusory fate.

I want to hold the throat of fate.

Must do everything possible to escape.

Xu Rong turned a new page, but he couldn't help being stunned by the tear marks.

The remaining two pages, are gone.

He touched the remnants of the torn paper with his fingers, and said with a helpless wry smile: "This old Zhao, really, does everything without leaking."

In the next two pages, many cases of professionals are recorded.

Although those contents are still recorded in his mind, the nature of what he brings out from inside is completely different from what he writes outside.

In the past month, he met many people of all kinds. Among those people, some of them regretted the crimes they committed in the past. To be more precise, they felt remorse because they were punished, while some People, but just feel sorry, sorry to have been caught.

It was also through communicating with them that Xu Rong solved many doubts in his mind, such as what kind of person Cai Tianming belonged to.

After nearly 20 years of hard work, he has already formed his own outlook on life and values, and has achieved many successes because of the values ​​he upholds. He has long since lost his mind on the past concepts.

Cai Tianming is very familiar with the laws of the Mainland, and he is very clear about the punishment he will receive after being arrested for his actions, but his obsession with money allows him to break through his fear of the law.

In Xu Rong's view, Cai Tianming is a desperado, but in the final analysis, he is also a human being, who is also afraid of death, and this fear is the reason why he tried his best to escape.

After recalling what he had seen and heard in the past month, he wrote slowly:
\bDuring the process of being taken to the place of detention, I did not find any chance to escape.

Everything was expected, because it was also a fluke to escape under the close surveillance of many people in full armor.

But I guess that's not the end.

Because I know the laws of the Mainland very well, and I also know the law enforcement officers in the Mainland.

I still have a chance.

But how to create this opportunity?

I have to first think about which cards I can play in my hand, and in what order, and in the process of playing cards, how can I win.

Brother Haha, Uncle and Nephew Li Zhenbiao, Big Deaf and Little Deaf, and Godfather.

If possible, it is best not to play the godfather card, because without him, even if I am free, I am afraid that the future life will not be easy.

But I must be prepared to play all these cards, because there is no chance to start over in this bet, and besides, the chips are my life.

Another point is that how to play is not something I can decide unilaterally. I have to meet my interrogator first, and then choose the order in which to play the cards.

The police in China are so upright and upright. Each of them is like a faintly twinkling star embedded in the starry sky, hiding themselves from the public's sight, ready to dedicate their young and fresh life at any time, illuminating beautiful families one by one, for the sake of the general public The masses of the people, carry forward with heavy burdens.

The first time I saw Zhang Lei, I realized that he was a typical Chinese policeman.

My chance has come.

Because if I meet someone who eats and waits to die, my fate will be doomed. Arresting me is a great achievement in itself, but he is not. The light from his body hurts my eyes, but the shadow under the light , made me acutely aware that he was the one I was waiting for.

There are always some people who don't care about credit and hard work, but only persistently pursue whether more criminals like me can be arrested and brought to justice.

How to be a qualified prey and give him this chance?

I have to think about it.

Silence, perhaps, the silence of despair is the best response.

Then wait for an excellent opportunity to convince him that I am really willing to commit crimes and meritorious deeds.

No, no, maybe I'm overlooking something.

Will Zhang Lei believe me?
Conversely, would I trust Zhang Lei?

He has stared into the abyss for too long, maybe deep in his heart, even if I am his prisoner, I am afraid that I am not worthy of trust.

This is something that can be used, and perhaps it is also the biggest opportunity for me to escape.


Xu Rong took a deep breath, and then let it out lightly. Besides staying inside for a month, he also chatted with Zhao Ke and some professionals under him, and found some interesting things.

In reality, many of Cai Tianming's colleagues were originally Zhang Lei's colleagues.

They have been fighting against the darkness for many years, but unknowingly, they are eroded by the darkness.

I just don't know if Sun Honglei can ask this.

He put away his doubts and continued to write:
At the most appropriate time and the most appropriate question, my defense line "collapsed". I took the lead in playing two cards, Brother Haha and Li Zhenbiao. He may not know the former, but he will certainly be familiar with the latter .

He must have doubted what I said.

I can't give him a chance to think carefully, because as the news of my arrest spreads, the number of cards I can play will only decrease, and by then, it will be the time of my death.

And I have to make him realize that my active cooperation is a redemption.


Yes, I'm just making amends, and I don't have any other thoughts.

Zhang Lei may still have doubts about me, but it doesn't matter anymore.

Li Zhenbiao's card was carefully selected by me. He couldn't refuse the temptation to eliminate harm for the people.

Just like me at this time, no matter from which aspect, he has no choice.
A little earlier when Xu Rong started writing, Song Yi just exited the room, closed the door gently, turned his head and saw Xu Xing and Xiao Zhang were looking at him curiously.

She hurriedly rolled up the envelope in her hand, stuffed it into the pocket of her jeans, smiled unnaturally, and asked in a low voice, "Why are you here?"

Xiao Zhang was about to speak, but Xu Xing stopped him and pointed to the direction of the practice room.

The three of them went back to the practice room and closed the door. Xu Xing looked at Song Yi curiously, and said in a pointed tone: "Song Yi, you didn't come to visit my sister-in-law for shopping today, did you?"

After working in the entertainment industry for a year, she deeply understood the fundamental reason why she was treated politely wherever she went.

And she understands better that as long as her brother doesn't fail, her career will only get better and better.

She must be on guard against any other women who try to get close to her brother, because she heard from Zhao Baogang that the only one who can destroy her brother in the future is himself.

She must put an end to any such tendency.

"Ah, how come?"

Song Yi wanted to prevaricate at first, but seeing Xiao Fei looking at him with increasingly wrong eyes, he let out a breath and chose to be honest, saying: "Actually, actually, I came to resign from Brother Xu today, he was the one who took over the job last year I recruited him, but my performance really failed his expectations."

She didn't explain the extent of the "failure". Xiaofei already knew it, and she didn't think it was a problem, but she really didn't have the face to tell Xu Xing about the rehearsal of the scene being rejected.


Xu Xing hurriedly stopped her, and said: "You don't even know how lucky you are. In fact, it is very difficult to be an artist, that is, anyone you meet has a ruler in their hearts. The moment you enter their sight, they immediately Just take a ruler to measure you first, if you are this tall."

As Xu Xing said, he gestured with his thumb and index finger, and said, "They won't even look at you at all."

Seeing Xu Xing's excited eyebrows, Song Yi couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and asked, "Then you pay it back?"

Xu Xing said inexplicably, "It's just very strange. I never mentioned my brother's name, but everyone knows that I am Xu Rong's younger sister, and my brother has many friends. No matter where I go, there are people who take care of me." You, if you really don't want to act in a drama, as long as you are still in Renyi and have a good relationship with my brother, no one will do anything to you in the entertainment circle."

Song Yi listened to Xu Xingxiu, who was like a prince selling melons, forced a laugh: "Okay."

Classmate Xiao Zhang looked at Xu Xing with a smile. She had heard Teacher Xu's evaluation of Xu Xing before, and she was clueless.

But it was not until today that she understood her true thoughts.

When she was very young, after learning to dance at night, when she walked alone through the dark alley that frightened her half to death every time she passed by, she knew that only if she was brave would she not be afraid.


Her college days were very happy and carefree. After graduation, she had a period of anxiety, but later, after getting to know the chubby sister Ling, she was no longer anxious, because she found that, in fact, compared to Underneath, I have had a good life.

Now, she puts a lot of time into practice, and Teacher Feng's evaluation of her is getting better and better.

As for whether she can act in a movie, she is actually not too anxious, because there have been many people looking for her to make a movie, but they were all rejected by Teacher Xu on the grounds that they were not suitable.

Teacher Xu said that she is positioned as Da Tsing Yi, and she should not take on roles that affect her acting.

Seeing the two of them fell silent, Xiao Zhang said, "Let's go out to buy vegetables, Song Yi, and have dinner at home tonight. It just so happens that "The Indelible Number" starring Teacher Xu will be broadcast tonight."

"Okay." Song Yi longed to bring the topic to light, "By the way, Xiaofei, brother Xu just said that if I learn from him, I should learn "Historical Records" first, what's going on?"


Xiao Zhang said with a smile, "Strengthen your culture, but you will find that the historical records he taught you are actually different from the common sense you learned before."

"What do you mean?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang tilted his head and thought for a while, and said, "For example, the word 'xi', he will not let you pronounce 'xi', but 'ē', and there is another article about that."

"What else?"

Xiao Zhang laughed a few times with an unnatural "haha" and said, "I forgot."

She didn't actually forget it, but she was embarrassed to say that what she wanted to talk about was "Chulong Talks about the Queen Mother Zhao". Teacher Xu insisted on saying "shui" for "Shuo", but she disagreed, and then the two of them explained it in a simple way. discussed for a long time.

That's why, with the word "right", she was always a little embarrassed.

While people across the country were waiting for the premiere of "Number Number", Zhu Jiang was kneeling in front of the Buddha in Dajue Temple, praying sincerely.

Recently, Zhu Jiang wished that the whole world could completely forget him.

He made one of the craziest decisions of his career.

Spending [-] million won the exclusive broadcasting rights of "Number"!
He clearly remembered that that day, his colleagues all over the country looked at him like a fool.

He also remembered that Chen Runsheng, the chairman of Hualu, looked at him in disbelief that day.

That day, he returned the eyes of his colleagues all over the country who also looked at idiots!

That day, he responded to Chen Runsheng's astonishment with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Isn't it just 300 million episodes, I bought it!

But after signing, he could no longer remain calm.

One hundred million, if the ratings can't enter the top three of the year, the director can skin himself.

There was no turning back. After buying the nationwide exclusive broadcasting rights of "Number Number", he did not sit still. In terms of personnel, in the past two months, he almost invested nearly ten million in advertising resources, and in terms of destiny, he did not. Waiting dryly, except for eating vegetarian food for two months, he has worshiped almost all the temples all over the country that have efficacious effects, large and small.

Although his peers looked on coldly, he always felt that his choice was not wrong.

The market has proved that in the field of spy warfare, Xu Rong is a well-deserved number one brother, and his spy warfare works have obvious patterns, and each one is more exciting than the other.

In view of the great success of "Snow Leopard" at the beginning of the year, he is confident that Xu Rong will appear in the Anti-Japanese War film again.

Before purchasing the film, he asked Xu Rong in private, can this film surpass "Bright Sword"?
That's right, "Snow Leopard" was not the target of "Number" at the beginning, what he hoped was to be able to reproduce the glory of "Bright Sword".

Otherwise, this [-] million is a bit too bad.

Xu Rong only answered him with one word: Yes!

Xu Rong's confident reply strengthened his confidence in winning the exclusive rights.

And what reassured him a little was that Xu Rong was really loyal. In the past two months, not only did he say a lot of amazing remarks to attract the attention of the media, but he also never forgot to promote "Designation" wherever he went.

Success or failure, in one fell swoop.

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