I'm just an actor

Chapter 325 Daily Life

After re-writing the content of the biography that was torn up by the censor, Xu Rong stretched his waist and sighed secretly: Fortunately, I didn't write the rest, otherwise it would be a big loss if it was all torn up.

He has drafts for the rest of the content, but he is not in a hurry. He is going to rest for a while, sort out his thoughts and continue writing.

After leaving the study room, Xu Rong first went to the practice room for a stroll, but he didn't see a single person. When he reached the stairs, he heard the faint chattering voices from downstairs, occasionally mixed with a few crisp laughing and laughing.

He listened carefully for a while, and after distinguishing the content of the three people's chat, he couldn't help laughing.

Xiao Zhang, Xu Xing and Song Yi are discussing the topic of emotional intelligence.

Normally, this topic is very heavy for any one of the three of them, but when the three of them get together, they agree with each other's opinions and feelings, especially when they complain about some people. empathy.

Xu Rong went downstairs, followed the sound to the door of the kitchen, looked inside where Song Yi was helping Xiao Zhang and Xu Xing, and said, "Xiao Song, rest, don't be too busy."

Song Yi turned his head, rubbed his wrist like a lotus root against a strand of hair hanging from his forehead, and said with a sweet smile, "Brother Xu, it's okay, are you done?"

"Finish? It's still early!"

While washing the dishes, Song Yi casually asked: "Brother Xu, we were talking about you just now, do you think I have good eyesight?"

Did not hear Xu Rong's answer, she added: "When I was in school, the teacher told me that I had low EQ and told me not to enter the entertainment industry. After graduation, my colleagues in the courtyard said that I had no eyesight. In fact, I can Curious, is my EQ really low?"

"Hehe, how can it be, how can it be." Xu Rong laughed dryly, turned around and walked to the living room. If he answered Song Yi's question honestly, it would be because his EQ was really low.

Because Song Yi is not short of eyesight, but short of eyes.

He remembered that some time ago he and Ren Ming took Song Yi to the rehearsal hall, Ren Ming was in the middle, he walked on the left side of Ren Ming, and Song Yi walked on the right side of Ren Ming.

When they reached the door of the rehearsal hall, both he and Ren Ming subconsciously paused for a while, and as a result, the two of them were embarrassed on the spot.

Because in their subconscious mind, Song Yi should go to open the door first, but after the two stopped, they found that Song Yi was quietly listening to their chat with his hands in his pockets.

She seemed completely unaware of the need to open the door.

What surprised Xu Rong the most was that when he saw that the development of the situation was different from what he had expected, he hurried over to open the door, intending to let Ren Ming in first, but in the process of turning sideways, he turned his head and watched Song Yi pass by him and Ren Ming, just walked in.

walked in.

walked in.

At that moment, he and Ren Ming stood at the door, looking at Song Yi's back, their eyes met each other, they could only smile wryly.

The leaders and seniors of Renyi have always been committed to creating a "home" atmosphere. For young people, no matter in conferences or daily meetings, they always stress that "you should treat Renyi as a home" and "treat the courtyard colleagues as your brothers and sisters" or something like that.


This is also the reason why he and Feng Yuanzheng's proposals have never been adopted, because neither Zhang Heping nor Pu Cunxi, even the still active Lan Tianye and Mr. Zhu Xu, do not agree to manage the theater with rules and regulations.

Song Yi really believed it, maybe in daily life, Zhang Heping and Pu Cunxi really have no airs, although Ren Ming always looks like a Spartan when rehearsing, but when he leaves the door of the rehearsal hall, he always looks like a Spartan. Smiling, for the younger generation, he is simply a generous elder.

But in his perception, Zhang Heping may be the most airless, but he is also the most airy. He is always quite kind to ordinary employees, but he has a completely different attitude towards middle-level cadres.

To Pu Cunxi, he will occasionally make a few jokes, because Pu Cunxi treats him as a junior, and he also regards him as an elder. He will maintain respect for Ren Ming. After all, there are too few gentlemen like Ren Ming at present.

In fact, he has always been curious about what kind of environment created Song Yi today. In terms of business ability, Song Yi may not be ranked high in Renyi Xing, but when it comes to the entertainment industry, he is definitely in the first echelon among his peers .

As an old fritter in the film and television industry, Xu Rong knows very well that strong business ability can only be popular for a while, just like Zhou Jie who has completely disappeared now.

He was going to remind her when he had time. His own experience and growth had proved that emotional intelligence could be cultivated. Of course, the premise was that he had a strong will to change.

"Mr. Xu, go and call grandpa, we're going to eat soon." Xiao Zhang's voice came from the kitchen.

"Oh, I see."

Xu Rong changed his shoes and went out, followed the shade of the neighborhood, and walked straight to the small lake in the middle of the neighborhood.

It is said to be a small lake, but it is actually just a large pond with a water depth of less than [-] centimeters. There are many kinds of goldfish in it. Grandpa often plays chess and chats with several elderly people in the community in the pavilion in the middle.

When we arrived at the lake, we saw a few old people leaving. Xu Rong hurriedly walked over to greet his grandpa and grandma.

"Grandpa Liu, please slow down."

"Goodbye, Grandpa Zhang."

After parting, after walking a few steps, Xu Rong turned his head and glanced at the old people who were going back to their respective homes, and asked, "Grandpa, why haven't you seen Grandpa Liu and Grandpa Zhao?"

"Oh, the weather is cold, they said they went to Sanya to recuperate."

Xu Rong said "Oh" and understood what was going on. At the same time, she silently calculated in her heart that there are a few old people in the community who often chat with grandpa who only live here in spring and autumn. In summer, they usually go to live in the mountains. When the weather turns cold, he will be taken to the south again.

Of course, my family does not have the high standards of those old people, but moving to Sanya in winter should not be a big problem.

When I got home, the food was ready.

As soon as Xu Rong and his grandfather were seated, Song Yi asked: "Brother Xu, we were discussing a problem after you left just now, that is, many people are filming a movie and making a bad movie, but why do they keep taking over?" To so many plays?"

Xu Rong sighed and said, "Maybe, they have their strengths."


Song Yi immediately said: "Then why don't you propose to set a threshold for actors?"

She knew that Xu Rong, as the head of the Chinese opera department and the representative of young actors, had the right to make proposals during the meeting at the end of the year.

Xu Rong understood Song Yi's meaning, she was targeting the vigorous star-making movement carried out by capital today.

He does have the right to propose, but that's all.

Grandpa smiled and explained: "Son, let me ask you a question first. For example, Xiao Zhang doesn't know how to act. Xu Rong recommended it, but he didn't agree. Do you think Xu Rong can follow them?"

"But Miss Xiaofei isn't one of them after all?"

Xu Xing ate silently with his head down, without saying a word, lest Song Yi would notice her, only then did she deeply feel that Song Yi's EQ was exactly the same as what she said.

Seeing a grain of rice dropped on the table, Xu Rong said, "Let's put it this way, if someone dares to say that, I will unite with all the people I know, just like treating this grain of rice."

As he spoke, he pressed his finger on it, crushing the rice grains into pieces.

After taking the paper that Xu Xing handed over, he wiped his hands, and said again: "The problem you mentioned is difficult to solve, but it is also easy to solve. It is impossible to set the entry threshold first, because acting is itself a thing of the past. Divided into two aspects of talent and technology, if it is simply measured by technical standards, it will limit many talented people."

He paused, then continued: "Besides, if I did that, I would be the grain of rice, and it would be the same for every production crew. Even if I were the leading actor, and people from the management were not allowed to participate in the performance, they would still do the same thing." A similar choice, because you can’t expect people to pay you and not let them talk, one or two are fine, but after a long time, you’ll end up on your own.”

Xiao Zhang looked at him and asked, "Then why don't you keep watching?"

"No, I'm preparing for "Peking"."

"What does this have to do with Peking?"

"You'll know later."

Xu Rong smiled, then glanced at Xu Xing who didn't dare to take a breath, and said with a smile: "Xiao Song, it's okay to say such things at home, but don't mention them when you go out."

"Oh, I remember."

In the past, Xu Rong only wanted food and clothing, and it was difficult for him to care about other people's lives.

Now, he has just solved the problem of food and clothing. By the way, he also has some influence in the industry, but only a little.

Some people shout all day to realize the industrialization of film and lead the trend of the Chinese music scene. The reasons are nothing more than two points, stupid or bad.

Why doesn't he understand the disadvantages of the current star-making capital, but he has no ability to forcibly stop it.

Because all film and television companies are doing that, even Han Sanping can only helplessly say that this is an inevitable problem in the process of industrialization.

Since it is hoped that capital will contribute money and efforts, it is impossible to only let others contribute money and efforts, otherwise capital will run away.

What he can influence now, apart from the small-scale group of the talent and actor team, is only an overall trend.

"Brother Xu, where are you and Sister Xiaofei holding your wedding ceremony?"

Xu Rongjian followed Song Yi's questioning, Xu Xing also turned his head to stare at himself, and said: "You will know when the time comes."


"Brother Xu, tell me, tell me, I promise I won't spread the word."

Xu Rong nodded and said: "It's okay to tell you, but don't spread the word, I don't plan to invite too many people to participate in the wedding."

Xu Xing always felt that Song Yi's eyes seemed to be drifting towards him, so he hurriedly looked away from her, looked at Xiao Zhang, and asked, "Sister-in-law, where are you?"

"you guess."


Xiao Zhang's almond eyes widened leisurely: "How did you guess that?"

Xu Xing curled his lips, and said: "I thought, when you took wedding photos, you went everywhere, except for the school. You met because of the school. You must be planning to hold a wedding there?!"

Song Yi looked at Xu Xing's well-organized analysis, and said in surprise: "Ah, Xu Xing, you are so smart."

The three of them looked at each other, holding their bowls and laughing together "hahaha".

After eating, Xu Rong's family lay on the sofa in disarray, waiting for "Number" to start broadcasting.

At the same time, Jin Wenbin, who had been in close contact with Xu Rong for a month, got up from the bed.

Lost in the lake, he sighed: "Ah, it's another boring day."

He wanted to sleep for a while, but last night, he just took a staring class.

As the name suggests, it is to go to work with staring eyes.

What a work of genius!
Every time he was on duty, he felt that the suffering he suffered was no different from that of the people he was guarding, and even worse than them. They could at least sleep.

Walking into the bathroom, he looked at the hairline gradually moving up in the mirror, and sighed silently. When he was first hired, he thought he had successfully landed, but he never thought that he had stepped into a dead end.

Yes, a dead end. Even though he is only 26 years old, Jin Wenbin always feels that standing at the moment, he can already see his state every day for the next few decades.

Some time ago, his girlfriend just broke up with him because she thought he was not self-motivated.

In fact, he is also quite distressed, because so far, he has not found a reason for himself to make progress.

After taking a shower and drying his hair, Jin Wenbin, wearing a bathrobe, carrying snacks and happy water, took the elevator down to the first floor.

Although there is a TV in the bedroom, he prefers to sit on the carpet on the first floor and watch the drama with the curtains drawn tightly, which makes him feel very immersive.

"When grievances and grievances are divided in half, how can I encircle them. Seeing that the lanterns are stained red with blood, it is too late to seek revenge. The doorman under the moon sighs, last night was peaceful and Chang'an"

Just as he drew the curtains, the phone on the desk rang, and he walked over to answer it: "Yes, yes, it's building No. 21, a single building on the fourth floor, just sit on the stool at the door."

After everything was ready, Jin Wenbin pulled on his slippers and went to the door to pick up dinner.

This is his daily life, a very boring daily life.

In his opinion, the most important job in his life is to collect rent, collect rent, and collect rent.

Furthermore, compared to his childhood friends, he feels that he is already good enough, at least he can't "magic", and he never thought about learning it.

It is how to wipe out all the houses allocated for demolition in the blink of an eye.

While eating, he turned on the TV and watched the advertisement before "Number" was about to start.

His life is so boring. In the past, when he was not at work, he always used 200 yuan to make up the number to listen to all kinds of hype from his friends in the past. Now, he doesn’t go often. Because the friends all brought the girls they had just caught, but he didn't.

Besides, he gradually got used to staying at home and watching dramas during the break.

"When grievances and grievances are divided in half, how can I encircle them. Seeing that the lanterns are stained red with blood, it is too late to seek revenge. The doorman under the moon sighs, last night was peaceful and Chang'an"

Jin Wenbin was drinking Happy Water, glanced at the caller ID, picked it up again and put it to his ear: "Hey, what are you doing?"

"I'm not going. I worked night shift yesterday and I'm resting at home today."

"What kind of money do you want to save? Xu Rong's play has long been over, but today's premiere of "The Indelible Number", I have to watch it."

Jin Wenbin saw Xu Rong's bearded face in the opening song on the screen, he was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly said: "Don't talk, hang up, I still have something to do here."

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