I'm just an actor

Chapter 326 Broadcast

Jin Wenbin hung up the phone, picked up the happy water and leaned it on the backrest. At this time, a modern construction site appeared on the screen.

"No, isn't it an anti-Japanese war movie? Why is it a construction site? Could it be possible to play time travel?"

But the progress of the plot that followed gave him a sense of déjà vu.

Just as he guessed, the colorful interface switched quickly, and the scene of the flames of war made his heartstrings tense. The familiar modern construction site made him keenly aware that perhaps in this drama, Xu Rong would die.

"Come on, use all the energy you put on the mother-in-law's kang, go on!"

When the camera came to a close-up of Xu Rong, Jin Wenbin sat up a little bit straighter: "Fuck, Xu Rong doesn't want female fans?"

He stared blankly at Xu Rong, who had an unshaven beard, a dark face, dusty hair, and broken tree leaves in the screen, and couldn't help but take another sip of happy water to calm his shock.

In Xu Rong's past works, he has created screen images of various personalities, but even the "pay back the money!" emoji package circulating on the Internet, the image is at least refreshing.

Having been with Xu Rong day and night for more than half a month, he still remembers his appearance
Suddenly, Jin Wenbin was stunned, because "Repay the money!", "Jade Seat Golden Buddha!", "After work, I am not allowed to work overtime with the wages paid by the party and the state!" etc. Xu Rong's appearance in the scene, but Xu Rong's real expression in life, his memory is not so vivid.

After being dazed for a moment, Jin Wenbin looked serious, and slowly moved the happy water from his mouth to the level of his eyes.

Damn this thing is poisonous, it can make people lose their memory!

Obviously a while ago, he and Xu Rong had been seeing each other all day without looking up or down, but it's only been a few days, and I can't even remember his real appearance?
He slowly picked up the bottle cap, screwed the mouth of the happy water on, and decided to check on the Internet after reading it later, whether frequent drinking of happy water would cause amnesia.

"There's a bomb, get down."

Xu Rong's roar on the screen brought Jin Wenbin back to reality.

Keenly, he felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't see what was wrong for a while, and he re-invested in the plot.

Hearing the messenger report to the head of the regiment that all the troops had been pushed up and no one was available, Jin Wenbin subconsciously picked up the happy water at his feet, unscrewed it habitually, and took a sip: "It's time for me, Zhou Weiguo, to play. !"

"The new third company, the new third company, is there any new third company?"

"Yes, here it is."

As the messenger and Xu Rong yelled at each other, Jin Wenbin finally realized what was wrong with him just now.

The radio operator of this drama seems to be discriminating.

He also yelled at the top of his voice, every word of Xu Rong reached his ears quite clearly. In contrast, the group performance of the orderly seemed to have offended the sound engineer. It's like drinking two big bowls of salty brine before filming.

"No." He took another sip of the happy water, because he found that the emotion in Xu Rong's words was stronger, and in contrast, the group performer was just shouting instinctively.


Jin Wenbin suddenly trembled, staring blankly at the happy water in his hand: "When the hell did it come out of my hand again?"

Like some actors, Xu Rong's premiere of the TV series "Number" this year has been highly anticipated by many viewers, but the difference is that many of his peers sat in front of the TV on time.

Chen Daoming likes to watch TV dramas, he likes good dramas, and he prefers bad dramas.

It’s not that he has a tendency to self-abuse, but because good dramas make him feel comfortable, exciting, and have strengths that he can learn from, while bad dramas broaden his horizons, and the worse the drama, the more serious and careful he watches it. Because he is particularly curious about how badly a director can shoot a show, and how badly an actor can perform a play.

As a professional actor, he noticed the contrast between the actors in the play a little earlier than most ordinary audiences. When Xu Rong shouted out, he saw the way.

However, he was not surprised by this, and just sighed: "This skill, at his age, is simply not human."

Beside him, the wife who had just finished cleaning up the housework looked at Xu Rong's image, and said with a smile: "Zhou Weiguo suddenly became like this, I'm really not used to it."

Chen Daoming also laughed twice, and said: "I guess after the first episode is over, you won't think he is Zhou Weiguo, and besides, he is not Zhou Weiguo, he is Xu Rong."

"Then you have the ability to let him come to your house for a meal."

"Hi." Chen Daoming is not good enough to talk more about this topic. He knows Xu Rong, and Xu Rong also came to visit and invited him to star in "All Quiet in Peking", but he declined because he has no schedule. The current relationship, It's really not to the point of inviting people to the house as a guest.

Although Chen Daoming was chatting with his wife, he never took his eyes off the TV.

After seeing the premiere of Xu Rong's "Home" last time, he and Chen Baoguo specially asked He Bing to copy a video of the performance.

Because after their discussion, they agreed that Xu Rong is trying to develop some kind of skill system that can achieve "absolute experience".

Judging from the performance effect of the video, it is easy for him to judge that once the theory and specific supporting training methods are formed, it will definitely become a major improvement for the entire Stuart system.

Because experience is the core of the Si's system, it is also the biggest difficulty, but after many analyzes by him and Chen Baoguo, they all agree that Xu Rong achieved an absolute experience to some extent in that performance.

A new technique of emotional skill and emotional substitution that is completely different from method school.

But today in "Number", before he confirmed whether Xu Rong had used that technique, he was the first to discover something else.

"It's even more exciting after the ad."

Seeing the sudden advertisement, Chen Daoming glanced at the time, it was only 10 minutes, and scolded: "Jingcheng TV is crazy, it's only a few minutes, and it's advertised?"

The wife smiled and said: "I didn't tell you earlier, in order to win the exclusive broadcasting rights of "Number", Beijing TV Station spent a whole [-] million yuan. If it doesn't broadcast more advertisements, I'm afraid it won't make any money."

"Your news is long behind. I heard today that they sold more than [-] million yuan for the naming rights of "Number Number". After all, "Snow Leopard" was in front of them. Although the merchants are not as confident in Xu Rong's war movies as spy wars, But with his huge appeal, it is still a solo broadcast, and Jingcheng TV is sure to make a profit."


After the 5-minute commercial, the broadcast continued. Chen Daoming frowned, stared at the screen with squinted eyes, and asked, "Do you think his lines are very interesting?"

"Yes, I have."

"I'm not talking about the specific content, but the method of speaking."

Her wife graduated from Zhongchuan and has been working as a host. After he reminded her, she listened carefully to a few words and couldn't help but froze: "His pronunciation, it seems, doesn't seem to be all bel canto, but it seems that he is not very familiar with it." , there are only a few words, but it feels very, very pleasing to my ears."

After getting his wife's confirmation, Chen Daoming stared at the figure on the screen in a daze. He just realized today that every time he sees Xu Rong or watches his play recently, he will give him a big surprise.

After one episode was broadcast, Chen Daoming said: "I have a premonition that after 30 years, Xu Rong will completely replace Yu Zhi and Jiao Juyin, and become the name with the most frequent occurrences in the textbooks of various colleges and universities in China."

His wife smiled and said, "You're wrong. He often appears now, especially in Nortel. His performances of "Thunderstorm" and "Home" are almost becoming new templates."

Chen Daoming looked at his wife in surprise: "Can't you?"

"Why not, Xu Rong has a very detailed method for every play he performs. Although there is still controversy, he also provides a proven and feasible training method for his new method."

Chen Daoming shook his head, and said: "No, no, you misunderstood, I don't mean this, once the voice of his lines and the experience method I told you before form a system, especially the latter , may start a new genre on this."

The wife was stunned, and asked: "Then, it's useless except for himself?"

"It's useless, but think about it, what kind of mood would you feel if you saw Stanislav alive?"

Chen Daoming got up, he was about to go to the balcony to smoke two cigars slowly, before walking to the balcony, he turned around again: "Once this kind of academic achievement is verified to be practical, it will soon spread abroad , They don’t have so many academic views, they learn as long as it is useful, but it is precisely because of this that it will inevitably elevate our overall status in the world of performance academia, instead of holding on to traditional dramas as before. According to our national conditions, With such a great contribution, you don't think the higher ups will ignore it, do you?"

The wife looked at Xu Rong at the end of the film and understood what her husband meant. Domestic performance theory has always been caught in a strange circle, talking about genres and systems. However, there are always problems in practical application.

In front of the TV on the other side, Xu Rong sat for a while, but couldn't sit any longer, and said to the people next to him: "I'm going to the toilet."

He can stand watching "The Ming Dynasty" he acted in, but he can't stand watching "Number".

He failed in this play.

It's not that the acting was bad, but that the acting was so good that it made the co-actors a little less brilliant.


All along, he always avoided "binhua" himself, but unknowingly, he was still "binhua".

In his plays, no matter how many roles they play, everyone is his supporting role!

After going upstairs, he locked himself in the study room again, and the ratings data will come out tomorrow. As for the evaluation, he is actually quite looking forward to it.

This play is full of joy from beginning to end, it looks like a comedy, and there is no lack of seriousness, but its core has nothing to do with comedy at all.

He first took out a sticky note and wrote down slowly: Remember to be in the same level range as the co-actors.

After pasting it to the side, he spread out the notebook again and continued to write the biography of "Drug Wars":

Under the critical situation, I decided to cooperate with Zhang Lei's actions in order to "take the blame and make meritorious service".

From this moment onwards, I must show the earnestness of repentance and leniency, or it will arouse suspicion.

Later, based on the information I provided, Zhang Lei pretended to be Brother Ha Ha, Li Shuchang and the two of them. Because Li Shuchang deliberately played tricks, he almost killed Zhang Lei. verbal threats.

I should say something, because I wholeheartedly cooperated with his actions. The action I took just now was to save him, not to give a secret signal as he thought.

I want to express my anger and dissatisfaction.

Zhang Lei's vigilance is very strong, I'm not sure if he is testing me, but in any case, I must show dissatisfaction with being suspected.

And his reaction also proved my previous speculation that he has been dealing with darkness for a long time, and he has been infected by darkness without knowing it.

Soon, I had my first chance to escape.

Two of Li Zhenbiao's subordinates, Xiao Cong and Xiao Mang, lost their way in a truck because they took too much medicine.

Zhang Lei asked me to take them to the apprentice's factory.

Next to the national highway, I found Xiao Cong and Xiao Feng. In the process of helping them clear their minds, I even got the pistol that Xiao Cong carried with him.

At this moment, I knew that I had the opportunity to leave.

But would the experienced Zhang Lei make such a mistake?

But I have to observe the surrounding situation, what if his teammates have a loophole in the execution process?

After my careful observation, I realized that if I escape at this time, there is a possibility of survival, but not great.

I gave up and prepared to bide my time.

Because the appearance of this opportunity proves that my strategy is correct. As the action continues, such opportunities will only increase. I don't need to wait for a [-]% safe opportunity, I just need to create a chaotic situation.

Yes, create chaos.

Man is not a machine, in the process of execution, there will inevitably be deviations, especially in the midst of chaos, that moment is my opportunity.

There was an accident, and while Zhang Lei was arresting Brother Haha and my two apprentices Da Deaf and Xiao Deaf, Da Deaf and Xiao Deaf escaped through the tunnel.

Moreover, when hunting down the big deaf and the little deaf and exchanging fire, the big deaf and the little deaf took out heavy weapons and killed a large number of action members.

Zhang Lei's suspicion of me reached its peak.

Because in his opinion, since the big deaf and the young deaf are my apprentices, I shouldn't be unfamiliar with them, and their escape is because I deliberately concealed key information in order to cover them.

This was something I hadn't expected. I always thought that I knew the two apprentices well enough, but I didn't realize until today that their vigilance was stronger than I imagined.

No, not vigilance, maybe mistrust of me.

Just like I never trusted them, they never trusted me.

The godfather card must be played. Although it is a pity, it is a pre-set choice.

Compared with what the future holds, I have to get through the current level first.

I'm just an actor

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