I'm just an actor

Chapter 327 The Yellow River

Chapter 327 The Yellow River

In the dark room, Zhu Jiang suddenly opened his eyes.

Just now he dreamed that the ratings of "The Indelible Number" went up and down. After the premiere, it suffered a precipitous drop, repeating the mistakes of "Da Ming Dynasty 1566" a few years ago.

After realizing that he was dreaming, he wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead with lingering fear, and let out a long breath, muttering to himself in the dark like a dream: "Dreams are reversed, dreams It's all the opposite."

Silently prayed for the ratings for a while, because he had something on his mind, and most of his sleepiness subsided, so he got up and went to the balcony to smoke a cigarette.

I reached out and fished twice in the dark, but failed to touch the switch of the bedside lamp.

At this moment, a white and tender arm rested on his chest, and a lazy and soft voice sounded in his ear: "What's the matter?"

Hearing the voice, Zhu Jiang came to his senses, he is not at his home today.

After groping for the mobile phone on the bedside table, he gently removed his delicate arms, sat up, and said in a low voice, "Go to the bathroom."


He got up and got out of bed, went out the door, and walked straight to another room.

Sitting in front of the computer, watching the comments on the Internet, Zhu Jiang's remaining sleepiness disappeared in an instant.

The entry was almost full of curses.

"There is an advertisement in the TV series, my **** grandma."

"I used to think that online video software was shameless enough, but it wasn't until I watched Beijing Satellite TV at night that I realized that compared to it, online video software is quite upright."

"A rough statistic was made. An episode of "Number Number" is about 42 minutes long. If you count the advertising time at the beginning and end of the film, an average of about 14 minutes of advertising is broadcast in one episode. It is recommended that Beijing Satellite TV be renamed Beijing Shopping Channel. There are two hosts, one male and one female, and they broadcast commercials throughout the day."


Zhu Jiang scanned the overwhelming scolding voices on the Internet, pressed the computer on with a "snap", and closed his eyes.

He originally thought that the audience would have enough patience for Xu Rong's play, but judging from the current evaluations on the Internet, it is obviously not the case.

After a while, after a little relief, Zhu Jiang lit a cigarette, walked to the balcony, and looked at the dim lights in the quiet night, feeling a little dazed in his heart.

There are some rumors in the industry that Xu Rong's works are either going to blow through the works that were released at the same time, or they will explode on the spot.

Just like "Migrant Workers of Survival", "The Great Qing Dynasty", and "The Great Ming Dynasty 1566" he starred in, either the broadcast was suspended or there were overwhelming criticisms.

As for other dramas, they have never fallen out of the top three in the annual ratings rankings of the regions where they are played.

It's quite a strange phenomenon, and both "Migrant Workers" and "The Ming Dynasty" are high-quality dramas. In theory, they shouldn't encounter ratings that fall below the acceptable limit of local TV stations, but in fact, he did. arrive.

In the end, he could only attribute this unreasonable phenomenon to metaphysics, just like some people privately said, Xu Rong himself is a very metaphysical person.

The reason why Zhu Jiang gritted his teeth and spent a huge amount of money to win the exclusive broadcast rights of "Number" was also a gamble, because the works starring Xu Rong generally have a higher proportion of positive penetration.

At this time, he no longer expects to blow up the drama of the same period, but only hopes that "Number" will not explode in place.

Otherwise, he might become the laughing stock of the industry.

When the sky was brighter, Zhu Jiang put on his clothes and left the residence without looking back.

He was going to Taili, because when he got there, he could find something to do and get busy, which was better than enduring this unbearable suffering.

When he arrived at the door and passed the security booth at the door, he saw the weird sight of the security guard sneaking over, and he smiled, but he knew that the security guard was also watching his joke.

That's right, it cost [-] million yuan, but in the end it attracted criticism from the whole network, and I really became a joke.

But he still maintains his last dignity. In the same industry, at his age, he can be regarded as young and promising. It's okay to fail once, and he still has a chance to start all over again.

Maybe I came early today, and when I got to the stage, I was stunned to see no one.

Standing in the corridor for a while, he forcibly straightened his back and slowly bent down, then walked into the office and closed the door.

After a while, the sound of footsteps, voices, and laughter gradually resounded in the stage. Sitting in the office, Zhu Jiang suddenly felt a little regretful, because he listened to the faint laughter from outside, and every cadence and setback sounded like ridicule of oneself.

But at this moment, he could only remain silent. If he made a mistake, he would accept the punishment.


"Director, Director." A tall and thin young man broke through the door, the door collided with the wall, and wisps of golden mist floated in the morning light.

Zhu Jiang's square face immediately pulled down. Although he missed once, he would not lose his current position because of this, and the young man who rushed in was not one of his subordinates.

He was about to lose his temper when he heard the young man shout excitedly: "Director, the result is out. The ratings of the premiere broadcast are 37%, and the share accounts for 45%!"

Zhu Jiang stared blankly at the young man in front of him, he couldn't believe his eyes, because he suspected that he might have hallucinations, maybe there was no one in front of him.




Zhu Jiang suddenly came back to his senses, took the A4 paper in the young man's hand, glanced at it, and suddenly felt that the young man was so cute that he was even more affectionate than his own son.

At this time, he finally understood why there were so many criticisms on the Internet. If there were too many people watching it, how could there be more criticisms?
He quickly walked around the desk, patted the young man on the shoulder, and said, "Xiao Bao, you are very good, really good, I will report to the leader first."


The young man called Xiao Bao looked at Zhu Jiang's vigorous back, and pursed his lips in disdain. Zhu Jiang's private life was quite chaotic, and his reputation in the stage was always bad.

But at this moment, he still had to admit that this old pervert, to be able to sit in his current position, apart from being good at flirting, he did have a vision and courage that ordinary people could hardly match.

At least no one in the country is willing to spend [-] million yuan to buy a TV series.

But Zhu Jiang did it, and the effect far exceeded expectations.

And his goal is to become a person who is cast aside and helpless like Zhu Jiang!
A new day has come.

The almost carpet-like publicity bombing that "Number" has set off across the country in the past two months has already attracted a lot of attention, but the plot of "Number", which premiered yesterday, has few people discussing it. His behavior, after a night of fermentation, has already boiled over.

And critics are not only the major online platforms, but also major traditional media.

There are only a few merchants who are willing to spend a lot of money to advertise. Some people eat meat and some drink soup. Everyone can accept it, but if someone wants to take away even the pot and bowl, it will break the rules.

"Destroying the industry's ecology has affected the people's perception of the entire TV industry and the happiness index of life, which is simply a disgrace to the industry!"

"Before this, no one has ever blatantly violated the No. 61 regulation. Jingcheng TV has won Xu Rong's new work with wealth and wealth, but it can't deceive the audience's feelings with this. But the instigator has no heirs?"

When Zhu Jiang arrived outside the leader's office, he coughed twice before knocking on the door: "Duk Tuk."

"Come in."

A middle-aged man with a short stature was sitting in the office. He had just put down the phone when he saw Zhu Jiang push the door in and slapped it on the table with a "bang": "Look at the good things you did, the higher-ups have already called the phone." Come to me, criticizing us for severely damaging the ecology of the TV drama industry and setting a bad example, Zhu Jiang, you have to bear the primary responsibility for this matter."

Zhu Jiang opened his mouth: "I thought"

When the little middle-aged man heard his "I thought", and then thought about the situation where his superiors scolded him like his third grandson just now, his anger went straight up: "What do you think, Zhu Jiang, my Zhu Jiang?" Director, we are not ordinary local stations, we are a Beijing station, I have always emphasized to you that there must be rules in doing things, don't rush into it, don't rush into it, your ears are growing on your butt, right?"

"Leader, I am not."

"What isn't it?" The middle-aged man pushed the phone in front of Zhu Jiang with a "swish", "You are not convinced, come, you come, you go and explain to the superiors."

Zhu Jiang was stunned on the spot, he had made a great contribution, and he didn't say any rewards when he just entered the door, but he was greeted with a stern criticism, and he couldn't help but feel angry.

Seeing that the leader's anger subsided a little, Zhu Jiang said: "Leader, can you let me say something first?"

"If you have something to say, hurry up and let your fart go."

"The ratings of the premiere of "Number" is 37%, and the ratings share is 45%!"

Hearing this, the little middle-aged man stared blankly at Zhu Jiang for a long while, his face suddenly filled with gully-like smile lines, looked at Zhu Jiang, nodded lightly, and said earnestly: "Xiao Zhu Ah, you have been with me for several years, and you also understand that I am short-tempered. Did you say anything?"

Before Zhu Jiang could answer, he said to himself: "No, why did I criticize you? I was afraid that you would take a detour. In fact, it was all for your own good."

After a pause, he turned his attention to the A4 paper that Zhu Jiang handed over, took it, stretched out his hand and flicked it, and said, "I want to give you a big credit for the purchase of "Number" that you led. .”

"Leader, you are really flattering me when you say that. How can I have that kind of vision? It's all because of your leadership. Without you, in fact, if you give me a hundred more courage, I would not dare to take the exclusive broadcasting rights of "Designation" " Zhu Jiang saw the young middle-aged man's expression becoming softer, and glanced at the desktop that was photographed by the other party just now, "Then about the controversy about the advertisement?"

The little middle-aged man sighed and said: "Technical problems are inevitable after all, but we still have to criticize education. Are we a local station? We can't make any mistakes in our work and we must be responsible for the people of the whole country."

Zhu Jiang smiled. At this time, he thought of another thing, and took the opportunity to say: "Leader, I have something to report to you, that is, do you have time in the last two days? I want to ask Xu Rong out." Let’s talk about pre-ordering “All Quiet in Peking.”

The little middle-aged man pondered for a while, and said: "Your proposal is very constructive, but you should go and find out his tone first. I heard that the investment of this film is not comparable to "Number". It is unlikely to win the exclusive broadcasting rights."

"Then leader, how much do you think is appropriate?"

"Xiao Zhu, don't ask me everything. You have to do market research first to see the tastes of the audience. No matter how much I tell you, it's for us to pat your heads, isn't it?"

Zhu Jiang smiled on his face, and kept saying yes, but in his heart he greeted the other party's eight generations of ancestors. When he shirked responsibility, he was like a sloppy rabbit, and when it came to grabbing credit, he was more aggressive than wild dogs.

"Okay, I'll implement it now."

When Xu Rong received Zhu Jiang's call, he hesitated for a while. "Drug War" will be launched in two days, and he really doesn't want to be distracted by chores.

But in the end, he still accepted the invitation, because after sorting out the materials of seniors in human and art, he found that most of them made a similar suggestion and dealt with all kinds of people.

Although Zhu Jiang had thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a square face, he knew from his past knowledge that that guy was no fun, but he still didn't refuse.

Because there are not many people around him who are full of contradictions like Zhu Jiang, who are very capable and unique, but there are many things about him that he doesn't like.

And dealing is not observation, because people will not show their truest side until they are emotionally relaxed.


"Next, please allow me to sing "Yellow River Cantata" and dedicate it to my beloved brother Xu Rongxu."

In a clubhouse on the outskirts of the capital, Zhu Jiang blushed, holding a goblet in one hand and a microphone in the other and speaking loudly.

In the scattered positions in the room, Xu Rong, Luo Liping, Liu Jiang, Xu Jizhou, and the two middle-aged men who came with Zhu Jiang were sitting beside each other with a curvaceous female companion.

It's just that compared to the girls next to the others, Ke Lan next to Xu Rong, dressed in a long shirt and long jeans, is simply behind several generations.

A chubby middle-aged man who came with Zhu Jiang was holding the hand of the girl beside him and chatting, when he heard Zhu Jiang's words, he turned his head and said: "Old Zhu, you should sing a good day today, the Yellow River chorus should not be suitable for the occasion. "


Zhu Jiang turned his gaze to Xu Rong, and said, "Brother Xu, please answer this question for Lao Liu and explain the origin of you and this song."

Xu Rong knew that Zhu Jiang was trying to test himself, and said with a smile: "Actually, it can't be said that there is a lot of origin. On the night of the August [-]th Incident, several students of Shanghai Daxia University heard the rumble of Japanese invaders. The sound of cannons was unbearable, so a young man named Xian Xinghai dragged a young man named Tian Chong to the bank of Suzhou River. Looking at the flames on the other side, they were filled with anger and determined to devote themselves to the anti-Japanese and national salvation movement. "

"In less than two days, Tian Chong joined the third anti-enemy drama team with Guang Weiran as the captain, and accompanied the team across the enemy's blockade across the Yellow River. On the Yellow River ferry, this group of passionate young people heard the high-pitched voice for the first time. It was the first time for the vigorous boatman to see the bronze-colored, red-armed, white-haired boatman fighting against the stormy waves in a small boat, and the first time he experienced the joyous singing after fighting against difficulties and obstacles. After writing the long poem "Yellow River Song", after arriving in the base area, he invited his old friend Xian Xinghai to compose the music, and Tian Chong sang solo, so "Yellow River Cantata" came into being."

Seeing several people staring at him blankly, Xu Rong said, "Teacher Tian Chong is one of the earliest members of our Human Art Institute, and one of the most individual actors since the establishment of the Academy. Deputy Director, this is probably the source of Brother Zhu's talk."

After Luo Liping finished listening, he gave a thumbs up as if I knew it a long time ago, and said, "Director Zhu's proposal is good, this proposal is good."

Xu Jizhou sat on the side, he was a screenwriter, and he claimed to be a cultural person, but today, he realized that in terms of erudition, he seemed to be inferior to Xu Rong, an actor, and echoed with a reddish face: "It really fits the scene, it really fits the scene. "

Liu Jiang chuckled, and glanced at Luo Liping. On the one hand, he secretly despised Zhu Jiang, who had taken flattery to a new level. On the other hand, he suddenly remembered a sentence he had heard somewhere: actor At the end of the fight, the fight is actually cultural heritage and experience.

Ke Lan looked at Xu Rong, and at the same time she was surprised, two dimples appeared on her face.

"The wind is howling, the horse is howling."

"The Yellow River is roaring, the Yellow River is roaring."

"The mountains in Hexi are ten thousand feet high, and the sorghum in Hebei is ripe."

(End of this chapter)

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