I'm just an actor

Chapter 328 Copy

Chapter 328 Copy
Seeing Zhu Jiang dancing excitedly, Xu Rong was not surprised.

The moment he heard the ratings data from Zhu Jiang, his only feeling was that either Zhu Jiang was crazy or he was crazy.

Because this data, in fact, is as if it has been mixed with water.

After repeated confirmation, he accepted this miraculous fact.

In his opinion, the most important reason why the premiere of "Number Number" was able to record an astonishing 37% ratings was that Jingcheng TV bought out the exclusive broadcasting rights.

Because "Number" is his only TV series in the past ten months.

After Zhu Jiang finished singing, he walked up to Xu Rong, and said with a smile: "Brother, can you take a step to talk?"

After getting along for a long time, Xu Rong's impression of Zhu Jiang changed a lot. Among other things, this guy took pictures of flattery and other despicable behaviors in an elegant, state-of-the-art way, so that people can't see the flattering. The ability to leave traces is unique among the people he has met.

It's just that he also understands that people must be courteous and ask for something, so he was not curious about Zhu Jiang's private chat with him.

The two of them reached a remote corner, Zhu Jiang put his arms around his shoulders, and said, "Brother, let's discuss something. I heard that you are preparing for "All Quiet in Peking"?"

Xu Rong understood his plan, nodded, and said: "That's the case, Brother Zhu, you must have heard of it. This play has gathered the most appealing cast at the moment. Among the scripts I have read, The script of "Peking" is like this."

He said, giving a thumbs up.

"And I've already got through with the director Kong Sheng. The quality is comparable to that of a movie. I'm not afraid to scare you, brother. I invested a full [-] million in this movie."

Zhu Jiang laughed, he already knew Xu Rong's habits, because when he asked whether "Number" could surpass "Bright Sword" a while ago, Xu Rong also gave a similar answer.

As for Xu Rong's [-] million yuan, he doesn't believe a word of it. Such a high production cost is not uncommon in foreign countries, but it is simply a joke in China. The major domestic film and television companies have long understood the routine plot. + The fixed routine led by big names is the magic weapon for winning. As for the sophistication of the production, it is second.

Zhu Jiang laughed and asked, "Brother, tell me the truth. If I pre-order this show, I should buy it as an exclusive broadcast. What's the approximate price?"

Xu Rong thought about it for a while, and said: "Brother Zhu, I actually don't recommend you to buy an exclusive broadcast, but if you insist, I won't take money from you, Brother Zhu, and I will offer you a friendly price, five A hundred million."

Zhu Jiang stared blankly at Xu Rong, he felt that Xu Rong was joking with him, but seeing his serious expression, he gradually realized that maybe Xu Rong was serious.

He laughed dryly twice, and said, "Well, this old brother can't decide."

Of course Xu Rong knew that Zhu Jiang could not be the master. In fact, he knew better that even if "Peking" was sold exclusively, it would not be possible to sell [-] million yuan. It is to sell at the cost price. When it comes to the end, it is certain to lose money.

While the whole network is ridiculing and ridiculing Beijing TV's explanation of "due to a technical problem leading to an error in the length of the advertisement", because of the nature of the gift film and the presence of ancient people in the past, "Number" is likely to have no comers in the future. It is extremely rare for the ratings to take up 12 seconds of the news broadcast.

At this point, the general public realized that, compared to Beijing TV's anti-human commercials, "Number" itself was the biggest concern.

And in the industry, the ratings of 37% are like a comet hitting the earth, making the entire film and television industry start to re-examine the TV drama industry.

With the increasing number of TV channels in recent years and the wider choice of viewers, in the past few years, it is already a miracle that the ratings of a drama can reach the top ten.

Moreover, as the phenomenon of TV drama publicity higher than quality has become more and more prominent, today's domestic film and television industry seems to be standing at a fork in the road.

In the past few years, the film market has always been tepid, and the box office of over [-] million is hard to beat.

On the contrary, with the improvement of people's living standards, TV sets have entered thousands of households, and the audience, product types and production output of TV series are showing explosive growth year by year.

It has also led to a voice on the Internet that "movies will eventually be replaced by television" in recent years, and the appearance of "Number" seems to confirm this bold conjecture!
While the market was confused by the broadcast of "Number", an article published on the official Weibo account of "China Film News" was quickly reprinted by major film companies and media in a short period of time:
On the reproducibility of the 37% ratings of the first broadcast of "The Number That Will Never Be Destroyed".

What does it mean for a TV series to have a ratings rate of 37%?
It means that during yesterday's prime time, for every 37 TVs in the country, [-] TVs were watching "Number".

"Number" has just aired two episodes, and the plot has not yet unfolded. Regardless of the quality of the story, it is undeniable that 37% of the audience rating is in today's TV drama industry. It is not an exaggeration to use the word "miracle" to evaluate it.

Aiming at the current controversies and confusion in the entire film and television industry, as well as whether "Number" can be copied, this newspaper interviewed a number of veterans in the film and television industry and relevant supervisors by phone, and came up with several reasons why "Number" achieved incredible ratings for its premiere. :

[-]. Xu Rong's strong appeal in the TV drama market.

Looking at Xu Rong's growth process, it is not difficult to find that in the early days, Xu Rong was the same as most of today's actors, just like what he said at the beginning: Of course, the purpose of taking plays is to make money.

For example, the production and cast are extremely luxurious, but the word-of-mouth is quite mediocre.

Xu Rong's career has a fairly significant watershed, the spy war drama "Yangcheng Dark Whistle" produced by Hairun.

At that time, spy war dramas were in the ascendant, and Xu Rong was highly praised by Hairun for her excellent moral character and outstanding professional ability. After "Yangcheng Dark Whistle" was broadcast, Xu Rong became a household name in the southern region overnight and became a spy. One of the leading actors in the war genre.

Since then, he has started to specialize in spy warfare, and starred in "Harbin Under the Night" directed by Zhao Baogang, who has always had a close relationship with Hairun. The drama has exquisite picture quality, handsome men and beautiful women. It has entered the northern market and won the favor of the younger generation.

Afterwards, when the wave of spy wars was about to recede, "Latent", written by his teacher Huang Sanshi and directed by his neighbor Jiang Wei, a line teacher, turned out, setting off a frenzy of ratings all over the country, and also made Xu Rong appear in spy war dramas in one fell swoop. The pinnacle of the genre.

When "Latent" was on the air, the famous director Gao Xixi who had worked with Xu Rong once asserted that the appearance of "Latent" made the trend of spy war dramas last for at least three years.

But at that time, Xu Rong chose to retreat bravely.

According to a producer in the industry who did not want to be named, after "Latent", Xu Rong's agent turned down all invitations to spy war dramas.

It can be seen from this action that in Xu Rong's heart at the time, "Latent" should be the highest peak he could achieve in spy war dramas, and he also began to actively seek transformation.

Not long after, "A Beautiful Era of Daughter-in-law" became popular at home and abroad. For Xu Rong, this was an extremely successful transformation. With this drama, he became the most popular actor among female audiences in one fell swoop. one.

At that time, everyone thought that the trend of spy movies and war movies had completely passed, and that the next three to five years would be the era of court dramas, mother-in-law dramas, and heroine dramas. At the end of last year, Xu Rong successively launched " "Before Dawn" and "Snow Leopard" have pushed the declining spy war and war films to a new level.

Through "Snow Leopard", Mango Satellite TV has established its second position in the domestic TV drama market.

In the past few years, Xu Rong has also starred in "New Shanghai Beach", which is mainly aimed at young people, "The North Wind Blows", which is aimed at the middle-aged and elderly groups, and "Paper Drunken Gold", which is aimed at audiences in the southeast region.

If you analyze it carefully, it is not difficult to see that Xu Rong's development path has always been very clear, based on spy wars, and gradually broaden the way of acting. It can also be said that he will keep the basic market of the majority of male audiences in China, and gradually develop the young, middle-aged, and female audience markets.

But is that all?

According to the analysis of Zhang Jizhong, a famous producer who has dealt with Xu Rong many times, Xu Rong's "Number" can create a miracle of 37% of the ratings of the first broadcast. Thunderstorm and Home.

The dismal ratings of "Da Ming Dynasty 1566" a few years ago when it was premiered and rebroadcasted, and the comparison with the good results achieved by Beijing TV Station last year undoubtedly prove that its audience group and the audience of Mango TV do not overlap at all.

"Da Ming" is mainly aimed at the highly educated 60s, 70s, and 80s who have relatively rich social experience and relatively abundant material life, and these people are also the mainstay of today's society.

This historical drama known for its seriousness, profound connotations, and intricate relationships between characters has helped Xu Rong win over many social elites who were reluctant to sit in front of the TV and waste time in the past.

Zhang Jizhong believes that, to a certain extent, the audiences of "Da Ming Dynasty 1566" and Xu Rong's dramas almost completely overlap. This can be seen from the fact that Xu Rong entered Renyi for two years and helped Renyi generate 5000 million box office revenue.

5000 million is only one-tenth of the box office of "The Founding of the Party", which he starred in this year, but in 08, Renyi's annual box office just passed the 2000 million mark.

Zhang Jizhong believes that Xu Rong can achieve great results in the drama industry, first of all due to his own superb business level, long-term self-discipline and good reputation in the industry and abroad, and secondly, his own star halo blessing, which made him In just two years, he has become the actor with the most box office appeal in today's drama industry.

Just like Zhang Jizhong himself said frankly, even he, who had an unpleasant relationship with Xu Rong, felt sincere admiration after hearing about Xu Rong's deeds.

The only audience that Xu Rong's works have not covered is probably children under the age of 12, but the release time of "Number" is not during the winter and summer vacation after all, and the children in most families do not have the right to touch the remote control at all.

It is not difficult to conclude that, in a sense, male and female audiences of any age and education level may not be the audience of "Number", but they are Xu Rong's audience.

[-]. Adhere to the high-quality line for a long time.

There are very few bad plays in Xu Rong's works. If you have to evaluate them, "The Wind and Cloud of the Qing Dynasty" may be considered one, but he only played a dispensable role in it. After several years of word-of-mouth accumulation, so that When "Beautiful Times of Daughter-in-law" was on the air, there was a weird phenomenon on the Internet that asked him not to act in this kind of mother-in-law drama, and this vote received more than 300 million votes. In the minds of the audience, Rong has unconsciously become the spokesperson of high-quality dramas.

Three, successful publicity.

The success of the first broadcast of "Number" is inseparable from the huge publicity resources invested by Beijing TV Station in the early stage. On major online platforms and traditional media, "Number" has almost started the bombing mode. Before the official broadcast of many popular movies, you will also see the trailer and broadcast date of "Number".

Secondly, it is Xu Rong's uncharacteristically and endlessly surprising remarks in the past two months. While gathering the attention of the national media and audiences, "Number" is almost accompanied by controversies about his remarks, and is constantly in the ears of his huge audience. side echo.

[-]. Xu Rong's final work in the field of TV dramas.

In essence, Xu Rong is in an extremely embarrassing situation in today's TV drama industry. Through many popular TV drama works, he has won the Feitian Award, Golden Eagle Award, and Magnolia Award Grand Slam in one fell swoop, ranking among the top of the domestic TV drama actor pyramid one of several people.

However, he is only 25 years old this year. This age means that the difficulty of the second round of Grand Slam is several times more difficult than the first round. What he can do in the field of TV dramas may be to refresh the records he created in the past, but people Often lacks the motivation to beat oneself.

In the middle of this year, by starring in "The Founding of the Party", Xu Rong successfully landed on the big screen and completed the gorgeous transformation from a TV actor to a movie actor. Now he is also preparing for "Drug War" directed by the famous director Du Qifeng.

He himself has disclosed in public many times that he will focus on dramas and movies in recent years.

Many people have heard of "All Quiet in Peking", but according to practitioners of many film and television companies, "Peking" not only has a huge investment, but also has a considerable existence because of the era, characters are too sensitive, and policies have been tightened repeatedly. Once "Beijing" cannot be broadcast smoothly, then "Number" will most likely be Xu Rong's final work in the field of TV dramas.

While regretting, the vast majority of viewers will turn on the TV to watch "Number" even out of feelings.

From this, it can be concluded that an actor who is considered by the audience to be the spokesperson of a high-quality drama and whose audience covers all ages, a top domestic actor who has been away from the screen for nearly a year, and an actor who is about to bid farewell to the small screen , the "Number" starring in it achieved a miracle of 37% of the first broadcast ratings.

If you have to ask whether the miracle of "Number" can be replicated, I would like to borrow the opinions of many veterans in the film and television industry: Xu Rong itself cannot be replicated.

(End of this chapter)

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