I'm just an actor

Chapter 329 Name

Chapter 329 Name
Xu Rong waved at his grandfather, classmate Xiao Zhang, and Xu Xing who were standing at the door of the house, got in the car, and went to the crew of "Drug Wars".

Just like the conclusion drawn by "Movie News", the miracle of the premiere of "Number Number" is not replicable, and this unrepeatable also refers to "Number Number" itself.

On the day it appeared on "News Network", the ratings of "Number" increased slightly, but fell rapidly from the fourth episode, and finally stopped at 18%.

Although as long as this data can be maintained, "Number" will undoubtedly surpass "Snow Leopard" and aspire to the throne of the annual ratings champion, but Xu Rong knows in his heart that "Number", like his other works, also has a fixed audience. The expansion, and finally being able to stabilize at 10% is probably the limit.

Seeing Xu Rong sip, Wang Yaqin pointed to the phone and asked, "Mr. Xu, can we start?"


Seeing Xu Rong nod his head, Wang Yaqin dialed the number he had already prepared.


The studio has a lot of things backlogged recently, such as next year's endorsement, Xu Xing's development plan, the studio's director plan on the agenda, the progress of the biography, the preparation of "Peking", pre-orders, etc. Jin Fangfang has already urged I hit him several times.

However, Xu Rong has been so busy recently that he has no time to settle these matters with Jin Fangfang. Considering that he will be busy for several months after he leaves, he can only make a conference call. Things are dealt with first.

"Hello, boss, busy man."

Listening to Jin Fangfang's exhausted voice, Xu Rong leaned on the back of the chair with her eyes closed, and said, "Listening to your voice is very tiring. Don't always be busy with work. Take time to go out and relax."

"People walk slowly without taking a break, so what right do I have to rest?"

Xu Rong used to hear Liu Yanming saying that he was busy, but he didn't feel it in the past, but now he gradually feels that he is incapable of doing so.

But in essence, his studio only has four artists including himself, and he doesn't need to worry too much about the things in the courtyard, but he always feels that there is not enough time, and when he opens his eyes every day, there are endless things to do .

After chatting for nearly an hour, after hanging up the phone, Xu Rong let out a sigh of relief. He heard Chen Runsheng talk about the work status of a rich second generation worth hundreds of billions, who managed four listed companies and spanned the fields of finance, automobiles, and agriculture. Dozens of subsidiaries wake up at ten o'clock every morning, listen to the work briefings compiled by two secretaries, and in the afternoon it is time for meetings. While the meetings are in progress, they review documents and reports up to [-] centimeters thick from each company under the group. After dinner, I will take part in teleconferences of several foreign companies one by one, until I rest at two to three in the morning. If there are guests or leaders inspecting, I have to spare time to accompany them.

At a young age, white hair can be seen on the head.

Xu Rong felt that he was not as good as those people, but he always felt that he was on par in terms of how busy he was. The only difference was that he didn't have foreign business, so he didn't have to stay up late for meetings.

But for the sake of his own health, he still decided to let Jin Fangfang make up his mind on things like Xu Xing's development plan.

Seeing Xu Rong hang up the phone, Wang Yaqin, who was driving the car, picked up his notebook and asked, "Mr. Xu, did you read the article in China Film News the day before yesterday?"

Xu Rongzheng looked at the biography in his hand, and said, "Well, I heard what Xiao Zhang said."

"Teacher Xu is really amazing."

Xu Rong raised his head, looked at Wang Yaqin in front, and said: "Yaqin, you have been with me for several years, besides my family, in fact, I trust you the most, don't imitate the bad habit of talking around like others .”

The two have been together for a few years, and he knows Wang Yaqin quite well. She is a very honest girl, and she rarely talks about compliments, even if she thinks that one is excellent.

Hearing what he said, Wang Yaqin glanced at him in the rearview mirror and said with a smile, "What about Sister Fangfang?"

"You can just let me weigh you two with a pole scale. Although the nature of the work you two do is different, they are both equally important to me." Xu Rongyu said earnestly.

These are probably the aspects that he has grown the fastest since he entered Human Art.

Although Wang Yaqin works with money, and he will make her earn at least three to five times more than her peers every year, but if you don't want money, why not do it.

"Mr. Xu, you can deceive people."

Wang Yaqin laughed and turned around and gave him a blank look: "Then have you noticed Zhang Jizhong's evaluation of you in that article?"


"I feel that his attitude is very strange. It's almost a different person from before."

Xu Rong laughed silently, and said: "I don't think it's surprising, the pressure is too great, now he doesn't have the support of Huayi and CCTV, and the resources he can get are much less than before, but don't listen People are talking nonsense, I never targeted him."

"I understand, I understand." Wang Yaqin followed Jin Fangfang all day for the past six months, and naturally knew that Zhang Jizhong's current situation was largely due to Jin Fangfang.

At an intersection, Wang Yaqin waited for the traffic lights, and said, "Mr. Xu, I heard that most of the crew members of this filming crew are from Hong Kong. Is our attitude correct?"

Xu Rong listened to her talking and stopped talking, vaguely guessed what she meant, and said: "It's not necessary, what it was like before, what it will be like in the future, don't think that people from Hong Kong have grown a head."

Wang Yaqin saw that Xu Rong was buried in the biography, and said, "Okay, then I understand." Then he stopped talking.

In fact, she still has something to say. Jin Fangfang talked to her a few days ago, and wanted her to go to college by herself, and then act as Xu Xing and Yuan Yu's agent.

She doesn't resist going to college, but she doesn't want to be an agent. Although she also understands that Jin Fangfang is doing it for her own future, she instinctively feels that being Xu Rong's assistant is far easier than Xu Xing and Yuan Yu's agent.

The most important thing is, as Xu Rong himself said, she is one of the people he trusts the most. Once he does other things, I'm afraid it won't be long before this hard-won trust will wear off.

The reason why she hesitated was because of her understanding of Xu Rong. In the past, Jin Fangfang would not refuse Jin Fangfang's suggestions except for his profession.

Xu Rong didn't notice Wang Yaqin's little thoughts, but lived Cai Tianming's life over and over again in his heart.

In a few hours, the opening ceremony of "Drug Wars" will be held in Tianjin.

After the two checked in at the hotel where the crew was located, Xu Rong rushed to the set without stopping.

Arriving at the start-up location and getting out of the car, Xu Rong looked at the set, always feeling something was wrong.

In the film and television industry, he is considered half an old man, and he has worked in more than a dozen production crews, but the scene in front of him surprised him quite a bit.

Almost no one in the entire film crew walked slowly. No matter what they did, they all trotted all the way. It was a cold day, and he was wearing a woolen coat, but most of the people in front of him were wearing short-sleeved sweaters.

After observing for a while, he walked towards Du Qifeng who was dispatching in the middle. On the way, Du Qifeng caught a glimpse of him, and greeted him as well, and said with a smile, "Teacher Xu is here."


Xu Rong watched a staff member run up to Du Qifeng, hesitated to speak, and said with a smile: "Director Du is busy first, I'll wait over there, just call me if you need anything."

"it is good."

Walking to the side of the set, Xu Rong put his hands in his pockets, looked at the busy figures on the set, and gradually understood why film and television workers from Hong Kong always look down on mainland crews.

Regardless of other things, the efficiency alone is difficult for most mainland crews to compare.

At least based on the current working conditions, the efficiency of the crew of "Drug Wars" can be twice as high as that of the mainland crews.

Although he doesn't like the inexplicable pride of many Hong Kong film and television professionals, he has to admit that this is something that mainland film and television colleagues should learn from.

At this moment, a young man in short sleeves ran to Wang Yaqin, handed her the notice, and said in Cantonese, "Hello, Mr. Xu's notice."

Wang Yaqin took it subconsciously, and when the young man turned to leave, she realized what the young man meant.

"Ah, Teacher Xu, take a look."

Seeing Wang Yaqin's surprised expression, Xu Rong took a glance at it, pondered for a while, then handed it to Wang Yaqin, saying: "No problem."

Today's opening ceremony only took a scene and went back to the hotel to rest. The filming officially started at [-] o'clock in the evening, and it was planned to end work at [-] o'clock in the morning.

Mainly the escape scene in the hospital.

He didn't doubt that Du Qifeng deliberately manipulated himself. There are a lot of outdoor scenes in "Drug War", and the scenes in the hospital are one of the few indoor scenes.

Moreover, Du Qifeng, as the helm of Galaxy, is different from many directors with a more artistic atmosphere in that he knows how to compromise. Even if he has prejudice against him in his heart, he can only pinch his nose and hold back.

"Teacher Xu came so early."

Hearing this, Xu Rong turned his head and looked at a middle-aged man with short hair, a long thin face and a mustache under his chin, hesitating for a moment, then suddenly walked over and stretched out his hand: "Teacher Yin, it's been a long time not see."

Yin Zhusheng, an actor at the Shanghai Drama Art Center, has won almost all domestic drama awards, large and small, and is called the "Godfather of Drama" by the media.

Yin Zhusheng smiled wryly, and said, "Mr. Xu, you have deceived me so badly."

Xu Rong said: "Mr. Yin, what did you say? Actually, I really thought about it seriously at the time, but in the end I still felt that you and our human art style did not match, so I had to give up."

Last year, Yin Zhusheng also participated in the art test of Renyi, but he was rejected by him in the retest.

The titles in the domestic drama industry are very chaotic, such as "Prince of Drama", "Queen of Drama", "Godfather of Drama" and so on, just like various large and small drama awards.

But in essence, the domestic drama industry does not have special awards, and those so-called awards are just for self-entertainment behind closed doors.

For colleagues at the Shanghai Dramatic Art Center, Xu Rong only has one big cow, Jiao Min.

The two chatted about some new things in the drama industry recently, and Sun Honglei, who had met once through the glass, also rushed to the set.

"I thought I'd be the first to arrive."

"Come on."

Xu Rong looked at Sun Honglei in casual sportswear and carefully observed his demeanor. Regarding Sun Honglei, he and Du Qifeng had completely opposite views. He always thought that Sun Honglei was actually more like a "boss", but Du Qifeng said that Sun Honglei had "a righteous look on his face." , It's just crazy.

"Xu Rong."

Xu Rong looked at Li Huangjie who came later, and greeted with a smile: "Brother Li is here."

Li Hejie looked at Sun Honglei and Yin Zhusheng standing next to Xu Rong, one on the left and one on the right, and pointed to Du Qifeng: "I'll go say hello to the director."

"it is good."

In the distance, Du Qifeng was not surprised when he saw that Xu Rong was like a magnet, and the actors from the mainland all moved closer to him.

After having dinner with Xu Rong last time, he specifically inquired about Xu Rong's current situation with his friends, and he also understood the root of Xu Rong's "energy". But in the Mainland, that doesn't work.

Moreover, Xu Rong's identity as an actor makes him a peculiar existence in the mainland film and television industry.

Perhaps from the very first day this group was formed, two hilltops have naturally existed, one is the filming team with him as the core, and the other is the mainland actor team with Xu Rong as the core.

Especially when he saw the scene where Liu Yanming, who had just arrived, whispered to him, he sighed silently.

The degree of Xu Rong's cooperation determines whether the film can be filmed smoothly, although at present, Xu Rong has no hostility towards him.

At this moment, Liu Yanming smiled and muttered to Xu Rong: "Have you heard that? We need a new regulation to strengthen TV advertisements."

Xu Rong shook his head and said, "I really haven't heard of this."

"It's not because of the broadcast of "Number" on Beijing TV a few days ago."

"Teacher Xu."

Just as Xu Rong wanted to ask Liu Yanming what was going on, a pretty girl ran towards him at a trot. Hearing the shout, Xu Rong turned his head to see the girl's enthusiastic posture, and subconsciously took a small step back.

At the same time, a sense of curiosity arose in my heart. The crew's confidentiality work was quite good. Prior to this, Du Qifeng had asked all the crew members not to disclose any information about "Drug War" to the outside world.

Even today's opening ceremony only invited a media outlet from Sina under Liu Yanming's insistence.

He was a little curious as to where this fan got the news from.

As soon as the girl ran halfway, Wang Yaqin, who was carrying a backpack, rushed out, stopped in front of the girl, and said in a blunt tone: "Ms. Xu will be working soon. If you have nothing to do, please don't bother me."

The girl looked at Wang Yaqin who was standing in front of her, and the smile on her face froze for a moment. She looked at Xu Rong, and pointed at herself: "Mr. Xu, I'm Wang Zixuan. I met you at Xiaofei's house before."

Xu Rong heard her accent that was exactly the same as that of classmate Xiao Zhang when she was anxious, so she hurried over and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

She really doesn't have the slightest impression of this girl, but if she recognizes her, she will find out by asking classmate Xiao Zhang later.

But on the lips, he still smiled and said: "Ah, it's you Zixuan, it's really getting more and more beautiful."

The girl looked around and asked, "Is Xiaofei not here?"

"No, she has a show recently."

Xu Rong looked at her and asked, "Which role are you playing?"

The girl was looked at by a group of men, she was a little embarrassed, her face was reddish and said: "Play your wife, but there is no name."

Xu Rong raised his chin at Du Qifeng at her, and said, "You should report to the director first."

"Ah, sorry, I forgot."

Liu Yanming listened to the relationship between the two, and joked: "Well, there is still this problem. I didn't expect to find someone from your natal family without knowing it."


While everyone was laughing, the thin-faced Gao Yunxiang looked at a mainland female artist who had been surrounding Du Qifeng since he arrived at the scene, and said in a low voice: "Hey, that teacher used to talk to Director Du Have you worked together?"

(End of this chapter)

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