I'm just an actor

Chapter 331 Recommendations

Chapter 331 Recommendations
The first scene to be filmed is the scene in which Cai Tianming was sent to the hospital after a car accident. In this scene, he only needs to lie obediently on a stretcher and "coma".


Xu Rong was lying on a stretcher cart covered in bruises, surrounded by four extra performers in white coats, some were pushing the cart, some were holding a bottle, and some were holding an oxygen mask.

"Please let it go."

"Let me go, thank you."



Du Qifeng's voice came quickly, followed by him holding a rolled-up page of the script and walked up to the stretcher, pointing to the female group on the left side of the stretcher who was in charge of supporting the oxygen mask and said, "You have to put the mask on." Press it on his face, just put it on lightly, if he really needs oxygen, he will be cold before the treatment."

It was probably the first scene, although Du Qifeng's voice was not too angry, even though the mistakes made by the female cast were a bit low-level.

The actress shrank her neck, Du Qifeng spoke very fast, she encountered the same predicament as Xu Rong, and couldn't fully understand.

It's just because Du Qifeng pointed the oxygen mask with a paper tube, and she vaguely guessed what Du Qifeng wanted to express from some of his words, but because she knew that the other party was a great Hong Kong director, she didn't say anything, just nodded gently. nod.

After finishing talking about the female extras, Du Qifeng looked at the other three people and said, "When letting others make way, the voice must be loud enough. You must know that what you are pushing is a car accident patient. If you delay for a minute, he may die. , so your voice must reflect the urgency of the situation."

After talking about the four extra performers, Du Qifeng turned around again, pointed at the extra performers crowded in the corridor, and said, "Have you ever been to the hospital? You saw the stretcher truck coming from the hospital, and the medical staff kept calling for you to let us go." Rang, are you foolishly waiting for them to come before you let go?"

Xu Rong closed his eyes just now, and didn't know what happened at all, but he heard Du Qifeng next to him like a machine gun, shooting at all the people around him. Great remarks, no more doubts.

It was in this state when I started the machine. As the filming continued, I encountered more and more troubles. I am afraid that the anger will only increase.

"Come again."


"Please let it go."

"Let me go, thank you."



"It's too fast, it's all running out of the camera, I'm so anxious to make you run, you push so fast, if you really want to bump into the patients in the corridor, they don't have time to let you go."



"Please let it go."

"Let me go, thank you."



After NG three times in a row, Du Qifeng didn't want to waste his words anymore. He turned his head and waved to the deputy director Luo Jinfu who was far away. When the other party came to him, he whispered something in Luo Jinfu's ear.

And Xu Rong, who was lying on the stretcher, was pushed back and forth, and every time Du Qifeng yelled "stop", the four extra performers would press the stretcher to death. Seriously injured and critically ill patients, even if they were still alive, their chances of surviving would be reduced by at least [-]% after such a toss.

The stretcher was reset again, and the set fell into silence for a while, Xu Rong didn't get up, just lay on the stretcher, closed his eyes and waited for it to start again.

However, he is still brewing emotions at this time, brewing the best state needed for the next three months.

After about 10 minutes, several men and women in white coats came from the elevator. Seeing someone coming, Du Qifeng got up and greeted them. After a difficult communication, several professionals finally understood what they were doing. what to do.

Sensing several people coming to him, Xu Rong opened his eyes without saying a word, only to find that four pairs of young faces were staring at him, and the difference was that the four were no longer the previous four extras. .

Xu Rong smiled at the four of them and closed his eyes again.

"Go and see."


"Please let it go."

"Let me go, thank you."



After walking all the way, several medical staff looked at me and I looked at you, and finally all turned their eyes to Du Qifeng.

Du Qifeng forced a smile on his face, and said: "It's alright, it's alright, thank you doctors."

After the medical staff left, Du Qifeng pointed to the four group performers in white coats, and said, "Go ahead and perform as I told you before."

The four extras couldn't give him what he wanted. The most important thing was that "Drug Wars" was a realistic movie, and the few extras weren't realistic enough, so just now he had a whim and asked Luo Jinfu to communicate with the hospital. Borrow a few professionals over here.

I probably learned that Xu Rong and Sun Honglei would come to the hospital to film today, and many doctors and nurses who were not on duty came to the hospital.

It's just that in the process of queuing just now, Du Qifeng suddenly realized that even though several medical staff were doing their usual work, once they stood under the camera and were watched by everyone, they seemed unable to speak or walk.

Xu Rong saw that the people pushing the stretcher had changed back to the previous ones, and was not surprised. The group performers are also actors. Although most of them have not received professional training, after all, they have been engaged in this profession for a long time, which is far from other industries. Practitioners can compare.

Just like many people always like to record short films, but normal people can tell at a glance that they are acting.

"Go again."

Xu Rong closed his eyes, only to feel that the sound around him seemed to be getting weaker and weaker. Du Qifeng's voice was very loud at first, but after listening to it more times, he gradually got used to it.

Then he fell asleep.

"Teacher Xu, wake up."

"Teacher Xu, wake up."

Xu Rongyouyou opened his eyes, looking at the people with different attitudes surrounding him, he was about to rub his eyes instinctively, at this moment, a hand quickly stretched out, holding his arm : "Mr. Xu, the makeup will be spent."

"Oh, sorry, forgot."

Xu Rong sat up, looked at the crowd around him, and asked, "Finished?"

Zheng Zhaoqiang, the director of photography with a crew cut, square face, and short stature, looked at Xu Rong's appearance, and said with a smile, "Mr. Xu, it's really easy for you to earn money. Once you sleep, you can earn money."


Xu Rong got off the stretcher, took the phone and glanced at the time, and couldn't help being stunned. Before he knew it, he had slept for three and a half hours? !

In other words, it took three and a half hours to shoot the scene just now.

Looking at the dark night outside the window, he felt a bad premonition. He wondered if he could finish filming the three-line script on this big night?
Without Du Qifeng's arrangement, after shooting a scene, the entire production crew started running quickly like boiling water, and each production crew returned to their busy schedule.

"How long was the last shot?"

"Nine seconds."

"How many buttons are there?"

"Untie the top two."

Standing on the side of the corridor, Xu Rong heard the questions and answers from the deputy director Zheng Baorui and the scene director who were passing by quickly, and suddenly had an idea in his heart to let Li Gen come and study. A play can save at least a quarter of the cost.

According to his experience, it is not unprofessional to say that field notes in the Mainland are unprofessional, but it is rare for him to record every detail so clearly, and he answers every question without the slightest hesitation.

The ultra-high efficiency means that the crew does not need so many people, and the construction period will be greatly shortened, and the shortened construction period will bring about a comprehensive reduction in actors' remuneration, venue costs, and equipment costs.

Walking to the side of Sun Honglei who was smoking, Xu Rong raised his chin towards the set and said, "Not to mention anything else, just work efficiency is enough for us to learn."

Sun Honglei, who was standing next to him, smiled and said, "Do you know why their efficiency is so high?"


Sun Honglei explained in a low voice: "The film crew in Hong Kong is different from ours. Generally, the production crew follows the crew throughout the whole process, working overtime every day like a grandson. The staff of photography, lighting, and field affairs are paid by the hour, which is inefficient. I don’t need you immediately, the labor cost is much more expensive than our mainland.”

"Also, it is said that the staff of the Hong Kong film crew is the most efficient in the world. Compared with our mainland, one person can basically support three people."

Xu Rong shook his head and said, "Even if the labor cost is doubled, I'm willing to use it. The overall efficiency is higher, and many invisible costs will be reduced."

"You seem very tired?" Sun Honglei pointed to the field, "Actually, it was quite noisy just now, but you can still sleep so soundly?"

Xu Rong smiled, neither admitting nor denying, how many popular artists are not tired?
And in comparison, he only does work related to actors, and he is usually quite leisurely.

Seeing Du Qifeng waving towards him, he said, "I'll go there."

When he came to the front, Du Qifeng held a page of the script, and said to Xu Rong and Gao Yunxiang who came to the front: "Let me tell you about the next scene. After treatment, Cai Tianming was awakened by the noise of the special personnel outside the ward, and he He could tell from the voice that there were policemen outside, and when he opened his eyes and found Xiaoxiang sitting in the ward, he immediately realized that he was being targeted."

As Du Qifeng said, he walked to the side and pointed to a chair, and said, "Gao Yunxiang, you sit here. You have received the task of staring at Cai Tianming. Although there is no evidence to prove that he is a criminal, your captain Zhang Lei has already retired from his career. Judging from experience that he is a black industry practitioner, after hearing the noise, you get up, walk to the door, and observe the situation outside."

Gao Yunxiang nodded.

Xu Rong looked at Du Qifeng who turned around, and asked, "Director, I slowly opened my eyes while reading the script. Can I use another way of presentation?"

After all, he was working with Du Qifeng for the first time, and he didn't know much about the other party's directing style. If it was Liu Jiang, he would only say "I will make some changes." He would not say anything else.

Because Liu Jiang's style is like this, he himself doesn't like actors to "act" one by one, but hopes that actors can show unexpected and contextual interpretations in a flash of inspiration during the actual shooting process.

Du Qifeng frowned subconsciously: "Another?"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and looked around: "Where is Naihai?"

The assistant director and Luo Jinfu with a tall hairline laughed dryly, and said, "Old lobbyist, he wants to write a script, so he stayed in the hotel."

As soon as Du Qifeng listened to the voice, he understood what was going on. He just didn't want to stay up all night writing the script.

He paused, then turned his head and said: "Try it first, the point is to wake up, don't make too many unnecessary movements."

Xu Rong nodded and said, "I understand."

In film and television works, the omen of waking up from a coma is often the first movement of the fingers, but he found out from the video Wang Yaqin recorded for himself that the real process was not like this.

The reason why most actors present this way is because they don't know anything else.

Xu Rong was lying on the bed, asking the makeup artist to apply makeup for herself, and at the same time communicating with the director of photography Zheng Zhaoqiang about the use of the lens in the actual shooting later.

He has never acted in a small theater, but he clearly knows how to act in a small theater. The difference between a small theater and a large theater is the difference between the audience in the front row and the audience in the back row in the theater, and the difference between near, medium and long-range shots in film and television works. , are essentially similar.

And this is precisely his field of expertise.

With everything ready, Du Qifeng's voice resounded loudly in the studio: "action."

Du Qifeng sat behind the monitor, staring carefully at the pictures from different angles presented by several different camera positions.

It's just that when his eyes focused on the screen transmitted from the host computer, he couldn't help being stunned.

Xu Rong's eyes opened slowly as written in the script, his eyes were not opened, they were still closed easily, but his eyeballs turned slightly left and right, a slight, but under close-up, but Pretty obvious traces.

After waiting for about three seconds, Xu Rong slowly opened his eyes, and even if he opened them, he only opened a gap.


After shooting a scene, Du Qifeng started to watch the replay carefully because he just stared at one interface and didn't pay attention to other camera positions.

The task he gave Xu Rong was to "wake up", but he never expected that Xu Rong would wake up in such a bizarre and reasonable way.

Until now, he had a little understanding of why Xu Rong was able to achieve today's achievements at such a young age.

Although he is a director and screenwriter in most of the crew, he can also act. During the filming process, if some actors can't show the effect he wants, he will often demonstrate it himself.

In the cognition of the past, the most typical performance of "waking up" is to shake the eyelids or move the fingers twice, but Xu Rong's presentation method is completely beyond his imagination, and it is beyond his ability to demonstrate. He never thought that the behavior of "waking up", which must be given a strong hint, can be presented with micro-expressions of closing eyes and rolling eyes.

This is a huge surprise.

After seeing this, Du Qifeng turned his head, looked curiously at Xu Rong who had come behind him, and asked, "How did you come up with such a design?"

Xu Rong smiled and said: "People are in this state at the moment before they wake up from outside interference. The reason why I didn't fully open it is because of my instinctive caution, because of the noise outside the ward and some people yelling. The sensitive vocabulary has made me realize that I am in a dangerous situation at this time."

After Du Qifeng thought about it, he nodded lightly. This way of "waking up" was designed by Xu Rong for himself. If other characters copy it, the effect may not be so good, because Cai Tianming's positioning and the vast majority of screens. The screen image is different.

He turned around a little bit, raised his head, and said with a slightly serious expression, "I have a suggestion, I wonder if you want to hear it?"

"Guide Du, tell me."

"I hope you can learn Cantonese when you have time."

Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Thank you Director Du for your suggestion, I will take the time to learn."

He understood Du Qifeng's idea and opened up the Hong Kong market!
But Du Qifeng forgot one thing, 700 million and 14 billion are not in the same order of magnitude. Instead of spending time learning Cantonese, he might as well learn English.

(End of this chapter)

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