I'm just an actor

Chapter 332 Methods

Chapter 332 Methods
Sun Honglei stood in the corridor of the hospital, with his back leaning against the wall, his head lowered, and his eyes fell on the one-page script for actual shooting that he just got today. He took out a cigarette from his pocket, didn't light it immediately, but just put it in his mouth and dangled it. After a while, he took the cigarette out with his index finger and middle finger, and scratched his forehead twice.

The outline of the script of "Drug Wars" has basically not changed much, but the details have been filled in and revised. According to the previous script, there should have been a scene where he confronted Xu Rong today, and Xu Rong jumped off a building when he had nowhere to go, but from now Judging from the script I got, the plot was temporarily put on hold.

Sun Honglei was thinking carefully about how to act in order to be more realistic in his role, and at the same time slowly put the cigarette back into his mouth, along the midline of his trousers, and poked his fingers down a few times, but today's clothes are not what he usually wears After trying a few times, he failed to find out the lighter as expected.

He turned his eyes away from the script, turned his head sideways, and glanced at the pocket of his trousers.

Just as he took out the phone and was about to turn his head to go to the stairs to get a cigarette, Du Qifeng and the director of photography Zheng Zhaoqiang looked at each other strangely after he caught a glimpse of the monitor from the corner of his eye.

"What's the matter?"

Sun Honglei felt curious because Xu Rong's scene was being filmed at this time.

For this young man who was more than ten years younger than himself, his first impression was similar to that of the outside world, crazy.

At least ask yourself, he can't do something as crazy as Xu Rong, and he can't create conditions like him, because he can't get in at all, and even if he does, he doesn't know how to make friends with those people, but Xu Rong Not only did he do it, but judging from his state at the time of his visit, he did.

The second impression of Xu Rong is that this guy is very understanding of the world. Although Gao Yunxiang said something provocative in the morning, although he didn't say anything, he didn't like him very much, but Xu Rong said he wanted to buy him a drink.

The most direct effect of that sentence is that Gao Yunxiang has unknowingly changed his address to Xu Rong.

He felt that he was incomparable in this regard, because if it were him, the greatest possibility for him would be to pretend that he didn't hear anything.

The third impression of Xu Rong is his professional ability. In the past, this was always a rumor. It was not until he went to see his performance that Sun Honglei realized that it is wrong to simply guess a person based on his age. Overestimated, when Xu Rong finished the performance of "Home" in three steps, he realized that he was still underestimated.

After a while, watching Xu Rong walk out of the ward and walk towards the monitor, he conveniently put the cigarettes and lighter into his pocket, and put them behind him quietly.

Standing behind Du Qifeng and Zheng Zhaoqiang, Sun Honglei, like Xu Rong, watched the replay silently, and when Xu Rong's eyelids fluctuated, a big question mark popped up in his mind.

Can you still act like this?

At this moment, Du Qifeng turned around and said to Xu Rong, "How did you come up with such a design?"

"This is the moment before a person wakes up from external disturbances."

At the beginning, Sun Honglei listened to Xu Rong's words seriously. He glanced out of the corner of his eye and noticed the subtle changes in Xu Rong's eyes on the monitor. His attention immediately shifted away from the conversation between the two.

In the picture, Xu Rong's eyes slowly opened a crack.

The slit was not big, and the moment he opened it, his eyes were lifeless and confused, but immediately, the brilliance in the slit became brighter and brighter.

one second.

two seconds.

three seconds.

In three seconds, the gap was only slightly wider, but the drowsiness in it was gradually replaced by the alluring divine light.

Sun Honglei was completely dumbfounded.

How did Xu Rong do it?
Why can there be so many emotional changes gradually in a gap?

Du Qifeng was chatting with Xu Rong, and when he suggested learning Cantonese, he found that Sun Honglei stared at him strangely for a while, and couldn't help asking: "Hong Lei, is there something wrong with what I said?"

"Hong Lei?"

Du Qifeng yelled a second time, and Sun Honglei suddenly came back to his senses.

He looked at Du Qifeng suspiciously: "ah, director, what did you say?"

Seeing Du Qifeng's strange expression, Sun Honglei pointed to the monitor and argued, "Director Du, I'm sorry, I didn't notice what you were talking about just now, I was watching the replay."

Du Qifeng looked at him hesitantly, because Sun Honglei's strange expression just now made him a little uncomfortable.

In recent years, Hong Kong movies have not been badly criticized once or twice. In the final analysis, the Hong Kong market is too small.

At least compared to the mainland, it is too small and too small.

In the Mainland, a box office of over [-] million won't even make it into the top ten, but in Hong Kong, it's a solid box office champion.

Going north is a choice to make money, but in his opinion, it has actually deteriorated.

Because of the differences in the review mechanism, cultural background, and customs between the mainland and Hong Kong, even though the people are still the same, the things produced have nothing to do with Hong Kong films.

It seems that the decline and demise of Hong Kong movies is a foregone conclusion.

But this kind of reality is something he is unwilling to accept and admit. In his philosophy, the success and uniqueness of Hong Kong films have been tested. In view of the censorship in the Mainland, most films have not been deleted. , although it cannot be screened in the mainland, there is still such a big market in foreign countries besides the mainland.

Hong Kong films have a bright future, and as long as the majority of Hong Kong film and television professionals work together, Hong Kong will surely become the Hollywood of the East.

He smiled, and looked at Sun Honglei meaningfully from the corner of his eye, "haha" laughed twice, and said, "Oh, according to you, did I miss some wonderful content?"

Respect is mutual. If Sun Honglei does not respect the land where he grew up, his ideals and hopes, he will no longer feel the need to respect each other.

Seeing Du Qifeng's expression, Sun Hong felt a little bit in her heart. Although she didn't know what was going on, she knew that Director Du had a grudge against her, so she hurriedly defended, "Director, the last three seconds of Xu Rong just now were the last time." Wonderful, if you don’t believe me, take a look.”

Du Qifeng looked at his expression, and finally, his eyes fell on Xu Rong's face who was still smiling, and he turned on the playback again dubiously.

After the last three seconds that Sun Honglei said, the earphone in his hand fell to the ground with a "click", and he stared blankly at the frozen frame.

Regarding the role of Cai Tianming, Du Qifeng has many candidates in his mind, such as Nicholas Tse recommended by Huo Wenxi, Gu Zai who has worked with him many times, but seeing the change of light in that gap, at this moment, a strange thought popped into his mind Perhaps from an emotional point of view, Xu Rong is out of ten candidates for the role of Cai Tianming, but if he thinks and judges rationally, Xu Rong may be the most suitable actor.

No, maybe within a certain age range, if no one can play the role in his true colors, Xu Rong is the No. 1 choice.

With this thought, Du Qifeng suddenly felt a little sentimental. The talents in the mainland, just like the economy and national strength in the mainland, have taken off rapidly, while Hong Kong, the so-called young generation of leaders promoted, compared to them, no matter how sophisticated they are, or their professional ability , In front of Xu Rong, he was like a half-grown child.

"Let's have another one, more materials."


After Xu Rong finished filming, Sun Honglei immediately came to him, handed Xu Rong a cigarette, and saw that he didn't pick it up, so he didn't force it anymore. He heard people say that Xu Rong doesn't smoke.

"Xu Rong, I want to ask you something, how did you achieve that change in your eyes?"

Xu Rong looked at Sun Honglei's curious eyes, pointed at Gao Yunxiang who was about to take a shot with a smile, and said, "Actually, it's nothing. At that time, Gao Yunxiang was sitting in front of me, and a bold idea popped into my mind. How to kill him in the shortest time without disturbing other people outside the ward."

Sun Honglei looked at the muscles on Xu Rong's face, and couldn't help but froze the smile on his face for a moment, and said, "But, isn't the script about you running away?"

Xu Rong shrugged his shoulders and said: "What do you think the first reaction of a person who is about to face the death penalty is being guarded? Of course it is not to slip away from under his nose, because the time left for him to escape is too long. short."

Xu Rong shook his head, and then said with great certainty: "So my instinctive reaction is to kill him, and only killing him is the best choice, but it happened that he got up and walked to the door at that time, otherwise I think I will definitely create an opportunity , such as making a faint noise, luring him to the bedside, and then killing him quickly."

Sun Honglei and Xu Rong looked at each other. He had the illusion that Xu Rong was not discussing with himself how to act, but how he should escape in the face of this situation.

And he noticed a small detail, Xu Rong never mentioned Cai Tianming's name, but always replaced it with "I".

Seeing Sun Honglei looking at him strangely, Xu Rong said: "These are all internal skills, but the external ones, what you see is actually an illusion."

Sun Honglei couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words: "Illusion?"

"Yes, an illusion. The degree of opening of my eyes does not change much, but the shape of the gap formed by the upper and lower eyelids has a process of tail rising due to the pulling of facial muscles, but because this process is very subtle, and my face I'm wearing an oxygen mask, so if you don't look closely, you'll think my eyes are just a little bit wider and then somehow give you a completely different feeling, but that's not the case."

He came up with this little trick during the rehearsal in the courtyard, because he needed to do his own makeup and sit in front of the mirror. Any of his ideas, whether reasonable or unreasonable, could be tested. After the experiment, it will be found that the eggs are useless, and a small part has entered his "arsenal", enriching his means of presentation.

The reason for using this method is also inspired by Ge Pai. Feng Yuanzheng believes that actors should use props as little as possible or even no props, because the props themselves will distract the audience's attention.

Benefiting from Gepai's view that "props will distract the audience", he does the opposite, and whenever the props appear, he tries his best to play their role.

However, there is no need to explain these in detail to Sun Honglei, who was born in musicals.

Xu Rong glanced at the time, it was almost twelve o'clock, and said: "I don't need to play for the time being, I will go to the car to recharge my batteries, don't you want to go?"

"No, I'm not sleepy on the first day." Sun Honglei shook his head, watching Xu Rong's back disappear at the end of the corridor, the smile on his face gradually faded.

In recent years, he has felt that his professional ability has gradually matured, and at least he has formed a set of his own performance methods. But today, he suddenly discovered that in comparison, Xu Rong is far behind in both theory and performance methods. Go way beyond yourself.

And the most commendable thing is that Xu Rong doesn't hide it at all, it seems that he doesn't mind sharing these skills that he has never heard of with others, and it seems that these small skills are nothing to him at all.

He doesn't know which one it is, but instinctively, he always feels that the latter is more likely.

And after shooting a scene, Xu Rong has almost figured out Du Qifeng's directing style, he will put forward corresponding requirements for each scene, as long as his requirements are completed, the rest can be played by himself.

As for what will happen if the requirements are not fulfilled, he still does not know for the time being.

The time to finish work was about the same as Xu Rong expected, six o'clock.

The reason why the work was called off was not that one page of the script had been filmed, but that it was already dawn and there was no way to shoot any more.

At this time, the chubby life producer Wang Hui came to Du Qifeng and asked, "Director Du, there is one thing you have to make up your mind about. The actors we invited are here. Do they live in a suite or a standard room?"

Du Qifeng didn't understand what Wang Hui meant, it was just a place to sleep, so why should he ask himself?
Wang Hui explained with a wry smile: "Director Du, in the past, if mainland actors participated in our film shooting, they would live in ordinary rooms. Didn't you say yesterday that you want us to treat Xu Rong the same way we treat you, but he didn't even live in a suite?" , if our people live, will it be?"

When Du Qifeng heard Wang Hui's words, he turned his head slowly and asked, "Who asked you to arrange a standard room for him?"

In fact, since Du Qifeng told him yesterday, Wang Hui knew something bad was going on. At this time, being stared at by Du Qifeng, he stammered and said, "Well, this standard used to be the same. As long as mainland companies invest, our people will be fine." Live in a suite, mainland actors get a standard room!"

Du Qifeng sighed helplessly. He was a little bit stuck at the moment. The people from Hong Kong were all old friends. Although they got paid for the film, they only came to make guest appearances for his sake. According to the usual practice, no one made a hard trip. , It's reasonable to downgrade when it comes to yourself, otherwise, if you pass it back, your peers can't laugh at yourself?

But Xu Rong lives in a standard room, which is troublesome.

Du Qifeng warned: "This matter is still according to the previous standard. You arrange it in private. Anyway, they don't have many scenes, and the filming will be over in half a month."

It's just that what Du Qifeng didn't expect was that half a day later at night, when Xu Rongzheng took Sun Honglei, Gao Yunxiang, Li Weijie and others to find a place to rehearse, a news came: actors from Hong Kong lived in suites.

Du Qifeng has just arrived and is not familiar with the place where he lives. Therefore, the external producer, assistant director and even the screenwriter all used a certain number of people invited by Hairun to avoid delaying the progress of the filming due to unfamiliarity with the environment and local conditions in the Mainland.

The one who came to report to Xu Rong was Meng Xianlong, the production assistant who had worked with Xu Rong before, a tall and thin young man.

(End of this chapter)

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