I'm just an actor

Chapter 333 Trivia

Chapter 333 Trivia
Xu Rong, as the former brother of Hairun, is basically familiar with the external relations and cooperation units that Hairun often uses in filming, and Du Qifeng can't hide any abnormal movements from his eyes.

After seeing off Meng Xianlong who came to report the letter named Guan Guanshi, Xu Rong turned his head and said to Li Weijie, Sun Honglei and Gao Yunxiang who were standing aside: "Let's go to the front desk downstairs and ask. I remember they have a meeting room."

Just now he and Wang Yaqin read the script in the room, but sitting on the bed is too restrictive, and the space in the room is too small to use it anyway.

Just as he was about to go out, he happened to meet Sun Honglei and the others who came to look for him.

Seeing the thin and tall Meng Xianlong walking away, Gao Yunxiang immediately said: "Brother Xu, Brother Hong Lei, they are too bullying, let alone the second-tier ones, even the Four Heavenly Kings have come, and they didn't let you live Room, why do they live in a suite?!"

Xu Rong heard him bluffing in the corridor, and said with a smile: "You are not afraid of being heard, let me tell you, if you don't change your temper of listening to the wind and rain, you will have trouble sooner or later."

He said, and walked towards the elevator with a few people: "By the way, what are you going to do?"

"Find something to eat." Li Mingjie has adjusted her mentality, and no longer treats Xu Rong as a scrap of the film and television industry a few years ago. "The lunch box is too oily, and we dare not eat it."

"Why, are you worried about getting fat?"

Li Haojie smiled and said: "You are still young and dare to say that. After two years, you will get married and get older. If you don't control it for three days, your weight will immediately go up."

At the elevator entrance, Xu Rong saw Gao Yunxiang running over to press the elevator, smiled at him, and said: "I feel that whether you are fat or not depends not on whether you eat too much, but whether you consume enough energy. As long as the energy consumed can basically be compared with The energy intake is the same, and generally you will not gain weight. There will always be people who quarrel and drink water all day long, and they will gain weight. It’s a ghost, if you drink cold water, you can get fat, so why are so many scientists bothering to study hybrid rice?!”


"Besides, it's not difficult to say that it's fat and thin." Xu Rong looked at Li Weijie, "Let's put it this way, Brother Li, I let you play my role, and the only requirement is that you lose twenty catties within a month. Can it be done?"

Li Qingjie laughed and said, "I can try."


After entering the elevator, Li Weijie changed the subject again and asked, "What do you think about the room that Mr. Meng mentioned just now?"

The reason why they changed the topic just now was because they didn't want to talk about it in the corridor. Walls have ears, and no one can tell whether their casual remarks will reach other people's ears.

Xu Rong smiled and said: "How can I see it? Of course I have to see it with my own eyes. When I came here yesterday, I thought that the crew would open a standard room for me to save money."

Since "Yangcheng Dark Whistle" became popular, unless he was going to a place with particularly difficult conditions, the crew would usually book a suite for him in the surrounding three-star hotels, but most of the time he refused.

He doesn't have high requirements for where he lives. A suite in an ordinary hotel can meet his needs. Hot water, a bathtub for soaking in a bath, and a space for him to move around during rehearsals are enough.

But today, this basic treatment has not been met.

Seeing that Xu Rong didn't take it seriously, Gao Yunxiang said sullenly: "Then just do it and watch? They are just bullying people, Brother Xu, you don't like to hear something, you swallow it, they think we are It’s so bullying, next time I will definitely do more than this time.”

Xu Rong felt that the matter was nonsense, because in his opinion, it was just a trivial matter. In the final analysis, it was just a problem of the size of the room, but the dissatisfaction of Gao Yunxiang and Li Haojie was almost beaten up. Suddenly.

Arriving at the lobby on the first floor, Wang Yaqin ran to the front desk with small steps. After a while, a girl who was about the same height as her came up to them and said, "Mr. Xu, Mr. Sun, Mr. Li, hello. Qin, may I ask how many people will attend our meeting?"

Xu Rong thought for a while and said, "Is there one that is roughly the size of two rooms?"

Qin Qin's eyes kept swaying on Xu Rong's face, and said, "No, but there is a slightly bigger one, how many of you can I take to have a look?"




When Qin Qin entered the elevator door, the heels of her high-heeled shoes seemed to be hung down, and she was about to throw herself into Xu Rong's arms, but Xu Rong opened both hands quickly and held it firmly. her shoulders.

And Qin Qin's two arms, which were obviously about to wrap around Xu Rong's waist, were awkwardly propped in mid-air, met Xu Rong's eyes, retracted them rather embarrassedly, and said: "Sorry, I didn't pay attention just now, and tripped. "

Xu Rong waited for her to stand firmly, then smiled and let go of her hand, saying, "It's okay."

Just now he clearly felt that after Qin Qin was held down by himself for the first time, there was clearly a second movement of force, but in the face of absolute strength, he was nothing but a mantis.

Following Qin Qin up to the second floor, Xu Rong pushed open the door, looked at the "slightly larger" conference room she described, and asked, "Is this a bit too big?"

The visual area is at least six times the size of the room.

Qin Qin smiled and said, "This is our smallest conference room."

"Can you borrow it from us for free?"

The elegance on Qin Qin's face froze immediately. In her perception, Xu Rong had always been quite perfect, if she hadn't pressed herself desperately just now.

But she never expected that he would make such a weird request to use the conference room for free?

"This, I'm afraid not."

Xu Rong turned to look at the three of Sun Honglei, it was a bit crowded for four people to open a suite, so he pointed to the meeting room and asked, "How much is it for a day?"

"Twenty thousand a day."

"Do we only use it at night, or about four hours a day?"

"That, that's six thousand."

Xu Rong nodded, and said, "Okay, let someone take away all the tables and chairs over here."

"it is good."

Seeing Xu Rong's quick response, Li Hejie looked at him in surprise and asked, "Isn't it necessary? 6000 yuan for four hours is too wasteful."

Xu Rong pulled Wang Yaqin who was standing at the door aside so that the hotel staff who were moving things could come in and out, and said, "It's still very necessary."


Xu Rong nodded his head and said: "If the rehearsal can make me perform 6000% better than if I didn't rehearse, then it's blood earning. In terms of money, the rate of return is at least a thousand times that of [-], which is better than taking this money. Drinking is much stronger."

Hearing his last words, the three of them looked embarrassed, because they were going to call Xu Rong out to play.

Gao Yunxiang dryly pointed upstairs, and asked, "Then, shall I go up and get the script?"

"I'll go up there too."

Xu Rong folded his arms and waited for the meeting room to be cleaned up, then turned to look at Sun Honglei, and asked, "Brother Hong Lei, do you cooperate a lot with Hong Kong and Taiwan personnel?"


"How do you feel?"

"I can't get along."

Listening to Sun Honglei's neutral tone, Xu Rong fully understood that Gao Yunxiang and Li Weijie's emotions just now were not aimed at the question of whether there is a suite or not, but that mainland actors collectively have a certain prejudice against Hong Kong and Taiwan actors.

Similar words, he not only said from a colleague in the mainland that he can't get along with people from Hong Kong and Taiwan. Literal understanding is a language barrier, but if you look deeper, it's not just a problem of language communication.

Before 2000, because of certain thoughts, in the subconscious of the audience, Hong Kong and Taiwan actors were born more expensive, more professional, and more dedicated than mainland actors, so they should earn more money and give more. support.

As a result, in co-productions, actors from Hong Kong and Taiwan are higher than mainland actors in terms of food, housing and even various remuneration, and the most convincing point for the audience is that Hong Kong film and television industry personnel have never minded being in the film industry. Criticize mainland counterparts in public.

Secondly, it is a more realistic issue of life and death. After Hong Kong and Taiwan practitioners collectively went north, Hong Kong and Taiwan directors are more willing to use actors who have cooperated many times in the past, and this phenomenon has seriously compressed the living space of mainland actors. Among the top ten movies, there are very few mainland actors playing the male lead.

For actors, it's just a matter of making less money, but for the director industry, the blow is fatal, because capital would rather invest in a bad film director with many successful experiences than spend an extra penny on Nortel The rookies who just left school also stifled the possibility of Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige reappearing.

However, directors from Hong Kong and Taiwan did not grow on the soil of mainland culture, and their works themselves have regional cultural attributes. For example, the parents of the neighbors in the mainland have short stories. story to come.

The problems encountered today can be regarded as the crux of the historical problems left over from the past few decades, which means that the world has been suffering for a long time.

What Xu Rong was thinking about was whether to turn a blind eye and pretend that this incident didn't happen, or to kick off the prelude to the internal struggle of the crew.

Undoubtedly, no matter how he chooses, it is not suitable for him. If this thing does not happen, Gao Yunxiang's attitude has already explained everything.

And if the internal struggle starts here, the play may have problems, because once the conflict intensifies, it will inevitably become a confrontation between him and Du Qifeng in the end. As for the filming of this movie, the quality cannot be guaranteed.

Moreover, Xu Rong is also aware of a more serious problem, the scarcity of director talents in the mainland.

The domestic film history is too short. Every film in the past can be said to be a custom film to some extent. People like Zhang Yimou have gained a lot of experience with the backing of Xiying.

At this moment, he understood Han Sanping's thoughts a little bit. The influx of capital will indeed bring about various problems, but it can also create more opportunities for mainland film and television professionals.

Otherwise, under the condition of fixed resources, they will only be divided up by Hong Kong and Taiwan directors flocking in, and the domestic film market will eventually become Hong Kong and Taiwan films that blindly pursue profits.

But how to solve the problem?

He first thought of two teachers in his life, Hua Ming and Zhao Junkai.

The way the two solve problems is very different, but at least on his level, both are good at fighting.

Faced with this situation, what will they do?
Slowly, Xu Rong had two ideas in his mind, but before that, he had to call Han Sanping first.

After the rehearsal, Xu Rong returned to the room, immediately dialed the phone to Han Sanping, broke up a few words, and then asked: "Boss Han, I have something to ask you. Human policy, what is the specific situation?"

Han Sanping didn't immediately understand what he meant, and said, "It's written in black and white, isn't it?"

"Then I won't hide it anymore. If I mess with them, to what extent is it allowed?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Han Sanping immediately said: "Brother, your idea is quite dangerous. I have to tell you that you haven't reached that position yet, but at least you have to remember that people from Hong Kong and Taiwan are fine. It doesn’t matter whether you are a person, as long as you recognize yourself as Chinese, you are a Chinese film and television worker. You can target individual people, but you must not target the entire group to form antagonism, do you understand what I mean?”

Xu Rong was stunned for a long time before suddenly saying: "Boss Han reminded me."

Han Sanping heard a little bewilderment in his voice, and explained: "You may not understand the original intention of the policy, but as public figures, your behavior can be easily imitated and used as an example. Let's put it this way, if you are an ordinary person, When your idol firmly believes that he is Chinese, when all the idols you like think so, if you don't think so, it will only prove you wrong."

"It is true that the Hong Kong and Taiwan film and television circles collectively go north to the mainland to make money, and the income is several times or even dozens of times higher than that of mainland actors, but from another perspective, it is actually a promotion for the development of the mainland film and television industry, so to speak Come on, have you ever heard of a co-production film where mainland actors play big names?"

Han Sanping didn't hear Xu Rong's response for a while, and said with a smile: "No, because the co-production crews are generally Hong Kong and Taiwan actors playing big names, you may have heard that mainland actors and directors have been criticized as unprofessional, but on the other hand, you can see The thing is, we're making progress, too."

Xu Rong understood Han Sanping's meaning, and said, "However, the negative effect is very serious now. I feel that the actors in mainland China have a lot of prejudice against Hong Kong and Taiwan."

"Only by having prejudices can we make progress. If you are not convinced, you should have the right to speak."

Han Sanping laughed, and said: "Everyone is a family. If you make a mistake, you can beat it and it's over. If you do too much, it's hard for everyone to do business. Every year, the Golden Statue Award and the Golden Horse Award are required to be shortlisted from the mainland. All personnel will go to participate, so don’t get confused about key matters.”

"I know."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Rong had an idea in his mind. Fighting is okay, but it must be controlled within a certain range and no confrontation can be formed.

He even quickly came up with two sets of plans, one was to beat lightly, and the other was a bit crueler in comparison.

But these things are still early, after all, those so-called "Hong Kong and Taiwan superstars" will take a while to join the crew.

On the second day after the phone call with Han Sanping, Xu Rong greeted Li Gen's mentor and slipped Li Gen over to be his "assistant".

At the same time, Zhao Zhijiang, the planner of the film crew, began to advocate saving, but the first step of "saving" encountered a major obstacle. Zhao Zhijiang hoped that the Starbucks of the film crew would be replaced by coffee bags, but he encountered a problem with the production director. Wang Hui's fierce opposition.

(End of this chapter)

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