I'm just an actor

Chapter 334 Atmosphere

Chapter 334 Atmosphere
Most people didn't pay much attention to the fight between the crew's planner Zhao Zhijiang and the production director Wang Hui. Some people noticed, but almost no one took it to heart.

As the representative of the management, Zhao Zhijiang asked the production crew to control costs is his duty.

As the production director, Wang Hui is also his job to manage the food, drink, lodging and transportation of the whole team.

Encountering Zhao Zhijiang finding fault early in the morning, Wang Hui could only secretly think it was bad luck, and refreshed himself with Starbucks coffee. If the investor was a local film and television company in Hong Kong, he would not even think about it. If he had coffee, he would have to thank his eighth generation ancestors, but Who makes mainlanders stupid and rich? If he even withholds these small moneys, not to mention Du Qifeng, even the brothers below will have opinions.

What's more, the co-productions he participated in in the past were all based on this standard. There is no reason why the standard has been lowered now that he has taken on a big project.

There is also a reason why Wang Hui dare not take Zhao Zhijiang's words seriously. In name, Zhao Zhijiang is the representative of the management, but after three days of starting the machine, Wang Hui has already seen the situation clearly. To make a movie, you have to rely on Du Qifeng and their Yinhe, and they will never turn their faces over a few cups of coffee. Secondly, after going through the incident in the room, he also figured out that the real representative of the management in the crew is actually not named. Xu Rong in the head.

The former first brother of Hairun, now the shareholder of Hairun.

But when he met Xu Rongzou just now, Xu Rong still smiled and praised him for buying Starbucks, "very good, and he has an idea."

The tall Zhao Zhijiang saw that Wang Hui refused to eat oil and salt, so he pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose angrily and helplessly, and said, "Director Wang, although the words are not pleasant, I have to remind you that we have just started the machine, you But take it easy, if you spend all the money early, it is not difficult to ask for more money, but it is not so easy."

Wang Hui saw that Zhao Zhijiang turned and left after he finished speaking, with a silent smile on his face, he knew that as long as he maintained a tough attitude, Zhao Zhijiang would not be able to do anything to him.

He's just a nominal management representative, but he really considers himself a famous person.

Regarding the result of the communication between Zhao Zhijiang and Wang Hui, Xu Rong was not surprised. The production director is the big fat job of the crew. The outside world always thinks that besides the director, the actor and assistant director are the number two characters of the crew. It's a matter of saying who to let.

What's more, some people describe the life of an actor and assistant director as being a groom every night, but they ignore that the production director is the most inconspicuous of the entire crew, but is actually one of the main beneficiaries.

The glory of the assistant director is only in the selection process, and even if he is the groom every night, he will inevitably have the tragic foregone conclusion of being called around and ordered to become a grandson after turning on the phone.

And those who can be the production director are basically all good people, and those who can be the production director in the complex structure of the crew are even the best of the best.

Not to mention Zhao Zhijiang, even if he communicated, there would never be better results.

While the communication between Zhao Zhijiang and Wang Hui was fruitless, Xu Rong made a lot of progress. After finishing his makeup on the set, he was discussing another matter with Du Qifeng. It is said that the screenwriter You Naihai was at the hotel yesterday. A new screenplay written in.

He and Du Qifeng were talking about the dialogue between Li Weijie and Zhong Hanliang, who played the role of the people's guards, and there were two jokes about women.

"Director, I don't think these two words are appropriate."

Seeing that Du Qifeng was about to refute instinctively, Xu Rong added: "Based on my experience, I can't pass the trial."

Du Qifeng looked at the script in his hand, pondered for a while, and said, "But this is more real. They are human beings, they also have emotions, they also eat, drink, and mess. Only by making a few jokes in private can the characters be more three-dimensional."

Xu Rong was not in a hurry to deny Du Qifeng, but said: "Yes, from the perspective of artistic creation, what you said is correct."

After a pause, Xu Rong continued: "Director, you may not be familiar with the customs and customs of our mainland. Our people's guards come from the people. They are all highly educated and professionally trained. They have always cared about the people, rooted in the people, and served the people. The people, take safeguarding the vital interests of the people as their own responsibility, and it is absolutely impossible and should not appear in film and television works that insult women."

Du Qifeng listened to Xu Ronghe's words like reciting a text, understood what he meant, and shook his head helplessly, after a while, he seemed to suddenly think of something, turned his head and asked: "You, you think so too? "

"It doesn't matter what I think, the key is the fact."


Du Qifeng looked around, and finally landed on the assistant director Luo Jinfu whose hairline seemed to be a little higher than yesterday, and asked, "Where is Naihai?"

Luo Jinfu laughed dryly, and said, "Old lobbyist, he wants to write a script, so he stayed in the hotel."

"What the hell, can you have another excuse? I stay in the hotel every day to write the script, and I haven't seen him write it yet. Call someone over and say he's alive."

Luo Jinfu hurriedly responded: "Okay."

You Naihai has a long thin face and wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses. He doesn't usually talk much, even if he does, his voice is not too high. He always lowers his head and smiles to many questions that are difficult or embarrassing to answer, as if he is a simple middle-aged person people.

But after being in this industry for a long time, Xu Rong knew that You Naihai was by no means as clear as he appeared on the outside, because a person who has not experienced complicated human relationships cannot become a good screenwriter.

As for becoming a screenwriter, in today's turbulent capital, just like a director, as long as you can humbly accept "opinions and suggestions" from all parties, there is no threshold at all.

When You Naihai arrived, Du Qifeng called Sun Honglei over again, and the four of them, plus the director of photography Zheng Zhaoqiang who was always smiling with everyone, sat around in a circle.

Du Qifeng said: "I'm having a short meeting, mainly to talk about my thoughts on future filming. I've also heard people say about Xu Rong and Hong Lei's filming habits. They like to give opinions on the creation of directors and screenwriters."


"I do not have!"

Xu Rong and Sun Honglei denied Du Qifeng's evaluation of themselves as if they were instinctively reacting. After speaking, they looked at each other subconsciously, with strange expressions on their faces.

In Xu Rong's view, the words "I like to give opinions on the creation of directors and screenwriters" are simply nonsense, and they slander his reputation in the industry out of thin air, but Sun Honglei said "I don't have any!", isn't that just talking nonsense? ?
Who in the fucking industry doesn't know that Sun Honglei likes to dictate to new directors and young actors? !

Sun Honglei was even more puzzled. Xu Rong is a top screenwriter like Gao Mantang. He laughed and said, "He is the kind of actor who always has a way to make the director and screenwriter follow his ideas."

The five people looked at each other strangely, and in the end, it was Du Qifeng who broke the silence again and said: "Let's make an agreement today, and we can't change the scenes casually in the future, unless there is a good reason, such as what Xu Rong said just now. Some dramas that hinder the image of the people's guardians are deleted. Maybe I don't know much about the people's guardians in the mainland. I accept these opinions, but the creation of the dramas must follow us. Mr. Wei and Naihai and I have engaged in more than 30 years Creation, whatever you can think of, we can also think of.”

After finishing speaking, Du Qifeng looked at Xu Rong and Sun Honglei, mainly Xu Rong, because he knew in his heart that the only person in the group who could question his decision was Xu Rong.

"I have no problem." Sun Honglei expressed his attitude decisively, and at the end, he added, "I never question the creation of directors and screenwriters. Director, don't listen to those rumors from the outside world, they are all shameful My villain is making trouble, just to make everyone dislike me."

Xu Rong thought for a while, and said: "Director, I basically understand what you mean, and agree, but having said that, I really suggest that you have time to practice your Mandarin well."

After a brief silence, a burst of laughter suddenly broke out among the few people.

Xu Rong also smiled, regardless of what they think in their hearts, at least for now, the atmosphere of the entire creative team still maintains a superficial harmony.

Considering that his play might take a while, Xu Rong asked Li Gen to talk to Luo Jinfu, put on a mask, and left the inpatient building of the hospital.

In the parking lot next to the inpatient department, Zhao Zhijiang, who had just failed to communicate with Wang Hui, stood by the fence, holding two good-looking lion heads in his hands.

Seeing Xu Rong coming over, Zhao Zhijiang smiled and said, "I won't be with the team for the time being, but you should take it easy, that's enough. If you can't control the situation, you'd better not do it, or you won't be able to explain to the chairman."

Xu Rong naturally understood his concerns, and said, "Don't worry, Brother Zhao, I have a measure."

"Okay, then I'll withdraw."

As Zhao Zhijiang said, he walked towards a Mercedes-Benz parked not far away, and sat in the co-pilot.

"Drug Wars" is a project that Hairun Films used to hit the market, and everyone paid a lot of attention to it. In Hairun, Zhao Zhijiang and Zhao Junkai have the same status. Although they can't make decisions, they are also the core management one of the layers.

After seeing off Zhao Zhijiang, Xu Rong went upstairs to watch for a while. Sun Honglei's scene was being filmed.

It's just that after NG twice, Xu Rong stopped looking at it. Although he didn't know what Du Qifeng wanted from Sun Honglei, from his description with gestures, the characters Sun Honglei presented now were obviously similar to Du Qifeng's. The ideal conditions do not overlap.

He waved to Li Gen, took out a water glass from the satchel he was carrying, and prepared to go downstairs to rest.

Today is only the third day of starting the machine. If there is no accident at night, we will be going to the night show. It is still unclear what time it will be. It is better to recharge your batteries.

He waved at Li Gen and said, "Look hard, study hard, I'll go down first."

"I know."

After resting in the car for about half an hour, Li Gen hurriedly ran over: "Brother, your group is so rich and rich."

Li Gen brought two cups of Starbucks to his front, and sighed: "Cho, Chou, what the hell is Starbucks, and everyone has a cup, it's really a knife in the ass, opened my eyes, I only know Hong Kong today The crew is such a luxury."

He said, and then pointed to the inpatient department building of the hospital: "I saw a lot of fruits in the tea room, so I tasted one. It's really sweet. Are they all imported?"

Seeing Li Gen handing over the coffee, Xu Rong waved his hand and said, "I don't like to drink this, you can drink it alone.

"As for whether it is imported or not, I don't know. You have to ask the production team."

As soon as the voice changed, he warned: "Don't just pay attention to these things. You have to carefully observe how Du Qifeng analyzes the script, how he arranges the photography, lighting, actors, and what scenes are shot. In addition, you Didn’t you work with other crews before? You should be able to see that their efficiency is much higher than ours. You have to carefully observe and learn how each department works, such as a scene, what the lighting does, photography, etc. What to do when you go in, what props are prepared, how to record the sound, how to express the service, and how to see how the actors enter the performance state and how to interpret the role. These are all aspects that you have to learn .”

When Xu Rong first spoke, Li Gen couldn't stop nodding, but later on, his expression gradually became serious. As Xu Rong talked more and more, the two of them stared at Xu Rong closely, praying secretly in their hearts, and their expressions gradually revealed Show a bit of pleading color.

The result was not as cruel as he had expected.

Xu Rong was half lying down, seemingly not paying attention to his begging expression, squinting at the script on a piece of paper, and said slowly: "You can record every day, or you can wait for a piece, but you can't give me a copy later. Reports of less than [-] words should not be used indiscriminately, otherwise you can resign and go elsewhere to attract investment.”

When Li Gen heard the words "[-] characters", his face twisted immediately, and he said, "Brother, can we discuss it, is it [-]?"

Xu Rong smiled and said: "You think I'm selling melons to you. What I said, if you observe and study hard, you won't be able to record much in [-] words. Besides, you will fool other investors in the future. How can you play a few professional terms that sound very powerful?"

Li Gen seemed to have taken most of the energy out of his body at once, and said, "Okay, I'll write, I'll write."

"Don't you have long ears? I've said it several times, back and forth"

"You still dare to talk back, where is your face? Do you think you acted well? Let me tell you, shit isn't it?"

"Do you not understand human language? Did your parents educate you that way?"

When Li Gen got into the car, the door was not closed, and at this moment, Du Qifeng's very discerning voice was clearly heard from the third floor of the inpatient department.

Xu Rong listened for a while, and at a certain juncture, he suddenly realized that something was wrong, and said to Li Gen, "Hurry up and see what's going on."

Just as Li Gen got out of the car, Wang Yaqin trotted all the way over, holding the car door, panting, "Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu, Mr. Sun was scolded and cried by the director."

(End of this chapter)

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