I'm just an actor

Chapter 337 Language

Chapter 337 Language
Xu Rong looked at Sun Honglei who was lost in thought, stood up, and went down the stairs with a low voice.

What happened to Sun Honglei, He Yan in the courtyard also encountered it, but compared to He Yan, Sun Honglei is lucky, because it took seven or eight years for He Yan to pass the hurdle of "truth" .

After going down a flight of stairs, before walking towards the elevator, Xu Rong looked at the floor where Sun Honglei was isolated, and sighed silently, even compared to him, Sun Honglei was also lucky.

After the premiere of "Home", like most actors who have reached a certain level of skill, he encountered the most difficult confusion since his career.

The performance of "Home" brought him the biggest gain, not the increase in experience points, nor some new skills, methods and experiences learned from the two old people, but the extremely strong performance after the premiere of "Home". Very confusing evaluation.

Seniors in the industry, peers, and audiences have all given high praise to his performances, and even some drama critics once compared him to Lin Liankun, thinking that he has initially possessed the air of a master and achieved a high degree of unity of the three rhythms of the stage
Xu Rong was not overwhelmed by the influx of praise, because from the follow-up performances, he had already determined that the weird performance could not be reproduced, and he remembered more clearly how bad his state was during that performance.

Afterwards, he communicated with some familiar seniors and peers in major drama troupes such as the theater, Guohua, and even the Air Force Administration. Some people also mentioned similar experiences, and suddenly ate a "chestnut" in the middle of the performance. , I thought the performance was a mess, but after the performance ended, the audience agreed that since that mistake, the level of excitement of the performance has suddenly reached a new level.

Some people have studied this extremely accidental and difficult-to-reproduce experience, but they have never figured out the deep-seated reasons.

Now, he has also become one of them, especially after hearing about other people's similar experiences, a series of doubts arise in his heart:
What is the underlying principle of this "mistake"?
Can normal "mistakes" be formed through training?
If so, what kind of training methods should be adopted?
This is a hurdle he needs to overcome, a hurdle that, like most people, will take seven or eight years or more than ten years to overcome.

The reason why he changed his past style of not speaking while watching people fall into the pit, and reminded Sun Honglei who had just met a few times was because he had more contact with Han Laosan recently.

In the past, he was used to starting from his own perspective on certain problems and phenomena encountered in and outside the industry. As long as they did not affect him too much, he would often not pay attention to them, and even if he did, he would not take them seriously.

But now, occasionally, he's starting to think about the industry as a whole.

For example, there is a strange saying that started to appear on the Internet recently: Why do actors have to have superb acting skills?The so-and-so and the so-and-so and the so-and-so, the acting skills are not good, I can only say that I can barely watch it, the so-and-so and the so-and-so, isn’t it still very popular?
After explaining this doubt to Han Laosan, Han Laosan smiled and drew an analogy: a person who often eats shit, and is even used to the taste of shit, is puzzled when he hears that others want to eat white flour steamed buns. After feasting on it, I asked, why do you eat steamed buns, isn't shit delicious?
And now, Xu Rong is no longer afraid of the evaluation of "being a good teacher". First, he is a teacher now, and he also teaches in China Opera and Beidian respectively; After reading "Richard III", the firm idea.

During the performance, the foreign actor named Kevin Spacey left a deep impression on him, and he remembered that the other actor was not only a drama actor, but also made certain achievements in the field of film and television.

For example, Oscar winner or something.

In China, this is quite a rare phenomenon, because actors who have succeeded in the film market rarely turn their heads to make TV dramas or dramas when they still have screen appeal.

After learning about the foreign market, while he was relieved, he also realized that maybe, he should do something.

It is an unchangeable fact that domestic dramas are shoddy and muddled at present and in the next few years, but it is foreseeable that one day, the turbulent capital wave will fade, because with the influx of capital, the rate of return of the TV drama industry will gradually increase. If it is equal to or even surpassed by other industries, then capital, driven by its profit-seeking nature, will inevitably withdraw from this industry.

On the other hand, there is a limit to the patience of the audience. Even if the feces are made to look like chocolate and have the taste of chocolate, it is difficult to hide the fact that it is feces in essence.

Bottoms are bound to bounce back, and with more momentum than ever.

After the TV drama industry has gone through a round of big waves, it will inevitably usher in new development opportunities under the demands of the market and the promotion of various forces.

But if that time really comes, there will be a lot of actors in the mainland. Even if there is a huge investment of hundreds of millions, a supermarket with more than one billion audience, and an advanced industrial system comparable to or even surpassing that of Europe and the United States, the only thing that lacks is a complete performance. The actors in the scene are probably the biggest tragedy in this industry.

It is necessary to reserve a small area to prepare for the near future, train a group of people, and welcome another leap in the Chinese TV drama industry.

In his vision, Renyi is such a place, and it doesn’t need too many people. Currently, there are more than a hundred actors in the academy, and one-third of them will retire. He plans to cooperate with Chinese opera in the next ten years. Hold four sessions of orientation classes, and try to maintain the number to 200 people in the end.

Of course, he would not be stingy if some colleagues could stand in advance because of his reminder during the process.

In his opinion, Sun Honglei is obviously such a person, one of the actors who will stand at the top of the industry pyramid after ten years of hard work.

As for whether Sun Honglei really understands it, or whether he slaps his face to make himself fat, it is no longer within the scope of his consideration. Even if he really didn't understand it, he will not repeat it again. The blowout period, but it is about to end soon.

Late blooming refers to the achievement between the ages of 35 and 42. After the age of 42, it does not mean that there is no success, but in terms of probability, it is relatively much lower.

Xu Rong is looking forward to the arrival of his 35-year-old even more, because according to psychological theory, his current age group has not yet surged in talent.

There are still ten years before he turns 35. In ten years, he can do a lot of things. Maybe in the next ten years, because of his family and work, his efficiency in learning skills and mastering knowledge will be difficult to compare with the past seven years, but After all, it is more than double the time, even if it does not grow in equal proportion, there should be double time, and during this period, he will meet more people, experience more things, see more scenery, experience more More people are warm and cold, maybe he will read more books or get in touch with other professions, coupled with the various schools he has absorbed, the experience and insights of his peers, and skills, when the talent explodes, there must be some changes, right?

"This matter, let me tell you, you can't blame the director at all. The director's judgment will be wrong? You see, none of the movie stars in Hong Kong dared to talk back to him."

"The director scolded us for our own good. How many people want to be scolded but still can't get such a good opportunity!"

"And Director Du is very popular in Hong Kong. If he has opinions in his heart and his reputation spreads, it will be difficult for us to make movies in the future."

When Xu Rong passed the corridor, he heard what Huang Yi was muttering to the other two actresses, and sighed silently in his heart.

Such a person, if he follows his own butt, is extremely cute, but if he follows other people's butt, he is not so annoying.

He didn't say anything. Huang Yi's words are not wrong to some extent. Influential directors in the mainland are highly tied to film and television companies. The main roles in directing movies are generally actors who have a certain interest relationship with investors, just like Huang Yi. Yi like this, once he offends the director Beishang and lacks the support of the company, it basically means saying goodbye to the big screen.

"Mr. Huang, get ready and go on stage."

"Okay, here we come."

Sitting next to Du Qifeng, Xu Rong looked at Huang Yi, who cut his long hair into short hair for filming, and couldn't help wondering. After the news of Huang Yi's role as the female lead in "Drug Wars" was exposed on the Internet, many people couldn't help exclaiming, " The childhood goddess is back!", he was a little puzzled, because at least for now, no matter what, he couldn't connect Huang Yi with the word "goddess".


As soon as Huang Yi walked up to the girl who was squatting on the ground ready to expel the poison sac from her body, Xu Rong saw Du Qifeng pick up the walkie-talkie on the table: "Stop, give me emotions, give me emotions."

"alright, got it."

Zheng Baorui once again talked to Huang Yi about Du Qifeng's request for this scene.



Du Qifeng looked at Huang Yi's numb expression and eyes on the monitor, and when he thought that he didn't even take a single shot today, he went straight to his forehead with anger, pulled off the earphones and threw them on the table, quickly pulled away the chair, and strode towards Huang Yi: "What is going on in your mind? You are a human, not a machine. What about emotions? What about emotions?"

Huang Yi was slapped by Du Qifeng, her face was a little ugly, but when she almost turned her head, she quickly adjusted and asked Du Qifeng for advice with a smile.

Xu Rong crossed his arms and looked at Huang Yi, feeling even more puzzled, not to mention anything else, just because of Huang Yi's endurance and cheekiness at this time, he shouldn't have been silent for many years after he became popular.

However, there may be another possibility, that is, after she has been silent for several years, she only wakes up, and she cannot follow her own preferences in everything.

It's just that the next change stunned Xu Rong.

When he was NG again, after Du Qifeng yelled angrily and cursed, he yelled at Huang Yi stupidly.

Xu Rong watched this scene with great interest, he was very curious to what extent Huang Yi could bear it.

Unexpectedly, Huang Yi's eyes turned red from being scolded by a very hurtful word, but within 10 minutes, she adjusted her mood again.

Moreover, Xu Rong keenly noticed that the way she looked at Du Qifeng was quite strange.

He squinted his eyes for a while, because Huang Yi's gaze towards Du Qifeng gave him a sense of déjà vu.

He has experienced this kind of gaze in many actresses he knows, but it is Xiao Zhang who has always maintained it.

A mood dominated by worship.

When it was lunch time, Xu Rong was completely dumbfounded when he saw Huang Yi bring the lunch box bought by his assistant to Du Qifeng.

Holding the chopsticks, he looked at Huang Yi who was smiling and carefully observed every subtle expression of her.

He has seen all kinds of people, and most of them behave in accordance with the conventional thinking of normal people, but Huang Yi's thinking is simply against common sense and even against human nature.

Li Gen quietly walked to the side, lightly touched him twice with his arm, and said, "Brother, that woman, let me tell you, definitely has masochism."

Xu Rong turned his head and asked in a low voice, "What do you say?"

Li Gen moved closer and said, "It's just a whip and a candle."

Xu Rong glared at him, stopping his plan to continue talking. He thought Li Gen could analyze it from a professional point of view, but he didn't expect that his mind was full of such things.

Classmate Xiao Zhang had to find ways to get revenge after he had spanked his butt a few times. He understood this, but it was useless. How uncomfortable it was.

Xu Rong was eating, when Sun Honglei came over suddenly and said, "Xu Rong, thank you."

"Need not."

"You have saved me many years of detours in one sentence. Thank you is what I should."

"You want to understand?"

"I figured it out."


Xu Rong looked at Sun Honglei, saw that he hesitated to speak, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Sun Honglei shook his head with a smile, and said, "I'm just wondering, why do you know so much?"

"Actually, I don't understand a lot of things. I just heard what others said."

Li Haojie who was next to him listened to the chat between the two, but couldn't understand what was going on for a long time, so he raised his head and asked, "Brother Hong Lei, what did Xu Rong say to you?"

Sun Honglei hesitated for a while, looked at Xu Rong, and said slowly: "The truth does not rely on something that actually exists, but exists in our hearts."

Li Qingjie nodded her chin subconsciously, chewed for a while, raised her head, and asked, "What do you mean?"

Sun Honglei smiled and didn't explain, because he knew very well that he could understand it because he was very close to recognizing this "standard", so he could figure it out quickly after Xu Rong pointed it out.

But obviously, Li Mingjie still holds the "real" point of view, which is the same as most people's cognition.

If Wei Jiahui and You Naihai said that the script of "Drug Wars" was adapted from a real story, then most of the actors would believe that the play was real and that everyone had existed before, so based on this idea, they imitated the real story. Everyone present to present the story.

But Xu Rong is exactly the opposite, because from the beginning, Xu Rong did not think that "experience" means imitating a specific person or a specific group, even if Cai Tianming is a real experience of a person, according to Xu Rong's logic , he will not completely imitate.

Because his "material" requires him to digest it and present it again, otherwise it is equivalent to borrowing an unfit dress, which makes him uncomfortable and uncomfortable for others to see.

Although the basis is also experience, but unknowingly, Xu Rong has embarked on an unknown path based on the Strike system, and has gone further and further.

He had a vague premonition that when Xu Rong thoroughly perfected his series of theories, skills, and training methods, he would be famous all over the world, not as an actor, but as Stanislavski, Bryant Like Hitt, Aalto, Richard Schechner and others, they have reached the pinnacle of a certain humanities.

Seeing Sun Honglei looking at him with a smile, Gao Yunxiang hurriedly said in a low voice: "Hey, brother Hong Lei, you'd better go and admit your mistake to the director, there will be a long time to come."

Gao Yunxiang had good intentions, but people have a face, and a tree has a skin. Sun Honglei said nothing, and sat around the small table, saying: "Let's talk."

After hearing this, Xu Rong raised his chin in Du Qifeng's direction, and said, "Brother Hong Lei, we are big names, so we must be bold, and we must not be underestimated by people from small places."

Hearing this, Sun Honglei pondered for a while, then laughed, and said, "Your words make sense."

Gao Yunxiang wanted to slap himself in the face, why the same meaning, when people say it is magnanimous, but when he says it himself, it turns into bowing his head and admitting cowardice? !

Li Gen looked at Xu Rong, his father always told him to learn more from Xu Rong, so he was curious, and he was not an actor, so he couldn't really study acting, but today, watching Xu Rong's few words changed Sun Honglei's attitude mentality, he finally understood why his father always asked himself to learn from him.

Xu Rongneng has come to this day, his superb business ability has indeed played a certain role, but the core is probably his way of life, not to mention anything else, just the language art that he played into a flower, throwing away [-]% people.

(End of this chapter)

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