Chapter 338 Severity (Change first and then change)
Du Qifeng looked at Sun Honglei who just came over to say a few soft words to him, and then walked back to Xu Rong's side. He picked up the chopsticks, and took two mouthfuls of the food that Huang Yi asked her assistant to buy from the hotel.

Before dawn, he brought the film crew over. After tossing and tossing for a long time, he failed to shoot a single shot. Even though it was only the third day of the shooting, a deep sense of powerlessness still couldn't stop coming to his heart.

Sun Honglei and Huang Yi are the top actors in the crew except Xu Rong, and in comparison, he has lowered his requirements, but the filming is still so difficult.

He couldn't imagine what would happen in the future to make him angry.

You Naihai, who was sitting on the side of Du Qifeng, was pawing and pulling rice. As a senior film and television practitioner, even if he was very hungry, he would lose most of his appetite the moment he saw the boxed lunch. The food brought by Yi's assistant is really delicious.

Seeing Du Qifeng put down his chopsticks and sighed very slightly, he keenly sensed something was wrong, turned his head and peeked at it, and saw that Du Qifeng didn't eat a few mouthfuls at all, and he didn't think much of it, so he understood the reason, and he hurried again He hurriedly took a few big mouthfuls, and when there was only a symbolic amount of food left in the lunch box, he sighed heavily, pretending to have the same loss of appetite, pressed his chopsticks on the lunch box, and said in a low voice: "Du Sir, from now on, let's not use mainland actors, for a whole noon, we didn't say a word, and we're so popular."

Du Qifeng nodded first, but when his eyes shifted to Xu Rong, he hesitated again, and said, "Have you read the material shot on the first day?"

You Naihai stared blankly at Du Qifeng, and asked, "On the first day, what material?"

He was actually not happy to come to the set. Not only is the temperature low in Tianjin, but also the air is too dry. In contrast, staying in a hotel doesn’t have to suffer from the cold. Fitness, as for what the crew filmed on the first day, he didn't care much at all.

Du Qifeng raised his chin in the direction of Xu Rong, and said, "It's the one where Xu Rong is on the hospital bed. His performance is very, very imaginative."

You Naihai couldn't keep up with Du Qifeng's rhythm, he didn't even know what Du Qifeng wanted to express, so he asked, "Imagination?"

Du Qifeng nodded, and said: "Yes, let's put it this way, if the vast majority of male characters between the ages of 20 and 40 were not specially written for a certain actor, then he is something I know and can interpret. Best actor."

Listening to Du Qifeng's evaluation of Xu Rong, You Naihai couldn't help raising his voice a lot, and said incredulously: "Du sir, are you exaggerating?"

Du Qifeng shook his head and said: "He is the kind of actor who I thought my standard of nine points was already high, but he can give me eleven points. The reason why I got one point more is because of that one point. I have never imagined it. I just heard that you can’t feel the shock. You will understand what I mean only after watching it. So I am also very curious. When the audience saw him in the theater What will be the reaction to the interpretation of Cai Tianming's role."

You Naihai really couldn't understand the shock Du Qifeng said, and even felt that his words were too exaggerated, so he glanced at Xu Rong's direction from the corner of his eye, and asked in a low voice: "You tell me, is he there?" What special background?"

Du Qifeng hesitated for a while, stretched out two fingers and tapped the edge of the lunch box on the simple table, and said in a low voice: "In the Mainland, he is a big boss in the film and television industry. The crooked thing."

You Naihai stared blankly at Du Qifeng for a long while, then smiled, and said, "Are you being intimidated by him? How old is he and how powerful is he? Hey, by the way, what do his parents do?"

"He is an orphan, but he is now the dean of the theater department, and he is a brother and brother with the leaders of the media and film and television, and it is said that his network of relationships in the mainland is very complicated. There is something I didn't tell you. My boss called me and asked me to take care of Xu Rong, do you know the severity now?"

After hearing this, You Naihai took a breath of cool air slowly. He finally understood why Du Qifeng was afraid of Xu Rong. According to Du Qifeng, in the Mainland, Xu Rong could easily press them to death. Even if he returned to Hong Kong, if he wanted to, he could give them Create some trouble.

Looking at the young face not far away, he subconsciously felt that it was too magical, because he clearly remembered that Xu Rong's age should be less than 30 years old.

But when he noticed Sun Honglei, Gao Yunxiang, Li Weijie and other inland people around him, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be an invisible majesty on the other party, which was almost invisible, just like Han Sanping, who was very kind to everyone, but It also makes people have to be in awe.

After lunch, the filming continued, and Xu Rong sat obediently behind the monitor.

Familiarity with Du Qifeng's style is one thing, and on the other hand, it is also creating opportunities for Li Gen. Otherwise, he would personally feel that there is a problem with an assistant standing behind the director's surveillance.

Seeing that the shooting was going through a bit of grinding, Xu Rong was no longer surprised by Du Qifeng's fiery temper. With Du Qifeng's standards and the actual shooting results, if he were to direct, he would have replaced him long ago.

It wasn't until mid-afternoon, after finally filming a line on the script, that Xu Rong cheered up.

Immediately go back to filming Sun Honglei's scene.

As the nominal leading man, Sun Honglei's performance is very important. He can make him the second leading man, but he must not turn him into a supporting role to set off himself, otherwise his role must be deleted when it comes to the review process.

The most important thing is that because of the lessons learned from "Number", he has noticed that a one-man show and attracting everyone to support him can indeed shine, but after a long time, the road narrows.

Sun Honglei stood in the middle of the corridor, quite nervous in his heart. Without Xu Rong's reminder, he wouldn't feel anything. Anyway, he has been scolded so many times, and he doesn't care if it is more or less.

But this time, he was really a little nervous. He felt that his understanding of the role and even the performance had taken a big step forward, and in the next period of time, as his understanding of "reality" deepened , It will be a period of rapid growth of his own professional level, but he is not sure whether he can meet Du Qifeng's standard right now.

"All quiet, all quiet."

"All departments are ready."



Behind the monitor, Du Qifeng and Xu Rong were in the middle, and Zheng Zhaoqiang and You Naihai sat on either side of them.

Just now You Naihai wanted to go back, but he held back the thought.

For one thing, maybe Xu Rong's scene will be filmed in the afternoon, and he wants to see what Du Qifeng's so-called "eleven points" looks like.

Secondly, it was Sun Honglei's scene that was being filmed right now. He knew Du Qifeng's faults very well. When he got angry, his words that hurt people were like machine guns.

If there was a conflict between the two, he thought he would be able to persuade Du Qifeng to some extent.


Du Qifeng's voice was clearly conveyed to all units on the set through the walkie-talkie: "Keep one."

Sun Honglei stood at the side of the set, watching the camera adjustment with blank eyes. Although the shot just now was unreasonably smooth and hard-won, he didn't feel any excitement or joy in his heart.

Before the premiere of "Home", he always felt that his level was a little higher than Xu Rong.

After watching the premiere of "Home", he felt that perhaps Xu Rong's level might be a little higher than his own.

After carefully watching Xu Rong's scene the day before yesterday, he suddenly realized that what he thought before seemed to be an illusion, but everything is not sure, because even a non-professional actor has a flash of inspiration.

It wasn't until just now that he realized that maybe Xu Rong was taller than him not by a little bit, but by a big chunk, so big that a single word from the other party could solve all kinds of problems he encountered.

Du Qifeng watched the replay, and slowly frowned. In his premonition, Sun Honglei seemed to be able to act better, and he also hoped that he could reach a level comparable to Xu Rong.

He thought for a while, got up and walked over, shouting: "Hong Lei, come here, I have an idea."

Not far away, the screenwriter Chen Weibin saw the situation, quickly stood up, looked at Xu Rong, pointed in Du Qifeng's direction with his hand, and said, "Mr. Xu, do you want me to go and translate?"

Xu Rong smiled and said, "Don't bother Mr. Chen, thank you."

When everyone is angry, poor communication will only add fuel to the fire, but if the anger subsides, the communication barrier will instead be a kind of adjustment.

While Li Gen carefully touched Xu Rong's different decisions before and after, You Naihai asked extremely curiously: "Mr. Xu, I heard a very interesting point of view, that is, movies are the art of directors, and drama is the art of actors." , is it not important for an actor to perform in a movie?"


When You Naihai heard Xu Rong's rhetorical question, he was stunned for a moment, remembering Du Qifeng's speaking speed with him, he couldn't help slowing down a lot, and repeated the words.

The reason why he asked this doubt was because Sun Honglei, who hadn't been able to make it past noon for most of the filming, actually went through it all over again. The only change during the period may be that Xu Rong talked to him.

He was very curious about Xu Rong's understanding of the relationship between acting skills and movies.

Xu Rong thought for a while, and said: "It's not absolute. Compared with TV dramas and stage plays, movies can use technical means such as camera switching, color, light and shade to enhance the atmosphere that already exists in the plot, so I think, if A movie sucks, and the director is duty-bound, but I have an understanding of movies, I don’t know if you agree or not, Mr. You, the director’s level determines the lower limit of the movie, and the actors determine the upper limit of the movie.”

"I don't have much experience in acting in movies, and this is just my shallow understanding." Xu Rong added with a smile after finishing speaking.

You Naihai savored it carefully for a while, then shook his head lightly, and said, "I don't quite agree with the fact that you said that the actors determine the upper limit of the movie. I think that as long as the performance is similar, the rest can be made up for through technical means. , it can even be said that even if the actors perform poorly, they can be rescued to a certain extent through technical means.”

Xu Rong didn't immediately refute You Naihai, but instead asked, "Have you read "The Founding of the Party"?"

You Naihai hesitated for a while, and in the end, he didn't dare to slap his face to pretend to be fat, but told the truth with a little embarrassment: "I'm sorry, I've been busy this year, so I haven't had time to watch it yet."

Xu Rong nodded with a smile, and said, "If Mr. You has time, you can watch it. The crying scene of the two actors seeing off General Songpo at the station is very interesting."

At that time, before the official start of filming, the use and scheduling of shots, makeup, and lighting gave Xu Rong present a premonition that a shot that might become a classic in film history was about to appear.

However, the moment he saw the actress drop the eye drops, he was stunned.

This also leads to a strong sense of emotional isolation between the real crying actors and the fake crying actors.

Zheng Zhaoqiang listened to the chat between the two, and said very abruptly: "Mr. Xu, you can tell Naihai through "Avatar"."

You Naihai smiled and said, "Of course, I must have seen this."

Xu Rong glanced at Zheng Zhaoqiang in great surprise, then turned his gaze to You Naihai, and asked, "How do you feel?"

You Naihaidao: "The sense of technology is so strong that it will make all science fiction films in the next ten years taste like nothing, because the aesthetic standards of all audiences have been raised several levels in one go! This movie, at the time, was really, really full of Goose bumps, worthy of a milestone in the history of human film."

Seeing Xu Rong and Zheng Zhaoqiang looking at him with strange expressions, You Naihai finished his speech and looked at them suspiciously: "Don't you think so?"

Xu Rong stared blankly at You Naihai whose face was full of admiration, and asked, "For example?"

You Naihai became more and more puzzled, and asked, "For example, what?"

"Is there any scene that you recall now, and it is still fresh in your memory?"

"Of course." You Naihai's words stopped abruptly, as if he lost his memory in an instant.

Xu Rong and You Naihai looked at each other for a while, then took the initiative to look away, and didn't ask any more questions.

He found a very interesting phenomenon, all the classic moments of film, video and speech are performed by people.

When these moments were released, it may be difficult to compare with the discussions caused by the most cutting-edge special effects, but technology is constantly improving. It seems that it is just commonplace, and it loses its charm of becoming a classic.

And what can often come to the audience's mind is the flashing moment presented by the actors according to the plot.

Because the most different thing about human beings from other creatures is empathy.

The basis for the audience to empathize is the strong professional level of the actors.

You Naihai tilted his head, trying to understand Xu Rong's meaning. It is undeniable that movies are the art of directors. A director with a lot of money and a high level of skill can even forcibly raise the lower limit of a movie to an unimaginable level, even higher than most movies in the industry. the point.

But with the blessing of super special effects, actors have become a dispensable part of it.

On the contrary, every classic moment in film history is not filled with the texture of technology, but the brilliance of human nature.

(End of this chapter)

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