I'm just an actor

Chapter 339 Life

The relationship between film technology and actors has been changing for a long time, and when it comes to individuals, each director has a different view, which leads to different styles of works.

What Xu Rong did not disclose is that in the film industry, the rate of return on an actor's professional ability is much higher than that in the TV drama and drama industry.

Because of its short length and highly concentrated plot, if an actor can contribute a few wonderful moments, even if the influence of the movie itself is average, it is very easy for an actor to stand out in today's highly developed Internet.

If the film itself is a blockbuster, even if an actor only has a few minutes or even a few seconds of performance, as long as it is exciting enough, it will give the market and the audience an impression of an "important success jigsaw puzzle". Then after the film is released, There is a high probability that the commercial value of the actors themselves will soar immediately.

In contrast, for longer TV dramas and stage plays where every detail is not allowed to make mistakes, the rate of return is relatively much lower.

After waiting for about an hour and a half, seeing that Du Qifeng and Sun Honglei were exhausted again, Xu Rong took a moment and asked, "Director, are you going to the night show tonight?"

Du Qifeng looked at Xu Rong who was sitting next to him, and realized at this moment that Xu Rong had been waiting on the set for a whole day, and said with a smile: "Well, why don't you go back and rest first, even if it's the night scene, you can't shoot Yours."

Hearing this, Xu Rong patted his butt, nodded to director of photography Zheng Zhaoqiang and You Naihai, got up and left the set.

After getting into the car, seeing Li Gen writing and drawing in a small notebook with the cap of his pen in his mouth, he asked, "Li Gen, what did you write?"


Li Gen closed the notebook subconsciously, and said, "Oh, it's the result of today's observation."

Xu Rong became a little interested. Now Li Gen is a serious master's student in the Directing Department of Nortel. He does not lack professional ability, but what he lacks is experience. He stretched out his hand and said, "Let me take a look."

"Brother, I really didn't write anything, just a little experience."

"Let me see, otherwise I don't know what level you are, and you still expect me to invest money for you?"

In desperation, Li Gen had no choice but to hand over the notebook, and sat on the co-pilot with his shoulders shrunk like an ostrich.

Being a director is very prestigious, but that's all, especially if there are no beautiful actresses with long legs and big breasts in the crew, the work of directing will be extremely boring.

——November 2011, 11, internationally renowned director Li Genji was in Tianjin.

"Clap clap clap."

Xu Rong patted the cover of the notebook lightly, tilted his gaze to the back of the chair, and said, "Li Gen, what do you think the teacher will think if he sees what you wrote?"

Li Gen couldn't be an ostrich now, so he hurriedly turned around, forced a smile on his dry face, and said, "Brother, are you kidding me?"

Xu Rong handed him the notebook and said, "This time I was joking, but next time it may not be so."

Li Gen laughed and said, "I will definitely memorize it tomorrow, study hard, and memorize it well."

Xu Rong looked at Li Gen in great bewilderment, and said, "Hey, you usually meet a lot of people. Don't you feel envious when you see others spending a lot of money?"

Li Gen put the notebook into his backpack, and said indifferently, "Of course I envy you, why don't you envy me? But I don't think there is anything wrong with my current life."

As he said, he leaned over, put his bag on the car seat next to Xu Rong, pulled the back of the seat, showing his long and thin face with a half-laughing smile, and said, "Brother, there is a saying, don't mind if I say it, My dad, you, the two of you live, I am tired and flustered for you, yes, yes, you do earn more money than me, and people hold and respect you everywhere, but you can’t live without me Chic?"

Xu Rong smiled and asked back, "Really?"

Looking at the inexplicable smile on Xu Rong's face, Li Gen was a little uncertain: "Isn't it?"

Xu Rong lay back in the chair, and said to Wang Yaqin in front, "Yaqin, stop in front."

When Wang Yaqin stopped the car, Xu Rong threw the backpack to him again and said, "Go down."

"What's the matter?"

"You'll know when you get down."

When Li Gen got out of the car, seeing the door close quickly and the car start slowly, he was about to step forward to stop him, but at this moment, Xu Rong opened the car window, put his arm on his head, and asked, "What now?"

Li Gen looked at him puzzled: "Brother, you don't want to leave me here, do you? I was wrong, am I not as chic as you?"

While closing the car window, Xu Rong said with a smile: "I'm unrestrained or not, I know for myself, whether you are unrestrained or not, slowly feel it on the way back to the hotel."

When the word "feeling" fell, the windows were closed tightly.

Xu Rong nestled into the chair again, it was about two kilometers away from the hotel, Li Gen should take it as exercise.

When he was in junior high school in the town, he used to walk on two legs on the dirt road about eight kilometers away from the school.

Usually I don’t think there is anything wrong, but when the snow melts, wearing cotton shoes with nasoles makes it a little difficult to walk. The mud and snow are covered with rough paths, and on both sides of the road are softer and more humid wheat fields. Every time you walk , You have to stop and get off the big chunks of mud on the shoes. If you are not careful, there is a danger of slipping and falling.

Therefore, he has a particularly deep memory of the text "Preface to Sending a Horse to Dongyang", and the sentence in it "When I was a teacher, I walked in the deep mountains and huge valleys with my suitcases and luggage. I don’t know.” It often comes to mind.

But thinking about it now, it was an interesting experience.

Wang Yaqin in front glanced at the rearview mirror, hesitated for a while, and then asked in a low voice: "Mr. Xu, are you really just leaving him alone like this?"

Listening to Wang Yaqin's probing tone, Xu Rong said, "I'm doing it for his own good. Of course, he may not think so, but now, he has no other choice but to accept it."

He created a lot of opportunities for Li Gen, besides saying hello to Nortel's mentor, hoping to take care of this brother more, recently he also entrusted Li Gen to Kong Datou to participate in the preparation of "Peking".

In fact, Li Gen was asked to study for free.

"Drug Wars" had just started, and he brought him over again to learn Du Qifeng's shooting techniques and crew management.

Li Gen's starting point in the director's career has surpassed [-]% of domestic directors with professional backgrounds, because most of them start from various assistants and even field affairs step by step cautiously, and are called around all day long. Like a grandson.

But the chance is only three to five years. If Li Gen still lives like a fool without making any progress, for the sake of the teacher, he will not lose a bowl of food for Li Gen, but that's all.

Li Gen stood by the side of the road with his backpack in his arms, watching the car gradually go away, and it took him a long time to come to his senses, why is he so mean-spirited?

He thought that Xu Rong was just joking with him, but after a while, after the car disappeared completely, he realized that the other party was not joking with him.

But at this time, his mood changed from indifferent to complicated.

Li Gen walked for nearly an hour for a one-kilometer journey.

Along the way, he thought a lot.

Is it natural for Xu Rong to help himself?

He had inquired with his father, but his father had never asked for any role for Xu Rong, nor had he contacted any crew. Xu Rong's resources were all snatched by himself by sharpening his head.

As for the teacher-student relationship between his father and Xu Rong, in his opinion, it was nothing more than a false name.

He also thought of Xu Rong's help to him. He said he wanted to take the Nortel exam. He helped him find a mentor. He wanted to learn filming. Said it was wages.

All of these consume human feelings.

Now that his father is still alive, Xu Rong can still take care of his affection, but if his father is gone one day, how long can his affection last?
When Li Gen arrived at the hotel panting with his bag on his back, upstairs, Xu Rong, who wasn't active enough, was already wearing a bathrobe and sitting at the computer desk with a plate of fruit.

After connecting the hard drive, he opened a folder named "Learning Materials".

All kinds of photos are displayed on the screen. What these photos have in common is that the portraits occupy a large proportion of the photos. The people in them are dressed in different clothes, some are well-dressed, some are dirty, and some are full-body photos. , Some are half-length photos or even only facial expressions.

The emotions and states of the people in the photos are also various, some laughing heartily, some breaking down and crying, and some facial expressions and eyes are numb.

These photos are not expensive, and only spent 10,000+ to collect nearly a hundred of them.

It's not that he has a collection habit, but imitating the experience of Mr. Lan Tianye, collecting photos of various occupations, ages, and groups, and carefully observing their expressions, eyes, and temperament when they are free.

Compared with the old man, he is much more convenient. After all, with the RMB clearing the way, there are too many materials for him to choose from.

"Drip drip."

Xu Rong didn't care when he heard the message prompt of the automatic login QQ. There are not many friends in his QQ, only some former college classmates, but those classmates, especially the female classmates, are very clear about his QQ login status, 99.9999 In [-]% of the cases, Xiao Zhang was fishing.

However, after noticing that it was Xiao Zhang's profile picture flashing, he hurriedly clicked on the message.

Classmate Xiao Zhang: Mr. Xu, you are done. By the way, the frozen green garlic made by grandpa is delicious. He said you like it very much. Would you like to eat it?

Xu Rong stuffed the winter jujube into his mouth, and typed, "Let's eat it when we get back." But before pressing the send button, he deleted all the words, and a certain person he met in the community before appeared in his mind. something.

A two or three-year-old girl was playing by the flower bed in the community. At a certain moment, she found a beautiful blue butterfly-like flower, and happily flicked the pigtails behind her head towards it not far away. My mother ran up and down, shouting loudly: "Mom, Mom, I found a blue flower, it looks so good, come and see it, come and see it."

The mother was a fashionable woman in her twenties who was playing with her mobile phone. She didn't even look up at her daughter's call. She just responded casually and then turned her attention back to the mobile phone.

The child stood in front of the woman for a few seconds, repeated the words several times, but still did not get a response from the woman. He raised his little hand gently by his side in excitement, turned around silently, and walked to the blue flower by himself. Next to the flower bud, she admired it quietly by herself, but then, even if she met a beautiful flower bud of another color, she was very happy, but she didn't go to "report" to her mother again.

This scene fell into Xu Rong's eyes exactly. When the little girl was excited to find someone to share with, when she smiled at him, he also smiled back with kindness.

But the figure of the girl hanging her arms and turning around silently was deeply imprinted in his mind, so he deleted all the words he typed before, and re-typed: But what should I do if I can't eat now?

"Drip drip."

Student Xiao Zhang: Oh, Mr. Xu, you are so stupid, you send me the address, and I can send it to your hotel.

Classmate Xiao Zhang: If you count the weight of the jar, the courier fee will be more expensive than the items you send. Don’t let me tell you otherwise, or grandpa will accuse me of spending money recklessly.

Xu Rong knocked quickly: Got it, but remember not to use a glass bottle, it will be broken by the courier.

If Xiao Zhang wants to know where he is, he can send a message to Wang Yaqin to know the exact address, but she still came to ask specifically, not to ask him if he wants to eat, because she already knew from her grandfather that she likes to eat.

The purpose of her asking is to tell him that she has prepared everything, and if she wants to eat, she can send it right away.

Of course he can refuse on the grounds that he is out of town.

But no matter what method you use to decline, it will be a refusal in the end. If there are too many times, even if there are frozen green garlic, frozen red garlic, and frozen purple garlic in the future, Xiao Zhang may not refuse to keep him, but the first time I think of him The eagerness probably dissipated slowly.

Not letting the concerns of caring people fail and giving positive feedback is something that is easily taken for granted by most people and ignored.

But it is also one of the reasons why he and Xiao Zhang have been together for seven or eight years and still maintain the appearance when they were just together.

When Xu Rong chatted with classmate Xiao Zhang again and again, You Naihai, who was still squatting on the set, regretted to death.

Thanks to Du Qifeng's new requirements for Sun Honglei, the crew fell into a state of "grinding".

Grinding one line of script in an hour, it is estimated that after work, you can grind four lines in the sky.

But I'm afraid he won't have time to complete the follow-up plot.

You Naihai likes chatting with Xu Rong very much, because he found that although the other party is not a screenwriter, he can provide many novel ideas. For example, this young man's thinking is quite crazy, even more crazy than his own idea of ​​Cai Tianming's role.

His purpose of writing the script is to advance the plot step by step to the final "decisive battle", but Xu Rong is always thinking about the possibility of killing Zhang Lei's gang and letting Cai Tianming escape alone.

It's just that after Xu Rong knew that he had nothing to do today, he turned around and got in the car back to the hotel, You Naihai realized that the set was really boring, but even if it was boring, he still had to just wait.

We haven't had dinner yet.

In fact, he wanted to go back in the middle of the afternoon. The reason why he lasted until now was definitely not for Du Qifeng's face, but because he was curious about the source of Du Qifeng's high evaluation of Xu Rongchao.

As a result, after waiting all afternoon, Xu Rong never got a chance to play.

This also means that tomorrow, he has to get up early.

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