I'm just an actor

Chapter 340 Preparation

"Ring bell bell."

"Ring bell bell."

The night was dark, the sound of the alarm clock rang through the room in response to the footsteps in the corridor, You Naihai stretched out his arms from the bed in a daze, intending to turn off the alarm clock, but the biting coldness of the air felt like a needle prick Yes, forcing him to quickly retract his arms back into the bed.

Yesterday it was still around ten degrees, why is it suddenly so cold today?
He summoned up his courage again, and quickly turned off the alarm clock before the cold air reacted.

Then, he wrapped the quilt a little tighter, and began to struggle in his heart.

The struggle didn't last long, and he found enough reasons for himself.

I have to stay in the hotel today to write the script.

Even before going to bed last night, he had already planned today's itinerary.

Go to the set with the crew in the morning to see what happened to the "beyond imagination" performance described by Du Qifeng, stay on the set until noon, take lunch by the way, go back to the hotel to take a nap, and decide according to your mood after waking up Whether to go swimming in the swimming pool upstairs, wait until four o'clock, and start to perfect and modify the details of the script.

But the quilt was so comfortable that he had no intention of carrying out the plan at all.

Maybe it's because he's getting old. In the past, if he had nothing to do, he could sleep until twelve o'clock at noon. But in recent years, let alone twelve o'clock, even if he wakes up at two or three o'clock at night, there is always something on his mind. It takes a while to fall asleep again.

The same is true now, family and work matters are flying in front of his eyes, and these things seem to affect his physical feelings, and the bed is gradually not so warm.

After rubbing his face, You Naihai got up from the bed, put on the quilt, and took out the down jacket that he had prepared before from the closet.

After tidying up, he went downstairs and stood at the main entrance of the hotel. A gust of cold wind was blowing. He shrugged his shoulders and looked at the crew members who were carrying big bags and small bags and getting on the car one by one. He sighed silently. The film and television industry is a bowl of youth food. There is no age limit for the work of directors and producers, but when the staff of the various groups below are around 40 years old, they have to consider leaving this industry completely.

It's not yet six o'clock and I'm ready to leave. It's still unknown what time I can get back from work in the evening, but what is certain is that it is unlikely to be before seven o'clock. Old people can't stand this kind of hardship at all.

You Naihai thought that he had dialed in earlier, but when he got to the set, he realized that the machinery, lighting, props, scenery and other groups were all making final adjustments.

Not far from the busy lighting engineer, Xu Rong asked the makeup artist to touch up his makeup while listening to Du Qifeng talk about the next scene.

For how to present each scene, Xu Rong has a general idea in his mind, but unlike in the past he can make a difference according to his own ideas, now he still needs to know what Du Qifeng wants.

Maybe the final cut will keep the part he played, and maybe the part that Du Qifeng wanted, but just like everyone is compromising, he has to compromise.

Xu Rong remembered what he noticed when he was washing up just now, and said to the teacher who was putting on makeup for herself: "Mr. Liu, do you feel that my hair is a little longer today than it was on the first day of shooting?"

The person he called "Teacher Liu" was a chubby middle-aged woman in her thirties, with her hair tied neatly behind her head. When she heard his words, she raised her head and asked uncertainly, "It's a little longer. ?”

"My hair grows a little faster, and it feels like it's grown a little bit."

The basis of Xu Rong's "feeling" is not the length of her hair, but when she just washed up, she found in the mirror that the overall outline and lines of her hairstyle are not as smooth as three days ago.

Du Qifeng and Zheng Baorui looked at each other, they didn't notice the slightest change, but Du Qifeng slightly guessed Xu Rong's state of mind at this time, and said to the makeup artist: "Then, a little repair."

Teacher Liu understood Du Qifeng's meaning, she took out the tools, and carefully trimmed the details of Xu Rong's hair, but in essence, she didn't really cut too many strands of hair.

Having been in this industry for a long time, she vaguely understands that psychological effects have a great influence on an actor's performance. If he acts forcefully under circumstances that he feels are inappropriate, it is very likely that the next shooting will turn into a disaster.

Xu Rong naturally understands this truth, but he is more willing to believe that the discomfort is caused by long hair, not because of a new word that Xiao Zhang told him when he called Xiao Zhang last night.

Wait for the good news.

While the middle-aged woman was repairing Xu Rong's hair, Du Qifeng continued the conversation: "Then you come here and pick up this knife, as you said yesterday, in order to create better escape conditions, when necessary , you don't mind tackling any of them"

"it is good."

Xu Rong likes this kind of shooting rhythm very much. Although a scene may have to be shot several times or even dozens of times due to various reasons such as actors, radio, lighting, props, etc., at least it is not as rushed as a TV series.

For a 1000-episode TV series, the total duration of the film is about 2400 minutes. In terms of two-camera, the material may take 120 minutes or more. Under normal circumstances, the shooting cycle takes about three months, and the film takes 480 minutes. For example, the length of the material may be [-] minutes or more, and it takes three months to shoot, which means that for the creators, each shot can spend more time polishing, looking for the best color and angle, For actors, you can also pursue the best performance they can achieve as much as possible.

Not far away, You Naihai was wrapped in a down jacket and sat motionless on a chair. He wanted to take a walk at first, but later found that as long as he didn't move, the heat from his body seemed to dissipate more slowly, so he wouldn't feel so cold.

He looked at Xu Rong who was still wearing a coat, and wondered in his heart, do northerners carry the cold like this?

When Du Qifeng left and brought a gust of cool wind over his face, he tightly hugged his arms again. Seeing Du Qifeng picked up the earphones, he asked, "Shoot directly?"

"Shoot directly." Du Qifeng shook his head lightly, "I have to catch up a bit today."

"Oh, I said so." You Naihai suddenly realized that almost two-thirds of today's filming notices were Xu Rong's scenes, one-third more than the original plan, and the extra third was all Xu Rong's scenes. Tolerant.

What is going to be filmed is the scene where Xu Rong escapes from the hospital.

"The audience is quiet."



At the end of the corridor, Xu Rong walked out of a ward, holding a disposable water cup in his hand, pretending to drink water to cover his face, his raised eyelids were quite restless, like a wolf, wandering around.

Following the established walking route, he quickly staggered past the group performers, and at a certain moment, he suddenly turned into an empty room on the left.


After Du Qifeng finished shouting, he always felt that something was wrong.

It was too fast, and he always felt that there must be problems that he didn't notice during the shooting process.

But after watching the replay, he found that Xu Rong and all departments had shown the effect he wanted.

But even so, he was still worried.

From experience, it shouldn't be this smooth.

Seeing that Du Qifeng remained silent for a long time, everyone froze on the spot, not knowing what to do next.

Xu Rong and deputy director Zheng Baorui looked at each other, walked behind Du Qifeng, and asked, "Director?"

Du Qifeng watched the replay three times in a row, but he still didn't find anything wrong. When he heard the sound, he turned his head, looked at the two people who came behind him at some point, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Zheng Baorui looked at him suspiciously, and asked, "Director, are we reshooting, or?"

Du Qifeng couldn't make up his mind for a while, if he took another shot, if he turned around and found that there was something wrong with the shot, it would be quite troublesome to re-set the scene and pick a group of performers.

There are more than a dozen group actors in the shot, where each group actor stands, how to walk, how to dress, the two shots must be connected, and the angle of view cannot be switched. After the old lady standing on Xu Rong's left suddenly turned into a child.

Seeing that Du Qifeng was a little uncertain for a while, Xu Rong asked, "Director, can I change into a white coat?"

Du Qifeng looked at him in confusion, and asked, "White coat, what do you mean?"

Xu Rong pointed to a few group performers who played medical staff not far away, and said: "It's just that I temporarily put on my life's clothes and masks. If I were Cai Tianming, I would definitely do these when the situation permits. Because putting on a coat and a mask only delays the time by 30 seconds at most, but in a hospital full of guards, it can increase the chance of escape even more."

Du Qifeng did not immediately express his opinion. If someone else came, he would definitely not agree, because under the age limit of Cai Tianming's role, no actor can perform a thrilling escape scene with only a pair of eyes.

Out of instinct, he wanted to find a reason to refuse, but when the words came to his lips, he remembered the scene that seemed to have some vague problems just now, and he was a little worried, so he held the idea of ​​preparing more materials Planned, said: "Then go one way first and try."

"it is good."

You Naihai listened to Xu Rong's suggestion, his eyes were straightened, he had completely discovered that Xu Rong had a problem with his mind, he wished he could help Cai Tianming think of all the ways and routes to escape.

Xu Rong was also quite surprised by Du Qifeng's straightforward agreement. Yesterday Du Qifeng had a meeting with him and Sun Honglei, hoping that they would not interfere too much in the creation.

The reason why he brought it up was only out of intuitive feeling, because he believed that if he really encountered that kind of situation, he would never run out without covering up anything.

There is surveillance in the hospital!

As Xu Rong put on the white coat, Du Qifeng, who was still thinking about the shooting just now, was stunned for a while, and then under You Naihai's surprised gaze, he trotted all the way to Xu Rong, grabbed Xu Rong's arm, and said, "Wait!" When you come out from here, when you go out, take your right foot first, don't be too anxious to come out, that is, you have to observe the corridor, that's it."

Du Qifeng's body was a bit fat, in order to maintain a steady rhythm, he could only hold on to the wall of the corridor with one hand, and leaned his upper body back slightly.

This is Du Qifeng's habit, he demonstrates to the actors himself.

It's just that because of his body shape, he can only demonstrate a "god", but it is difficult to perfectly present the "shape" he expected.

Xu Rong looked at his appearance, thought for a while, put his hands in the pockets in front of him, straightened his back, and stepped out with one foot, but at the moment of landing, the heel of the leather shoe touched the ground first, and the sole of the shoe touched the ground afterwards. Seemingly heavy but actually light, there was a light "pop", turned his head, and asked, "Is that what you mean?"

Du Qifeng and Xu Rong looked at each other and nodded blankly. He finally discovered something very unusual. Xu Rong seemed to have a talent for directing. He seemed to know very well how to present the beauty of art to the greatest extent.

However, Du Qifeng was still quite surprised that he had achieved the effect he wanted with ease. After stretching out his hand and pinching Xu Rong's arm, he suddenly said, "No wonder."

When Xu Rong landed just now, there was an obvious slow motion. It seemed that it was not much different from ordinary walking, but Du Qifeng, who had done a demonstration, knew very well that a simple movement requires strong core strength and body flexibility to achieve it.

It is also a solid foundation for the "shape" in the actor's voice, stage, shape, and appearance.

But for these, Du Qifeng was already a little surprised, he turned his head and said to Zheng Zhaoqiang: "Adjust the camera position, wait for the moment Xu Rong comes out, first take a close-up of the shoe, wait for the soles of his feet to be pressed down, and then go up Shooting, for a full-body shot, and another overhead shot for a close-up of the face at the same time."

After Zheng Zhaoqiang heard this, he was a little embarrassed, because the current filming method is completely two scenes from before, and they had to rearrange the camera positions, saying: "Director, then, it may take an extra 10 minutes to arrange."

Du Qifeng nodded his wrist watch: "The last shot only took 10 minutes, even if we waste 10 minutes, we can shoot a line of script in an hour, very fast."

Following Du Qifeng's words, the surroundings were quiet for a moment. After four days of starting the machine, everyone can feel Du Qifeng's style. Although there are various requirements for actors' performances, lighting, etc., the core requirements are still schedule.

"Okay, get ready now."

Following Du Qifeng's order, the crew immediately turned on full steam.

Wearing a white coat and a mask, Xu Rong stood quietly in a side room, brewing emotions. In the next scene, he will abandon his best lines and facial expressions, and use his body (eyes) to present the plot And Cai Tianming's idea.

"Ms. Wang, Mr. Xu is preparing, don't bother him."

Wang Zixuan looked at Wang Yaqin who was standing in front of her, nodded slightly, and only glanced at Xu Rong.

Before the filming started, You Naihai noticed that Xu Rong, who was wearing a mask with his hands in his pockets, inadvertently glanced sideways in his direction.

He looked at Xu Rong for a moment, and he hurriedly looked away, Xu Rong only showed a pair of eyes, but the moment he looked at him, being stared at by the other party, he always felt a little panicked.

"The audience is quiet."


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