I'm just an actor

Chapter 341 Shooting

People who didn't receive the news at the first time realized one thing when they found that the group performances were slightly different from the script.

The script may have changed.

As Xu Rong walked into the camera wearing a white coat and a mask, everyone's attention was quietly focused on him.

Most of the staff in each group are old acquaintances of Du Qifeng, and are also very familiar with his directing style.

Others are not allowed to change the play.

Yesterday, the news that Du Qifeng deliberately took You Naihai to a meeting with Xu Rong and Sun Honglei had already spread like wildfire.

Except for a few who knew the specific situation, most people thought that perhaps Du Qifeng or You Naihai suddenly thought of something and changed the script temporarily.

The director of photography Zheng Zhaoqiang sat beside Du Qifeng, his eyes flicked across Du Qifeng's expressionless Xiaoyuan face, and he felt a coolness pass through his body.

For the entire crew, he was one of the first to show kindness to Xu Rong, and the reason is simple.

Before that, he didn't know much about Xu Rong. He only knew that Xu Rong was the most popular actor in mainland China in recent years.

He learned about his famous works, and after roughly calculating the time, he didn't inquire about any news related to Xu Rong.

There is already enough information, if you inquire again, it will only interfere with your own judgment.

Xu Rong became famous in 2007 with "Yangcheng Dark Whistle" produced by Heilan. Today, in November 2011, he is participating in "Drug War" invested by Heilan.

Zheng Zhaoqiang judged two points from this information. The first is that Xu Rong's emotional intelligence is very high. For artists, it happens from time to time to become famous overnight, and it is not uncommon to be popular for one or two years. It is not an easy task to be at the forefront of the most turbulent Vanity Fair, because there are too many people staring at that position, and if Xu Rong is negligent, he will be thrown off his horse immediately.

Because in any industry, there is no shortage of people who take self-interest at the expense of others as the rule of success.

The second point is to know how to choose.

For a long time, whether it is in the mainland or Hong Kong and Taiwan, there are very few artists who can still have a drink with their old club after the contract is terminated, but Xu Rong has done it. Not only that, he also starred in "Drug War", which is Hai Lan's ambitious movie market.

Zheng Zhaoqiang believes that there are entrepreneurs with a sense of social responsibility in all walks of life, but he believes that the nature of capital seeking profit does not depend on human will. paid an unimaginable price.

But the second point of view was quickly reversed on the first day of the start-up. On that day, he keenly discovered that the aura of Xu Rong and Liu Yanming when they communicated seems to have no distinction between high and low.

This is very rare. He knows very well that the reason why these big bosses are willing to happily coax their popular artists is not because they really think that the other party has the capital to be equal to him, but because of a wonderful mentality. Can you bear to watch it bump into each other? !

Liu Yanming would joke with Xu Rong, but at the same time, he also paid great attention to Xu Rong's feelings, and he paid attention to a small detail. After the opening ceremony, before Liu Yanming left, he patted Xu Rong's arm, not his arm. Shoulder.

This is really a small detail that cannot be ignored, but because of subconsciousness, Zheng Zhaoqiang recognized the relationship between Xu Rong and Liu Yanming. To Xu Rong, it seems to be treated as a person of equal status.

This is a matter worthy of in-depth study, but Zheng Zhaoqiang didn't delve into it because he knew that maybe when he just started to inquire about it, it would reach Xu Rong's ears when he turned his head.

He only knew that even a mainland entertainer like Liu Yanming, being polite to Xu Rong was enough.

In the past three days, he didn't notice anything special about Xu Rong, even if Wang Hui didn't arrange a suite for him, he didn't mention half a word of his displeasure.

But at any time, Zheng Zhaoqiang always remembered the scene where Liu Yanming patted Xu Rong's arm, and always remained polite to him. As long as Xu Rong came to watch the monitor, he would always give him his place without hesitation. He asked the field manager to bring another chair, and he had already made up his mind, even if Xu Rong didn't change at all in the next three months and the past three days, he would stick to it.

But today, perhaps because of paying attention, he noticed something was wrong, and because he noticed something wrong, he looked at Xu Rong, who was nearly 20 years younger than himself, in the distance, and felt the coldness of early winter rushing from his heels to the top of his head .


In the corridor, the sole of a not-so-shiny leather shoe lightly stepped on the floor.

Xu Rong held a case in his hand, his chin was slightly closed, and his eyes seemed to stay on the case, but the two eyeballs under the half-drooped eyelids wandered around.

The filming location was in the hospital, so many medical staff wandered around in front of Xu Rong's eyes every day, and their voices, smiles, demeanors and behaviors all fell into his mind exactly.

But Xu Rong didn't completely imitate it. Art comes from life, but it should be higher than life. In terms of the presentation of eyes, he combined the expression methods of two familiar actors, Ni Dahong and Wu Gang.

Ni Dahong is good at presenting the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of characters through immersive experience, while Wu Gang is very good at using the "prop" of eyelids to influence the audience's perception.

Halfway through the walk, when his pursuers came, he didn't turn around and walk into the next room as he did in the previous filming, but grabbed a female extra performer and asked with concern, "Are you feeling better?"

The group performer was pulled by Xu Rong's arm, and she felt a rush of blood rushing straight to her forehead. She knew Xu Rong too well, but she had been a group performer for a long time, and she no longer had any feelings for stars. The reason why she was excited was because Because she knew that thanks to Xu Rong's temporary performance, she might have a chance to appear on the scene.

But before she could think about what to say, she felt a pair of big hands holding her and exerted a sudden force.

She didn't want to waste this opportunity, but Xu Rong made more and more effort, she resisted the pain: "Okay, better."


Du Qifeng took off the earphones, handed them to You Naihai next to him, and said pointedly: "Come on, feel it."

After working together for decades, he really knows You Naihai's temper very well. If it weren't for what he said yesterday, with today's sudden winter weather, it would be no less difficult than taking three pages a day to drag You Naihai out of the bed script.

On the other hand, the script is still being revised and improved. He also hopes that You Naihai can get along with each actor more, so that when writing the script, the actors can also get closer to the characters themselves.

In fact, you don’t need to watch the replay, You Naihai understands everything, Xu Rong didn’t even think about how to play Cai Tianming, but in the inner world, he put himself in the situation that Cai Tianming encountered, and released the "evil" in his heart willfully and recklessly. ".

But it is precisely because of this that he allows the characters to live under the camera by living in his own world.

But You Naihai still put on the earphones, watched the replay seriously, and when he saw Xu Rong's drooping eyelids, he said: "His eyes are very interesting, very strange, like, like, like"

Du Qifeng said softly, "Like a wild beast."

"Yes, yes, that's the feeling." But soon, You Naihai shook his head twice, pointed to the tense upper half of Xu Rong's face on the screen and said, "To be more precise, it's a sleepy head." Beast, he is actually very nervous."

When You Naihai saw the last scene, he didn't pay much attention at first, but noticed that the knuckles of Xu Rong holding the girl were turning white, and he pointed at the monitor with his hand, smiled and said to Du Qifeng next to him, "Wow, look at the little girl!" It hurts to look at it."


Du Qifeng folded his arms and leaned against the armrest on one side, also laughing, but with a smile, he seemed to realize something, and the smile on his face quickly faded away.

He suddenly had a feeling that the situation was gradually getting out of control.

Because the moment Xu Rong pinched the arm of the actress, he realized that Xu Rong did not act according to his request.

Of course, this scene can be cut, but he is more concerned about another aspect. According to the script, Xu Rong should turn right and enter a side room to avoid, instead of improvising to help the girl just now.

A rather contradictory feeling filled Du Qifeng's heart.

Is Xu Rong doing well?

Very good, in one scene, he showed Cai Tianming's character traits of both madness and rationality through only a few limbs and faces.

But as a director who is used to having absolute control over the crew, the current situation is not what he would like to see.

And he has some deep concerns.

Seeing that Du Qifeng's laughter gradually faded away, You Naihai turned his head in surprise and asked, "What's the matter, don't you think it's okay?"

Du Qifeng shook his head, paused, and then pointedly said: "He has played too much."

You Naihai looked at him in astonishment, and said, "No, I feel that basically he came according to your request. Oh, did you say he stopped to talk to people? Isn't this too much of a show?"

Hearing You Naihai's doubts, Du Qifeng slowly turned his head and looked at him. He wanted to refute, but he swallowed the words again.

The concept of being out of control was born in an instant, but thinking about it carefully at this time, what Xu Rong presented was indeed only a slight deviation from his request.

This is a rather strange phenomenon, because after careful recollection, Xu Rong's presentation just now did not deviate much from his own requirements.

But almost a lot of changes have been made to the original plot.

When did the situation start?
Why did he suddenly become the current situation when he insisted not to change the script and has been working hard to implement it?

Slowly, he figured out why.

Both Xu Rong and Sun Honglei expressed their opinions and suggestions on the plot, but the methods they adopted were completely different. Sun Honglei wanted to forcibly instill his ideas into his own mind. Among Du Qifeng's values, that is naturally the right thing to do. It doesn't make sense, because he wants to stick to his own style.

However, Xu Rong adopted another method. During the actual shooting process, he tested his limit time and time again, and then pulled back and forth, making concessions and compromises with each other, but he always controlled it at a reasonable "degree". In the end, step by step, the current situation was formed.

Without much change in the plot of the script, the presentation of the details almost made him willingly follow Xu Rong's train of thought.

At this moment, he finally understood why it was rumored by colleagues in the mainland that Xu Rong likes to criticize directors and actors, but there has never been any controversy over this.

This kind of method and method of silently encroaching on the bottom line of others step by step, when you think about it carefully, is really frightening, there is no conflict at all, and there is no fierce confrontation, but it is only four days, Xu Rong is the same as before. Just like any crew I have ever stayed in, I achieved my intention quietly.

And Du Qifeng understands that even in the current situation, it is impossible for him to turn against Xu Rong because of "a little detail".

You Naihai's attitude just now has proved everything. If he gets angry because of this, even though You Naihai is on his side because of friendship, he may feel that he is making a big deal out of a molehill and thinks that he is at a loss.

And once You Naihai felt that he owed Xu Rong, as the actual writer of the script, it was difficult for You Naihai's mentality of indebtedness not to be guided and used by Xu Rong to write the script as Xu Rong expected.

He is very clear that the current situation is a very dangerous tendency. Today is only the fourth day of starting the machine. He can't imagine that half a month later, when Xu Rong proposes to overhaul the script in some way, will he be like Now, just keep silent.

Because he gave himself a reason to remain silent, and also gave himself the necessity to remain silent.

Not far away, Sun Honglei was also watching this scene. Yesterday afternoon and evening, he also raised his thoughts with Du Qifeng, but Du Qifeng denied them all.

But right now Xu Rong almost took the pen from You Naihai and wrote the script by himself, but Du Qifeng didn't care about it like he was blind.

He didn't understand the reason, but he always felt that things were weird everywhere. He knew very well that Du Qifeng and Xu Rong had no friendship at all in the past, and even now, there was no friendship at all, but even if they had a better relationship with Du Qifeng Hong Kong actors come over, I'm afraid Du Qifeng may not be able to give such a big face.

"Next scene." Du Qifeng's voice suddenly resounded on the set, which also brought an end to the modification of this scene.

As the filming started again, when Xu Rong came to the lobby on the first floor of the hospital and noticed the shot taken from a low angle, a very strong impulse suddenly arose in his heart.

He turned around, took out his right hand from his pocket, smiled lightly, narrowed his eyes, raised his hand to the side of his head, gave a non-standard salute, and then waved forward slightly.


He turned around, put his hands in his pockets again, stood there and waited for a few seconds, but he still didn't hear Du Qifeng's voice. He turned his head and stared blankly at the camera.

Sun Honglei did not play in this scene, so there is no need for him to continue acting.


You Naihai didn't know whether he was cold or excited. At this moment, they were holding the armrest of the chair tightly with both hands, and all the muscles in their bodies were trembling. Xu Rong's untidy palms were placed across the ears just now, and the corners of the eyes overflowed. At the moment of joy of victory, he suddenly discovered that this character created by himself had come alive.

After Du Qifeng's voice fell, he hugged Du Qifeng's arm excitedly: "This one is good, this one is really good."

Of course Du Qifeng understood the meaning of this shot. The moment Xu Rong raised his hand, Cai Tianming not only walked out of the hospital, but also walked into the hearts of the audience as a living person.

Xu Rong made little changes, but this action smoothed out all the subsequent plots.

It also indicates that the final fight was not accidental, but one of the worst assumptions made by Cai Tianming when he was arrested.

Zheng Zhaoqiang looked at the excited You Naihai with a flushed face, and Du Qifeng with a solemn expression, and said in a complicated tone: "I, I have a hunch that even if this movie doesn't catch on, the scene where he saluted just now will definitely be popular. If this movie becomes popular , there is an [-]% chance that that shot will become one of the classics in film history."

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