You Naihai didn't listen to Zheng Zhaoqiang's evaluation of Xu Rong at all, he ran up to Xu Rong quickly, grabbed his arm with both hands, stared at him brightly, and asked, "Why did you salute that?"

His words were urgent and fast, and because he was too excited, his tone sounded more like a question than an inquiry.

Xu Rong's wrist was a little uncomfortable being grabbed by You Naihai. After breaking free with a little force, he expressed his confusion and dissatisfaction in a nasal voice: "Huh?"

You Naihai looked at Xu Rong's slightly frowned eyebrows under the mask, and immediately realized that the other party had misunderstood him, and hurriedly waved his hands to explain: "I'm not saying that the gesture of saluting just now is inappropriate, but it's very, very unexpected, you How did you come up with it? Didn't you tell me yesterday that his purpose was to escape? Will you risk being exposed if you do that?"

Looking at You Naihai's eager eyes, Xu Rong understood a little bit what was going on. In the previous script, Cai Tianming's only character trait was extreme and pure "badness", but this kind of "badness" was too thin, monotonous, and not enough. Three-dimensional, most importantly, as a realistic work, such a character design is not enough.

He met a taciturn brother during his experience of life in it. Speaking of it, the journey of that brother was quite tortuous. At first, because he had doubts about the new buyer pretending to be a people's guard, he stayed in the meeting. After being arrested, the people's guards did not find any evidence that he was engaged in the black industry, and had to let him go.

Pure "badness" is not all the real black industry chain practitioners.

This is his overall feeling, down to the details. Without that situation, it would be difficult for him to consider every detail.

It's just that he didn't feel too deeply about You Naihai's evaluation of "very good". At that point, he wanted to raise his hand, so he did it. At that moment, he actually didn't think too much about it.

He was still a little proud of having escaped under strict surveillance.

Looking at You Naihai's puzzled eyes, he thought for a while, and said, "If you want to talk about the specific reason, I can't really say it. I didn't feel like doing that at the time, so I did it."

After seeing You Naihai listened to it, he had an undisguised disappointment on his face, and said: "The performance is like this. In many cases, there is actually no careful logic at all, it is purely an impulse."

You Naihai could understand what he meant, because he would have a similar experience when he wrote the script, but he still did not give up and said: "Can you analyze the mental state at that time now? I think the character traits highlighted by the raised hand have Especially strong charm, I want to know."

Xu Rong thought for a while, and said: "I guess, at that time, I also hesitated, and I knew that as long as they adjusted the surveillance, I would be exposed, but after thinking about it, even if there was no such action, they would take me It didn’t take long to find out, but even if I did, they found out that I was running away, adjusted the surveillance, and found the picture. With this time, it was enough time for me to escape.”

"Because there are another five meters, I can escape from birth, and the movie is not reality after all. Since I came up with this idea, it shows that my actions at that time were in line with the logic of my behavior, so there is no need to suppress it."

You Naihai didn't nod when he heard Xu Rong's explanation. After thinking for a while, he looked at Xu Rong, and seemed to know each other again to a certain extent, and asked, "I have a guess, do you have such a habit? , If at a certain moment, when you encounter something, you think you should do it, but you are not sure whether you want to do it, the first choice is not not to do it, but to do it?"

Although You Naihai's words were quite awkward, Xu Rong still understood what he wanted to express, nodded slightly and said: "Almost, there are some situations where we really don't have much time to think."

What You Naihai said is right, he is usually like this when he encounters similar situations. Most of the time, the opportunity is just in a flash, and if he misses it, he also misses it.

You Naihai looked at Xu Rong, who occasionally showed smile lines in the corners of his eyes, and was a little confused. Whether it was Xu Rong's own will or "Cai Tianming" who nodded to himself, he certainly knew the strengths and weaknesses of his characters, Cai Tianming was a "paper People", except for being ruthless, seemed to have no other characteristics, but the moment Xu Rong raised his hand to salute, the "paper man" instantly plumped up.

Seeing what the assistant director Zheng Baorui wanted to say to Xu Rong, he said, "We won't be busy later, let's discuss our understanding of this role. Your performance just now gave me a lot of inspiration. From that action, I feel that you are better than Xu Rong." I know the character better."

"is it?"

Xu Rong asked uncertainly, and before You Naihai could speak, he said again, "That's fine."

At this time, Du Qifeng lit a cigarette and watched the replay carefully. When he saw Xu Rong's mocking salute posture and wild eyes again, he suddenly realized that there seemed to be something hidden in Xu Rong. A strange magical power, when he stood in front of the camera, as a director, it was hard to resist the curiosity to see how much energy he could release.

During the previous filming, he had already fully understood Xu Rong's strategy, which was very similar to the foreign policy that the Mainland has been implementing all along. While avoiding direct conflicts, he interlocked and worked step by step, subtly turning the situation into a confrontational one. own favorable situation.

Regarding this, he felt a little uncomfortable, because he felt that Xu Rong was plotting against him, and the plot succeeded, but after watching the playback again, he picked up the walkie-talkie on the table, hesitated for a while, and then said: " Zheng Baorui, give Xu Rong the walkie-talkie."

Zheng Baorui didn't find it strange when he heard the sound of the walkie-talkie. He took the walkie-talkie off his chest, handed it to Xu Rong, and said, "Mr. Xu, the director wants to talk to you."


Xu Rong took the walkie-talkie in puzzlement, not knowing what the hell Du Qifeng was doing, because there was only one room away, and if there was anything going on, he could hear it without making a loud voice, just by shouting.


After a while, there was still no sound from the intercom, Xu raised his head to look at Zheng Baorui, and asked, "Director Zheng, did you hear me right?"

Zheng Baorui was also stunned, he didn't know what was going on, just now Du Qifeng asked him to hand over the walkie-talkie to Xu Rong, but when he handed it over, there was no sound.

"In the future, if there is such a situation again, if it is planned in advance, you have to tell me in advance."

Xu Rong suddenly heard Du Qifeng's voice from the walkie-talkie, smiled, and said, "Okay, director."

You Naihai, who had just returned to the director's supervision, stared blankly at Du Qifeng putting the walkie-talkie on the table, and suddenly felt that everything in front of him was a bit unreal.

He and Du Qifeng have been friends for decades, and the cooperation is not once or twice, but it is the first time Du Qifeng has given such a large authority to an actor.

"If it is planned in advance, you have to tell me in advance." There is another meaning behind this sentence, if it is improvised, then it is up to you.

But looking back, he didn't think there was anything wrong. Xu Rong's "performance" was always unexpected, but the more he thought about it, the more he found that it was extremely reasonable.

On the other side, Li Mingjie and Sun Honglei looked at Xu Rong side by side, and said in a low voice, "Did you notice that Xu Rong was a bit evil at that moment just now?"

Sun Honglei said nothing, but frowned and took a light breath. According to the shooting plan, he should be on stage for the next shot.

But he really couldn't imagine how he should present himself in order to establish a decent image in front of the "evil" Xu Rong just now.

Sun Honglei looked at Xu Rong from a distance, he still didn't take off his mask, and the exposed half of his face didn't show much emotion.

He looked at him curiously, hoping to see some clues. When Cai Tianming turned around and suddenly found Zhang Lei standing outside the door, what kind of mood would he be in?
But at a certain moment, Xu Rong suddenly turned his head and looked at him.

Sun Honglei keenly noticed that Xu Rong was smiling, but it was not a kind smile. Laugh lines appeared in the corners of his eyes, but there was no trace of a smile in his eyes.

"Mr. Sun, let me tell you about the next play."

While actor and assistant director Luo Jinfu directed the extras to move, Zheng Baorui called Xu Rong and Sun Honglei aside, and said, "Cai Tianming turned around and ran into Zhang Lei who had already heard the news. Through his professional instinct, Zhang Lei had already You can tell that the person in the white coat is Cai Tianming, and when Cai Tianming turns around and runs away into the hospital, you have to catch up to him."

After Zheng Baorui finished speaking, he hesitated for a while, looked at Xu Rong again, and asked, "Mr. Xu, no, is there nothing else?"

Sun Honglei kept nodding, and when he heard Zheng Baorui's question, his eyes wandered back and forth between the two in surprise.

As the executive director, why did Zheng Baorui ask Xu Rong how the play should go?
Seeming to have noticed Sun Honglei's doubts, Zheng Baorui smiled and explained: "The director said that Mr. Xu can act according to his own ideas, but it is best to communicate in advance."

When Sun Honglei heard the words, his eyes suddenly opened into cracks. Today is the fourth day of starting the machine.

During the four days, Du Qifeng had only one request from him.

Play as requested.

But at the same time, Xu Rong has completely different requirements, and it is best to communicate in advance.

Of course he understood the actual meaning of this sentence, he very slowly shifted his gaze from Zheng Baorui to Xu Rong, from his face, he still couldn't see any emotion, as if covered by a layer of fog.

Seeing the two of them fell silent, Zheng Baorui also sensed the strange atmosphere. Seriously speaking, this was the first rivalry between Xu Rong and Sun Honglei.

In the first three days, we have been competing with each other, and we haven't finished shooting a single page of the script.

He laughed dryly, looked at the two of them, and asked, "Teachers, do you want to take a walk first?"

Hearing this, Xu Rong looked at Sun Honglei, only to find that he was also looking at him.

Unanimously, the two laughed silently at the same time. The only difference was that Sun Honglei lost his eyes.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, the two of them saw that everything was ready, and they stood silently without asking anyone to remind them.

"The audience is quiet."




Xu Rongli stood on the spot, staring at Sun Honglei not far away.

The smile lines at the corners of his eyes gradually faded away.

On the opposite side, Sun Honglei began to smile gradually on his solemn face.

The moment Sun Honglei just showed his two teeth, Xu Rong suddenly raised his steps and walked slowly towards Sun Honglei's blocked door. The hand that had just finished saluting naturally reached into the pocket of his coat.

There is a "weapon" hidden there.

With a few more meters away, he would be able to regain his freedom, and he knew very well that the crimes he committed might have been exposed. Once he was arrested, the only thing waiting for him was death.

With the weapon and good skill, he believed that he could finish Zhang Lei instantly, and then take advantage of the chaos to continue his escape plan.

Accompanied by his movements, the smile that was about to spread on Sun Honglei's face was quickly suppressed.

Seeing Xu Rong staring at him, walking step by step, Sun Honglei felt inexplicably like watching the lion on the side of the glass slowly walking towards him when he went to the zoo.

His pace is not fast, just like the lion walking slowly.

But he knew very well that once it entered its attack range, it would open its bloody mouth without hesitation and launch the most ferocious attack.

When Xu Rong took the third step, he slowly stretched his hand to the inside of his clothes.

Here is his feedback.

Xu Rong put his hands in his pockets, noticed Sun Honglei's movements, stopped abruptly, then turned around without hesitation, and retreated quickly with the help of the crowd passing by in the hall.

The gun is fast at a distance of seven steps, and the gun is accurate and fast within seven steps.


Hearing Du Qifeng's voice, Sun Honglei slowly put down his hand, looked at Xu Rong who had stopped running, and asked, "Xu Rong, I would like to ask you a question, why did you give me one, I can't follow your rhythm?" How does it feel to come out?"

During the filming just now, his spirit has been highly tense, responding to Xu Rong's every action, as if he originally wanted to widen his smile, but the moment he was oppressed, he immediately felt a sense of tension involuntarily.

Xu Rong thought for a while and said, "I really listen, I really see, I really feel."

Sun Honglei sneered, and said: "Some time ago, when Tang Yan participated in an interview, she also said that she acted like this."

Xu Rong turned to look at him, and said with a strange expression: "What do you mean by that?"


After a while, Xu Rongcai said: "We at Renyi have a saying about rhythm. For each actor in a scene, there are three rhythms. One is the big rhythm of the whole play, and the other is a rhythm that is coordinated with other actors. Rhythm, and another is the rhythm of our hearts. When acting, everyone is taking small steps, all in motion. Once you are not in this rhythm, you are not in the scene, but there are also differences , some people can only have two rhythms at the same frequency, and some people catch up slowly to ensure that the three rhythms basically resonate."

Sun Honglei was both curious and nervous: "Then what kind am I?"

Xu Rong smiled and said: "I feel that you can basically match your own rhythm with the rhythm of the play and the rhythm of other people. This alone surpasses at least [-]% of the actors."

Sun Honglei laughed silently after hearing this, but then he asked curiously, "What about you?"

Xu Rong didn't answer him, but asked, "What do you think?"

Sun Honglei looked at Xu Rong whose smile lines appeared again at the corners of his eyes, and recalled his own feelings just now, and an extremely absurd thought arose in his heart.

Because during the shooting just now, he had the feeling that the lighting, recording, camera, and even the rhythm of the whole scene, and his own rhythm, were involuntarily following Xu Rong.

In a way, he seems to control everything on the set through his own actions.

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