I'm just an actor

Chapter 343 Standards

You Naihai watched the replay, and slapped his thighs with the script rolled into a tube in his hand, saying: "The world's best acting skills, Xu Rong has all the best."

As he spoke, he stopped slapping his thighs abruptly, turned his head, looked at Du Qifeng and said, "Hey, you said that if you change 'exclusive' to 'drug war', the publicity effect will definitely cause a sensation, right?"

Hearing this, Du Qifeng moved his eyes away from the monitor screen, turned his head, looked at the partner and brother who had been working with him for many years with a serious expression beside him, and then glanced quietly at Zheng Zhaoqiang who was laughing on the other side. The feeling arises spontaneously.

If he is 15 years older, or 15 years younger, no matter Xu Rong, Zhang Rong, or Ma Rong, as long as they don't follow his request, no matter whether the performance is good or bad, he will not give any good looks.

But he is 56 years old this year. This age is not considered old in the director industry, but he is not considered young either, because he is not old enough, he can not retire, and he does not want to retire, and because he is not young, he lacks 30 years and 30 years. Nian Hexi's courage.

Compared with Wang Jing and others who have completely devoted themselves to the mainland market, he has always felt that he still has his own persistence and pursuit. The only regret is that the gradually sluggish Hong Kong market cannot compete with the huge mainland.

But he was unwilling to completely give up his own style because of this, and said to You Naihai earnestly: "What we filmed is not a personal biography, Naihai, don't be influenced by him."

The excitement on You Naihai's face and eyes gradually faded away.

"These idiots don't work unless they're out of sight." Zheng Zhaoqiang got up cursingly, as if he didn't hear a word of the conversation between Du Qifeng and You Naihai earlier.

The decline of Hong Kong movies is a foregone conclusion. Perhaps the technology and efficiency are ahead of the mainland to a certain extent, but the differences in culture and values ​​are doomed to the end of Hong Kong movies.

But he, Zheng Zhaoqiang, didn't want to sink with the broken ship.

When passing by Xu Rong, Zheng Zhaoqiang said casually: "Mr. Xu, the rhythm just now was really good. I counted the following. The four steps are really accurate."

Xu Rong laughed and said: "Mr. Zheng is too polite, it's all luck, it's just a coincidence."

"Haha, Teacher Xu is really too modest."

Listening to Zheng Zhaoqiang's praise, Sun Honglei next to him didn't understand what was going on, what four steps, which four steps?
Zheng Zhaoqiang looked at his puzzled expression, and explained with a smile: "Just now, Teacher Xu took four steps in total, and each step changed your actions and expressions."

Sun Honglei thought carefully for a while. He was in the middle of the shooting. He didn't observe so carefully. He just instinctively felt that his actions were almost completely led by Xu Rong. After being reminded by Zheng Zhaoqiang, Xu Rong's sense of rhythm was more difficult for him at this time. Have an intuitive feeling.

He is after control.

Sun Honglei was a little surprised, but not too surprised, because yesterday, he had already tasted Xu Rong's understanding of acting, and asked, "Do you usually have any special training methods?"

Xu Rong shook his head and said: "Actually, my rhythm is also very ordinary, not as mysterious as Teacher Zheng said."


Xu Rong does not have any elements of bragging or deliberate show off. The three-rhythm theory is just one of the theories about rhythm in Renyi, because the rhythm is not as intuitive as the sound table shape, which can be heard, seen, or even unnoticed, so There is also a lack of systematic theory, just like some people in the academy think that the performance should be a double rhythm.

What he said was indeed the truth, and his rhythm was really ordinary.

Recently, he has gradually developed a vague feeling that his own experience and skills limit the display of talent to some extent.

He can clearly feel his own talent, especially the talent in rhythm, which has reached an outrageous level after the system was upgraded to "S", because he can easily detect his own rhythm, the rhythm of the play, The rhythm of the co-actors, and exert a certain influence and control. On the other hand, those teachers who had a particularly good rhythm during the filming in the past, looking back at this time, I realized that it was actually the same.

However, the lack of talent and technology in other aspects limits the effect of "influence and control" of the rhythm. In many cases, he obviously feels that he can do better, but because of his own experience, technology and other limitations, he always It is difficult to achieve the expected effect.

The only play that seems to have no limit should be the premiere of "Home".

This is also the reason why he has always been obsessed with that scene. Thinking about it now, the situation at that time should have been mixed with multiple coincidences, and under the combined effect of these coincidences, he reached the peak of the two-hour-long practice. performance status.

Of course, the strong rhythm talent also makes up for the relative deficiencies and short boards in terms of voice, stage, shape, and appearance to a certain extent. Of course, these short boards and deficiencies are also relatively speaking, compared with Li Xuejian and Chen Baoguo. , but for the vast majority of his peers, what he considers to be a shortcoming may be a strength that others cannot match.

The quiet change of atmosphere on the set has never been hidden from the eyes of the production director Wang Hui. At this time, more than anyone else, he hopes that the crew will speed up the shooting and then quickly transition.

Usually walking across from Xu Rong, his chubby face is always filled with a warm smile, his eyes can't wait to squint into a slit, and when he passes by, the smile on his face also fades at a relatively gentle speed. Go, but he didn't feel relieved by it.

In the invisible confrontation between Du Qifeng and Xu Rong, from the point of view of the situation, Xu Rong was vaguely superior, which he had never expected and was also the last thing he wanted to see.

He had a premonition that if Xu Rong had conflicts with Hong Kong actors in the future, perhaps in order to film smoothly, Xu Rong would not do anything to his colleagues, but killing chickens to scare monkeys would be inevitable.

Changing directors and screenwriters is a complicated matter, but changing a production director really doesn't require much effort.

As for the possibility of Xu Rong getting along with his colleagues in Hong Kong smoothly, even with his ass, he knew that it was a dream.

With Hong Kong actors always looking down on mainland actors, it is foreseeable that conflicts will break out when encountering someone as powerful as Xu Rong.

He didn't want to be that chicken that was slaughtered. The production crews in the mainland have always been rich, and "Drug Wars" is even rich among the landlords. If he has to be a chicken, that's not impossible. No less points.

But in order to avoid becoming a chicken, he has already made up his mind to change to a hotel immediately after the hospital scene is finished.

It's not that the new venue is far away from the current hotel. First, he found himself cheated by a local production. The price of the hotel is not cheap, but the specifications are really average.

They have been doing this all year round, so of course he understands what's going on.

Secondly, it was because of Xu Rong's accommodation standard.

A few days ago, he and Du Qifeng confirmed the standards for Hong Kong actors to live in suites. He also considered whether to change Xu Rong's room, but in the end, he gave up on this idea.

What is the reason for changing it? It was wrong?

Not to mention Xu Rong, he himself didn't believe such a reason.

But you can't tell the truth, because if you tell him honestly: the rules have always been like this, you are not qualified to live in a suite.

That is simply to offend people to death.

Wang Hui vetoed one impromptu solution after another. After a short time with him, he had already confirmed that although Xu Rong was young, he was not a person to be fooled. Once he proposed to change rooms, Xu Rong would probably immediately Doubt: Why change rooms?

It was him, Wang Hui, who booked the room in the first place, that is to say, he, the production director, thought he was not qualified to live in a suite.

Then who instructed to change the room?

From Wang Hui's point of view, Xu Rong might think it was Du Qifeng. This is a logical relationship, but in this way, Du Qifeng will be the good guy, and Wang Hui will be the bad guy.

But he couldn't bear Xu Rong's making things difficult and harsh.

He was going to change the hotel on the grounds of "saving money" when he was waiting for the transition, and by the way, he changed Xu Rong's room into a suite. , he will also settle it.

Small favors and small favors are nothing, but the accumulation of small favors is also human favor.

Amidst Wang Hui's eager anticipation, the hospital scene officially ended after a total of nine days of filming, two days longer than planned.

After moving to the new hotel, Wang Hui heaved a sigh of relief. Xu Rong lived in the suite he had arranged, and did not express any dissatisfaction due to the different specifications before and after.

It's all over.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

Just as Wang Hui had time to catch his breath, he heard the knock on the door, and hurried over, seeing that it was the production assistant Meng Xianlong, suppressed his impatience forcibly, and asked kindly, "Xiao Meng, what's the matter? "

"Director Wang, Mr. Xu invited you over, saying that there is something I need to trouble you for."

Wang Hui was stunned for a moment, and a smile quickly appeared on his face, but he quickly put it away and said, "Okay, okay, come here, come here."

Xu Rong has something to trouble him, which means that as long as it is not too difficult, his next work will be easy for Wang Hui.

In the past eight days, he has been worried. First, he was afraid that Xu Rong would kill him later, and his busy work was wasted. After all, he finally got into a super group.

Secondly, he is actually preparing to be killed. There is absolutely no reason in this world to get up early in the morning to catch an evening episode.

As for Xu Rong asking him why he lived in a standard room before but now a suite, he has already thought of a countermeasure, and he has already spoken to the previous hotel about this, so there will be no mistakes.

The door of Xu Rong's room was open. Meng Xianlong and Wang Hui came to the door, knocked on the door, and shouted, "Mr. Xu, Director Wang is here."

Xu Rong was sitting on the sofa in the living room, flipping through the script with Erlang's legs crossed. Hearing the sound, he put the script on the coffee table, walked over, and said, "Director Wang is here, come in, come in."

After welcoming Wang Hui into the room, Xu Rong patted the sofa and said, "Director Wang, sit down, you are the hardest worker in our crew, every day is not daytime, and night is not nighttime."

Seeing that Xu Rong didn't sit down, Wang Hui didn't dare to sit down, so he just stood there and said with a smile: "Mr. It's hard work, Mr. Xu, as the leading actor of the crew and the representative of the management, the things you worry about are the big things and the real hard work."

Xu Rong walked to the huge French window, opened it slightly, and asked, "Director Wang, isn't this suite cheap?"

"It's okay, the main thing is to provide Mr. Xu with a comfortable rest environment, otherwise I can't afford to delay the shooting."

Xu Rong pretended to inadvertently asked: "Who lives in the suite for the crew?"


The sound of Meng Xianlong closing the door and Xu Rongyi's pointed words made Wang Hui's heart skip a beat.

At this time, he suddenly felt that Xu Rong, who was facing away from him, was so strange. Usually on the set, Xu Rong was very polite to everyone. Take the airs, but the feeling is completely different.

It was only today that he realized that maybe what he saw in the past were all illusions.

He replied vaguely: "Heh, we will come here as others come, ha ha."

Xu Rong glanced back at him with a smile, and said, "Director Wang, sit down and talk, sit down and talk, actually I invited you here because I want to trouble you for something."

Wang Hui's chubby little face was almost full of smiles, and he said, "Teacher Xu, you said, it's not troublesome, it's not troublesome."

When Wang Hui sat down, Xu Rong didn't ask him to do something, but picked up the teacup, twisted the lid, and asked, "Director Wang, do you need money urgently?"

Wang Hui's chubby face was filled with doubts in an instant, and he asked, "Mr. Xu, what do you mean by that? I don't quite understand."

Xu Rong raised his head, glanced at him, and said, "Does Director Wang know who is the investor of "Drug Wars"?"

Wang Hui didn't understand why Xu Rong suddenly brought up this issue, but he couldn't wait to change the subject, and said, "Hailan."

"Yes, it's Hai Lan." Xu Rong sipped her saliva, "I heard that you have been in this business for not a year or two, and you know everything you need to know. You should understand better than me."

Wang Hui jumped up suddenly, realizing that his reaction was too aggressive, he forced a smile and said: "Xu, Teacher Xu, I really don't understand what you mean, if it's okay, I will I'm leaving."

After he finished speaking, he walked towards the door as if he was running away, as if he wanted to rush out.

Xu Rong looked at his back and didn't speak until Wang Hui put his hand on the doorknob.

Wang Hui didn't open the door to leave, but turned around slowly. He probably wanted to squeeze a smile out of his round face, but he couldn't squeeze it out. He only showed a strange expression, and said in a blunt tone: "Mr. I took it, but I didn’t take it alone, everyone took it.”

Xu Rong shook his head and said, "Director Wang, I think you may have misunderstood something. You may not understand it well. In order to ensure that the review has passed, I called two friends from our investors. Oh, they are from China Film and CCTV. , By the way, you may not understand the meaning of this, so let me remind you that Article 380 of the Criminal Law stipulates that persons entrusted by state organs, state-owned companies, enterprises, public institutions, and people's organizations to manage and operate state-owned property shall use Taking advantage of one's position, embezzling, stealing, defrauding, or illegally occupying state-owned property by other means shall be regarded as corruption.

"Article 380 of the Criminal Law stipulates that anyone who embezzles a huge amount or has other serious circumstances shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years, and shall also be fined or confiscated property."

Xu Rong paused, looked at Wang Hui whose lips were trembling, and said, "As of today, on the ninth day of the start-up, it's exactly 20 yuan, which is the sentencing standard for a 'huge amount'. Director Wang, I'm curious." One thing, do you plan to return to Hong Kong to buy an apartment after filming this movie?"

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