I'm just an actor

Chapter 344 come

Chapter 344 Back
When Xu Rong invited Wang Hui over today, he didn't intend to beat him up, nor did he intend to threaten him, but he sincerely asked him to help with something.

As for economic issues and criminal law regulations, he just mentioned them casually.

We all work together in the same industry, and we don’t see each other all day long. As long as we are willing to help, it’s actually just a joke and shouldn’t be taken seriously.

Moreover, domestic production crews, even family-owned production crews, will inevitably have people who play tricks and ask for cards. However, in comparison, private investment crews have stricter financial audits, and the procedures for extorting fees are relatively troublesome.

But only a little.

With a production crew of a certain scale, after all, tens of millions of expenses are spent every day, and all the people who are responsible for the use of various expenses are old fritters. If you buy a "handmade" straw hat and lock it in a safe, then the straw hat will naturally have a value of 6000.

Because of art, many times it cannot be measured in pure RMB.

As for the crews invested by TV stations and state-owned units, the financial review is loose. On the other hand, the relationship between the participants is intricate.

And how much each position can get and how much it should get, just like some workarounds for film remuneration, there are established rules in the industry. Of course, there are also some individual people in individual crews who are crazy about making money, and there are many people who are ready to retire immediately after finishing their work. , but that is just an example, and people can afford the corresponding price.

Xu Rong once heard a real story that seemed like a joke. There were three cars in a certain crew, and the monthly oil fee was reported to be 382 million.

Every industry has similar rules, and everyone tacitly abides by and implements them. Anyone who does not have the power to change the rules but tries to change the rules will only be crushed to pieces by the surging spit.

Moreover, there is also a scientific basis for this kind of exploitative behavior. Xu Rong once heard a director who worked with him say when he was drunk: The chief engineer once said that the rich first drives the rich later, and the investor is the first rich. We work part-time to get rich. We help investors get rich, and investors make us rich. It is reasonable, reasonable, and legal!
Therefore, Xu Rong had no intention of putting Wang Hui to death, but just asked him to help him with something that was inconvenient to come forward.

In the corridor, Sun Honglei, Gao Yunxiang, and Li Weijie walked towards Xu Rong's room, but at a certain moment, all three of them stopped in their tracks, watching with strange faces when the door opened. The tip of the buttocks protruded from the inside first, followed by the feet and legs, followed by the waist, back, shoulders, and finally, when the feet were completely outside the door, the head was finally able to exit the door. And from time to time, it nodded towards the inside, as if saying goodbye to the people in the room.

From the silhouette of the back, they could of course tell that the person who came out of the room was Wang Hui, the production director of the crew.

What puzzled them was that Wang Hui was Du Qifeng's man, so he should be polite to Xu Rong, but he was so respectful that it was unimaginable to bow his knees.

Wang Hui withdrew from the door, held the doorknob with both hands, pressed down lightly, slowly closed the door tightly, and then loosened the doorknob little by little.

During the whole process, neither the muffled sound of the door panel hitting the door frame, nor the mechanical structure inside the door lock caused the slightest movement to disturb the people in the room.

Wang Hui closed the door, took a light breath, and when he turned around, he found Sun Honglei and the three standing in the corridor. He was stunned for a moment, and then his waist was visibly straightened up, and his chubby round face was covered with tears in an instant. With a smile, he asked softly: "The three teachers are, are you here to see Teacher Xu?"

Sun Honglei also had a warm smile on his face, as if he hadn't seen the previous scene at all, and said: "Yes, come here to rehearse the show, Director Wang?"

"Just now, Lao Liu asked me to help deliver the notice to Mr. Xu."

Wang Hui said in a low voice, pointed to the direction of the corridor, smiled and nodded at the four of them, and left.

The three looked at Wang Hui, who was walking like flying, and couldn't help but look at each other. Wang Hui's performance before and after was completely different.

Gao Yunxiang looked at Wang Hui's back, wondering: "Did you notice? His back is wet."

And he remembered that the moment Wang Hui closed the door just now, even though his back was turned to them, he conveyed to them very clearly a feeling of surviving after a catastrophe.

When Sun Honglei arrived at the door, he reached out and rang the doorbell next to him, and said, "Go in and ask."

When Xu Rong opened the door, Sun Honglei and Li Weijie looked at the scripts on the table in the living room, and said, "When we came just now, we happened to meet Wang Hui going out, and his waist was almost bent at ninety degrees. What's going on?"

Xu Rong didn't notice this, and asked, "What?"




Xu Rong looked past the two of them, frowned and looked at Gao Yunxiang who was half bent over at the door, opening and closing the door lightly like a thief over and over again, and asked, "Yunxiang, what are you doing?"

Gao Yunxiang didn't look back, and kept repeating the actions of closing, opening, and closing the door, but he explained his purpose to Xu Rong: "I'm really curious, how did Director Wang manage to close the door without making a sound?" Yes, I've tried so many times, but I still can't hold back."

Xu Rong thought about it for a while, and it seemed that when Wang Hui went out just now, he really didn't make the slightest sound. He didn't want to talk too much about this topic, and said, "Maybe it's called the order of learning, and the specialization of art!"


After trying a dozen times, Gao Yunxiang was still unable to be as fluent and natural as Wang Hui, so he had no choice but to give up, and walked around in and out of the suite, and when he entered the bathroom, a surprised voice came: "Damn, Brother Xu, there is actually a hot spring pool in your room?!"

Hearing this, both Sun Honglei and Li Weijie got up, walked around inside, and when they came out again, they did not hide their envy on their faces, and said: "We thought it would be great to live in a suite, but we didn't expect that the suite There is also a hot spring inside."

Xu Rong smiled and said: "You guys, why can we live in a standard room today? It's because we are united. They are deliberately using rooms of different standards to separate us. If this kind of trick can be used, I won't accept it." I know what to say about you."

"How could it be, how could it be?!" Sun Honglei and Li Weijie heard what he said, and most of the sense of gap in their hearts disappeared immediately.

"Brother Xu, is that all for now?" Gao Yunxiang asked after turning around the room, leaning on the armrest of the sofa, crossing his arms.

Xu Rong looked at him and said, "Speak if you have something to say, and fart if you have something to say."

Gao Yunxiang said: "It's the matter of letting you live in the standard room before, Brother Xu, in your position, it would be embarrassing to spread this matter."

Xu Rong was quite surprised and said: "What is my status? I am just an ordinary actor, what status is not, Yun Xiang, don't care about those false names, no, isn't the standard raised now?"

Sun Honglei and Gao Yunxiang looked at each other in blank dismay, Xu Rong was assigned a bid room and kept silent from the beginning to the end. If the news spread, the industry would inevitably think him a softie.

After all, he is a leading actor of the 80's generation in the Mainland, presenting a sure-fire male number one, his light-hearted appearance will only make his peers look down on him even more.

On the contrary, Li Haojie was not too surprised, because he instinctively felt that Xu Rong was talking nonsense. Now that he was in his position, he knew very well what kind of impact his words and deeds would have on him.

Looking at Xu Rong not far away, although the distance between the two is only two or three meters, Li Weijie feels that the distance is infinitely far away. He suddenly misses seven years ago, when they were not well-known, the two of them chatted At that time, everyone dared to make jokes, and they didn't shy away from saying anything. However, that situation is gone forever.

Seeing Sun Honglei and Gao Yunxiang's puzzled faces, and Li Weijie feeling lost, Xu Rong said with a smile: "You have to believe that justice may be late, but it will never be absent."

After hearing this, the three of them turned their heads and looked at him suspiciously. They always felt that there was something in Xu Rong's words, but they didn't understand the specific situation at all.

"Are you going to the welcome banquet tonight?" Li Mingjie changed the subject in a timely manner.

Xu Rong patted the script on the table, and said: "No, if you want to go, you can go. Eating box lunches every day will almost make you vomit. If you have a chance to improve your life, don't go for nothing."

Xu Rong understood the purpose of the three people's questioning. Of course, the reception banquet was to clean up the dust for Hong Kong actors.

He could find any reasonable excuse to prevaricate, and Du Qifeng couldn't say anything about him, but Sun Honglei and the others had to go.

Not dealing with it is not dealing with it, but the apparent harmony must be maintained, at least until it is completed.

But if the three of Sun Honglei went without him, the three of them might be afraid that he would think too much.

This is the normal state of adult life. Shrew-like swearing and fisting are just the most clumsy and low-end ways to vent their dissatisfaction, because apart from this, they no longer have any ability and means to express their anger.

And in the presence of shared goals, compromise will always be one of the core themes for adults.

In the film and television industry, from the beginning of project preparation to the release of the film, there are many compromises in all aspects, but all parties have a common goal to act as a lubricant for compromise.

fame and fortune.

In another room, Wang Hui was lying on the bed in a "big" character, staring absently at the white ceiling.

He has been in this business for ten years, but he has never been so ruthless as today.

If Xu Rong hadn't supported him just now, he would have knelt on the ground.

He himself is not sure whether he has pumped a full 20 in oil and water, which is a lot of money, but his usual expenses are also a lot.

All kinds of regret and remorse spread across my heart like vines.

Just now Xu Rong made a request, a request that he was extremely resistant to but had to agree to.

Because he knew very well that with Xu Rong's temperament, once he refused, he would definitely send himself in.

He regretted why he was so greedy, could he die if he took less?

He regretted that he didn't listen to Zhao Zhijiang's call, because it was from the Starbucks incident that he boldly raised money, because he found that the investor didn't even dare to speak loudly when arguing with himself.

What intensified his speed of hugging money was the delicate relationship between Xu Rong and Du Qifeng. He always felt that Xu Rong's strength would one day cause Du Qifeng to rebound.

The anticipation of the conflict between Xu and Du made him feel a sense of urgency, and he must speed up the speed of collecting money, otherwise, he who offended Xu Rong might one day be regarded as a model for killing chickens and monkeys.

The investor didn't care, and there was a possibility of being killed at any time, so he was like a prisoner, and fell into the situation where there is no redemption today.

He regretted it so much that it was all because of his own greed, otherwise he wouldn't have been manipulated arbitrarily.

In the evening, the banquet hall on the second floor.

The crew worked hard for seven or eight days, and everyone threw off their arms and ate and drank.

"This first glass of wine, I respect all the teachers, everyone, you have worked hard."

"For the second glass of wine, I respect Director Du. I hope that under the leadership of Director Du, everyone will work together to win the championship!"

At the main table, Zhao Junkai, the new employer representative, smiled and held a glass of wine to express his thanks.

"This third glass of wine"

When Zhao Junkai was about to toast the third drink, the Hong Kong actor Lin Jiadong who was sitting diagonally across from him interrupted him, his square face wearing blue-rimmed glasses showed no expression, and said: "Mr. Zhao, since you said you want everyone to be of one mind Work together, then I have a request, I hope the crew can open a separate suite for us, isn't that too much?"

Zhao Junkai looked at him in surprise, and said, "Mr. Lin, this kind of trivial matter is not worth bringing up on the wine table, just let the people below handle it."

"Drink, drink."

Seeing that Lin Jiadong was not moved at all, Zhao Junkai glanced at Du Qifeng, who looked like a mud bodhisattva and was chatting with Lin Ao in a low voice, his small eyes were narrowed, and the smile on his face became more and more kind. "

Wang Hui cut off Zhao Junkai, and said to Lin Jiadong: "Mr. Lin, the situation is that the hotel does not have any suites. I have sent someone to contact the surrounding hotels. If there are suitable ones, they will open immediately."

Lin Jiadong shook his head and said, "I just asked, there are some in the hotel."

The smile on Wang Hui's face gradually faded. He gave Lin Jiadong a step down for the sake of being a Hong Kong citizen. Since the other party didn't buy it, he stopped hiding it and said, "Mr. Lin, follow the rules. , you can only live in a standard room."

Lin Jiadong's voice immediately rose: "Whose rules?"

Wang Hui said categorically: "The rules of the industry!"

Du Qifeng and You Naihai looked at Wang Hui, who was extremely tough, and found something unusual.

Lin Jiadong shook his head and said, "Director Du, if this is the case, I'm sorry, I'm afraid we can't cooperate."

Du Qifeng slapped the table with a "bang" and cursed: "Wang Hui, what the hell are you doing?"

Wang Hui shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Director, I really don't have a suite. You can't blame me. You also know that when I was filming in the hospital, the hotel didn't have a suite, and Mr. Xu lived in a standard room."

Hearing the words "Teacher Xu", Du Qifeng, who was still about to erupt, immediately died down and remained silent.

He vaguely understood what was going on.

Wang Hui, betrayed him.


Seeing that You Naihai next to Du Qifeng was about to smooth things over, Zhao Junkai stopped him and said, "It's just a small matter, it's just a place to live. Why are we a bunch of gentlemen worth fighting over with a woman?" , Today is a happy day, come, drink and drink."

Lin Jiadong listened to Zhao Junkai's sarcasm, couldn't bear it anymore, kicked the chair away, and walked out angrily.

Wang Hui looked at his back and said in a cold voice: "Mr. Lin, you should think about it. If you leave this door, you will never come back."

(End of this chapter)

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