Chapter 345
Lin Jiadong walked halfway, and found that no one came to persuade him, and he was immediately embarrassed.

And he had to slow down and wait for someone to pull him. If he really went out like this, if he failed to use the excuse, he might become the laughing stock of the whole Hong Kong.

Just like a while ago, Huang Xiaoming's sentence "I don't know Chen Weiting" caused a general sensation.

Zhao Junkai put one arm across the table, held the wine glass in front of him with the other hand, the clear liquid in the glass swirled with the wine glass, reflecting cool light under the light, but at this moment, his attention was not in the glass The color or aroma of the wine was not good, but looked at Lin Jiadong's back with interest.

Ordinarily, Zhao Zhijiang should be here today, "Drug War" is a play led by Liu Yanming and supervised by Zhao Zhijiang.

But he had seen Menqing earlier, and Xu Rong was a shareholder of Hairun, plus he had a personal relationship with Liu Yanming, Zhao Zhijiang was just a name, at best he could learn from the management experience of Hong Kong film crews.

When I ran into Zhao Zhijiang at the company a few days ago, he was quite puzzled, why did Lao Zhao come back after only two days?

He didn't believe that there was anything that Zhao Zhijiang had to deal with, because the entire group, except Liu Yanming, was indispensable, and the absence of others would not have much impact.

After asking, I understood the reason.

And after hearing Xu Rong's strange arrangement from Zhao Zhijiang, he really became interested.

He and Xu Rong have known each other for a long time. To a certain extent, Xu Rong is the one who made him famous. In the past, they both belonged to the Hairun era. He was the producer of "Bright Sword" and the director of "Yangcheng Dark Whistle".

After Chang Jihong faded out of Hairun, Xu Rong and Guo Si's short honeymoon period ended, and they drifted apart due to disagreements, he has been acting as the bond between Xu Rong and Hairun.

It's just that he was a little unclear about what Xu Rong wanted to do before, so he volunteered to come.

What he learned was that Xu Rong asked Zhao Zhijiang to chat with Wang Hui, the production director of the crew, and suggested that Starbucks be replaced with brewed coffee, but at the same time, he also asked that as long as Wang Hui expressed even the slightest unwillingness to accept the attitude, he should not accept it. Persistence, it is best to implicitly hint to Wang Hui that if the crew's budget is gone, the investor will not hesitate to add more funds.

At this time, watching Wang Hui charge forward like a vanguard, he saw something.

Xu Rong dug a hole capable of burying people without leakage, waited for Wang Hui to jump in, and then turned Wang Hui into the sharpest knife and stabbed the enemy's heart.

And this move also avoids a huge disadvantage.

In the past, there were conflicts between mainland artists and Hong Kong artists. As long as right and wrong were not so clear, practitioners in the entertainment industry in Hong Kong would often attack them together, setting off a monstrous offensive of public opinion. Therefore, once conflicts occur, most of them end in the complete destruction of the performing arts careers of the relevant mainland artists.

But if there is internal strife among Hong Kong people, even if everyone knows that Xu Rong instigated it, at least in terms of public opinion, they are already invincible, and there is no need to worry about breaking the red line drawn above.

He was also quite surprised by Xu Rong's growth.

He heard Liu Yanming comment on Xu Rong: a smart person who regards himself as a fool.

In theory, Xu Rong should not have designed such a complicated and ingenious trap.

Yes, it is complicated and ingenious. From the moment when Wang Hui mentioned the word "Teacher Xu", the silence of Du Qifeng and You Naihai made him completely figure out the ins and outs of this matter.

Asking Zhao Zhijiang to propose lowering the coffee standard is quite a tempting proposal.

Just like a peerless beauty wearing a translucent tulle and sitting in the arms of a normal adult man, the meaning of the tulle is naturally not to cover the vitals, but to create a sense of mystery.

Wang Hui was the old production director, and it wasn't Liu Xiahui who suggested lowering the standard, nor was it Xu Rong, the actual representative of the management. The positions of the two had already determined the direction of the incident.

From Du Qifeng's reaction just now, Zhao Junkai could imagine that Xu Rong must have been quite strong in the past nine days.

And the domineering attitude he showed turned into a catalyst, pushing Wang Hui step by step into the deep pit that had already been dug.

Based on Wang Hui's experience, one should be aware that when a conflict breaks out, the production director is often the first to be sacrificed.

As for other details, everything seems to be a coincidence, but Zhao Junkai has a guess, maybe when Xu Rong learned about the difference in treatment between mainland and Hong Kong actors, he already had a comprehensive plan in mind.

The purpose is not for personal enjoyment. If that is the case, there is no need for him to be so troublesome. Letting his assistant communicate will most likely solve the problem.

As Wang Hui said just now, Lin Jiadong can only live in a standard room, which is an "industry rule".

Xu Rong wanted to use "Drug War" as an example for the crew of future co-productions.

Times have changed, and the rules of the past have to be re-established.

Moreover, this new rule will gradually become popular as Xu Rong's influence gradually expands.

And Zhao Junkai was a little more fortunate, judging from the current situation, his purpose of coming here was not just to watch a show.

Lin Jiadong is just a representative. Hong Kong actors are not only Lin Jiadong, nor is he the one with the biggest wrists.

Now that Xu Rong made a move, he had to be prepared for a counterattack.

And the existence of someone like Zhao is an insurance for "Drug War", because he knows that Zhao Zhijiang is not bad in management, but in fighting, the difference is not 01:30.

At this time, although Xu Rong seemed to have the upper hand, he was not optimistic about the result at all, and even made plans to take the blame himself in the end.

Hong Kong actors have been able to suppress the mainland for so many years, and the means are not just emotional. Back then, Nicholas Tse and Zhang Weijian beat people, and they could get a glimpse of the shit when it was over.

In contrast, mainland celebrities beat people for no reason, almost all of them cut themselves off from the industry, and the results are quite different.

Du Qifeng watched Lin Jiadong leave, but no one came to pull him away. He quickly winked at Zheng Baorui, but he never thought that Zheng Baorui had taken off his black-rimmed eyes, lowered his head, and wiped the lenses gently with his clothes. Occasionally, He also put it to his mouth and breathed out.

He took a deep look at Zheng Baorui, then glanced over, and suddenly found Zheng Zhaoqiang with flat hair, Luo Jinfu with high hairline, Sun Honglei, Li Weijie and others reacted similarly to Zheng Baorui, and after turning around again, Du Qifeng suddenly realized that in the whole table, apart from the actor who had just arrived, the only one who dared to look at him was You Naihai.

Du Qifeng was stunned, he knew exactly what this meant.

Zheng Baorui and Luo Jinfu glanced at each other quietly. They were both surprised and contemptuous of each other's reaction.

They often cooperated with Du Qifeng in the past, but they really didn't want to offend Xu Rong. Du Qifeng was old, even if he worked harder, he would only make three or four more movies.

But Xu Rong is different. As one of the big names in the mainland film and television industry, backed by the huge mainland market, in addition to being an actor, he also runs a studio with an investment of hundreds of millions. , Xu Rong has two other bigger advantages.

The first point is that Xu Rong knows how to respect people, let alone the two assistant directors, Xu Rong never yells around, even if he asks people to do things, they often use "please" and "trouble" and the like. At the beginning of the vocabulary, compared to Du Qifeng who doesn't treat them as human beings all day long, they are more willing to accept the olive branch thrown by Xu Rong.

The second point is that Xu Rong is too young. Maybe Du Qifeng will retire in three to five years. Maybe Du Qifeng will never be able to open his eyes again after drinking and lying on the bed. Xu Rong is said to be only 25 years old. At this age, in the film and television industry, he can still be active for at least 35 years.

There are not many opportunities to hug their thighs, because under normal circumstances, they have no chance to get close to Xu Rong at all, but at this time, it is undoubtedly an opportunity, an excellent opportunity to guarantee future money.

Sun Honglei and Li Weijie, who were next to the two of them, looked at their posture and couldn't help clicking their tongues secretly.

They all understood that Du Qifeng glanced around just now, although he didn't say anything, it was like a show of hands to vote.

The result was completely beyond their expectations. The crew's No. [-], [-], [-], [-], and [-] characters all stood behind Xu Rong.

At a certain moment, they tacitly raised their heads at the same time and looked in the direction of room 666 upstairs. Although they didn't understand what happened, the scene before them shocked them greatly, and because of their lack of vocabulary , I can only shout "Fuck" in my heart.

Because there has never been a mainland actor who suppressed a group of Hong Kong actors led by a Hong Kong director so vividly.

After You Naihai was at a loss, he got up in a hurry and ran over, grabbing Lin Jiadong who was almost walking slowly.

After being grabbed by You Naihai, Lin Jiadong's resistance suddenly became fierce, and he took great steps, saying: "I can't accept such unfair treatment. I want to find the media to expose their shameless behavior of insulting Hong Kong artists."

You Naihai had already seen the situation clearly, looked at him coldly, and asked, "Who bullied you, Wang Hui or Du sir?"

When Lin Jiadong heard this, the angry expression on his face immediately froze. Only then did he realize that he seemed to have been messed up by "one of his own".

You Naihai patted him on the shoulder and said, "Stop making trouble, you should understand Director Du's attitude, and say something you don't like to hear. If you cross this threshold today, don't plan to make money in the Mainland in the future."

"He has that much energy?"

You Naihai said meaningfully: "It's bigger than you think."

When You Naihai pulled Lin Jiadong back, Zhao Junkai picked up the wine glass again, as if the farce just now hadn't happened, and said, "This third glass of wine is a wine of unity. I suggest that everyone raise a glass together."

After Zhao Junkai's voice fell, the people on the main table who "didn't notice" Du Qifeng's gaze just now raised their glasses and stood up together with Zhao Junkai.

After a few seconds, Du Qifeng also picked up the wine glass, stood up with a smile, and said, "Cheers to the wine of unity."

"Wine of solidarity, cheers."

Although the entire banquet hall was surprised by the farce just now, seeing that the main table got up, they also raised their wine glasses and juices, and shouted loudly: "Unity wine, cheers."

After the welcome banquet, in a smoky standard room.

Lin Jiadong, who was standing in front of the window, slapped the wall hard, made a crisp "pop", and said, "I just can't swallow this breath. When have we been so useless in the Mainland?"

Lu Haipeng, the oldest, scratched his gray hair, and said, "So what if we can't swallow it, he clearly asked Wang Hui to deal with us, and he didn't even show his face. We don't take it seriously, no matter how many people there are, it's useless."

There was a sudden silence in the room.

After a while, Ye Xuan, who had a long thin face and big eyes, suddenly suggested: "Then we can bring him in to cause conflicts on the surface. Mainland artists are not united. I heard that many people actually want him to die. As long as we are the same as before It also stirs up public opinion, I guess many mainland artists will also respond, his influence is not enough to control public opinion, as long as he can succeed, he will definitely be completely finished in the future."

Lin Xie didn't respond at all. When Ye Xuan spoke, he couldn't believe his ears. After a few seconds, he silently stood up his fat body, forced a little smile, and said: " I'm going back to the bathroom."

Looking at Lin Ji who left temporarily, they all felt a little bewildered, because they had a feeling that what they were facing at this time was not their personal matter, but the honor and disgrace of the entire Hong Kong performing arts group.

In another room upstairs, Zhao Junkai cut the cigar with a cigar cutter with a "click", put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it gently, and said, "The chairman asked me to bring it to you. I’m so mad, I’m probably going to die of anger, hahaha.”

Xu Rong smiled and said: "I'm really not interested in these, a box of 10,000+, a commoner like me can't afford it."

"Hahaha, if you were an ordinary person, I might have to go to the street to beg for food."

After the fun was over, Zhao Junkai lit the cigar and said worriedly: "Based on what I know about them, they won't and can't let it go."

"I know that when I set up the new rules, it is no longer a matter of face, but the repositioning of the actors from the two sides of the strait and the three places in the crew. Good fruit to eat."

Zhao Junkai is just reminding him, because he is quite clear that Xu Rong will inevitably face the counterattack of Hong Kong and Taiwan actors next, and if he survives, Hong Kong and Taiwan actors will have to make a detour when they see him in the future. If they cannot survive, what will happen? It's hard to say.

"Let's hear it, maybe I can help you as a staff officer."

Xu Rong said with a smile: "Brother Zhao, don't worry, just wait another half a month and let them dance first."


Hearing this, Zhao Junkai pointed at Xu Rong and laughed.

There is one thing about Zhao Junkai that makes Xu Rong feel that Te Niang is particularly scary, that is, when he can't kill someone, he will never make a move.

But when he makes a move, he has the absolute certainty of putting people to death.

In a sense, Zhao Junkai is one of his life mentors.

Looking at Xu Rong's confident expression, Zhao Junkai smiled and said while being puzzled, "Then I'll wait and see."

(End of this chapter)

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