I'm just an actor

Chapter 346 Foreshadowing

Chapter 346 Foreshadowing
Zhao Junkai gently closed the script, and at this moment, the doubts in his heart have been resolved.

He walked to the window and looked at the lights of thousands of houses in the city, feeling a little admiration gradually in his heart.

In the past, he attributed Xu Rong's success to two points, emotional intelligence and luck.

Xu Rong is not a slick character, but when getting along with others, he rarely makes people feel uncomfortable, and the most incredible thing for him is that Xu Rong can restrain the desire to express himself and chat with others. He is always willing to act as a listener Or, even if they do not agree with other people's opinions, they will not show the slightest impatience, let alone interrupt others with aggressive words such as "no", "bullshit", "you are wrong".

Everyone who gets along with him will have a feeling of a bosom friend.

After coming out of Xu Rong's room just now, the first thing Zhao Junkai did was to ask the crew for a copy of the latest script of "Drug War".

According to his previous understanding of Xu Rong, it is not Xu Rong's style to use such a complicated plan to punish people.

And he listened to the voice, he always felt that Xu Rong seemed to be afraid that the other party would be punched to the ground and dare not fight back, leaving room for everything.

What surprised him the most was that Xu Rong seemed to never tire of fighting with others, and even made a series of related plans.

This made him quite puzzled.

From his understanding, Xu Rong is not very good at making particularly complicated plans, because complexity often means that mistakes are easy to make, but any problem in any link will cause the actual result to deviate from the expectation.

But after going through the latest version of the script of "Drug Wars" just now, Zhao Junkai understood the reason.

The reason why Xu Rong is obsessed with fighting with others, and still uses interlocking and complicated plans and traps, is obviously influenced by the characters.

It is also possible that this is a state he deliberately maintains, in order to better experience the thoughtful and confident side of the character.

In another room, Du Qifeng and Wang Hui sat opposite each other.

With a cold face, Du Qifeng looked at Wang Hui who was smiling wryly, and said, "Give me a reason."

Wang Hui shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Director Du, I have my own difficulties, so don't ask me any more. I can only tell you so much."

He didn't dare to tell Du Qifeng that he had made 20 yuan in just nine days, and he was caught by Xu Rong.

With Du Qifeng's personality, he had no doubt that Du Qifeng would fire him after he knew what he had done.

Du Qifeng stared at Wang Hui until he felt uncomfortable looking at Wang Hui, and then asked the question he was most concerned about: "Who will you stand with in the future?"

Wang Hui immediately patted his chest and said, "Du sir, don't worry, my heart is for you."

He had no intention of taking refuge in Xu Rong, because the silence of Zheng Zhaoqiang, Zheng Baorui, and others at the dinner just now made him suspect that what happened to him was not caused by a series of coincidences, so he had a feeling for Xu Rong that he couldn't explain. fear.

Even if Xu Rong implicitly hinted that as long as the scale is controlled within a reasonable range, he can continue to make money.

But he dared not, he was a little unsure if Xu Rong was digging a deeper pit for himself to jump into.

Although what Wang Hui said was tactful, Du Qifeng still understood what he meant. He was in a daze for a moment, sighed and then waved his hands and said, "Go back."

"it is good."

Early the next morning.

Xu Rong arrived on the set very early, and today he is going to shoot the scene where he has a car accident after escaping from the factory.

When Du Qifeng saw Xu Rong get off the car, although he was emotionally complicated, he still kept a smile on his face, walked up to Xu Rong, and said, "You were busy yesterday, so no one disturbed you. Let me introduce you to some of us." A new member of the crew."

The current overall situation of the crew made Du Qifeng quite uncertain. At the beginning of the filming, the mainland artists represented by Xu Rong and the Hong Kong team represented by the team he pulled up were very different, but last night's welcome banquet made him While angry, it was also mixed with confusion.

Wang Hui actually challenged Lin Jiadong openly, and what he didn't expect was the confusing attitude of Zheng Zhaoqiang, Zheng Baorui and others.

He was angry at the silence of Zheng Zhaoqiang, Zheng Baorui and others, but until now, he still has not thought about what is going on, why Zheng Zhaoqiang and others, who should have been his staunch supporters, remained silent.

Although he has decided not to use them in the future, but right now, he still understands that he must choose to compromise.

The Hong Kong film crew brought up by a Hong Kong director was emptied by a mainland actor, and he couldn't afford to lose this person.

The reason why he introduced Xu Rong to a few people is because he has his own concerns. He has fully experienced Xu Rong's methods, and Wang Hui, who is so shrewd, is so shrewd that he can't tell. If you don't know the situation, you may end up worse than Wang Hui.

Because at least during the filming period of "Drug War", Wang Hui's value is much higher than that of Lin Jiadong.

Du Qifeng pointed to Xu Rong, and introduced to the few people who just arrived yesterday: "Let me introduce this to everyone. This is Xu Rong, who plays Cai Tianming, and is also the representative of the management. He was busy last night, so he didn't have time to attend the banquet. "

Then, he patted the arm of the fat and square-faced Lin Ao, and introduced to Xu Rong: "Hong Kong famous actor, Lin Ao."

Lu Haipeng and others were quite surprised by Du Qifeng's introduction method, because according to traditional Chinese etiquette, the order of introductions represents the level of status.

If Zhao Junkai introduced it like this, they would not be surprised, but Du Qifeng, as a Hong Kong director, made them quite puzzled.

Xu Rong and Lin Xie shook hands and said, "Mr. Lin, hello, please take care of me in the future."

Lin Chen also smiled and said, "Hello."

Xu Rong listened to Lin Xie's quite standard Mandarin, and he felt good in his heart. If he didn't say anything else, he was willing to give a very high impression of this Mandarin.

His dislike of Hong Kong and Taiwan actors is not out of personal preference, but because many of these people are earning money from the mainland people, but they don't respect the respect of the mainland.

This is intolerable to him.

But Lin Xie's Mandarin proves that his heart is yearning for the mainland, rather than holding a superior arrogance.

Seeing the surprise on Xu Rong's face, Lin Mao explained with a smile: "I used to be from Tianjin, but I moved to Hong Kong with my parents when I was young."

Suddenly, Xu Rong smiled and said, "Oh, if that's the case, Teacher Lin will be considered returning to his hometown this time."


"Hello, Teacher Lu."


"Hello, Teacher Ye."


When he came to Ye Xuan, Xu Rong was stunned again, because he found that Ye Xuan's Mandarin was more standard than Lin Mao, but his attitude was even colder than that of Lu Haipeng.

But he didn't care. He suppressed the standard of food, clothing, housing and transportation of these actors, and he didn't find it strange how bad their attitude towards him was.

Even when he arrived at Lin Jiadong, he still politely said "Hello, Mr. Lin." In one sentence, he couldn't lose a piece of meat.

After saying hello, putting on makeup, and waiting for the shooting to start, Xu Rong waved at Zheng Baorui and said, "Director Zheng, do you have general information about the seven of them?"

Zheng Baorui shook his head first, but then added: "Mr. Xu, wait a moment, I'll ask Lao Luo if there is any."

"Okay, trouble."

Ye Xuan's standard Mandarin and indifferent attitude just now made him feel rather strange.

He originally thought that she should be like Lin Ao, a Hong Kong artist who had no prejudice against the mainland, but the undisguised arrogance in the other party's eyes made him feel that his guess was not quite right.

Sitting in the car, it took him a while to turn the corner when he found Ye Xuan's information.

This woman turned out to be a native of the mainland!
After a long while, he shook his head and laughed silently.

If time goes back 100 years, Ye Xuan's choice may be called wise, and his attitude is naturally in line with most people's cognition, but today, it is simply stupid.

Xu Rong waited in the car for half an hour, but he still didn't see Li Gen or Wang Yaqin calling him. He was a little surprised. According to his estimation, he should start preparing for the show.

He sat up straight, opened the curtain and looked out, and immediately understood what was going on.

The shooting location was next to a crossroad on the street. At this time, the entire crossroad, especially near the stores to be photographed, was almost full of people watching the excitement. Many people even stood waiting for a car accident to happen. On both sides of the store, pointing at the staff of the crew.

And at the intersection next to it, traffic jams began to appear due to the gathering of crowds.

He quickly closed the car curtain to prevent the onlookers from discovering, otherwise, he might be the one who was surrounded.

He has seen a lot of things like this, and now he is quite experienced.

Moreover, he reckoned that under the current situation, the machine would not be able to be turned on for an hour, because the traffic jam caused by the crowd would not be able to be filmed until the traffic jam was completely evacuated.

He lay back again, closed his eyes, and sorted out the follow-up plan.



At a certain moment, with two loud knocks on the door, the car door was suddenly opened, and the noise and noise from the outside world rushed in through the door passage like a torrent of water, and Xu Rong could clearly hear the sudden noise Among them, there are women's screams, men's roars and curses.

Li Gen panted, pointed outside with one hand, and said, "Brother, brother, it's not good, there's a fight, why don't we run away quickly?"

Xu Rong immediately picked up the window curtains of the car, and saw that the staff of the crew and the surrounding crowd were pushing and pulling around the studio, but the friction was still controlled within a controllable range, and there was no "disturbance" as Li Gen said. Let's fight," he said while watching, "Close the door first."

When the door was completely closed, he turned his head and asked, "What's going on?"

Li Gen spread his hands and said, "That's what you saw. There were too many people who came to see the excitement. No, I don't know what happened. Many people didn't leave. They all wanted to see how the filming was going. Standing at the very front, we squeezed and squeezed into the studio.”

"In addition, it may be the first time Director Du has come to the mainland. He has never seen such a scene. His voice is almost hoarse, and it has no effect. A subconscious curse caused a conflict between the crew and the crowd. "

Xu Rong keenly noticed the ambiguity in Li Gen's narration, turned his head and asked, "I don't know what's going on?"

Li Gen scratched his head, and said, "A lot of people came to see you and said they haven't seen what you look like alive, so no matter how Du Qifeng persuades them, they won't leave until they see you. "

Xu Rong now fully understands that the director who went to the north is not satisfied with the style of the work, but also the customs.

Filming on the streets of Hong Kong will attract attention, but it will never attract such a large crowd.

But the opposite is true in the mainland, especially in a city like Tianjin, where the pace of life is relatively slow, the most indispensable thing is to watch the excitement.

"Did you call the police?"


Xu Rong lifted the curtain of the car again to look at it, and sighed: "I asked Du Qifeng to apply for a road closure before, but I didn't listen to it. Now I have gained knowledge."

On the other side, Du Qifeng held a megaphone and shouted in very substandard Mandarin: "Everyone calm down, everyone calm down."

Du Qifeng looked at the dozen or so disheveled crew members, although he was so angry that he wanted to scold their mothers, but after what happened just now, he didn't dare to scold anyone casually.

But he felt very aggrieved. He originally expected to finish filming at noon today, but now half an hour has passed, let alone filming, all the time was wasted on communicating and coordinating with the onlookers.

That's a good thing, after watching them, they managed to coordinate a little bit, and finally moved their hands again.

What made him feel helpless the most was that the conflict between the crew and the crowd attracted more idlers to watch the fun.

Just as he was burning with anxiety, the siren of a police car came from a distance.

The pull between the two parties obviously began to gradually weaken with the arrival of the siren.

Xu Rong was sitting in the car, watching the arrival of the police, he was a little relieved, the film crew blocked the road for filming, not because of arrogance, but because of the national conditions, everyone likes to watch the excitement, but once the crew gathers , Affecting shooting is an inevitable result.

"Let's go, ready to shoot."

Xu Rong patted the shoulder of Li Gen who had previously suggested to run first, and said with a smile: "In such an occasion, it may indeed be inappropriate for me to come forward, but running away is not a good way."

"Got it, got it."

"Mr. Xu, wait a while after the scene is finished, then you get out of the car and let the stuntman complete the scene for you."

Hearing Zheng Baorui's words, Xu Rong shook his head subconsciously and said, "Thank you, I'd better come by myself, I don't think there will be too much problem."

It was just a scene of driving a car into a restaurant. In his opinion, there was basically no great danger.

But just as he expressed his thoughts, Wang Yaqin objected: "Mr. Xu, no, it's too dangerous!"

"It's all right."

"Teacher Xu, it's really not possible!"

Xu Rong looked at the rare Wang Yaqin who contradicted him, and said, "It's okay, don't worry."

At this time, the assistant director Luo Jinfu also came to Xu Rong and said, "Mr. Xu, the substitute is ready."

Xu Rong looked at him in amazement, shook his head and said, "Director Luo, I really don't need it, I'm not used to using a substitute."

"Xu Rong, it's not that you're trying to be brave. It's safer to use a double after all."

Xu Rong looked at Zhao Junkai who also came over, and said: "No, what do you mean by this, it's just an ordinary car accident scene, it's really not worth using as a stand-in."

Zhao Junkai patted him on the shoulder and said: "I can understand your thoughts, but you also need to understand everyone's thoughts, you are dedicated, and we respect your thoughts, but you really can't have any accidents, even a little possibility. "

Xu Rong glanced over the silent Zheng Baorui, Wang Yaqin and others, nodded, and said, "I see."

Not far away, Ye Xuan looked at the stand-in who was about to play, and said with disdain: "You are still No. 1 in the new generation in the Mainland, and you don't even have the most basic professional ethics."

(End of this chapter)

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