I'm just an actor

Chapter 347 Consideration

Chapter 347 Consideration
Ye Xuan muttered, she didn't care about it herself, but Lin Jiadong who was standing beside her and Zhang Zhaohui with a thin face looked at each other subconsciously after a moment of stupefaction.

Not professional?
It was almost drowsy, and immediately someone brought a pillow and stuffed it into their hands with the handle.

At this time, the tall, dark-skinned Jiang Haowen suddenly asked: "Who of you knows what happened to Wang Hui yesterday?"

"I remember that his attitude towards the mainland was very, very unfriendly before." He added.

Lin Jiadong shook his head and said, "Du sir said he didn't know too well. It is said that Wang Hui himself said that he had difficulties, so he couldn't tell."

Ye Xuan immediately said: "What's the problem? It must be because of money, and someone bought it."

Lin Jiadong heard Ye Xuan's unscrupulous voice, and said: "Be quiet, don't be overheard."

"So, so what?" Ye Xuan asked back, but his voice quickly dropped, "He has the face to do it, so he can't listen to others?"

The elderly Lu Haipeng listened to the discussion of several people, and said: "The saying of disrespect has a certain impact on him, but the impact is not as great as imagined, especially if there are no destructive and substantive consequences. It may be a good thing for him if his agent team handles it properly.”

Listening to the mutterings of several people, Lin Mao felt more and more weird. These individuals are usually not known for being smart, and they rarely do serious things, but how to consider these shameful things, they are comprehensive.

Jiang Haowen suddenly said at this time: "I'm going to the bathroom."

Today, when I was filming a location scene, even though it was in an urban area, I still had to walk several hundred meters to go to the toilet.

Lin Mao also didn't want to get involved in these things, he just hoped that An Ansheng's tricks would be filmed, earn money, and then go back as soon as possible.

The two walked side by side for a while, far away from the crowd, Jiang Haowen took out a cigarette, gave Lin Xie one, lit one himself, and said: "I'm off work tonight, I want Mr. Zheng Zhaoqiang to do it, please treat Xu Rong to eat Rice, are you going?"

Hearing Jiang Haowen's words, Lin Xie's hand that was lighting a cigarette trembled, and the thin flame from the lighter burned his lips. Under the pain, he subconsciously exhaled the smoke from his mouth, and quickly wiped it with his hand twice.

Jiang Haowen was not surprised by Lin Xie's reaction. After returning home last night, he called a few friends in the mainland and asked them about Xu Rong's situation. After all, he had to stand on the opposite side. .

The general evaluation of most relationships is similar, good-natured and low-key.

There is only one with a good relationship, and I use three words to evaluate it.

Shrewd, black-hearted, and ruthless.

And the friend asked a question at the time: "Have you asked other people about him?"

Jiang Haowen wondered why the other party asked this question, and he didn't hide it from the other party, admitting that he had already asked four people.

As a result, the friend smiled wryly after hearing this, and said: "If there is no accident, he should have already known about Xu Rong's matter if you inquired about it. If you have any conflicts and you can get through it, I suggest you bow your head and admit your mistake. "

Jiang Haowen always felt that what that friend said was too exaggerated, but when Du Qifeng introduced him to Xu Rong this morning, he heard Xu Rong say: "I heard that you have a lot of friends in the Mainland, you can take advantage of this opportunity to make more friends in the Mainland." Travel around the mainland to learn about the customs and customs of the mainland.”

At that moment, Jiang Haowen looked at the smiling Xu Rong, and felt his scalp tingling. Although the other person showed undisguised kindness on his face, he always felt as if he was being suffocated by a poisonous snake.

Lin Xie didn't go to pick up the cigarettes, but just stood there with his head up, staring at Jiang Haowen in a daze. Until now, he was still wondering if he heard it wrong?

Jiang Haowen was tall, his arms were so muscular, and the lines on his face were so tough, no one would doubt that this guy was harder than a rock.

But what he said was simply beyond Lin Chen's imagination.

Jiang Haowen looked at Lin Xie's surprised eyes, and said: "Don't look at me like that, Xu Rong is an orphan, and so am I. He is 25 years old this year, and I am 45 years old this year. He is the No. 1 new generation in the Mainland, and I am Hong Kong An unremarkable artist among many, we have similar backgrounds, and his achievements at the age of 25 may be something I can only look up to in my life, and there is no comparison between me and him, no matter what aspect."

Lin Xie shook his head and said, "You are too self-deprecating. A person's life cannot be simply measured by fame and fortune."

Jiang Haowen interrupted him, saying: "It's not that I'm underestimating myself, but I know that it's impossible for him to achieve what he is today without luck, but it's not just relying on luck."

As he spoke, he tapped his temple twice with his index finger, and said: "Let's put it this way, just with this of mine, combined together, I might not be able to beat others."

Lin Ao always felt that he was exaggerating too much. He shook his head and said, "Everyone carries two heads on one shoulder. I don't mean to embarrass him. He can't dig a hole and wait for me to jump, right?"

Jiang Haowen hesitated for a while, and said: "When Lin Jiadong made trouble last night, didn't you feel a little bit? They were depressed and frustrated, and they felt resentful. They always felt that they had to make a fortune immediately after they came to the mainland. Who would stop them? Whoever sees them getting rich will suffer a terrible death, but look at the attitudes of Wang Hui, Zheng Zhaoqiang, Luo Jinfu, and Zhao Baorui. You must know that it has only been 10 days since the start-up. How long can it last?"

Lin Ao had actually considered this issue, but he always thought that they were keeping silent because of Xu Rong as the representative of the management. After Jiang Haowen reminded him, he carefully thought about their attitudes, and the expressions on their faces Suddenly a lot more serious.

Lin Xie turned his head and pointed in the direction of the studio: "Do you want to tell them?"

"It's meaningless, they don't listen to it at all, or they don't have the slightest awe of their counterparts in the mainland." Jiang Haowen laughed and said with emotion, "If you don't believe it, you can try it, they may not Take your love."

On the other side, Xu Rong always felt a little flustered when he heard Du Qifeng yell "card".

He always felt that he didn't do anything, but sat in the driving seat and posed for a pose. In the end, the filming of a scene was just like that?

It's like when he walks on the road and encounters money dropped by others, he never picks it up, let alone buys a lottery ticket.

A long time ago, he picked up money several times, but later found that every time he picked up money, he would soon lose more money. This was the case every time. He no longer dared to bend down to pick up money. As for lottery tickets, he was not afraid of not winning, but of winning.

The current situation is the same. His salary is not low. According to the salary standard of the TV drama industry, under normal circumstances, a drama is packaged at 3000 million yuan, and if the filming period is one or two months, it will be 50 yuan per day.

Normal filming, even if there is only one scene on a certain day, he never feels guilty or unreasonable for taking a salary of 50 yuan. There must be someone in the domestic industry who can show the same level of effect as him, but he can be sure that such a person There are only a handful of them.

And if he didn't do anything and got 50 for no reason, he was really afraid that he would suffer retribution one day.

"Everyone, come back." Xu Rong greeted Du Qifeng, waved to his left and right guardians Zheng Baorui and Luo Jinfu, and was about to board the car and return to the hotel.

There were too many crowds watching the outdoor scenes in the urban area. Unlike Lin Jiadong and others, he was not well-known, and no one would recognize him when he was thrown into the crowd. He was surrounded by Zheng Baorui who arranged two scenes to protect his personal safety. It's hard not to get attention.

Although there are still scenes to be filmed, they are all Sun Honglei's roles and have nothing to do with it.

Walking to the side of the car, and about to get in the car, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a group of young men with dyed hair and colorful hair aggressively pushing through the crowd and running towards the set.

He squinted his eyes, padded his heels, and looked at the group of young people who didn't look professionally dressed. He had a bad premonition for no reason, and immediately said to Li Gen, "Hurry up and tell Du Qifeng, let him Arrange some people to protect the equipment, and some people to copy the guys and prepare to fight."

Seeing Li Gen in a daze, he hurriedly pushed him again, and said, "What are you doing in a daze, go quickly."

He experienced a similar thing once when he was filming "Snow Leopard", but there were too many people on the other side, and the big guy turned around and ran away when he saw that the situation was wrong.

Later, I heard a lot of various things, and I also understood the overall side strategy.

Looking at it today, there are only about 70 people, which is nothing compared to the crew of more than [-] people, but he is really worried that Du Qifeng's lack of understanding of the "customs and customs" in the Mainland will make people rob him of the equipment.

He stood and watched for a while, but found that things were not as he thought. Du Qifeng led a group of more than 40 people, each with a guy in his hand, and confronted a group of people.

At this time, Li Gen trotted all the way back, and said, "Brother, you have already called the police, saying you will come in a while."

Xu Rong raised his chin in the direction where Du Qifeng was, and asked, "What's going on?"

Li Gen spread his hands: "It was about noon. Didn't the crew have conflicts with people? Although there were no white knives in and red knives out, there were a few young people who were indeed beaten up. Those who could fight with the crew , is also something to rely on, it is said that it is organized, no, people came to ask for it."

Xu Rong laughed, and asked: "Only because of their more than 20 people?"

Li Gen said in a low voice: "He is a professional, and no one can tell if more people will come later."

"How much do they want?"

"A person's 2 yuan for medical expenses, a total of [-] yuan."

Xu Rong nodded, 8 yuan is not much, but it is really disturbing.

And he clearly remembered that when there was a dispute earlier, there was pushing and pulling, but the crew were relatively restrained and did not cause any injuries to the onlookers. The behavior of the other party at this time was obviously blackmail.

But at this moment, the tall, bald-headed middle-aged man who led twenty or so young people to confront Du Qifeng suddenly turned his head and said something behind him, causing a burst of laughter.

Li Gen said: "Brother, you have already reported to the police, you should get in the car and rest."

"Brother?" Li Gen looked at the strange smile on Xu Rong's face, "Brother, what are you looking at?"

And not far away, the middle-aged man who laughed heartily looked at the familiar figure in the distance, and couldn't help being stunned.

He hesitated for a while, said something to the people around him, and turned around to walk in the direction of Xu Rong.

Seeing that Chen Danian was coming to find him, Xu Rong first waved his hand at him, then patted Li Gen on the shoulder, and said, "Go and tell him, I'll wait for him at the intersection ahead, let him get on my bed later." car."

"What, bro, are you kidding me?"

"If you tell you to go, you can go."

Xu Rong didn't want to have anything to do with Chen Danian, especially under the large audience, in Hong Kong and Taiwan, he had a relationship with the club, which was a source of confidence, but in the mainland, especially in his capacity, getting involved in it would be of no benefit except trouble.

And the reason why I knew Chen Danian was because this guy was one of the good brothers during the previous life experience.

He is tall and big, and he is very good at fighting. It took three times to beat him honestly.

Not many people saw this scene, but Lin Jiadong happened to be one of them.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, he followed the middle-aged man to the intersection and watched him get into Xu Rong's car from a distance. After about 10 minutes, he came down again with a smile on his face, Suddenly, an arm stretched out from the car, and greeted the middle-aged man directly on the forehead, but the middle-aged man avoided it, but there was no trace of anger on his face, he still laughed.

Seeing the flattering smile on the middle-aged man's face, Lin Jiadong only felt a bone-chilling chill.

He is not afraid of Xu Rong's known background. Xu Rong does have a certain amount of energy, but the title of dean of the Chinese opera department is not enough to make him afraid. Under the turbulent public opinion, it is difficult for a school's dean to Turn the tide.

But the "energy" that Xu Rong showed at this time made him feel afraid, because in the eyes of some people, the law does not have much meaning.

Everyone else can be alone, because they haven't had a direct conflict with Xu Rong yet.

But he can't, last night, he just made a fuss, probably already on Xu Rong's blacklist.

At nine o'clock in the evening, when Xu Rong was getting ready for the next day's play, the doorbell rang again.

The people who come here are not outsiders, they are left and right to protect the Dharma.

"Teacher Xu, please be careful, some people may not be at ease."

Xu Rong nodded when he heard Luo Jinfu's words, and said, "Why?"

"I vaguely heard someone muttering during the day that they want to punish you."

Xu Rong listened to what Luo Jinfu said obviously meant something, and nodded with a smile, which he had expected.

Zheng Baorui stood beside him, smiling, teeth itching in his heart, Luo Jinfu's grandson is simply a villain, he made people surround several Hong Kong actors every day, obviously with the idea of ​​seeking credit after inquiring about the news.

Xu Rong nodded with a smile, and said, "Thank you, Director Luo. By the way, did Li Gen give you the contract?"

"Here it is."

"Think about it and tell me."


(End of this chapter)

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