I'm just an actor

Chapter 348 Achievements

Chapter 348 Achievements
Xu Rong didn't draw any big cakes for Luo Jinfu and Zheng Baorui. Neither of them are fledgling boys. Without real interests, no one will easily stand in line.

He adopted a win-win approach and gave each of them a contract, a standard contract planned by the studio director.

It is not uncommon for Hong Kong and Taiwan film and television practitioners to go north collectively, such as "so and so went north to make more than [-] million yuan and bought a luxury house in a high-end real estate in Hong Kong." Since the millennium, it will appear in the newspapers every now and then.

Under the tide of gold rush, many Hong Kong and Taiwan film and television practitioners have no less expectations for going north than the gold rush on the other side of the ocean, because there are really some little-known actors around them who have been in the mainland. A few years later, his net worth turned out to be hundreds of millions.

In the past, it was a fantasy for them. An actor who always played a supporting role could be paid more than [-] million yuan in three to five years?
The reason for this phenomenon is also caused by various factors. The remuneration of big-name artists and directors in Hong Kong is naturally much higher.

As for middle- and low-level artists, it must be attributed to the fact that the mainland market is large enough, and there are enough film and television works and variety shows produced each year. Some artists who go north to make money, often accept ten plays a year without lack of film contracts. At the beginning, there is no upper limit, and some can even play important or unimportant roles in forty or fifty film and television works.

Some of these film and television works will not even be broadcast at all, but as long as the salary is paid, they don't care about the rest.

Luo Jinfu and Zheng Baorui belong to the awkward group. They are in their prime, and their main partner in the past was Yinhe. Originally, they could join the vast majority of their peers in going north to make a fortune. "welcome".

Du Qifeng's stubbornness determined that the mainland investor must have a good relationship in terms of auditing, otherwise a lot of money will be poured in, and even the ripples will not be seen.

Du Qifeng has Du Qifeng's ideals and his persistence, but his ideals and persistence unknowingly block the way of making money for a group of fellows who used to make a living with him.

This is unacceptable to Luo Jinfu and Zheng Baorui. Their counterparts in Hong Kong made a bunch of colorful proposals to confuse the mainland capitalists, and started their independent directing careers. They lived in big houses, drove luxury cars, and bought When they got a new wife who was barely breaking the law, they still lived the same life as before. They thought it was nourishing before but now they are suffering.

If there is no better choice, then you can only make do with it, but now that you have a choice, it is natural for a good bird to choose a tree to live in.

And the most important point is that Du Qifeng is old, even if he is willing to adapt to the mainland's film and television regulations, he may not be active for a few years.

"Mr. Xu, don't send it, don't send it."

"It's okay, I'll have to rely more on Director Luo and Director Zheng in the future."

Xu Rong sent Luo Jinfu with shining hairline and Zheng Baorui with bright glasses to the door, feeling quite emotional in his heart.

He actually wanted to win Du Qifeng the most, but that was obviously impossible.

The second thing he wanted to sign most was Zheng Zhaoqiang, but just like his unbiased style, Zheng Zhaoqiang did not give a clear answer, but said to think about it.

After opening the door, Luo Jinfu and Zheng Baorui, who were about to go out, froze their smiles.

Outside the door, Zheng Zhaoqiang raised his hand in the air, as if he was about to knock on the door, but behind him stood Lin Xie and Jiang Haowen, who had just joined the team yesterday.

Luo Jinfu and Zheng Baorui looked at each other, and their expressions immediately became serious. The communication between the few people during the day did not deceive their eyes and ears.

It is said that he will secretly trip up the boss, is this about to start?

The three people standing outside the door were also quite embarrassed. They came to invite Xu Rong to dinner.

Xu Rong looked at Zheng Zhaoqiang who was in the lead, vaguely guessed the purpose of the three of them, patted Luo Jinfu and Zheng Baorui on the back, and said: "Director Luo, Director Zheng, didn't you just say that you have something to discuss with Director Zhao? "

"Ah, yes."

Hearing this, Luo Jinfu and Zheng Baorui smiled and nodded at Zheng Zhaoqiang and the others, then quickly left.

Xu Rong opened the door completely, and said to the three of them: "The three teachers are rare visitors, come, come in and sit in the room, come in and sit in the room."

"Has Teacher Xu eaten?" Zheng Zhaoqiang, who is relatively familiar with Xu Rong, asked while leading the two into the room.

"I've eaten." Xu Rong saw Jiang Haowen, who was walking at the end, closed the door and said with a smile, "Sit down, I came back early today, and I ate at the restaurant downstairs. By the way, the filming later Is it going well?"

Zheng Zhaoqiang patted the armrest of the sofa with emotion, and said: "Mr. Xu, you have the foresight to propose to close the road in advance. In fact, the filming could have been finished in three or four hours, but it ended up being a toss for a day." .”

"Hahaha, one side grows up one side, the pace of life in the Mainland is not as compared to Hong Kong, and everyone usually has nothing to do, just like to watch the excitement, not to mention others, even if I heard that there is no excitement, I can't help but want to go and watch it Look."


While talking, Xu Rong took three disposable cups and poured a glass of water for each of the three, but when the water was handed to Jiang Haowen and Lin Zhuo, they stood up subconsciously and took it with both hands. up.

Seeing the reaction of the two, Xu Rong said with a smile: "Mr. Lin, Mr. Jiang, don't be so polite, sit down and chat, sit down and chat."

Zheng Zhaoqiang, who was on the side, also looked at this scene in amazement. He felt that these two people were a little afraid of Xu Rong.

After pouring water for the three people, seeing that there was no water in the kettle, Xu Rong walked to the cabinet on the side of the living room, unscrewed a bottle of mineral water, and said while adding water to the kettle, "I usually I don't like to drink alcohol, and I don't even touch a drop of alcohol during filming, I just drink this when I'm free."

As he spoke, he turned his head and raised his chin towards the glass soaked with red dates, wolfberry, longan, and chrysanthemum on the table, showing a smile that he understood: "A day or two doesn't work, but it takes a long time." Yes, whoever uses it will know."


Lin Xie and Jiang Haowen looked at each other with a smile, quite surprised in their hearts, Xu Rong seemed to have guessed their intentions, and in a joking way, lightly rejected the invitation that the three had not yet issued, but did not It didn't make them feel the slightest bit of unhappiness.

Xu Rong came over and sat down, and said, "Did the two teachers go out?"

"No, I've been away for so many years and haven't come back. Everything has changed. I don't know anything except my accent."

"Yeah, actually speaking, it's also the situation of the past 30 to [-] years. The reform and opening up has made our country more prosperous and stronger, and the people's living standards are getting better and better. For us film and television practitioners, the opportunities will also increase. I heard that many Hong Kong directors and colleagues have already settled in the mainland, and the three teachers can also consider it, but there are many policy considerations at the moment." Although Xu Rong has never participated in the study in the courtyard , although he would complain to Xiao Zhang about some unreasonable phenomena in private, and even complain about certain policies and systems, but in front of other people, especially Hong Kong and Taiwan compatriots and even foreigners, he would not say that he The country has even the slightest bad.

In the process of preparing "Thunderstorm" and "Family", he had a certain understanding of that era and even the earlier Qing Dynasty.
Especially the history of the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, he felt extremely aggrieved by reading it. A huge country is like a pig, and it seems that anyone can slaughter it.

Although there are still various unsatisfactory phenomena and systems, but in comparison, it can be said that the contemporary Chinese are the most dignified generation in the world in the past 170 years.

Having enjoyed this dignity, and as a public figure, one should also have the obligation to consciously maintain this dignity.

Xu Rong chatted with the three of them for nearly half an hour, some of them were interesting stories about the industry, some of the local conditions and customs, without any substantive content. Each word refers to love, contacts, and interests, but every sentence, even every exclamation and laughter expresses similar meanings.

In the corridor, Lin Xie glanced back and secretly clicked his tongue: "This, is he really a 25-year-old young man?"

Jiang Haowen didn't think it was strange, and said: "He is an orphan. For an orphan, there is no one to rely on. If he can't earn money, he has to go hungry. It's as simple as that, so it's not surprising that he is more mature than his peers. .”

Xu Rong poured out the water in the water glass on the table, and threw the glass into the trash can. Most people who knew him easily ignored his age, which was due to his dark skin and technical reasons.

Because he started to shape older characters a long time ago, he has always paid attention to the differences between middle-aged people, young people, and children. After his observation, he found that the differences mainly focus on three points.

The first point is the speed of speech. Older people often speak at a slower speed, because a slower speech speed will give people the impression that the speaker is very thoughtful and unpredictable, just like a news broadcast.

The second point is the smile. The smiles of young people are very bright, almost revealing half of their teeth, but the older they get, the more restrained and reserved their smiles become.

The third point is the eyes. The emotions of young people are easy to be carried on the face and expressed in the eyes, but it is difficult for adults to see the emotions in their hearts because of the various roles they assume. Force them to restrain their emotions.

So except when he gets along with Xiao Zhang and his grandfather, he usually doesn't speak too fast most of the time, and the expressions on his face are mostly controlled within a reasonable range.

It will be difficult to make real friends because of this, but in essence, it is extremely difficult to have two or three real friends. As for the rest, friends who come because of interests, as long as the interests continue to exist, they will always be friends.

The next day, Xu Rong arrived at the set a little later than usual because it was said that You Naihai suddenly came up with inspiration in his sleep at three o'clock in the morning last night, and revised the script, and then at four o'clock, dragged the coordinator out stand up.

Then, when Xu Rong woke up early in the morning, he realized that today's announcement had been cancelled.

But when he got to the set, looking at the disgusting "factory" decorated with props, and Wang Zixuan's swollen face, he felt an inexplicable tumbling in his stomach.

This make-up artist is also a bit cruel, a good girl, she made her look uglier than a zombie.

"Morning, Teacher Xu."


"Morning, Teacher Xu."


When Xu Rong took Li Gen to the director's surveillance, he happened to meet Lin Ao and the others head-on. Xu Rong smiled and said, "Mr. Lin, why are you here again, why didn't you go out for a walk?"

"No rush, no rush."

Xu Rong paused, and said with a smile: "You can't think that way, you have to hurry up and take a walk."


Seeing Xu Rong talking, Lin Jiadong suddenly turned his gaze to himself, and he froze for a moment. Hearing his meaningful tone and seeing the terrifying smile on his face, Lin Jiadong felt a layer of cold sweat burst out of his back instantly.

Xu Rong is threatening him!

He knew that Xu Rong was giving him an ultimatum, maybe the day their scene was finished was the day their accident happened.

He has personally experienced similar things. Those people have no humanity at all. An inexplicable "accident" can destroy a person.

On the third day after the transition, the crew came to a person most of them were familiar with.

Andy Lau.

Xu Rong was not surprised by the other party's arrival. Andy Lau and Du Qifeng are good friends. Now that Du Qifeng is going north to film, it is reasonable for Andy Lau to come to help out.

But at noon, Xu Rong was embarrassed when Du Qifeng proposed that he be the host in the evening and invited Andy Lau and Lin Jiadong to have dinner with him.

Of course he understood the meaning behind the dinner.

It's just that he and Andy Lau are not familiar. They knew each other when they were filming "The Founding of the Party", but they didn't have a deep relationship.

It wasn't the dinner that made him embarrassed, there was only one person on the table, or even one he didn't know. He had experienced quite a lot, and what made him feel uncomfortable was that he had prepared a set of well-thought-out combination punches, And with full confidence, he tidied up this group of people and was full of fear of the word "going north".

As a result, it was just beginning to lay the groundwork, and all of them lowered their heads, giving him the feeling of punching the cotton with a punch that had accumulated all the strength in his body.

He recently read Mao’s Selected Readings, and he feels that he has gained a lot of experience. Although the process of dealing with several people is complicated, the essence is still that “now we are destroying the national bourgeoisie and canceling their private ownership of the means of production. struggle, and progressive children in capitalist families also struggle against their parents." That set of theories.

Although to a certain extent, this "helpless" situation is helpful for him to experience the role.

In the play, he tried his best to escape, but he was captured by the dying Zhang Lei through a counterattack before he died.

The mood at that moment should be more desperate than at this moment, because the price paid by the two is completely different.

But in a short time, he still hoped that Lin Jiadong and the others would be able to think in one direction, use energy in one direction, and compete with him with the determination to die.

Right now it’s good, seven people, three of them surrendered, and those who surrendered were subdued. The remaining four people either had obviously not good brains, or because of perennial depression, their psychology had even undergone certain distortions. No matter how ruthless the ravages are, there is no sense of accomplishment at all.

Not interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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