I'm just an actor

Chapter 349 Materials

The vast majority of people are afraid of trouble, dislike trouble, and always pray that everything they do will be smooth sailing.

Now that he has heard a lot, seen a lot, and experienced a lot, Xu Rong is used to troubles. Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and there will inevitably be disputes in the rivers and lakes, otherwise it would be abnormal if everyone is harmonious.

That goes against the notion that contradictions are universal in the Marxist dialectic.

Moreover, he feels that he has been relatively lucky since he started his career. Before he became famous in the early days, the crews he joined were either poor or the investors were strong. , There are almost no broken groups that are full of mountains, do not do business all day long, and just talk about it.

But in fact, in most crews, wrangling and fighting are commonplace. The most tragic ones are the crews of "Dream of Red Mansions" and "New Three Kingdoms", which have attracted a lot of attention from inside and outside the industry. It even changed seven or eight times, and told the outside world almost undisguisedly: The contradictions in our crew have reached the point of irreconcilability, and we must change people to continue.

Because of the different responsibilities, the great differences in the cultural level of the members, and the fact that they come from all corners of the country, the crew is often called a small society. Most of them are conflicts between the production team and the director team. If you get along well, you can do whatever you want. Roll up your sleeves, lead your own people, pick up your chairs and practice hard.

Because there is a natural conflict of interest between the two, if the director team wants to shoot the trick well, they have to polish it over and over again, but once the cannon is fired, it is worth ten thousand taels of gold. The production team is the most unacceptable.

The other departments are also not in harmony, for example, the external relations and the assistant director often argue, and for example, the various departments of the production team scold the coordinator for being a gangster all day long, while the coordinator thinks that the opinions of each team are not only naive, but also quite brain-dead. .

The kettle boils water. When the water boils, only misty steam can be seen from the outside, but the inside is already boiling violently.

Just like the current "Drug Wars" crew, the contradictions do exist objectively, but the degree is still controlled by Xu Rong within a reasonable range. In the eyes of the outside world, because of the mutual praise between him and Du Qifeng on the day of the opening, the "Drug Wars" crew On the contrary, it is a fairly harmonious group. If one day the contradictions reach the point where even the superficial harmony is difficult to maintain, just like boiling water in a kettle, it may be difficult to cover up.

After he became famous, the plays he starred in were often invested by familiar employers. Sometimes he was named as a producer, and sometimes he was not involved in anything, but because of his relationship with the employer, he had the power to supervise.

But all the time, unless there is an event that has a huge impact on the shooting, he will not use this power over the entire crew if he can.

The butcher's knife hangs high and does not fall, and its lethality will always be greater than that of killing people.

Moreover, how to deal with conflicts with others is not only a compulsory course for actors, but also an indispensable lesson for a person after leaving school. Once missing or evading, it is easy to become Ah Q described by Mr. Lu Xun.

Through participating in the filming of "Drug War", Xu Rong keenly discovered a very interesting thing.

Before filming, he also noticed the friction between various departments, but there were very few crews in "Drug Wars".

Because most of the time, everyone on the set seems to be following the trend, and there is no time to take a breath, and there is no time to argue and bicker.

This is also one of the reasons why he signed Zheng Baorui and Luo Jinfu. He hopes to promote this efficient working model to every crew in the mainland.

In the evening, while Xu Rong and Du Qifeng were saying goodbye to Liu De, at the elevator entrance of the hotel, You Naihai looked at the girl in purple turtleneck sweater and jeans, and his eyes widened leisurely.

The girl was pushing a red suitcase in one hand, and holding a white down jacket in the other, as if she was going to check out and leave.

You Naihai looked at the girl's curvy curves, and finally, his eyes stayed on the girl's face: "Are you, an actor from the crew?"

Wang Zixuan wanted to say hello to You Naihai at first, but looking at You Naihai, it was almost indifferent.

With the scorching eyes that were trying to cover up her desire to eat herself, she couldn't help but feel disgusted in her heart, gentle beast!
Hearing You Naihai's words, Wang Zixuan felt disgusted and even more embarrassed. She is a living person and a member of the crew, and You Naihai didn't remember her at all. She forced a smile: "Yes, Teacher You, I am the actor Wang Zixuan , playing Cai Tianming's wife."

"Wang Zixuan?" You Naihai pondered for a moment, then shook his head, "This name is not very good, it doesn't have the potential to be popular."

Wang Zixuan was immediately attracted by You Naihai's topic. She also heard from her classmates that her name was too "cheesy", but firstly, she had no specific connections, and secondly, she couldn't trust the so-called masters in general.

So subconsciously asked: "What does Teacher You mean, do I need to change my name?"

You Naihai pointed to the chair on the side of the elevator, and said, "If you're not in a hurry, let's chat?"

Wang Zixuan hesitated, looked at the time, the ticket back to Beijing was still early, she nodded slightly.

You Naihai noticed her movements keenly. After sitting down, he didn't mention the topic of name immediately. He glanced at her curvy upper body and asked, "Why haven't I seen you before?"

Wang Zixuan smiled wryly, and said, "Maybe, I won't attract attention."

This is her first film, because she used to hear people say how chaotic the industry is, so after joining the group, she tried to dress as plainly as possible, and her makeup was not so chic, so as to avoid being caught by some people stare at.

You Naihai smiled calmly to show the confidence and demeanor that a successful man should possess. Today he found out for the first time that there was such a beautiful actress in the crew. He glanced at the red suitcase next to him, and immediately made a decision, asking Said: "Your play, you haven't finished filming yet, have you?"

Wang Zixuan looked at him in amazement: "The filming is over, it was finished today, and I'm about to go back."

As soon as the words came out, Wang Zixuan immediately came to her senses, combined with the way You Naihai looked at her at the beginning, she understood what the other party wanted to express.

Although You Naihai had a serious face, at this moment, she could already think that there might be many unbearable pictures in his mind.

You Naihai said quite firmly: "To be honest, the moment I saw you just now, I had some wonderful inspirations."

Wang Zixuan didn't dare to look at You Naihai anymore. She knew that if she got on top of him, she would never have to worry about resource issues. Although she couldn't compare to her hardworking, down-to-earth, and hard-working Fa Xiao, at least it would save her ten years of struggle. year.

You Naihai looked at Wang Zixuan with great certainty, and said, "Put the salute back, your beauty should not be buried."

Glancing at You Naihai's fiery gaze, Wang Zixuan silently lowered her head.

After a while, she suddenly raised her head, looked directly at You Naihai, and asked, "Teacher You, do I need to give something?"

You Naihai was a little unaccustomed to Wang Zixuan's directness, and even lost interest a little, but only a little.

As for the point that faded away, after his eyes lingered on Wang Zixuan's slender calf again, he quickly made up for it, and nodded lightly: "I can't say that, I just appreciate beauty. , who can say no to good things.”

Wang Zixuan hesitated for nearly half a minute, then stood up gently: "Mr. You, I'm sorry."


At this moment, the elevator door opened, Xu Rong and Du Qifeng came out together, but they were a little surprised when they saw You Naihai sitting at the stairs and Wang Zixuan standing beside them.

Because of their disparity in status, there shouldn't be too many intersections at all.

Xu Rong glanced at the suitcase next to Wang Zixuan, and asked, "This is it, are you leaving?"

You Naihai became anxious, and immediately stood up, and said: "It happens that you are also here, and I just wanted to tell you, I want to add a scene to her, such a beautiful girl, appearing in such an ugly posture, really What a pity, what a waste of money."

Du Qifeng is well aware of You Naihai's faults, he is talented and talented, but just one little thing bothers him, and he can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman.

Xu Rong looked at You Naihai's eager look, then at Wang Zixuan's neck that was flushed suddenly, feeling

Feeling the weird atmosphere between the two, he vaguely guessed what was going on.

He looked at Wang Zixuan and smiled, and didn't say much. He would only offend them if he meddled in the matter of your love and my wish.

But when I go back, I have to tell my classmate Xiao Zhang not to have any contact with her in the future.

Wang Zixuan saw Xu Rong smiled at herself inexplicably, her eyes dodged, and she said: "No, no."

After two seconds, she turned her gaze again, looked at Xu Rong, and said, "I'm not good-looking, and the audience will definitely not like it, so I don't want to add it."

Xu Rong listened to Wang Zixuan's crappy refusal, and after being stunned for a moment, he suddenly understood the reason, turned his head to look at You Naihai, and said with a smile: "Zixuan, it's not up to you to see whether it looks good or not, it's up to you to add drama to you." Thank you Teacher You for your favor."

As soon as Xu Rong's words fell, You Naihai's expression changed immediately, because Xu Rong's words clearly meant to protect Wang Zixuan.

Seeing You Naihai staring at her, Xu Rong patted Wang Zixuan on the head and said, "I forgot to introduce you, Zixuan is my sister-in-law."

You Naihai and Du Qifeng were dumbfounded when they heard the word "sister-in-law", because they had never seen Wang Zixuan and Xu Rong interact with each other in line with this relationship before.

And hearing Xu Rong's address to herself, Wang Zixuan quickly lowered her head after a moment of stupefaction.

Xu Rong's palm seemed to have a strange magic power, which gave her an instant urge to cry.

A few minutes ago, she had even considered selling her body for a chance she didn't know would have a future.

She had a vague feeling that perhaps, Zhang Xiaofei's life was not painful, and she couldn't even imagine her happiness.

Looking at Wang Zixuan's reaction, Du Qifeng and You Naihai seemed to understand something.

The relationship between brother-in-law and sister-in-law is so close, but they are deliberately alienated in front of outsiders. It can't be for no reason, probably to avoid suspicion.

But if there is no "dislike", then why avoid it?

You Naihai carefully pondered the profound connotation and rich connotation of the three characters "sister-in-law", and his mentality was quietly distorted. He didn't know Xu Rong's wife, but since there was such a beautiful sister-in-law, the wife must be no different.

Such a pair of sisters, think about it, it really is so unfair!

Because of the mixed emotions of jealousy, resentment, etc., You Naihai didn't go to the set the next morning, and didn't write a play for Wang Zixuan as promised. Instead, he stayed in the hotel to find inspiration through sleep as usual.

Xu Rong was not as free as You Naihai, around nine o'clock, after receiving Luo Jinfu's notification, he leisurely rushed to the set.

"Teacher Xu is here."


"Mr. Xu, good morning."


After putting on makeup on the set, Xu Rong was going to go to the director's surveillance habitually, but just took two steps, his eyes caught a glimpse by chance, and his figure suddenly stopped.

He squinted his eyes and looked at an old man with gray temples and dark skin who was also looking at himself among the group performances not far away.

Seeing Xu Rong suddenly stop, Li Gen looked straight at the place where the extras were, and asked, "What's wrong, brother?"

A smile suddenly appeared on Xu Rong's face, and he walked towards the group performers.

As he approached, many of the group performers who had been hanging around with their shoulders locked and stomping their feet to keep warm subconsciously straightened their bodies, and their voices also fell.

Xu Rong walked up to a 50-year-old man with a thin figure and gray temples. His dark skin was riddled with ravines. He grabbed the other's hand and said, "Long time no see, sir."

The elderly group performer was none other than the old carpenter who was selected by Guan Hu along with him.

It's just that after the filming of "Migrant Workers", the two parted ways, but they didn't expect to see each other again one day.

There was a smile on the old man's face, but he was a little timid when he looked at the assistants and field managers who were following Xu Rong. He had already recognized Xu Rong, but there were rules for every line of work. Say hello, if the other party doesn't recognize me, I'm afraid I have to pack up and leave.

Xu Rong tightly held the old man's rough hand, not
Xie Tunnel said: "Master, why, do you do this?"

He looked at the old man, quite puzzled, because as far as he knew, most group performers were generally under 40 years old, and after 40 years old, they would voluntarily leave the industry.

Because the body has not allowed them to continue to stay in this industry.

The old man looked at the assistant and field manager behind Xu Rong, a little timidly, patted his left leg, and said: "I broke my leg in 04, so I'm not allowed to do construction, but I can't rest at home, can I?"

"There is also a girl who is going to college." Speaking of this, the old man didn't have any bitterness on his face, but was full of pride, "I have to find a way to make money."

It's just that this pride has faded away, just like the past few years, until now, he still can't believe that the young man in front of him who has been appearing on TV all the year round is really his former co-worker, the boy who beat him Abandoned by their parents, they looked at the silly orphans.

Hearing this, Xu Rong felt sour for no reason when he saw the wrinkled smile on the old man's dark face.

Among his relatives and friends, there are very few people who live such a difficult life as an old man. Group performers start early and work late, and even a strong guy in his early twenties is tired and sleeps all day long. exchange money.

Looking at the tears in Xu Rong's eyes, the old man's eyes were also red. Compared with Xu Rong, he has not had a smooth life in the past few years.

After filming "Migrant Workers", he and Xu Rong made different choices and returned to the construction site.

At that time, they even laughed at Xu Rong for being so ambitious.

But the world is unpredictable, and within two days, when he was on the shelf, because he was telling the workers interesting things he experienced during filming, he talked and gestured, but he accidentally fell off the shelf and broke his leg.

Despite the operation, his age and lame leg no longer allow him to engage in heavy physical labor.

He thought of the young man who parted ways with him again, so with the idea of ​​trying, he plunged into this industry.

And not far away, through keen judgment, Zhao Junkai had already dragged the photographer and hugged the camera "Kakaka" to take random shots.

He didn't quite understand what happened, but it was the first time he saw Xu Rong crying.

He believed that this photo must be an excellent promotional material for "Drug Wars".

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