I'm just an actor

Chapter 350 Outrageous

Chapter 350 Outrageous
Du Qifeng saw Xu Rong greeting an older ensemble performer from afar, and he didn't care. Although Xu Rong is not very old, he has been in the industry for nearly ten years after all, and considering his high appeal in the mainland and the kind of Unlimited by his acting style that is close to "real", it is easy to guess that he is a prolific actor.

The charisma of the leader generation determines that he cannot be idle, and his company, agent, friends and even relatives will not allow him to be idle, and the super business ability also means that some young and relatively complex roles He has to guarantee ratings or box office.

All of this determined that he spent most of the past few years in one crew after another, and it was quite normal to know a group performer with obvious characteristics.

It cannot be said that there are no group performers in their 50s in the industry, but there are really not many.

It was only when Du Qifeng stopped when he saw someone handing a tissue to Xu Rongdi. At this moment, he realized that maybe Xu Rong and that old co-star had a story that he didn't understand.

When Xu Rong and Zhao Junkai came to the side and sat on the chairs arranged on the left and right sides, Du Qifeng asked, "You know him? Cough cough cough."

"When I first entered the industry, I did group performances and played migrant workers. Just now, the uncle lived with me in bunk beds."

Du Qifeng really didn't understand the old story of Xu Rong running through the dragon trap, but Du Qifeng was not surprised after seeing Xu Rong's way of letting Wang Hui charge for him without a sound. Similar to well-known directors who came out of field affairs, in addition to superb business ability, they must have super high emotional intelligence and overall planning ability.

He once heard a Hong Kong tycoon say something at a dinner, whether it was a joke or a threat: I can sit in this position today, how many people do you think I trampled to death?

Xu Rong broke out from the bottom of the industry and stood at the top of the pyramid in the mainland actor industry. How many people's hopes and fantasies has he killed?

These, relying on luck alone will not work. As a public figure, on certain occasions, being deliberately led by some people to say one or two inappropriate words may ruin everything in the past.

"Cough cough cough."

Hearing Du Qifeng's strong nasal voice and coughing from time to time, Xu Rong turned his head and asked, "Have you caught a cold?"

"It's a bit, it's really cold." Du Qifeng stopped speaking halfway, he turned his head quietly, and looked at Xu Rong who was sitting beside him, wearing only a coat and a thin sweater, subconsciously wrapping his down jacket tightly .

No wonder the north is so cold. It turns out that the people here are more frost-resistant.

Xu Rong caught a glimpse of the handheld not far away suddenly coughing violently a few times, then took out a piece of toilet paper from his pocket and blew his nose, frowning involuntarily.

He and Zhao Junkai, who also looked over, looked at each other, and both of them had a bad premonition in their hearts at the same time.

The members of the crew of "Drug Wars" are all from Hong Kong. Few of them can adapt to the sudden near-zero weather in the north.

Without the slightest hesitation, he waved to a field manager next to him, and said, "This teacher, go and tell the producer of life to buy some medicine for colds and coughs, and buy ten more packs. , [-] packs of Banlangen, and buy some ginger, and make ginger soup for everyone every day.”

"Good teacher Xu."

The filming progress of the crew is not fast, and it can even be described as slow. Xu Rong has heard Luo Jinfu and Zheng Baorui complain more than once. In Hong Kong, in half a month, if you rush, you may be able to finish filming a movie.

But the intensity of the work, especially the intensity of the work of each team has not dropped at all.

The increase in work intensity is also due to the slow progress. In the contract between Du Qifeng and Hairun, the construction period is stipulated in black and white. The slower the progress of the filming, the more frequent the big nights will be in order to be able to deliver on time.

Unaccustomed to the environment, coupled with shooting all day and night, it is inevitable that the overall immunity will decline. Xu Rong is very worried that if this continues, it will evolve into a large-scale flu in the crew.

"Cough cough cough."

Du Qifeng subconsciously said: "Just buy some cold medicine, why do you need Banlangen and ginger soup?"

Xu Rong smiled wryly and said, "I'm worried that the shooting will be delayed. Banlangen and ginger soup are to prevent other people from catching a cold."

"how come?"

"Cough cough cough."

Hearing the coughing sound from the camera, Du Qifeng immediately understood that his cough was fine, but what if the lighting, recording, photography, and even the actors couldn't help coughing when they were filming?
The facts were similar to Xu Rong's expectations. After turning on the phone, two of them were disabled due to the handheld, and the time was delayed for nearly half an hour. Du Qifeng realized that the "acclimatization" also included flu.

The handheld must be rested, which is a certain result. Physiological reactions can be restrained, but pathological reactions do not depend on human will.

When the camera was confirmed to be unable to work, the follower and the mover, one short and one tall, looked over at the same time, making no secret of their anticipation!

The handheld is sick, so it's appropriate for our brothers to take the lead!
Du Qifeng looked at the two people whose eyes were almost overflowing with enthusiasm, smiled, turned his head to look at Zheng Zhaoqiang, who had put on a mask at some time, and asked, "Old Zheng?"

Under the expectant eyes of the photographer's assistant and the second assistant, Zheng Zhaoqiang took off his overcoat, threw it on the chair, and said cheerfully: "Let me do it."

"The two of them are still far behind. They don't know how to do small supervisor jobs. If they want to hold a mobile phone, they are still far behind."

When Xu Rong heard Zheng Zhaoqiang's joke, he suspected that he had heard it wrong. It's normal for the supervisor to follow Jiao.

The follower is also the photographer's assistant. He is mainly responsible for controlling the focus of the camera. Each camera will have a manual follow focus ring. There will also be a small monitor installed on the right side of the camera, which is specially used by the follower. Some people like it. Bring a picture transmission and a small monitor to move a stool and squat while remote focus, but under normal circumstances, a small monitor is a must-have tool.

Seeing the puzzled expression on Xu Rong's face, Du Qifeng explained: "When Lao Zheng was a follower, he could follow without looking at the supervisor at all, and he could follow only by seeing the distance between the actor and the camera with his eyes, and this, Even in Hong Kong, not many can do it.”

Xu Rong understood what Du Qifeng meant, and couldn't help sighing: "It's really like making a jade carving, and the skill is slightly the same."

At the same time, Zhao Junkai next to him subconsciously said: "Fucking awesome."

The surroundings of the monitor fell silent instantly. Zhao Junkai was stared at by Du Qifeng, Li Gen, and the "sister-in-law" who had been following Xu Rong all the time. Looking at the strange eyes of these people, Zhao Junkai couldn't help but feel a little hot on his face.

For the first time today, he discovered that reading too little would really put him in an inexplicably embarrassing situation.

Xu Rong was also stunned for a moment, seeing Zhao Junkai's slightly dark face blushing, he smiled and said, "Brother Zhao is really straightforward, haha."


After Xu Rong made such a turnaround, Zhao Junkai's embarrassment dissipated a lot, standing behind the three of them, Li Gen also withdrew his attention, and asked the doubts in his heart: "Also, are there still so many ways?"

Xu Rong turned his head slowly, stared at him for a long time, and then asked, "You, have you never touched the camera?"

Li Gen shook his head very frankly: "I have touched it, but Director Kong told me that the most important thing for a director is to understand the audience and life, not the technology. Knowing the technology is enough."

Xu Rong couldn't laugh or cry and said: "Don't listen to Kong Datou grinning."

Li Gen is a half-way monk. He used to learn Japanese. After graduation, he suddenly found out that Japanese is not profitable.

Because of his parents' occupation, most of the people he usually contacts are practitioners in the film and television industry.

When Xu Rong is not busy, he will occasionally visit Li Xuejian. Although the salary is rarely mentioned when chatting with the teacher, the occasional few words are often in units of millions or tens of millions, especially after the skyrocketing salary this year. His daily salary has reached a sky-high starting price of 50.

The daily salary of 50 is actually "piece wage". If the filming goes well, he may only need to spend half an hour or less to get the money into his pocket. Only then did he suddenly realize that even if Dad and Xu Rong only showed their faces in one movie and earned money, it was worth him working for several years without eating or drinking.

He wants to make a lot of money, but he doesn't have the outrageous acting talent of his father and Xu Rong, just like the conclusion they made for him. It is impossible to become popular because of acting, and it is impossible to make a lot of money through acting.

Li Gen always thought that his only advantage was to listen to people's advice, and after he weighed it over and over again, he decided to pursue a career as a director.

Because he found that directing is different from acting, it doesn't require so much talent, but the key is that it is also enough to make money.

Xu Rong raised his chin at Zheng Zhaoqiang's back, and said: "Don't be stupid, go and learn from Mr. Zheng. Such a master-level teacher holds the phone in person, and there are not many opportunities to learn. By the way, don't hinder people's work. "

Li Gen immediately retorted: "If I don't ask, how can I learn?"

Du Qifeng looked at this scene and laughed. He could see Xu Rong's intention of cultivating Li Gen. Seeing that Li Gen was still like a child who hadn't grown up, Du Qifeng couldn't help persuading him: "You don't have to learn something. Don't feel indifferent, I can tell you clearly that this is an opportunity that thousands of people can't ask for, and you must know how to cherish it."

Hearing Du Qifeng's advice, Li Gen didn't dare to be stubborn anymore. Although Xu Rong was awesome, he knew him a long time ago, and in his heart, he didn't think how powerful he was. No matter how powerful he was, when he was scolded by his own father Not as good as him.

He still dares to speak up.

But after getting in touch with this business, he knew that Du Qifeng was really awesome, a well-known director in Hong Kong, and an industry authority who had formed his own directing style.

Wang Zixuan was filming for the first time. When she was not Xu Rong's "sister-in-law" before, although she was curious about many things, as a newcomer, she dared not even say a word. After arriving on the set today, she felt the sudden To be polite, she suddenly became more courageous, and said, "Mr. Xu, may I go and have a look?"


Both of them remembered Xu Rong's advice, and when they got to Zheng Zhaoqiang's side, they watched more, listened more and asked less.

"I always feel that the focus is a little soft."

Following Li Gen's muttering, Zheng Zhaoqiang and the others who were busy stopped abruptly, but soon, they pretended not to hear anything and went about their business.

Layman, know a hammer!

Wang Zixuan looked at the picture in the viewfinder, hesitated for a while, and asked Li Gen in a low voice, "Hey, why is the picture of the camera different from that of the monitor?"

As a newcomer in the industry, and a newcomer without any reputation, her voice is not high, but because she said it under the emotion of surprise, her voice is also not low.

Hearing her words, not only Li Gen, but also Zheng Zhaoqiang and several assistants turned their heads and stared at her nervously.

"I'm sorry for the camera teachers"

At this time, even Zheng Zhaoqiang, who has always been kind, tensed up, and immediately interrupted her, saying, "It's photography, thank you."

Wang Zixuan immediately blushed and dared not speak.

But Zheng Zhaoqiang remembered what she said just now, Li Gen's muttering, he could listen to it as a fart, but the viewfinder and the monitor screen are different, this is a big problem!
"What's the difference?"

Wang Zixuan pointed to the viewfinder and said, "I see the monitor is in color, but why is the picture here black and white?"

When Zheng Zhaoqiang heard this, he almost spat out old blood. He was almost frightened just now, but it turned out to be because of this!

Soon, he calmed down, frowned, pointed to the viewfinder and asked, "You said, this is black and white?"

When it was over, Zheng Zhaoqiang said to himself, "No, it's obviously colored?!"

Listening to Zheng Zhaoqiang's soliloquies, Wang Zixuan's gaze slowly turned to the other people around her, who looked at herself with the same puzzled expression, and then looked at the viewfinder, making no secret of their puzzlement and bewilderment .

Li Gen also looked at Wang Zixuan incredulously, and asked, "You mean, the viewfinder you see is black and white?"

When Wang Zixuan saw several people staring at her as if they were looking at a monster, she felt a little bit in her heart. She thought it was impossible. How could the viewfinder be in black and white? !

She hurriedly reached out and rubbed her eyes, and then the two eyes fixed on the viewfinder. When she saw it, her face turned completely white.

At this moment, she looked around in a panic, then seemed to remember something, trotted all the way to the back of the director's monitor, and said in a hurried tone: "Brother Xu, I, I have something wrong with my eyes."

Xu Rong looked at her watery and clear eyes, and asked doubtfully, "What's going on?"

"The viewfinder I see is black and white."

Xu Rong was stunned, the viewfinder was originally in black and white, but seeing the narrow smile on Li Gen's face following him, Xu Rong vaguely understood what was going on, and his complexion quickly sank, sighed, and said: "You This disease, which I have seen once before, is a very rare disease in which the color of certain objects cannot be distinguished."

Wang Zixuan heard the words, looked at Xu Rong's heavy face, and asked more and more anxiously: "Also, is there any other influence?"

"Don't worry, there is no big problem for the time being." Seeing Wang Zixuan breathed a sigh of relief, Xu Rong suddenly lowered his voice, "However, as far as I know, this disease will gradually worsen after the age of 30, until you see Everything is just black and white."

"Ah?" Wang Zixuan's eyes widened leisurely, and she opened her small mouth blankly. She couldn't imagine how terrifying it would be if the world she saw was only black and white.

"It's over, it's over, I'm going blind, I'm going blind."

Du Qifeng on the side stared blankly at Xu Rong, it was the first time he saw Xu Rong's unscrupulous appearance, especially his sister-in-law was dazedly touching his eyes, he found it unbelievable.

In his long-standing impression, Xu Rong gave him the impression that he was calm in doing things, thoughtful in speaking, and he was not like a young man in his twenties when he judged people's hearts.

But what he's doing right now is out of line.

(End of this chapter)

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