Chapter 351
Seeing that Wang Zixuan's face was tense with fright, Du Qifeng smiled and said, "They're teasing you, the viewfinder is always in black and white."


Listening to the laughter of the crowd, Wang Zixuan frowned slightly. When the smile on Xu Rong's face gradually overflowed, she first stared at it for a while in disbelief, and finally stomped her feet fiercely: "Brother Xu, you really hate me!" !"

She always thought that Xu Rong had that kind of unsmiling character, but she didn't expect that he would play tricks on her with other people? !

Seeing Wang Zixuan leaving angrily, Xu Rong laughed along with everyone.

Du Qifeng and Zhao Junkai were also smiling, but while they were laughing, they both looked at Xu Rong in surprise. Although there were rumors in the group that Wang Zixuan was Xu Rong's "sister-in-law", Zhao Junkai knew very well that Xu Rong's wife was not at all. Surnamed Wang, Xu Rong would never make a mistake because of an immature woman.

Du Qifeng was a little more suspicious. Yesterday at the elevator entrance, he also doubted the relationship between Xu Rong and Wang Zixuan, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that something was wrong. If Wang Zixuan's other half of her butt also belonged to Xu Rong, he couldn't let it go. Wang Zixuan plays a character who doesn't even show her face.

Xu Rong had noticed Du Qifeng and Zhao Junkai's doubts a long time ago, and said, "Brother Zhao and Director Du, are you weird?"

"Hehe, it's a little bit, You Naihai said between you." Speaking of this, Du Qifeng paused, showing a smile of mutual understanding, "Hehe, don't get me wrong, I don't think so."

"To be honest, she looks so innocent, I can't help it." Xu Rong smiled and returned a smile that was also understandable to each other, "And such a young and beautiful girl, as a man, doesn't want to possess her." , that's really ignorant of conscience."

The fundamental reason why Wang Zixuan makes Xu Rong feel kind is that she has an Anshan accent that is almost exactly the same as that of Xiao Zhang. Although she is not as reckless as Xiao Zhang, she feels a little different to him.

But that's all, just like the old man he hadn't seen in seven years before, he would be moved and shed tears, but he would never give alms because of it.

Kindness is due, but excessive kindness can easily cause trouble for oneself.

At present, there are too many people who are completely focused on money. If he does not give to poor relatives and friends, no one will say that he is wrong, because he does not wear the high hat of "being kind and generous", but if he does it today, he will It is equivalent to engraving the word "philanthropist" on his forehead. If a poor friend asks him for financial assistance in the future, if he refuses, he will inevitably be criticized overwhelmingly.

Among public values, ordinary people can refuse to give alms to others, but philanthropists can't, let alone rich philanthropists. If they refuse to give alms, it is unkind for the rich and devoid of conscience!
Therefore, he just gave the old man and Wang Zixuan the most friendly attitude. If he asked for anything else, it would be when the stern and selfless assistant Wang Yaqin was shining.

Xu Rong's "honesty" was unexpected by Du Qifeng. Even though You Naihai, who used to like to work hard in the past, was usually too embarrassed to talk about which female artist he wanted to have a deep discussion with in front of others, saying: "I can feel it. That girl has a crush on you."

Xu Rong shrugged his shoulders and said: "There are many women who have a good impression of me, but more people think that something happened to me. There is no need to pass the blame to others."

Zhao Junkai also smiled, and interjected, "Director Du may not know something, but Xu Rong's reputation in the industry has always been like this."

He said, giving a thumbs up with his right hand.

Du Qifeng became a little interested: "Oh, what should I say?"

"Up to now, he has been popular for almost five years, but don't talk about gossip, but negative comments about his style have never happened once." Zhao Junkai said rather sadly, no gossip, not only means that Xu Rong is going uphill all the way , It can also be proved that during Hairun, Xu Rong has been suppressing the former manager Guo Si.

Of course Du Qifeng understands the weight of this sentence. A man and a woman who pretend to be good at themselves eat and work together for 24 or [-] or nineteen hours a day, and work together for the same goal. For a few months, it is hard not to have some inexplicable feelings, coupled with physical needs, and because of each other's public figures, they both know that the other party will never be married. He will not take the initiative to reveal to the outside world that dry firewood will naturally ignite, and the "crackling" sound is also one of the sources of chaos in the private life of the entertainment industry that the outside world always thinks.

And compared to others, Xu Rong has two more advantages. First, he has a strong background. For many female artists, it is difficult for him to be popular if he hugs his thighs. Second, this guy not only has Du Qifeng has already understood this from past conversations. Xu Rong's knowledge is very broad and complicated. Although it is not deep, it is far beyond his age , for most women of his age, it can be said to be broad and profound.

"Isn't this a reasonable thing? It can't be said that there are too many abnormal things, so normality can be regarded as a model."

Du Qifeng nodded and said, "I thought at your age, you have the strength to play, and you don't lack the capital to play. You should like champagne at nightclubs."

Xu Rong smiled and said, "I can't bear the enthusiasm of the champagne girl."


Zhao Junkai blinked his eyelids when he heard this sentence, curiosity arose in his heart, when did Xu Rong go to the nightclub, and who did he go with?

Because he listened to the voice, he always felt that this guy didn't seem to go once or twice.

Seeing that Zheng Zhaoqiang was still discussing with the two assistants, Du Qifeng paused and asked abruptly, "Can you accept my way of directing?"

Xu Rong looked at him puzzled, unable to understand what he meant for a while.

Du Qifeng smiled, lit a cigarette, and said: "One generation has the same ideas as another generation. In the past, everyone had a sense of shame. When you scolded him, he would feel embarrassed. Even if he didn't sleep for a while at night, he would quietly Prepare yourself for work, but in recent years when leading young people, I always feel that most people have a strong rebellious mentality, and the more they scold, the more counterproductive the effect will be."

Seeing Zhao Junkai nodding in the same way, Du Qifeng said: "I have seen some colleagues who acted like coaxing children when they were filming, focusing on encouragement, but the result will be better. Xu Rong, from your point of view, you think you are more willing to accept it." Which kind?"

Xu Rong thought for a while, and said: "Let me make an analogy. The school bell rang. At this moment, Director Du raised your hand and asked the teacher for advice. You are a good student, and the teacher is also a serious and responsible teacher. You One is willing to teach, the other is willing to learn, but Director Du, among the other students, there are a few who are willing to sit and listen to your long speeches honestly, yes, you think you are doing something meaningful, but sorry, even if you The hype is just a waste of time for me, with that effort, my great magician has spent the money to buy a second hero."

"Oh, it's just a game." Seeing Du Qifeng and Zhao Junkai's puzzled expressions at the same time, Xu Rong explained a sentence and continued, "In this industry, there are people who rush to engage in art at any time. There is no shortage of bastards, such as Mr. Nan Guo in the early years, but recently with the growth of the industry, there are a little more bastards, and what they look forward to is actually only one sentence, that is, 'I accept it today'."


What Xu Rong said, "It's closed today." It was Du Qifeng's notice every day before leaving work. Everyone in the crew heard this sentence, which is undoubtedly equivalent to the teacher saying after 10 minutes of delaying the class: Today's class will end here.

While laughing, Du Qifeng pondered Xu Rong's words, and said: "You usually have very high requirements for every scene. I thought it was very good a few times, but you still insisted on doing it all over again. You are not afraid that others will treat you in the heart." dissatisfied?"

Xu Rong naturally also knows that many staff members are quite disgusted with the actor's request for reshoots. The entire crew, except for the director, screenwriter, producer and other main creators, no one cares about the quality of the play. He didn't play well and asked for a reshoot. Although the other team members didn't say anything, they would definitely greet his [-] generations of ancestors in their hearts.

He understood this contrast a long time ago, but when he felt that it was not good, he never hesitated. He looked at the two and explained: "When I was a group performer, I never thought that art has anything to do with me. , At that time, I only cared about two points, the first is to settle the money for me, and the second is not to delay my sleep, but later, after a different angle, I realized one more thing, I can shoot the best tricks, which is to maximize my interests In the process, if someone makes a profit, then someone’s interest must be damaged, or in other words, I have exploited the surplus value of others?”


Zhao Junkai smiled, but felt something unusual. He originally thought that the relationship between Xu Rong and Du Qifeng would be very stiff, and they would only talk about work and nothing else, just like the "nodding friendship" between Sun Honglei and Du Qifeng, but Today, he discovered a slight difference.

Xu Rong's purpose is very strange.

He seems to be brainwashing Du Qifeng in an extremely covert way!

Capitalism does not talk about core values, let alone the exploitation of surplus value!

At noon, the staff held a lunch box each, enjoying the most luxurious top-level lunch treatment in the three places across the Taiwan Strait, and each was assigned a folding stool.

The standards of the main creators are not so high. In addition to being able to eat at the table, the food standard is only slightly better than others, except for Huang Yi who occupies a table and enjoys four meat and four vegetables.

According to domestic standards, people such as Sun Honglei, Li Weijie, and some well-known actors in Hong Kong should eat a lot more food than other staff members, but Xu Rong took the lead in eating the box lunch of the crew, even if he did not ask others to be like him , but others can't exceed his standard until they figure out his attitude.

Gao Yunxiang looked at the eight dishes on the small table in front of Huang Yi in the distance, then looked down at the boxed lunch in front of him, clicked his mouth twice, and said in a low voice: "Brother Xu, why are you eating with us? With such a big wrist like yours, it is reasonable for a meal of twelve dishes, right?"

Xu Rong smiled and said: "According to what you mean, do I have to fill the whole table with all the Chinese people?"

Gao Yunxiang smiled and said: "That's not true, it just feels a little bit, a bit self-deprecating."

"That means, this guy, I pretended to be okay. When we go back to publicize, our frugal style should be reported more."


Sun Honglei also smiled. He observed some small details. Xu Rong never drank the water or drinks that others gave him, and never ate the fruits that others gave him.

He is cautious to the point of being almost harsh about his own safety.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with it. If he was in Xu Rong's position, he would probably be similarly cautious.

Xu Rong did not participate in any commercial variety shows, interviews, or performances last year, but in the end, he still beat Jay Chou with an income of over [-] million yuan and ranked second in the Chinese artist income list, second only to Jackie Chan, who has been famous for many years, although everyone knows that this data is just a book However, it is not difficult to get a glimpse of Xu Rong's strong ability to absorb money and commercial value from this.

Some media commented before that if Xu Rong is replaced by a "hardworking" artist that can be controlled by a brokerage company, the income that can be generated in a year may be the sum of No. 1 Jackie Chan and No. 3 Jay Chou.

Sun Honglei and Huang Sanshi talked about the feasibility of the conclusions of this media when they were having dinner. Huang Sanshi said something at that time that he still remembers freshly: Xu Rong’s huge commercial value is because he is in that position. If a person comes, he will only earn more than him.

After getting along for half a month, at this moment, he no longer envied Xu Rong's popularity.

Xu Rong's words and actions always gave him a sense of restraint.

Every rising actor is a challenger to Xu Rong, and they will be compared with him to discuss whether they can replace him.

He is the object of everyone's comparison and the target of everyone's catching up. If he is not overthrown, no matter how hard the others are, they will not drink too much soup.

Because the biggest piece of cake was firmly occupied by him.


At the same time when Sun Honglei was lamenting Xu Rong's situation, Li Weijie's eyeballs protruded suddenly, as if seeing something terrifying, pointing to Huang Yi's position with a pale face, and whispered in a trembling tone: "Hey, Hey, look, look, look."

Xu Rong followed his line of sight. At first, he didn't see anything unusual. Looking back, he saw that the faces of Sun Honglei and Li Weijie were more severe than ever. He hesitated, then turned his head again and cast his gaze Arrived in the direction of Huang Yide.

Huang Yi sat alone at a table, while eating, he occasionally said something without saying a word, as if he was chatting.

Xu Rong was stunned because he didn't see anyone talking to her around Huang Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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