I'm just an actor

Chapter 352 Argument

Chapter 352 Argument
"What the hell!"

Gao Yunxiang cursed fiercely, he finally knew why Huang Yi, who was already so cold and couldn't be colder anymore, had a second career inexplicably broke out in the past two years.

Xu Rong glanced at the pair of green spoons and small bowls placed on the empty seat on her left, and she immediately understood.

He took a deep look at Huang Yi, who was lowering his head and opening and closing his mouth gently, and then looked away.

He knew very well the meaning of the pair of children's tableware on the empty seat. If he guessed correctly, among the items Huang Yi carried with him, there should be a wooden sign or puppet carved in the shape of a child.

He has never believed in these idealistic things. Arrogance comes from ignorance, but ignorance can also lead to superstition. The root of this superstition is still lack of self-confidence caused by lack of ability.

In the past when she just stepped into this industry and was about to earn a lot of money through acting and marry a beautiful woman, Xu Rong also had a period of unconfidence.

Even the existence of the system didn't make him a little bit more confident.

Since he came into contact with this industry, many people have mentioned to him a very vague word, spirituality.

A trait that is very easy to judge but cannot be explained by specific theories.

The system didn't tell him what "acting" is at all, it just made him suddenly able to play certain roles inexplicably, just like most child actors. For himself, he himself didn't know what was going on.

Xu Rong felt that her initial experience was very similar to that of a child star.

And he is more aware of the fate of most child stars. As they get older, their spirituality will gradually decrease and disappear, just like his classmate Yang Mi. In the early days, Yang Mi was still shortlisted for the three awards, but Now, she seems to have forgotten what acting is.

Therefore, he has not paid much attention to the existence of the system all the time. If it wasn't for the "ding" in his ear every few months, he might gradually forget that he still has such a special thing on him until Many years later, when I dream back late at night, I will suddenly think of it.

After digging out the system, he is even more aware that his abilities really don't have any outstanding features in this industry.

At that time, his choice was to improve his ability to behave in the world on the one hand, and to study crazily and even shamelessly on the other hand. He knew that many teachers didn't like him or even hated him, but if he missed a village, he would never find that shop again. Therefore, even if he was disgusted, he still smiled shyly and bit the bullet to ask for advice, because he was very sure that he would never have such a cheap opportunity to improve his abilities in the future.

The ability to make yourself confident, the ability to make yourself rich, and the ability to stop being hated by others.

As for many students at the time who thought it was unseemly to do so, he didn't argue about it. Anyway, they have now experienced the price of decency.

The improvement of his ability in two aspects allows him to always maintain his belief in himself, and he also knows what he can get by relying on his own ability, and what is beyond his ability, instead of relying on external things to realize the fantasy. .

In his opinion, Huang Yi's approach is more because of the lack of self-confidence, a method of self-consolation without any practical meaning after self-examination after self-examination. .

After all, Sun Honglei had seen more of the world. Seeing Huang Yi turning his head to look over, he said to several people in a low voice: "Don't stare at people, it will be troublesome if you are watched by others."

As his voice fell, several people quickly lowered their heads.

What Madsun Honglei said was too scary.

In this regard, Sun Honglei was considered a half-enthusiast, so he was not afraid at all, but looked at Xu Rong with a smile, hoping to see something from his face.

But Xu Rong seemed to know nothing, and ate with a normal expression.

Gao Yunxiang was a little anxious, and said in a low voice: "Brother Xu, Brother Hong Lei, that thing is terrible. It is said that whoever cooperates with this kind of person will suppress their luck."

Sun Honglei raised his chin towards Xu Rong who was eating with his head down, and said in a low voice, "Isn't Teacher Xu here?"

"Fuck, I forgot." Only then did Li Mingjie realize another unconfirmed rumor that had been circulating in the industry.

Gao Yunxiang had never been in contact with Xu Rong in the past, and he didn't know what it had to do with Xu Rong, so he said hurriedly: "What's the relationship with Brother Xu? That's a brat, aren't you afraid?"

Sun Honglei looked at him suspiciously, and asked, "Don't you know that Xu Rong is known as the God of Wealth?"

Gao Yunxiang was a little confused. He had heard of this statement before, but it didn't mean that. He asked, "Then, aren't you saying that the film starring Brother Xu can make money for the management?"

Li Haojie also squinted at Xu Rong who was eating silently, and said: "There are rumors. It is said that when Xu Rong was not popular before, besides filming, he also had a part-time job doing things for others to earn extra money."

"Pfft." Xu Rong couldn't hold back anymore, and sprayed out a mouthful of rice. Fortunately, he reacted in time and turned his head away, otherwise he would have to spray Sun Honglei across the face.

This f*cking rumor is too outrageous. When did he do rituals for people to earn extra money?

He stared at Li Mingjie and said, "Don't be ridiculous, I am a firm materialist."

"I've seen pictures of you in robes."

"That's a costume."

Sun Honglei looked at Gao Yunxiang and Wang Zixuan's faces becoming terrified again because of Xu Rong's disapproval, smiled, and said: "Don't be afraid, you don't understand, so you think it's scary. In fact, there is a limit to the number of people that can be suppressed by that thing. Yes, not to mention that Xu Rong's "level" is not something that can be suppressed by the "level" of the thing she raised, it is Xu Rong's status as the head of the drama department. In principle, as long as he protects us, if she dares to do something It is bound to be backlashed."

"There are many ways here. For example, some peers will deliberately avoid cooperating with Xu Rong, because they know that they can't suppress him, and if Xu Rong is really good at it, he may just set up a forum and practice factory methods. can beat them to death"

Although it was noon, Wang Zixuan felt chilly behind Sun Honglei's earnest explanation.

As for the others, they were always uncomfortable. They were not worried if Xu Rong could carry it, but they were afraid that they would not be able to carry it!

Therefore, the eyes are always aiming at Xu Rong intentionally or unintentionally.

If the little ghost's statement is nonsense, then they naturally believe that Xu Rong is an unswerving materialist, but if Huang Yi's raised thing really exists, then Xu Rong may really know it.

The only thing that can defeat magic is magic.

Seeing that Sun Honglei wanted to go on, Xu Rong said with a smile: "Brother Honglei, I didn't realize that you are quite superstitious. You are also an actor in Mandarin. If you have that skill, you might as well learn more about party history. To study history to understand principles, study history to increase credit, study history to respect morality, and study history to practice, at least through the study of party history, we must establish the belief in understanding thoughts, doing practical things, and opening new games, and firmly start the new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country with a high-spirited attitude. determination."




The four of them looked at each other, and in the end, it was Li Mingjie who said in a low voice: "Now I kind of believe that you are a firm materialist."

After being silent for a long time, at a certain moment, Wang Zixuan suddenly remembered something, and said in a low voice: "Brother Xu, others say that my name is not good and I won't be popular. Tell me, should I change my name?"

Xu Rong said without thinking: "It's not up to you. There are so many words in the Xinhua dictionary, and you can just pick one with your eyes closed. In fact, as long as you don't believe it, it doesn't matter at all. It just depends on what you think in your heart."

Xu Rong just said it casually, but at night, Wang Zixuan really bought a Xinhua dictionary, and according to what Xu Rong said, he closed his eyes, opened it casually, and pointed his right index finger on it.

After a few seconds, she opened her eyes, and found that her index finger was just pressing a word tightly, and she suddenly looked forward to it.

She always feels that since metaphysics has been popular in China for more than 2000 years and has been praised by successive rulers, there must be a reason for it.

She took a light breath, and slowly moved her index finger away, revealing the square characters that happened to be pressed by the belly of her finger.

As the finger moved away, a word "Zhi" came into her eyes.

But in a room upstairs, Zhao Junkai and Du Qifeng had a huge disagreement because of the scale of the film.

As a gold medal producer and director at the forefront of the film and television industry, Zhao Junkai naturally has his own understanding of the review criteria for film and television works.

The friends Xu Rong invited were only checking the specific plot, but when it comes to details, such as the bloody degree of the explosion scene, it is impossible to judge through the script.

"Director Du, this scene has to be cut. The scene is too bloody, and it will easily cause discomfort to the audience."

"This is a realistic work, and I am not exaggerating at all. Comrades in relevant departments have shown me similar photos. The real scene is more bloody and uncomfortable than this."

"Director Du, she really needs to be pulled out, but I suggest a frontal close-up instead of actually filming her pulling it out. Not only is it disgusting, but such a large scale will cause the entire plot to be killed."

"What kind of large scale is this? I have specially added shadows, only giving the outline of the butt."

"Director Du, it's not a problem that shadows can solve."


At first, the atmosphere in the room was quite harmonious, and Zhao Junkai even praised Du Qifeng's technique, but as they watched more and more plays, the two people argued louder and louder, so that they sat together Xu Rong behind him felt like they were arguing.

At a certain moment, Du Qifeng suddenly stopped arguing, because he had already realized that Zhao Junkai had no clear standard at all, and there was only one reason for negation, and the entire plot might be negated because of one scene.

He turned his head and looked at Xu Rong, the real controller of the crew, silently lowering his head to play with his mobile phone, feeling a little sad in his heart.

Since the preparation of "Drug Wars", he has been compromising and making concessions, especially in terms of the main actors. Xu Rong forcefully killed Gu Zai and Xiao Xie. He swallowed the futility in a daze.

Mainland regulations on co-productions are that external actors should not exceed two-thirds of the total cast, but in actual operation, Hong Kong directors are often accustomed to using Hong Kong actors as leading actors. He abides by the Mainland regulations, but breaks unspoken rules , let Xu Rong play the male lead, and invited Gu Zai to play the second male lead.

But for some unknown reason, Gu Zai's agent rejected the invitation to play Zhang Lei after Xu Rong was confirmed to play the role.

At this moment he understood the reason, Xu Rong looked down on Hong Kong people in his bones.

Seeing that Xu Rong didn't say a word of support for him from the beginning to the end, he didn't want to refute any more, stood up silently, and said: "Mr. , I have no opinion."

After finishing speaking, Du Qifeng ignored Zhao Junkai and Xu Rong who were looking at each other, opened the door and walked out of the room.

He knew what Zhao Junkai said was right, but the most perfect work he had worked so hard to design was deleted in all directions, which he couldn't accept.

Because in his opinion, without those clips, the impact and authenticity of the film will drop to a higher level. As a producer, Zhao Junkai should not use his own imagination to speculate what should be deleted and what should be kept, but should find out the certainty. standard, and then find ways to pass it.


Xu Rong and Zhao Junkai were silent for a while listening to the heavy slamming of the door, Zhao Junkai looked at Xu Rong: "Is there a way?"

Xu Rong smiled, and said: "Of course, it will definitely work if you let Lao Liu show his face."

Seeing Zhao Junkai's smiling face, Xu Rong knew what he meant, and said, "I can help with this, but Old Liu may not want me to."

The smile on Zhao Junkai's face froze, and it was only at this moment that he suddenly realized that the current Xu Rong is no longer the Xu Rong who was not at all famous when he was filming "The Dark Whistle of Yangcheng".

Xu Rong helped this favor, Liu Yanming had to owe a favor, and it was a well-known favor, but when they reached their position, the debt of favor was the most difficult to repay.

Xu Rong lost at least 6000 to [-] million in order to repay Liu Yanming's support all the way in the past. Once Xu Rong helped this favor, Liu Yanming would have to pay it back, and the amount in cash may only be a lot more.

Because Xu Rong has been going uphill.

In contrast, the cost of public relations review is a drop in the bucket.

Xu Rong got up, took out a box of cigars from Zhao Junkai's bedside drawer, and said, "I took this thing away."

Zhao Junkai stared at him blankly, and asked, "No, didn't you give it to me, and you still want to take it away?"

Xu Rong glared at him, passed the cigar over, and said, "Come on, come on, if you can't, go."

"It's better for you to come, you are the second shareholder, you are suitable." Zhao Junkai laughed, and Du Qifeng lost his temper. If he didn't coax him back, even if the team didn't fall apart, he might be divorced.

Xu Rong rolled his eyes at him and said, "Go back first."

As for why they didn't speak during the quarrel just now, but chose to go over at this time, Wang Zhonglei from Huayi had already taught him a lesson two years ago.




In another room, Huang Yi fell into a panic.

(End of this chapter)

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