I'm just an actor

Chapter 353 Substitution

Chapter 353 Substitution
The light in the room was too bright, and all the lights that could be turned on had been turned on. At the head of the bed, Huang Yi was tightly wrapped in a quilt, with only his head exposed, but even so, his body was still trembling uncontrollably. .




The unique north wind whistling sharply in the harsh winter of the northern country, unscrupulously savagely collided under the cold night, and at a certain moment, it slammed on the window glass, making a rapid and sudden muffled sound.

"Boom bang."

"Boom bang."

Huang Yi, who was sitting on the bedside, turned his head suddenly, his eyes fixed on the tightly stitched curtains, and the little blood on his face faded quickly.

Her chubby assistant came over with a glass of water, which was half filled with dark red turbid liquid, and said, "Sister, it's not that hot, drink it while it's hot, it will reduce your fever."

Huang Yi still stared at the direction of the window without blinking, and said in a low voice, "You, you go and open the curtains."

The assistant listened to the uneasiness in her tone, and comforted her: "Sister, there is really nothing, you just have a little fever now, drink the medicine, sleep, and you will be fine when the fever subsides."

Huang Yi nodded subconsciously, and took the water glass, feeling a little hot, so he didn't drink it right away, but put it in his mouth and blew gently, thinking about everything that happened in the recent period.

In the past, she and Xu Rong had no intersection. When she first became popular, Xu Rong was still a half-grown child. When Xu Rong became popular, she had already become a fringe figure in the entertainment industry.

When she became popular again, Xu Rong became a special existence in the film and television industry. Compared with the previous two years, the number of his works has dropped sharply, but each work can set off a huge popularity, and the ratings and word-of-mouth are all over the place. Invincible at the same time, he completed the gorgeous transformation from an idol to a top actor in just three years.

But it was limited to this. Before joining the group, her understanding of him was limited to gossip and rumors during friends' gatherings.

But on the first day she joined the group, she couldn't help but started to hate him.

It's too damn good to pretend!

How can a TV actor have the qualifications to pretend to be a wolf with a big tail in front of Director Du? !
She admitted that Xu Rong has indeed made some achievements and has a certain audience base in the mainland, but how can and how dare he compare with the famous Hong Kong director Du Qifeng with that little achievement?
And the most ridiculous thing is that Xu Rong still presumptuously leads a group of people to fight against Director Du Qifeng?

Mantis' arm is like a car, and it is overwhelmed!
She watched the development of the incident with cold eyes, and predicted early on that Xu Rong would inevitably fall, and there would be another big fall.

In the past, it wasn't that there were not many popular artists in mainland China who relied on their small achievements to be complacent and self-satisfied, but they didn't know that those achievements were nothing in the eyes of others, and without exception, they all suffered a huge blow.

She has always believed that the mainland cannot compare with Hong Kong. Regardless of technology, culture and other aspects, mainland film and television professionals should maintain a humble and look up attitude to learn in front of their Hong Kong counterparts, instead of being arrogant and arrogant.

It's just that the development of the matter completely exceeded her expectations. Not only did the staff of the crew bow their heads to Xu Rong inexplicably, but even Du Qifeng would carefully consider every opinion put forward by Xu Rong.

What upset her the most was the scene last night.

She came back from eating out with Hong Kong actors, and happened to meet Xu Rong who was walking towards her in the corridor.

She thought that Xu Rong would take the initiative to avoid it. This is the minimum rule. As a mainland actor, Xu Rong has no reason not to give way to his Hong Kong counterparts.

But to her surprise, the moment they approached, starting from Lin Ao and Jiang Haowen who led the way, the people in front of them all stopped, smiling at Mr. Xu and Mr. Xu, while consciously turning sideways , to make way for Xu Rong.

And Xu Rong was like inspecting, without the slightest surprise, smiling lightly, vaguely, walking in unhurried steps, nodding his head and walking past several people.

At that time, because all the Hong Kong actors moved away, she also subconsciously made the same action, but after returning to the room, the more she thought about it, the more she regretted it, and the more she thought about it, the more angry she became.

Why does Xu Rong dare to make way for Hong Kong actors?
Why did he take others to give way to him for granted?

Why doesn't he bow down?
Many questions have been circling in her mind, the flattery of the crew, the fear of Du Qifeng, the flattery of Hong Kong actors, she couldn't figure out all these, why?
Why is she almost kneeling on the ground, people don't look at her directly, but all of them are so polite to Xu Rong, who they love to ignore, that they compliment her.

In contrast, Xu Rong's existence is so glaring that it hurts the heart, she looks like a lowly woman, and she even took off her clothes and begged for affection, but what she got was a lowly woman who responded indifferently.

But in the past, everyone was doing this. Could it be that I was wrong?

She was not wrong, what was wrong was Xu Rong who didn't kneel down!
Therefore, he deserves to die, because he is not dead, so he appears to be worthless!
This morning, she made a decision, and she hesitated before implementing it, because she was also worried that she would not be able to suppress Xu Rong.

But she really couldn't swallow this breath, and Xu Rong was just a TV drama actor, although she was a bit famous, she was only a TV drama actor after all.

Smelling the pungent smell of the cold spirit in the water glass, she was completely overwhelmed by fear, because not long after the decision was implemented, she felt that her limbs were sore and weak.

She knew that she had been backlashed.

"Boom bang."

"Boom bang."

Suddenly, there were two quick muffled noises from the window, as if someone was slamming on the glass outside.

But the floor where the room is located is the sixth floor.

Huang Yi shuddered suddenly, holding the water glass tightly with his fingers, staring at the window, and at the same time urging his assistant: "Quick, go and open the curtain."

The relief on the assistant's face slowly faded away, she looked at Huang Yi whose eyes were full of fear, even though the room was bright as day, even though the whistling outside the window became more and more sharp, it was still difficult to counteract the uneasiness that gradually grew in her heart.

She knew that Huang Yi raised a dirty thing.

In Huang Yi's perception, it is a treasure that is helpful to her career, but to her, it is a dirty thing, a dirty thing that always feels disgusting when she thinks about it.

Her education level is not high, and she has always been in awe of these things. A few minutes ago, she only thought that Huang Yi had caught the flu, but seeing Huang Yi's frightened appearance, some doubts gradually arose in her heart.

She tentatively asked, "Sister, did you let it do something?"

Huang Yi nodded lightly, and said, "I, let her suppress Xu Rong."

The assistant was dumbfounded, suppressing Xu Rong, how ambitious is this?
She was with her when she was invited, and she remembered that the master had clearly said, don't order it to do things at will, especially for some noble people.

As a representative of the new generation of mainland actors, Xu Rong is undoubtedly the noble person in the mouth of the master.

And she heard people gossip in private, Xu Rong is very likely to be a master in this regard.

She sat next to Huang Yi, and said uncertainly: "Sister, I heard a rumor before."

"What rumor?"

"It's just that some people say that Xu Rong is very good at that."

"that aspect?"

The assistant shook his head and said with a serious face: "No, it's that."

Huang Yi was in a daze. She understood what the assistant meant, but this was the first time she had heard of this rumor today.

"Boom bang."

"Boom bang."

The silence in the room was suddenly broken by the muffled sound of slapping the window. The two people in the room screamed at the same time. The assistant grabbed the remote control next to him as a weapon, stared at the window and said, "Sister, don't be afraid. , don’t be afraid, it’s the wind, it’s the wind, there’s nothing, there’s nothing, it must be the wind.”

Holding the remote control tightly, she walked carefully to the window, and then pulled open the curtain with a desperate attitude.


On the glass of the window, two figures were clearly reflected.

One was wrapped in a quilt so that only the head was exposed, and the other stared at them with wide-eyed eyes.


The sharp shout sounded again.

But after realizing that it was their own shadow, the screams of the two stopped abruptly.

At the same time, there was a knock on the door of the room, accompanied by Du Qifeng's concerned voice: "Huang Yi, Huang Yi, are you alright?"

Hearing Du Qifeng's shout, Huang Yi and his assistant let out a sigh of relief at the same time, and the assistant quickly ran to open the door: "Director Du, come and take a look."

At the same time as the assistant went to open the door, Huang Yi threw off the quilt, quickly jumped off the bed, and walked to the door with his slippers.

She was afraid that the assistant would leave her and run away.

But when she came to the door, she saw Xu Rong who was standing by Du Qifeng's side outside the door, and seeing the smile flashing across his mouth, she felt a thin layer of cold sweat on her back for an instant, and goosebumps uncontrollably Lift up the whole body.

At this time, she completely believed the rumors mentioned by the assistant just now.

Du Qifeng looked at Huang Yi's pale face, and asked worriedly: "What's wrong with you, are you sick?"

Just now Xu Rong sent a box of cigars. After chatting for a while, most of the sullenness in his chest disappeared, but he always felt unhappy, so he suggested to go downstairs to have a drink and chat while drinking.

The assistant looked at the two anxiously, and said, "Sister Huang Yi might meet you."

Huang Yi quickly interrupted the assistant, forced a far-fetched smile, and said, "It's nothing, I just have a cold and a little fever, let the director and Mr. Xu take care of it."

Seeing that Huang Yi interrupted her, the assistant hurriedly stepped aside, allowing Huang Yi to face the two outside the door.

It's just that she made such a concession, but completely exposed Xu Rong to Huang Yi's eyes. Huang Yi looked at Xu Rong whose face was as stiff as a stone, but his eyes were looking at Xu Rong strangely. With all the strength drained from his body, he suddenly spun and couldn't stand still.

The moment she opened the door, Xu Rong noticed that Huang Yi's state was a little abnormal. Her lips were chapped and there was hardly any blood on her face. It's like a big night.

Most artists, especially female artists, in order to present the most perfect side after going on camera, usually deliberately control their body, only eat a small amount of food every day, and some even go on a diet for 21 days or a month, relying solely on enzymes to survive The nutrition needed is thin, but it is thin enough, and it is good enough to look good on camera, but it also leads to the unbalanced nutrition of most people.

What puzzled him the most was that from Huang Yi's dodging gaze, he found that Huang Yi seemed a little afraid of himself.

Huang Yi's assistant has been keeping an eye on her state, seeing that she is going to faint, so he hastened to help her.

"Sister, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I just have a cold, just drink the medicine." Although Huang Yi waved his hands, neither Du Qifeng nor Xu Rong heard what she said.

Xu Rong immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Wang Hui's number: "Director Wang, you take a driver and drive a car and wait at the door. Teacher Huang Yi is not feeling well and needs to go to the hospital immediately."

Putting the phone away, Xu Rong reached out to help Huang Yi, and at the same time said to her assistant: "Take her coat."

"Do not touch me!"

The moment Xu Rong touched Huang Yi's arm, she screamed hoarsely like a cat whose hair exploded.

Xu Rong frowned and took a step back, looking at her suspiciously. He helped her because, as a representative of the management, he had to minimize all possible delays in filming and waste of budget. As for Huang Yi's personal The look and feel, he hated it before, but since he knew that she raised that thing, he didn't even bother to hate it.

A woman who is extremely lacking in self-confidence and unconditionally admires Hong Kong, if he wants to deal with her, he may have to use his own hands and feet, but it is not easy to express his dissatisfaction with Zheng Baorui, Luo Jinfu, Jiang Haowen and others.

It's a waste of emotion to hate such a person.

Besides, he didn't even believe in the messy things she did.

Du Qifeng looked at Xu Rong in amazement, he never expected Huang Yi to have such a big reaction to Xu Rong, he seemed to be emotionally broken just by touching him.

For a moment, countless possibilities came to his mind, because apart from an unforgettable and bloody Qiong Yao drama, he really couldn't think of any other reasons.

"Please stay away from me, please?" Huang Yi was hugged by the assistant, squatting on the ground, curled up with a slightly trembling body, and said in an almost pleading tone.

Du Qifeng was dumbfounded. From Huang Yi's voice, he overturned all previous guesses, because he found that all of Huang Yi's performance revealed one thing, that she was afraid of Xu Rong.

"I'm sorry, Teacher Xu, sister Huang Yi, she, she, she didn't rest well, I'm really sorry."

Xu Rong looked down at Huang Yi, nodded to Du Qifeng, and said: "Then I'll go and see if the car is ready, you can help her down."

In the corridor of the hospital, Du Qifeng was in a daze. Huang Yi was fine, he just had a fever, but her mental state always made him feel that something was wrong.

She even asked to replace Xu Rong!
He couldn't understand who gave Huang Yi the courage to replace the shareholder of the investor.

In the industry, the employer is also known as the father of the gold master.

After struggling for a long time, he called Xu Rong. He always felt that there was something between the two that he didn't understand.

When Xu Rong heard Du Qifeng's report, he also didn't slow down for a long time. Huang Yi asked Du Qifeng to replace his male lead? ? ?

He didn't want to go into the reason, but since Du Qifeng called, he had to give an explanation, saying: "According to the previous rules, the first male co-producer is a Hong Kong actor, and the first female is a mainland actor. I also understand, because I The reason is that Director Du is very difficult to do in Hong Kong, so let’s do it, if she messes up again, this time I will be the master, and Director Du can let you think the right actress to play the female lead.”

(End of this chapter)

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