I'm just an actor

Chapter 354 The Head

Chapter 354 The Head
Early the next morning, Huang Yi stayed in the hotel to rest due to physical discomfort, but rumors that she was taken to the hospital in the middle of the night and behaved "not normal" began to spread wildly within the crew.

Although Huang Yi usually tried his best to conceal her unusual behavior, but in the past half a month, she stayed on the set for almost six days. She looked up and down all day long, and some details of life did not escape the eyes of caring people.

In the industry, even if you don’t burn incense and worship Buddha, you still maintain awe of ghosts and gods in your heart. For example, the ritual of worshiping gods that is necessary every time you start the machine will not feel redundant, but if such a link is missing, it will come to investment. People, down to group performances, no one can sleep soundly. Whenever something goes wrong during the process, you have to think about whether it is because of the lack of worship rituals.

In Xu Rong's view, there are two fundamental reasons for the prevalence of superstition in the industry. First, the average educational level of employees in the industry is too low. 90.00% of the people are far from the stage of learning Ma Yuanmao. At that time, I left the school for various reasons!
In contrast, artists with a professional background are regarded as highly educated practitioners, at least they have a bachelor's degree, but the actual situation of most crews is that the primary school education is everywhere, and those who have entered high school can be called high-achieving students. As for the master's degree and doctor's degree, that is simply the ceiling of the industry's academic qualifications.

The second is that there are too many bastards. Whether it is acting, singing or hosting, professional skills are needed to support it, but the process of training and learning is too long and exhausting. Most people are not willing to endure it for several years and must persevere. However, he was reluctant to part with the huge benefits brought about by the particularity of the profession, so he pinned his confidence on the illusory unknown.

For these reasons, there are not many entertainers raising little ghosts, but there are not a few of them. Anyone who has been in the crew for a few years, not to mention commonplace, knows more or less.

And the vicissitudes in the crew, everyone sees it in their eyes and remembers it in their hearts.

Half a month after the start of the production, the situation in the crew has changed from bipolar antagonism to today's one super and many strong. Although most people don't understand what happened, it is an indisputable fact that Xu Rong's status has become detached. It is also because of this change that everyone is adjusting their attitude towards him. Many people have noticed that Xu Rong usually doesn't care about things, but he has absolute control over the entire crew, including the director Du Qifeng.

There is only one exception, Huang Yi.

A mainland actress who never took Xu Rong seriously.

While some attentive people waited quietly, did Xu Rong deliberately find fault and torment Huang Yi, or did he terminate the contract as a warning to others?

As for turning a blind eye and pretending that nothing happened, anyone with a little brain would have realized that it was impossible, devils should be damned, but traitors and party leaders are even more abominable. Most likely will be replaced.

In the early morning, "professionals" Sun Honglei formed a small circle for no reason, and his voice was not deliberately lowered, saying: "I said yesterday that Xu Rong's level is not suppressed by ordinary people at all." , What kind of life can a person live in this life? Is hard work useful? Of course it is useful, but the most important thing is definitely not hard work. Old people often say that one is fate, two is luck, three is Feng Shui, four is accumulation of Yin virtue, and five is reading. Let me tell you, these five things can be determined The most important thing is that he has at least four of them, which four are they, one life, two luck, four accumulating yin virtues, and five books."

Following the pointers and discussions in the crew, Li Gen's gaze towards Xu Rong gradually became inexplicable, because most of the time, he always felt that he couldn't understand this peer who was only a few months older than himself. After Sun Honglei's well-founded analysis, and then recalling the past, the more he fumbled, the more he felt that Xu Rong's behavior contained somewhat unfathomable meaning.

After work at night, sitting in the car, Li Gen couldn't bear it any longer, and asked, "Brother, um, can you help me find out if I can make money as a director?"

"I think? That depends on you. I heard Liu Jiang say before that the most important thing for a director is to endure hardship. Only after suffering can you know what the people care about and what moves you."

Xu Rong took a casual glance and found Li Gen's puzzled expression. He smiled and asked, "You think it's strange?"

Li Gen shook his head, and asked tentatively: "Brother, Brother Hong Lei didn't mean you, will you show it to others? How about you open your eyes and help me see it?"

Xu Rong, who was sitting in the car, was stunned for a while before realizing what Li Gen wanted to express. He paused, the smile on his face gradually faded, and said, "If you only see metaphysics from this matter, And superstition, I can tell you responsibly, you will definitely not be a good director."

Li Gen stared blankly at Xu Rong: "What do you mean?"

Xu Rong nestled in the back of the chair, smiling without saying a word.

As he said, it would be foolish to treat the whole thing purely as metaphysics or superstition.

"This is the prelude to the end of the internal game of the "Drug Wars" crew." Wang Yaqin at the front made a sudden noise and explained, "In the past half a month, although the crew looked calm, the struggle has never stopped. Helping Hong Kong people hate it, but in contrast, people like Huang Yi are even more hateful. In fact, superstition or something is just an excuse. Even without these, her position has determined from the beginning that her life in the crew will not be too easy. "

Xu Rong looked at Wang Yaqin with a smile, and asked, "Oh, how did you come to this conclusion?"

Wang Yaqin raised her neck triumphantly, and said, "Because I found that many of you seem to be intentionally or unintentionally putting Huang Yi's role in the back row."

"Observation is very keen."

Xu Rong smiled and praised, and then asked: "Is there any more?"

"Also, you filmed "Latent" before. Isn't the first thing you did after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War was to liquidate the traitors?" Wang Yaqin chuckled, "Now it's considered a victory in the Anti-Japanese War, so don't talk about the traitors. What's the matter?!"

"Any more?"

"and also?"

Seeing the surprised and puzzled eyes of the two, Xu Rong didn't answer, but lay back with a smile again.

A new day has come.

Early in the morning, Xu Rong was having breakfast with Du Qifeng, when Luo Jinfu came over and said in a low voice: "Mr. Xu, director, Mr. Huang Yi is not feeling well today, and asked for another day off."

As he spoke, his gaze stayed on Du Qifeng for a moment, but then quickly shifted to Xu Rong, waiting for his decision.

Xu Rong didn't raise his head, and said in a low voice, "Director Luo, the director is the biggest on the set, and we all have to listen to the director."

Luo Jinfu's dark skin couldn't help getting a little hot, but he still smiled and said, "Yes, yes, director, look at it?"

Du Qifeng understood Xu Rong's meaning, which meant that he would never interfere with his creative rights in the future. After a moment of silence, he said in a calm and authentic tone: "Wait a little longer, but if you want to ask for leave tomorrow, you must have a sick leave form."

Last night, Huang Yi's assistant came to negotiate with him again, and finally forced him to replace Xu Rong with the request of resignation.

He also wanted to change, but if it really got to that point, he had no doubt that Xu Rong would kick him away.

What puzzled him the most was where did Huang Yi come from? Although he had seen similar things countless times, every time he saw them, he couldn't help but marvel at the wonders of the world and people's hearts. I am used to taking myself seriously and not taking others seriously. In essence, most people have never reached the height they think they are in the eyes of their relatives and friends. In the entertainment circle, the typical manifestation of this cognition is Playing big names, grabbing positions, etc., and similar phenomena are more concentrated in those popular artists.

They are surrounded by praise all day long, and they really think that they are omnipotent or better than most people, but in essence, their existence is irrelevant to others except stakeholders and fans.

Du Qifeng also didn't seem to take Huang Yi's request for leave to heart. After Luo Jinfu left, he asked instead, "Tell me about the local customs in the Mainland?"

"What aspects does Director Du want to hear?"

"Can you tell me about the environment you grew up in?" Du Qifeng hesitated for a while, and suggested,

"Although the two places have the same roots, they have been separated for more than 100 years, especially in terms of culture and values. There are natural barriers. We can make kung fu movies and gangster movies, but we can't make period movies and ethics movies. What you have personally experienced is true. It’s too far away and unfamiliar to us, and the same is true for Hong Kong and Taiwan actors. For example, short TV dramas from parents, who didn’t grow up in a similar atmosphere, but want to act for people who live in that environment, will make a big joke. .”

"Growing environment?" Xu Rong said while peeling the eggs, "Let's just talk about the eggs. When I was young, I was no better than now, and I certainly couldn't compare with the developed Hong Kong. Back then, I was really poor. Director Du, you may not believe it, let alone eggs, even the salt and pots in the kitchen have been stolen."

Du Qifeng was stunned when he heard the words: "Impossible?"

Stealing salt and pot sounds ridiculous, but it proves the fact that salt and pot are relatively valuable things.

"Why not, a family has a few acres of land, but they have to raise several children. There is not enough food to eat, and they have to pay public food. How poor is it? For example, what should I do if I go to a wedding and don't have clothes to go out with? Borrowing, borrowing from neighbors, there may even be such a situation, a piece of clothing, half of the village borrows to wear it."

Du Qifeng was stunned when he heard the words, he had never heard of this kind of thing even from the stories, and even a little suspected that Xu Rongxian made up a trick to trick him, half of the village borrowed a piece of clothing, it was so absurd that it was unimaginable.

Xu Rong suddenly said with emotion: "The poor are all strange, but the rich are the same. In recent years, with the increase of migrant workers, the conditions in the countryside are much better than before. What the Chinese people miss most is the house, and they love it very much. Comparing, your house has a two-story building, if my house is not built, I will not be able to sleep well."

"But there are more people going out, and most women, children, and the elderly stay behind"

Zhao Junkai sat at the side, listening to Xu Rong tell Du Qifeng about the local conditions and customs, he didn't know what Xu Rong and Du Qifeng talked about last night, but when he saw Du Qifeng today, he obviously didn't feel the anger that he rushed out yesterday.

"Where's the movie?" Du Qifeng asked with interest while Xu Rong was drinking water to calm his breath.

Xu Rong is not a good narrator, and the content he tells often varies from one hammer to another, but from these fragmented stories, Du Qifeng can already imagine a picture scroll of 90 to [-] years in the rural areas of North China.

"We also had movies at that time. When it was getting dark, the big speakers in the village yelled: 'Here comes the movie show, here comes the movie show, it's seven o'clock in the wheat field in the east of the village, and it's seven o'clock in the wheat field in the east of the village' The whole village does not care about men, women, old and young, adults and children, and even those in the next village will move stools and go to the movies in a hurry. The main reason is that there is no entertainment. Sitting in the village talking about the mountains, and there is no TV set, that thing was not fully popularized in our [-]s."

"At that time, it was rare to see movies, and it was not like now. Children can immediately say the names of the actors when they watch TV. Really, once you watch it, you have to discuss the actors for months."

Xu Rong took the paper towel handed over by Wang Yaqin, wiped his hands, and said, "Actually, it's not a few years, maybe a decade or so."

Recently, Du Qifeng has experienced the scenery of the inland, and Xu Rong's description is almost two completely different worlds, and he couldn't help sighing: "If you didn't say it, I would never have imagined that it happened in just ten years. Such a big change."

Xu Rong nodded and said: "It is estimated that few people can imagine it. In fact, if you look at history, you will find that there is an obvious law in our country. Isn't there a saying that the general trend of the world is that the long-term must be divided, and the long-term must be united, and Usually after the troubled times, there will inevitably be about 200 years of prosperous times. Some people say that China is now a big and powerful country. I think this is an unreasonable statement. According to the laws of history, this round of prosperous times has not yet fully Opening, it is still in the stage of gaining momentum, I think there is a poem that is very good, nine days are closed to open the palace, all nations are dressed in clothes and crowns, although the times are different, but it is estimated that within 50 to [-] years, the essentially the same scene will inevitably reappear."

Hearing Xu Rong's eloquent tone and firm expression, Du Qifeng couldn't help being stunned. He knew many mainlanders, but this was the first time he met someone like Xu Rong who was full of confidence and love for the country and the land. .

After a while, Du Qifeng said abruptly, "You are very patriotic."

"Of course, I can eat enough, wear warm clothes, and live safely. In other words, I live better than most people. Everything I have gained is given by the party and the country." Xu Rong smiled, "China used to Speaking of monarchs, ministers and fathers, criticizing them now is slavishness. If a person lives in the current society and cannot even survive, he can of course have opinions and complain. On the contrary, it is strange that he has no opinions, but if a person lives better Some people are still full of complaints about the country and government they live in, and I think that even if you make such a person popular, it won’t stop them from turning around and biting you.”

When Du Qifeng heard Xu Rong's last sentence, he completely understood what he meant, glanced at the script in his hand, and said with a wry smile: "I finally know why the script of "Drug Wars" passed the review so easily."


Xu Rong also laughed. If he couldn't accept the plot, the review would definitely not pass. If he could accept it, the review would almost accept it.

Once "Drug Wars" breaks through the bottom line and causes negative impact, even if it is urgently called off, the auditing side is indeed to blame, but as the leading actor, he will also be implicated.

Xu Rongyi pointedly said: "Actually, the review is just to draw a line. As long as you don't try to do it like crazy, nothing will happen."

Du Qifeng nodded, and said: "I heard many friends talk about it, but the line is actually very vague, because there is no clear standard for value, and if you don't try, you don't know if it will work or not. Pass."

"The big principle cannot be violated."

"What if it is violated?"

Xu Rong smiled and said: "That's easy, you don't change your head for your butt."

(End of this chapter)

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