I'm just an actor

Chapter 355 Someone

Chapter 355 Someone
Early in the morning, Luo Jinfu, who was chubby and bald with a round face, trotted all the way to Du Qifeng, blinked his small eyes, and said in a low voice: "Director, Huang Yi said that I don't feel well today, so I can't come, you Look?"

"I've been reminded several times, that's what her assistant said, but, the fever went away the day before yesterday." Seeing that Du Qifeng didn't get angry immediately, Luo Jinfu thought he hadn't expressed clearly, so he added.

Du Qifeng let out an "oh" in no surprise, and was about to call Zheng Zhaoqiang over to discuss the shooting later, when he seemed to remember something, he turned his head and asked, "Have you contacted her manager?"

Luo Jinfu's voice became more and more deep: "Contact, her agent said that she will come to coordinate immediately, and will not delay the filming work of the crew."

"That's all?" Du Qifeng looked at Luo Jinfu puzzled, "That's it, didn't you say anything else?"


Du Qifeng nodded his chin lightly to express his understanding, but he was quite puzzled in his heart. He thought that Huang Yi's manager would pester him endlessly after learning the whole story, even stalking and threatening him. I made a follow-up response plan, but judging from the other party's reaction, it seems that I have some misunderstandings about the brokers in the mainland.

"Then follow the alternative shooting plan."

Looking at Du Qifeng's peaceful face, Luo Jinfu was quite surprised. If it was in the past, according to Du Qifeng's temper, he might have greeted the other party's female relatives the moment he heard Huang Yi released the whole group of pigeons again, but Today, he not only didn't get angry and didn't say anything, but even took the time to find out what his manager said, which is really unusual.

Moreover, he found that since Du Qifeng came to the mainland, even his temper had improved a lot, but when he caught a glimpse of the boss who was putting on makeup not far away, he immediately felt relieved.

After confirming today's shooting plan, everyone in the crew finally noticed the weird atmosphere. It is said that the female lead did not come to the set for three consecutive days. Even if the hot-tempered Du Qifeng didn't say anything, his displeasure should already be on his face , but he still acts like a normal person, arranging work calmly, and occasionally joking with others with a smile.

It seemed that Huang Yi had no influence on him at all.

On the side, the production director Wang Hui helplessly scratched his thinning hair. Huang Yida was completely fine after hanging up the drip in the middle of the night the night before yesterday, but he seemed to have a psychological shadow on Xu Rong. He happened to meet Xu Rong in the corridor last night. After one visit, he completely disregarded his dissuasion and moved out of the hotel where the crew stayed overnight.

Huang Yi's absence today was not beyond his expectations. Recently, he learned about some situations through the chats with mainland actors, and he felt lucky in his heart. At the same time, he couldn't help but sigh that Xu Rong is really magnanimous.

Because when Xu Rong dealt with him, he used science, but when he dealt with Huang Yi, he didn't even talk about martial arts and used metaphysics.

He thought that Xu Rong was cruel enough to attack him, but now it seems that he is merciless!
After Du Qifeng left, he moved closer to Luo Jinfu and muttered, "Old Luo, what's the matter?"

"What's the situation?"

"It's Huang Yi."

"She said, Xu Rong is on the set, so she won't come."

Wang Hui frowned when he heard this, he didn't know Huang Yi's choice, but what exactly did Xu Rong want to do?
Although Xu Rong didn't say or do anything from the beginning to the end, he knew very well that most of the crew, including himself, were carrying out his will either intentionally or unintentionally.

Huang Yi's situation today is actually not accidental, a large part of it is caused by professional characteristics.

Most entertainers are sick, psychologically sick.

Like machines, they were assigned endless jobs by their agency, and some popular artists were even notified until three or four years later.

They are used to the flattery and flattery of the people around them, but they have to face vicious attacks and abuse from black fans on the Internet and in reality. They can easily forget the flattery and praise, but the criticism is like a maggot attached to the bone. , they all need at least a few days to alleviate, but they cannot be completely eradicated. They always come to mind at a random time and place, and subconsciously avoid confirming the content of criticism in daily life.

They show completely different faces from the real ones on different occasions, doing things that are disgusting and even more painful than eating shit. This is a way to vent your pressure and indulge your desires.

But at the same time of indulgence, they have to be worried, because they clearly know that once everything they have done is exposed, their acting career will be ruined immediately.

One day or two is fine, but year after year, even a healthy person will have psychological problems.

Huang Yi is obviously one of them.

Wang Hui wasn't sure if Xu Rong would, let alone the existence of Mantian Gods and Buddhas, but from the current results, he almost deduced the original appearance of the matter. Huang Yi thought he had tampered with Xu Rong, but because It was a coincidence that the crew had the flu, and she broke her long-standing spiritual support.

For Huang Yi, who already had psychological problems and could only rely on illusory ghosts and gods as his sustenance, this was simply a disaster.

Wang Hui looked at Xu Rong who was smiling and chatting with the makeup artist in the distance, and sighed helplessly. Sun Honglei was right. Xu Rong not only had a good life, but also had amazing luck. Just like a while ago, Xu Rong happened to want to make a breakthrough At that time, I happened to be greedy for 20 yuan, and I sent my head to the muzzle of other people's guns impartially.

The only thing he couldn't understand was that Du Qifeng's attitude was really unreasonable.

"Drug Wars" is different from previous co-productions. Du Qifeng went north for the first time, and his eyes on the mainland were smeared. A large number of mainland actors were used, and all of them were recommended by the management.

These people recommended by Hairun naturally belonged to Xu Rong's camp.

Huang Yi's choice is surprising, but it is reasonable when you think about it carefully, and it can even be evaluated as a very wise decision to stand in line.

For a long time, in the confrontation between mainland actors and Hong Kong directors, mainland actors have never won half a round. Even Chen Kun, who was very popular in the mainland a few years ago, has almost fallen into half-life after being banned by Hong Kong directors. state.

But from Du Qifeng's point of view, Huang Yi's surrender has a strong exemplary role, and Wang Hui feels that if he is Du Qifeng, he has to keep Huang Yi no matter what.

Du Qifeng's refusal to protect Huang Yi is unavoidably chilling. Although he is used to the groveling of mainland artists, today is different from the past after all. With the Hong Kong members of the crew all alienated, Huang Yi is even more important.

But Du Qifeng's attitude made him a little confused, because he knew Du Qifeng's temper quite well, and when he stopped being angry, it was also a sign of being completely disappointed in someone.

At noon, Wang Hui saw two curvaceous and slender women approaching from a distance, and after a moment of stupefaction, he suddenly woke up.

Only then did he realize a completely different ending. If Du Qifeng replaced Huang Yi with a Hong Kong actress, it seemed that the advantages would outweigh the disadvantages.

In the early stage, because of Xu Rong's strong intervention, the co-produced film's convention that the male lead of the Hong Kong star and the female lead of the mainland was broken, and other Hong Kong male stars were naturally unwilling to submit to Xu Rong as the second male lead, but it was also because of the breaking of the convention that Du Qifeng It has been criticized in the industry in Hong Kong.

Why should an actor from the mainland be cast as the male lead in a co-production?

Du Qifeng couldn't explain his own difficulties, because apart from Hairun, no mainland film and television company dared to invest in "Drug Wars".

The root cause is that the subject matter and scale of "Drug Wars" are too sensitive.

But if Huang Yi is replaced by a Hong Kong actress, not only the sponsor’s father will be satisfied, but he will also have an explanation for his colleagues in the Hong Kong industry, and Du Qifeng will even be recognized by both Hong Kong and the Mainland.

As for Huang Yi, since he is on the wrong team, he must have the consciousness of being sacrificed.

When Du Qifeng saw the two of them followed Luo Jinfu, he first got up and said hello, and then hurriedly moved aside Xu Rong, and said, "Let me introduce, this is Teacher Xu Rong."

At the same time as Xu Rong got up, the two women who had obviously been well-dressed saw Xu Rong looking at him suspiciously, hurriedly took off their sunglasses and baseball caps, and each showed a sweet smile.

Du Qifeng pointed to the two and introduced respectively: "This is Yu Shiman, and this is Wen Yongshan."

Yu Shiman, who is slightly similar to Aunt Xu, is no stranger to Xu Rong, but this is the first time he has heard of this girl named Wen Yongshan with exquisite facial features, but he also knows the purpose of the two of them, and there is no expression on her face. Show no other emotion.

Yu Shiman stretched out her hand first, and said in substandard Mandarin: "Hello, Mr. Xu, please take care of me."

Hearing this, Xu Rong's affection immediately increased greatly, and Yu Shiman's Mandarin was at least two blocks ahead of Du Qifeng.

"Mr. Xu, hello, I'm your fan, can you sign me?"

Xu Rong looked at the signature pen that Wen Yongshan took out, and his Mandarin was even more standard than that of Huang Yi, who was from a major. After a moment of daze, Xu Rong subconsciously asked, "Are you from Hong Kong?"

Wen Yongshan looked at Xu Rong's surprised look, covered her mouth and smiled: "Yes."

Putonghua is just a language of communication, without any other attributes, but to some extent, it is also a manifestation of identification with the mainland.

He quite understands the mentality of some Hong Kong people. He regards himself as a citizen of the British Empire, aloof, self-righteous, and despises the backward and poor mainland. In terms of mentality, he is probably similar to how the heavenly kingdom treats India.

The only pity is that not long after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, the British Empire became hungry and turned into a skinny camel.


While he was smiling, he was quite puzzled. Du Qifeng called someone to come over to replace Huang Yi, but what happened to them?

When the two went to try on makeup, Du Qifeng asked, "Which one do you think is more suitable?"

Xu Rong smiled. There are so many actresses in Hong Kong, but Du Qifeng chose two who are fluent in Mandarin, and he was not looking for an interpreter. The meaning is self-evident.

He shrugged his shoulders and said, "Director Du, you are the director, and you will decide who is right for you."

"Hahaha." Du Qifeng smiled, and also understood Xu Rong's meaning. From now on, he will be in charge of the crew's affairs.

At about 10:[-] noon, the crew was about to put up dinner, and a strange woman came to the crew. After chatting with Du Qifeng for about [-] minutes, she left the set in a hurry.

Afterwards, Du Qifeng urgently announced that due to physical reasons, Huang Yi quit the crew of "Drug Wars", and Wen Yongshan played the role of the female Yang Xiaobei.

Everyone in the crew watched this scene silently, all of them felt sorry for each other, because it was Wen Yongshan who arrived first, and then Huang Yi's agent joined the crew.

The most strange thing is that many people who know the inside story have thought about it, and they intuitively feel that this matter has nothing to do with Xu Rong, but after careful consideration, they found that Xu Rong didn't say or do anything at all. When Huang Yi was replaced, he remained silent.

Hearing Du Qifeng's announcement, Zhao Junkai heaved a sigh of regret and happiness. From various clues, he vaguely guessed some of Xu Rong's plans, but he still couldn't figure out some key points, but thinking about it, the moment it was revealed , must be the most exciting time, but because of Andy Lau's arrival, the Hong Kong actors were discouraged collectively, resulting in no follow-up at all. As for the brainless Huang Yi, he guessed that Xu Rong himself didn't have much interest.

Fortunately, half a month after the start of the production, the crew finally got on the right track.

When Huang Yi quit the "Drug Wars" crew, the media "confirmed" the relevant rumors from Huang Yi's agent. It doesn't matter who leaked the rumors to the media, because right now the "Drug Wars" crew is the most concerned. What matters is how to deal with the influx of media.

The news is too explosive. The luxury production "Drug Wars", which claims to have invested more than [-] million yuan, is in the middle of filming, and the female lead has been replaced. If there is no big news to dig out, the industry will simply be regarded as a fool.

Zhao Junkai looked at the dozens of microphones standing in front of him, with a faint smile on his face, and said: "Huang Yi is a very dedicated actor, and he gets along very well with everyone during this time, from my personal point of view In other words, I really like her, but it is a pity that I have to quit the film crew due to health reasons, I hope she can recover soon and cooperate again.”

As for the question raised by the reporter that the female lead should be played by a Hong Kong actor, Du Qifeng didn't give the reporter any face, and was angry on the spot: "No one stipulates that the male lead must be played by a Hong Kong actor, and no one stipulates that the female lead must be played by a mainland actress. We are all one family and we should not make such distinctions."

It's just that what Du Qifeng himself didn't expect was that his unintentional words quickly became popular in the mainland film and television industry in just a few hours.

In the evening, when Wang Hui saw the festive looks of mainland actors on the Internet, and each of them reposted Du Qifeng's interview clips on social media, he sighed: Don't complain, life will gradually get better.

Tears of joy were about to flow out.

These people actually attributed all this to Du Qifeng's charity?

He lit a cigarette, and just took a puff, when he was suddenly stunned, because he suddenly realized a problem. The final result of this incident was to set a new model for co-productions. New boilerplate.

He thought of the "new rules" that Xu Rong said earlier. He thought it was the result of multiple coincidences, but after sorting it out from the beginning, he suddenly realized that the process might be a coincidence, but the result , seems to be doomed from the beginning.

With a cigarette in his mouth, he stood quietly in front of the computer like a sculpture. In the past, he didn't hate fighting with others. Otherwise, no matter how big the plate was, he could only get the smallest piece of cake.

In the face of the most direct interests, the only role of humility must be to get more points.

But at this moment, he has never fought with such fear like this for a moment, because a certain guess gradually arose in his heart that he and Huang Yi were just incidentals in Xu Rong's process of achieving the set goal, and maybe he would adopt different methods if he was another person , but the result will not change.

"Mr. Xu, these people are really shameless. You fought for it, but they all say that Du Qifeng is good." In the hotel room, Wang Yaqin watched mainland actors on the Internet expressing their love for Du Qifeng without hesitation. Admiring and admiring, he complained extremely resentfully, "I am not angry if they choose to remain silent, but look at the faces of each of them. Instead of thanking you for the rights you have won, thank Du Qifeng for your enlightenment and gifts. In the end, you Instead, it's the one who they thought got shit luck."

Xu Rong peeled a banana and said with a smile: "Before I did this, I didn't expect them to thank me. Even if I fail this time, not only will I be boycotted by the Hong Kong circle, but I'm afraid my colleagues in the mainland will also scold me. Self-restraint, but things have to be done by someone.”

(End of this chapter)

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