Chapter 356
In the hotel room, Li Gen sat cross-legged on the carpet, comparing the script of "Drug Wars", holding back the script of the scene.

This is a method he figured out by himself, and the purpose is to complete the "homework" assigned by Xu Rong earlier.

Although he has the name of an assistant, he actually doesn't do the job of an assistant at all. First, he doesn't know how to do it, and second, he can't get it.

No matter how busy Wang Yaqin is, he will not assign work to him.

He could vaguely understand Wang Yaqin's little thoughts, and he could only be silent while smiling wryly, it was just an assistant, and he wouldn't really grab it, why bother?

Because he is too free, he can only observe and learn how Du Qifeng shoots and arranges as much as possible, but after a busy day, he often finds that he has almost forgotten everything except the last shot, and often In retrospect, he always felt that if he was allowed to direct, he would basically use roughly the same techniques, so he would not have the slightest insight and experience at all.

However, he still has a bit of self-knowledge, and understands that it's just that he really can't think of a better reason in his mind.

After over and over again, he came up with a way, which is to write the script for the next day's shooting in advance for what he is doing now, and then compare it with the actual shooting.

As for the storyboard script of "Drug Wars", he didn't want to look at it at all, because Du Qifeng didn't follow the script for more than half of the scenes.

Hearing Xu Rong's words, "But things have to be done by someone." He was stunned for a while before realizing that the biggest gap between Xu Rong and himself was not that he was older than himself, earned more money than himself, and intrigues Be better than himself, anyway, in his opinion, if it took a long time to save a bunch of white-eyed wolves, then he would rather let the situation rot.

Seeing Wang Yaqin's still displeased face, Xu Rong smiled and didn't try to persuade her anymore.

He wanted to train Li Gen to be a great director, but he never thought about training Wang Yaqin to develop into management. He didn't know whether it was because of laziness or what happened. He was a little bit reluctant to adapt to a new assistant.

Since the very beginning, he never thought of going to war just to deal with Wang Hui and Huang Yi. As the shareholder of the investor and the representative of the auditor, he had a detached position at the beginning of joining the group. Even if he did nothing, no one would What can he do, even Du Qifeng.

Firstly, Du Qifeng went north for the first time, whether he can overcome the common problem of Hong Kong and Taiwan directors who are not acclimatized is still unknown. Secondly, the scale of the script of "Drug Wars" determines that it is difficult for this drama to find a second group of investors. After all, Hairun , CCTV, and China Film Co., Ltd., plus his starring role, from a special point of view, it is not an exaggeration to call it a "Galaxy Battleship", and the mainland film and television circles can't make up a second group.

As for Du Qifeng's flattery and flattery from mainland counterparts, he doesn't care, as long as he can always maintain the strongest market appeal, the more mainland actors as a whole will get more cakes, and he will be the first to cut the cake. will be the biggest beneficiary.

He has always believed that if he eats meat, he must not let his colleagues drink soup, otherwise, even if he knows how to be a man and has strong skills, he will become a target of public criticism.

Furthermore, the profit-seeking nature of capital determines that it is impossible for Hong Kong actors to dominate the film market for a long time. If things go on like this, it will inevitably lead to resistance from mainland capital.

Xu Rong saw Li Gen lying in front of the computer with blank eyes, and said, "Tell me your opinion."

"What are you talking about?" Li Gen raised his head and stared at him blankly, "Oh, I was just thinking about how to shoot a scene."

"That is, what do you think of the current result."

Like reciting a text, Li Gen said without hesitation: "If you seek unity through struggle, you will survive; if you seek unity through concessions, you will perish."

Xu Rong looked at Li Gen with a smile, until Li Gen's eyes started to wander around, and then asked with a smile: "Don't tell me, you came up with this yourself?"

What he can be sure of is that although this sentence is familiar to the vast majority of people in the country, this "majority" does not include Li Gen, who has always been rebellious.

Li Gen laughed dryly a few times, not daring to lie that he didn't think of it, but also embarrassed to admit that he had consulted others.

Because he was really not sure whether Xu Rong would do it or not.

Xu Rong also stopped asking questions, and said: "The truth is correct, but you must not apply it mechanically. When you encounter similar things in the future, you must pay special attention to the practical application of the article "Caring for the lives of the masses and paying attention to working methods."

Li Gen was stunned, he had no idea what Xu Rong was talking about, he was talking about struggle and unity, why did he care about the lives of the masses?
Xu Rong also saw Li Gen's embarrassment and bewilderment, so he stopped talking about it, and instead asked, "How do you evaluate Du Qifeng?"

Li Gen chuckled, and said, "Technically, it's awesome, but if it's about deception."

Seeing that Xu Rong's eyes were wrong, he immediately changed his words: "If you talk about management level, he is not even a star behind you!"

Probably worried that Xu Rong would not let go of the language in his words, Li Gen gave a thumbs up vigorously while speaking.

Xu Rong thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Du Qifeng is not as unbearable as you said, but in fact, we are a tie."

Now not only Li Gen, but even Wang Yaqin, who was sitting across from him, showed a suspicious look: "Tie?"


Xu Rong felt that the temperature in the room was a bit hot, so he went to the door and lowered the temperature of the air conditioner by two degrees, saying: "In the first round, I grabbed Wang Hui's braid and hit him by surprise. In the second round, actually I lost."


"Yeah, we lost." Xu Rong sighed, and when he heard Du Qifeng say that to the media in the afternoon, he suddenly realized that Du Qifeng adopted an asymmetrical tactic and fought a beautiful turnaround.

Facing the doubtful eyes of the two, he explained with a smile: "Looking at the outcome of a struggle, don't judge by the sound of cheers and shouts, but who is the ultimate beneficiary. Some people laugh, but not necessarily If you win, if some people cry, you may not necessarily lose, so who do you think will benefit the most from replacing Huang Yi?"

Li Gen and Wang Yaqin looked at each other, but they didn't dare to answer. The beneficiaries are obviously other actors in China, but they can't tell the truth, because if they say that, not only will Xu Rong appear stupid, but also express his heart The one who really thinks is not so smart.

Seeing that the two were silent, Xu Rong said: "There are many beneficiaries. From the current point of view, it is me, because I have the greatest voice in the crew, but even if Huang Yi is not changed, it is actually the same, followed by my colleagues in the mainland. , a hole has been chipped in the glass ceiling that has confined them for so many years."

"But if you take a long-term view, the biggest beneficiary of this matter should be Du Qifeng. The essence is that I spent a long time making a wedding dress for him." Xu Rong said without much concern, "Du Qifeng said to him this afternoon." What the media said did offend some Hong Kong actors, because the leading actor in a co-production is no longer exclusive to a few people, but as long as Du Qifeng is backed by strong mainland capital, Hong Kong actors will have little influence on him. The fact is that Du Qifeng has become the most popular director in the mainland, this kind of popularity will gradually translate into word of mouth, and then affect ordinary audiences."

"Impossible, besides, if "Drug Wars" doesn't do well at the box office, isn't it all in vain?"

Xu Rong picked up the teacup and said to Li Gen: "Didn't you realize that there are two doubts about this matter? Firstly, the news from the media is so well-informed. As soon as Huang Yi was replaced, the reporter came to the set. The author Du Qifeng is not you, he will not be irritated by the media's few words, especially when the crew is involved in controversy, every word of his will be widely concerned by the outside world, based on his experience, every word can be said to be well thought out, In the short term, he has indeed offended some Hong Kong people, but the impact of what the media said has not yet begun to be reflected."

Wang Yaqin frowned, puzzled and said: "Haven't it reflected yet?"

Xu Rong took a sip of saliva and said, "There are only a few directors in the mainland who can support the box office, and each of them is treasured by the company to which they belong, so many mainland companies have to use Hong Kong directors, but it has been proven in the mainland for a long time. Hong Kong directors who are more than capable are extremely resistant to mainland actors playing the male lead, the remuneration of Hong Kong actors is too expensive, to what extent, it has become so expensive that it has greatly reduced the profit margins of mainland film and television companies."

"On the contrary, the remuneration for mainland actors is much cheaper when they star in mainland movies, plus various favors, for example, I starred in "Drug Wars", on average, I only got 1 yuan a month, working for nothing. There is no such way of playing. According to the market price, Hairun alone can save at least 2000 million yuan in salary alone. Adding Sun Honglei and the others, they can save at least 3000 million yuan in total. This 3000 million yuan is not enough for investors. It is profit, but Hong Kong actors don’t show any kindness, as much as they want, and they don’t agree to anything less, so for mainland film and television companies, they are actually also disgusted with using Hong Kong actors.”

"Based on this situation, the mainland film and television companies probably very much hope that "Drug Wars" will be well-received. It can be said that if the box office is poor, Lao Liu, I, and Du Qifeng will not be in a good mood, but the bosses of domestic film and television companies will definitely not How happy it is, because this proves that the budget-saving way of pairing a mainland male lead with a Hong Kong and Taiwan female lead will not work, which means that they will have to grit their teeth and spend a lot of money to hire Hong Kong and Taiwan actors to support the box office."

"Although it's a bit unbelievable, I can basically conclude that after "Drug Wars" is finalized, no matter whether it's a domestic film or an imported film, even if it's scheduled for the highly competitive summer vacation, the peers will try to make room for "Drug Wars" as much as possible. With at least half a month's schedule, the success of "Drug Wars" has proved to the market and the industry that it is not only feasible but also a great success for the mainland male lead to match the Hong Kong female lead. After all, no one can refuse a director who can earn money with his life and save money with his life."

Li Gen took a deep breath and said, "This, this, can't it?"

Xu Rong sneered: "Du Qifeng's personality is indeed a bit hot on the set, but that's also personal. He has never blushed at me once, and what he said is almost equivalent to offending all Hong Kong men. Xing, there is no great benefit, do you really think him stupid?"

"Once he succeeds, he will immediately be able to compete with Zhang Yimou and Feng Xiaogang, and become one of the top directors with strong appeal in the Mainland."

"Hiss." Li Gen quietly closed the notebook, "Why do I suddenly feel that directing doesn't seem to be that easy to do?"

"It's the same in every line of work." Xu Rong said with a smile, "It's not difficult to be an ordinary director, but it's harder than you think to be a good director who can control both the inside and the outside of the set. many."

At the same time, in a private room on the second floor, Du Qifeng acted as the host to clean up the dust for Wen Yongshan and Yu Shiman.

"Director Du, thank you for giving me this opportunity, and I offer you a toast."

Wen Yongshan successfully replaced Huang Yi as the female lead by virtue of her fluent Mandarin, while Yu Shiman, who was unsuccessful, did not complain at all despite her disappointment.

Before she came, her agent had told her that even if this trip didn't work out, the next trip would definitely work out, provided that she could be disappointed, but she must never express dissatisfaction.

Du Qifeng will certainly not be the last time to use a Hong Kong actress as the female lead.

She can naturally understand the deep meaning of it, so when Du Qifeng asked her to play a cameo role that doesn't have many scenes, she still agreed without hesitation.

While chatting, Wen Yongshan saw You Naihai coming in, and asked, "Is Teacher Xu not here?"

You Naihai smiled and took the empty seat on Du Qifeng's left, and said, "He said he didn't have the habit of drinking during filming."

Jiang Haowen took advantage of the situation and added, "This is the truth. I heard from friends in the mainland that it is indeed the case."

When Ye Xuan heard the words, he also picked up the conversation: "I heard that's not the case, the main reason is that he can't drink. It is said that he never eats hot food every time he drinks with others."

Everyone looked at him curiously: "What do you mean by not eating hot food?"

"It's just that before the hot food comes, I've already drank and went under the table, hahaha."

Ye Xuan's solitary laughter echoed in the private room, and then stopped abruptly two or three seconds later, because she suddenly discovered that not only was no one in the room responding to her, but everyone looked at her in a strange way. .

She laughed inexplicably again, which seemed to be a remnant of the previous smile. She met everyone's gaze and asked, "Why, what's the matter, isn't it funny?"

Du Qifeng coughed, and said meaningfully: "This story, regardless of whether it is true or not, would be very interesting if he told it by himself, but if it were someone else, it would not be funny at all."

The atmosphere in the private room suddenly calmed down, as if everyone was guessing whether Ye Xuan's joke would reach Xu Rong's ears.

Wen Yongshan looked around, raised her slender brows, and broke the silence with a voice, "I heard that he is very capable in business?"

Du Qifeng pondered for a while, and gave an affirmative answer: "Yes, it is very strong, and it is the kind that is beyond imagination, real."

"The director likes him so much?" Lu Haipeng and Lin Ao looked at Du Qifeng in puzzlement.

Yu Shiman looked at Lin Chen and the others in surprise, and asked, "You guys, haven't you played against him yet?"

After everyone looked at each other, they turned to You Naihai, the screenwriter of the group, in an extremely neat and silent manner.

You Naihai was originally concentrating on the food, this was his second meal today, considering that he would have to drink later, he didn't care about other things at all, after realizing the silence in the room, he raised his head, and then Finding that everyone in the room was staring at him, he quickly lowered his head and said vaguely, "Oh, hurry up."

In the past two days, he has been thinking about how to add a show for Xu Rong's sister-in-law, and he didn't take time to think about other details at all.

When the night outside the window was still dark the next day, Wang Yaqin knocked on the door of Xu Rong's room after banging on the door, and handed Xu Rong a brand new script that still smelled of ink.

(End of this chapter)

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