I'm just an actor

Chapter 357 Preparation

Chapter 357 Preparation
Xu Rong looked at Wang Yaqin outside the door, his face full of doubts that hadn't fully woken up yet.

Usually at home, Xu Rong usually gets up at six o'clock. After washing up, he will pick up Xiao Zhang from the bed. Nearly an hour of morning exercise.

Although he has developed the habit of going to bed early and waking up early, he is still a little unaccustomed to the routine of getting up at five o'clock in the crew. Although he can lie in the car and squint for a while when waiting during the day or after the filming of the scene, But the sensory effect of an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon is completely unequal.

He remembered clearly yesterday that he might have a scene today, but it would be late at night, so when Wang Yaqin opened the door, he felt a little resentful. After opening the door, he rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked at Wang Yaqin, who was obviously ready to go to work, was carrying large and small bags outside the door.

Without allowing him to speak, Wang Yaqin handed him a piece of paper directly: "Mr. Xu, today's announcement includes you in both scenes."

After being stunned for a moment, Xu Rong subconsciously asked, "Did something happen?"

According to the original filming plan, after confirming that the female lead Yang Xiaobei will be played by Wen Yongshan, the next part will be mainly her role. There is only one scene for him on the announcement list, and it is still at night. In essence, he has already taken a good rest. One day of preparation, because according to the past 20 days of shooting experience, it is impossible to complete the full-day shooting plan under normal circumstances.

"It's cold in the corridor, you go in first and I'll tell you." Wang Yaqin pushed him into the room and said, "At three o'clock this morning, the coordinator notified that the shooting plan was temporarily changed. It is said that the screenwriter had a drink last night and suddenly I got inspiration, and then stayed up all night to drive out the new plot."

"You brush your teeth and wash your face first. I'll pack up the things I'm going to take to the set. It is said that there will be a fight scene in the first scene. Even if everything goes well, I will be thankful that I can finish filming before dark."

Xu Rong silently greeted You Naihai's family members. It was not the first time he did this kind of thing, and it was predictable that it would definitely not be the last time. As for You Naihai's occasional so-called "inspiration", the crew started from him. When it came to the scene, everyone hated it, because You Naihai's inspiration was not to add to the original plot out of thin air, but to abolish some of the previously filmed material with a high probability.

However, after hearing Zheng Zhaoqiang's emotion about Wang Jiawei's directing style by chance, Xu Rong no longer minded. Compared with Wang Jiawei, who is also a Hong Kong director, Du Qifeng and You Naihai's efficiency is much higher, at least Du Qifeng has script.

He roughly scanned the contents of the A4 paper, handed it to Wang Yaqin, and said, "Then I'll go wash up, you hold it for me, and I'll stroke it after I get in the car."

After the Hong Kong Gang of Seven to be filmed was exposed by Zhang Lei's design, he and the Gang of Seven reunited and returned to the hotel to deal with a scene between Li Zhenbiao and Li Shuchang's uncle and nephew, and a scene where he and the Gang of Seven had dinner.


Grabbed a handful of cold water and gently applied it to the face, most of the drowsiness disappeared in an instant. The two new scenes written by You Naihai are very interesting. In it, everyone except him has at least one line.

Since he spent more than 200 million yuan to sign up for an extracurricular one-on-one tutoring class, his lines have always been his strong point. can be all the rage on the internet.

Many film and television critics have commented in the past that his lines are very contagious. Although You Naihai does not go to the set very often, he should also understand his acting style. It is hard to say that there is no deliberate element.

But don't give Cai Tianming too many lines, it was his suggestion to You Naihai before, it was determined by Cai Tianming's own environment.

A senior practitioner in the black industry who was under surveillance was asked to cooperate with the people's guard holding a gun to his forehead for more than half of the time, and spent the other half of the time staying with the godfather and other club leaders who had been betrayed by him. In a word, it is all after thinking, because it is very possible that even an unnecessary misunderstanding will lead to the tragic end of being directly shot to death by Zhang Lei and others.

Because from the very beginning, he had identified Zhang Lei's suspicious character.

Washed up and went downstairs, arrived at the entrance of the hotel, was about to get in the car, Xu Rong accidentally glanced at the long guns and short cannons protruding from the car window on the opposite side of the road in the corner of the parking lot under the lights of the many cars of the crew, and could not help but He muttered to himself: "Are the paparazzi already this courageous?"

Except at home, he is used to the life of being followed by the paparazzi, even if he takes a taxi to go to the bar to drink, he still can't escape the embarrassment of being followed by the media all the time, so that he can't wait for him to fart, and there will be A group of paparazzi frantically pounced on it to smell the nitrogen content in it, in order to tell if he had eaten more vegetarian food or more meat recently.

Faced with this state of lack of privacy, he was quite annoyed at first, but later gradually realized that it was not a big deal. He often went out to have dinner and drink, but there was nothing he could not tell others, so some media practitioners The reporter described his life as "like a middle-aged Chen Daoming lying on the sofa reading a book in a turtleneck sweater". Part of his life was his choice, but to a large extent he was forced to do so. , this is the characteristic of the profession that determines the price he has to pay in addition to enjoying the high work remuneration.

In the past, there were often paparazzi around the hotel where he lived 24 hours a day. He even vaguely remembered that two groups of paparazzi secretly photographed him in two shifts for a year and a half, but then they disappeared for unknown reasons.

The most active place for these paparazzi is often near the hotel where he stays with the crew. On the set, there are so many people watching, and the crew maintains order, the paparazzi may not even be able to take pictures of the clothes.

But squatting around the crew hotel is hard to say. With Du Qifeng's character, every artist who works with him will not be under much pressure at work. It is inevitable to drink to relax at night. If the crew is a couple, under the influence of alcohol, Cuddling or holding hands in the car or after entering a hotel is not out of the question.

If they don't catch them, the paparazzi will waste a little time, but once the curtains are left on a certain window, in addition to allowing them to enjoy a non-high-definition passionate scene, there will be a considerable income.

As for the amount of the hush money, it depends on the artist's status. If he is caught, the starting price may not be able to beat a million.

Because the media of all parties know that in recent years he has been standing at the top of mainland male artists, and his commercial value can be called No. 1. A derailment news with pictures and truth, even if it can't completely destroy him, can also bring him from the top pull down.

At that time, the loss may have to be measured in units of [-] million.

Yesterday, before Huang Yi was replaced, Wen Yongshan and Yu Shiman arrived at the crew first, which also brought "Drug War" to the attention of most domestic media in a short period of time.

Claimed to be a luxury production with an investment of 5000 million, it is directed by the famous Hong Kong director Du Qifeng, led by top mainland actors Xu Rong and Sun Honglei, and many first-line actors such as Li Weijie, Zhong Hanliang, Huang Yi, She Shiman and others starred. Since the day the group was formed , It has gathered the attention of the domestic media and the film and television industry.

And Huang Yi's leaving the group midway brought the crew of "Drug Wars" to the forefront. Although Zhao Junkai and Du Qifeng insisted that Huang Yi resigned for health reasons, in essence, whoever believes in such an excuse is a fool .

The unanimous view from the outside world is that huge conflicts must have erupted in the crew of "Drug Wars", and the intensity has reached the point where it can only be temporarily suppressed by changing actors.

He expected that the crew would gather a large number of reporters in a short period of time, but he never expected it to be so blatant.

Seeing a golden cup of bread not far away looked familiar, he waved his hand at the car window, and after a few seconds, the car window opened, revealing two shiny foreheads.

Xu Rong shouted loudly: "Brothers, go have breakfast and sleep for a while, there is probably no news today."

The two paparazzi looked at me, and finally watched Xu Rong get into the car blankly.

"I found out for the first time today that filming is so tiring."

In the car, Li Gen yawned one after another. Although it was still dark, it was already six o'clock, and he actually got out of bed half an hour ago.

Xu Rong ignored him at all, pinched the script, and read softly: "You two bastards have exposed us."

"You two, bastards, exposed us."

"You two bastards"

Li Gen looked at Xu Rong curiously from the side, and asked, "Brother, what are you?"

His words fell silent only halfway through, because Wang Yaqin had already patted his arm hard, signaling him not to disturb Xu Rong.

Xu Rong closed his eyes after repeating it a few times, carefully thinking about how to deal with it.

Sensing that the car was a bit cold, Wang Yaqin pulled a blanket and gently put it on Xu Rong's body. At the same time, she did not forget to give Li Gen a look. She called Li Gen at five o'clock and asked him to come down early and take the car The air conditioner was turned on, but this guy almost came down later than them.

Li Gen knew that he was in the wrong, so he smiled awkwardly. After hanging up the phone, he originally planned to sleep for another 10 minutes, but after 10 minutes, he felt that there was still time, and he wanted to sleep for another 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, when he got up from the bed, he vaguely remembered what Wang Yaqin asked him to do, but he couldn't remember what he was going to do.

In Xu Rong's mind, he was sorting out the relationship between himself and the characters of all parties, and then involved the actions of the characters under the new plot.

There is no doubt about the motives of all his actions, and he has regained his freedom.

Although it seems that the goal has been achieved after merging with the Gang of Seven in Hong Kong, he is quite aware of the actual situation. Every move of himself and the Gang of Seven is within the scope of Zhang Lei's monitoring. He collected the net, but once he reached that point, he completely disrupted Zhang Lei's plan, let alone escape, and there was no chance of atonement.

For his godfather and the other six people, he felt a little guilty, but it was only a little bit. Compared with guilt, he was more determined about the future.

After the Hong Kong Seven including the godfather was caught by Zhang Lei in the hospital morgue, he was already mentally prepared for their generosity to die for themselves.

The arrest of the godfather and the group of seven is their doomed end, but if they are not all arrested, it will form a very unfavorable situation for themselves. People in this line of work have a strong sense of revenge. The first thing he did was to send someone to chase and kill him.

In contrast, after the godfather was arrested, his own channels and backing were gone, but he was insignificant.

Therefore, before the evidence to convict the Gang of Seven was obtained, he and Zhang Lei were the closest comrades-in-arms, because Zhang Lei caught all the stolen goods, and he also could not bear the consequences of slipping through the net.

He didn't know if You Naihai had any other thoughts when he wrote the line "You two bastards have exposed us." But when he saw this line, his heart became more determined to kill the Gang of Seven. Not thinking of going to prison.

Li Zhenbiao's uncle and nephew were threatened with being killed by the Gang of Seven just because they exposed their identities to the people's guards. I'm afraid I can't wait until I bring it back to Hong Kong, and I can collapse myself on the spot.

However, he had already expected a similar situation. Whether he heard this sentence or watched Li Zhenbiao's uncle and nephew being beaten violently, he couldn't have the slightest guilty conscience, and even showed roughly the same disgust and indifference as the group of seven. .

Thinking of this, Xu Rong opened his eyes and stretched out his hand. Wang Yaqin just passed the notebook and the pen with the cap off to him.

Xu Rong took it as usual, and then the car began to resound with the "rustling" sound of pen tip and paper touching.

Looking at this scene, Li Gen's eyes straightened immediately. He finally understood why Wang Yaqin received so many year-end awards every Chinese New Year. If he was the boss, he would pay at least 1000 yuan more than the action of handing over the notebook just now.

On the other side, the Hong Kong actor's car was not so quiet, the voice of reciting words sounded over and over again, and occasionally stopped to discuss with each other for a while, although You Naihai deliberately limited Xu Rong's performance dimension, but because yesterday In the evening, Du Qifeng and You Naihai spoke highly of him, no one dared to underestimate him.

The professional level of mainland film actors has always been inferior to that of Hong Kong actors. It has been publicized through the media for decades. They dare not compete with Xu Rong for the right to speak within the crew, and they cannot compete, but when it comes to the guy who eats, They also can't lose the scenes of Hong Kong actors.

(End of this chapter)

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