I'm just an actor

Chapter 358 Shooting

Chapter 358 Shooting
The season entered December, and the street trees on both sides of the street were stripped by the harsh north wind, leaving only bare branches, standing alone under the intangible winter.

In the corner of the presidential suite of the five-star hotel temporarily rented by the film crew, Xu Rong leaned against the wall and looked at the busy staff of various groups under Du Qifeng's command.

Everyone on the set spoke in a low voice and moved extremely quickly, like a thief. He could tell that compared to his dissatisfaction, almost all the staff members sincerely thanked You Naihai's eight generations of ancestors. The outdoor temperature is sub-zero, and I always work all day when shooting locations. I wear thick clothes, which makes it inconvenient to work. I always sweat when I am busy, but my teeth can’t help shaking because I don’t wear enough clothes. It is hot, not cold, and it is convenient to go to the toilet. It is simply the most ideal shooting location.

There was a very strange scene on the set. While the crew was arranging the scene, the 10 people who will participate in the filming today were all holding the script, standing or sitting, comparing the scene, thinking deeply.

As usual, Xu Rong usually wouldn't get out of the car so early, but today was no longer possible. You Naihai stayed up all night and threw the script to the crew and then ignored it. It was they who suffered. There was no script and no preparation at all. Everything had to be done. groping.

Right now is the process of groping, forming a clear concept of the prescribed situation through the scene setting.

The assistant director Zheng Baorui, who was about to give a lecture to the actors, watched this scene, especially when he noticed that Xu Rong was frowning, as if he was thinking about a certain problem, he subconsciously stopped in his tracks, preparing to wait for a while.

After a while, seeing that the teams were about to take their seats, Zheng Baorui gritted his teeth, approached Xu Rong, and asked with a smile: "Mr. Xu, if you're not busy, let's talk about how to get there later. "


Seeing Xu Rong nodding, Zheng Baorui lowered his glasses, and this action seemed to radiate some kind of magical power, which even straightened his waist. He turned his head and looked at the scattered Hong Kong actors and Li Zhenqi and Qin Kai who played Li Zhenbiao and Li Shuchang next to them said: "Every teacher, come here for a while, I will tell you about the play."

Seeing several people gathered around, Zheng Baorui began to arrange the seats. He first patted the sofa next to him and said, "Mr. You sit next to Mr. Xu, Mr. Lu, you sit on this sand square beside Mr. Xu, and Mrs. Lin Ao leans on the opposite side of Mr. Lu. Run up to Teacher Lin."

After talking about the actor's positions, Zheng Baorui turned his head and said to Li Zhenqi and Qin Kai: "The movement coordination between the two teachers, Mr. Wu Tingye and Mr. Jiang Haowen is the most important thing in the next scene. Wait a while Our action instructor, Mr. Yi, will rehearse for you individually, but before you get beaten, you must show your fear. Because of the negligence of the two of you, the Gang of Seven who has been standing behind your scenes has been exposed, and you are quite disturbed. Fear, because you are likely to lose your life for this."

Then he turned his head and said to Lin Mao and the others: "Your emotions in these two scenes are complicated. First of all, you are quite angry at the two of you for exposing you, but after all, this time you made a sum of 2000 million yuan. It’s a big business, so it’s a bright future.”

"There is another point that everyone should pay attention to. We did not shoot these two scenes to teach the audience how to engage in the black industry, let alone to promote violence, but to tell the audience how black people are inside the industry chain, how ruthless their hands are. How scary it is to be true.”

Xu Rong, Li Zhenqi and Qin Kai are all mainlanders, and they are used to Zheng Baorui's words, but after the Hong Kong actors heard it, everyone's expressions were quite strange, and they always felt that something was wrong, but in front of Xu Rong, they didn't Good discussion.

Not far away, Yu Shiman, who had arrived at the set early as instructed by her agent, was sitting on a chair, resting her chin with her hand, watching the scene quietly. She couldn't hear what Zheng Baorui said, but judging from the actions of several people communicating During the process, she discovered some small details. Every time Zheng Baorui said a few words, her eyes would subconsciously return to Xu Rong, and she paused for a second or two with a consulting gaze.

And Xu Rong seemed to be listening, and seemed to be distracted, but every time Zheng Baorui looked over, he would subconsciously nod his head slightly, not knowing whether to express understanding or approval.

The communication between the two gave her a feeling of déjà vu. She had seen a big boss from a society go to the crew to make a cameo filming before, and the situation at that time was roughly similar to what she is now.

After Zheng Baorui finished the play, seeing everyone was silent, he asked, "Is there anything you don't understand, teachers?"



"Those four teachers will prepare with Director Yi first. How about we start leaving in 10 minutes?" Zheng Baorui asked, pointing to the short-sized martial finger with a middle-pointed martial finger who was nicknamed Plague. road.

At this time, behind the monitor, Du Qifeng glanced at You Naihai, who was still in good spirits after staying up all night, and asked softly: "Ten people, nine of them have a sentence, but Xu Rong doesn't, so you don't have to worry about him turning back to you." Wear small shoes?"

He now understands that even though most of the members in the team were recruited by him, once faced with a choice, he might not hesitate to side with Xu Rong.

You Naihai didn't feel sleepy at all, his eyes scanned the set expectantly from time to time, and said, "No, no, no, he will thank me, I have a hunch that the next two scenes will become the most exciting parts of the whole film .”

Hearing this, Zheng Zhaoqiang, who had resigned as the operator of the camera, turned his head, but did not speak. As he expected, the impatient Du Qifeng asked curiously: "Why?"

You Naihai shook his head, and was about to think about how to explain it so that the two of them could understand the mysterious and mysterious feeling. Suddenly, every time he chatted with Xu Rong, at every critical point, Xu Rong would always raise the corners of his mouth, revealing a hint of profoundness. An unpredictable and inexplicable smile.

He no longer tried to explain the reason, but under the gaze of the two, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

After making this movement, watching the two people's searching eyes gradually withdraw, and then lowered their heads in meditation, their faces were sometimes stunned, sometimes confused, for no reason, and his heart was suddenly greatly satisfied.

At this moment, he understood that this is one of the advanced forms of pretending to be coercive, and he smiled without saying a word, and its core essence is to pretend to understand when he doesn't understand.


"Are you going to die? Say what you have to say, and let go of your fart!"

When You Naihai was secretly lamenting how cool it is to pretend to be cool today, Du Qifeng slapped him straight on the forehead, thanks to his quick dodge, the slap barely landed on his shoulder.

"Hehe, I'm just feeling in the dark, feeling in the dark."

Du Qifeng sneered when he heard the words, knowing that You Naihai was talking nonsense, because You Naihai always felt that he was destined for many girls with beautiful faces and sexy bodies, but it turned out that it was all his wishful thinking.

"Director, everything is ready."

The voice from the walkie-talkie made Du Qifeng withdraw his thoughts. He picked it up, put it near his mouth, and said, "Go along and have a look."

"it is good."



In front of the camera, Xu Rong is sitting on the sofa, facing Li Zhenqi and Qin Kai. His buttocks are only half on the sofa, and the other half is outside. The Gang of Seven staggering around with various posses looked a little serious.

Godfather is the senior who brought him into the industry, and he is also the global supply chain distributor of the products he produces. He controls 100% of the shipping channels for his products. No matter from the perspective of close relationship or interests, he has to treat Godfather, Fei Cheng, etc. He still respects people, and on the other hand, he has sold the seven people as bait to Zhang Lei. In order to paralyze Zhang Lei and the seven godfathers at the same time, he must carefully maintain the same state of getting along with him as in the past.

He looked at "Li Zhenbiao" and "Li Shuchang" who were sitting across from each other waiting for the trial, but his attention was not on the two of them. He wandered around the Gang of Seven, especially Lu Haipeng, who played his godfather, and Li Shuchang. Lin Zhuo, who played the role of the Gang of Seven with a fat brain, is the target of his focus.

At a certain moment, his and Lin Mao's eyes met in mid-air.

After staring blankly at each other for a moment, Xu Rong's gaze immediately turned to look straight at him, looking at him generously, his chapped lips slowly opened, releasing a simple, honest, pure and reserved smile.

Lin Yu also nodded with a slight smile.

Before he came to the crew, except that he knew the name of the movie "Drug Wars", he didn't know anything else, including what type of movie to shoot and what role to play. Du Qifeng didn't tell him these things. After the reception, I gradually learned about the role positioning and the relationship with other characters from You Naihai.

But You Naihai didn't tell him about the relationship between Fei Cheng and Cai Tianming in detail, because his Fei Cheng and Xu Rong's Cai Tianming hardly overlap each other on the bright side.

But the innocent smile released by Xu Rong gave him a feeling of déjà vu, like a boy whose neighbors often meet but has a very shy personality, so the moment his eyes met just now, he subconsciously responded with a kind smile.

"You two bastards made us exposed. Exposed."

Following Zhang Zhaohui's angry reprimand, Xu Rong froze for a moment, looked away, and stared at Zhang Zhaohui in a daze, can a line be mispronounced?
You Naihai, who was sitting next to Du Qifeng, shook his head regretfully, and said, "I'm so nervous."

After finishing speaking, he realized that something was wrong, and Du Qifeng didn't stop.

Turning his head, seeing Du Qifeng's annoyed expression, he smiled and said, "I suggest that you design a feature that suits each of them, otherwise you won't be able to shoot this scene for three days."


Du Qifeng ignored You Naihai, and said to the intercom: "Start again."

He didn't say what was wrong, You Naihai had discussed the role positioning with each of them, Zhang Zhaohui's line design was too ordinary, especially compared with Xu Rong, who was like a lone wolf beside him, that bit of ruthlessness was too strong On the surface, although his back was straight and his tone was harsh, his aura was too immature, and he was probably suppressed by Xu Rong's aura, so that he even mispronounced a simple line.

Zhang Zhaohui took a deep breath. Although there was only a distance of ten or twenty centimeters between him and Xu Rong, he didn't dare to take another look. Just now, he noticed that Xu Rong's body was leaning towards his side, so he took an extra look at him. As a result, his mouth became bald, and he even forgot the words.

"Sorry." Lin Xie suddenly made a sound, and after attracting everyone's attention, he smiled and pointed in the direction of the bathroom, "I'm going to the bathroom."

When he went out, seeing that Zhang Zhaohui didn't follow, Lin Mao sighed. He didn't intend to go to the toilet. The reason why he said that was to buy Zhang Zhaohui time to calm down.

Because he is quite sure that as long as Xu Rong keeps exerting a strong influence, Zhang Zhaohui's performance will not only fail to meet Du Qifeng's requirements, but will only get worse and worse. In the end, he may not even be able to read his lines.

The influence between co-actors is not just in the form of lines. At the right time, a look and a movement are enough to make some wonderful changes in the performance of co-actors, but in turn, once stuck in the rhythm of co-actors It will also cause an extremely uncomfortable psychological burden on the co-performers.

In daily life, if someone is talking, one of the listeners suddenly curls his lips or rolls his eyes, it will definitely give the speaker a certain psychological impact, disrupt the other party's expression rhythm or even completely stop the other party's expression. The same is true for performances, even if The performer himself forcibly ignores it, and the director can't pretend he didn't see it.

The reason why Lin Xie felt it deeply was because Xu Rong also gave him a difficult problem at the moment when they looked at each other just now, with that honest and pure smile.

This is a question with a threshold for entry. Without corresponding life experience, it is impossible to answer. Once you miss it, you don’t need to be reminded by others. On the screen, the slight twitch of the muscles on the actor's face can be clearly presented in the audience's field of vision, let alone such an obvious smile. Big joke.

And most importantly, the questions Xu Rong gave were completely in line with the identities of the two of them. Fei Cheng was a friend of Cai Tianming's godfather, that is, Cai Tianming's uncle, so it was quite reasonable to say hello.

In fact, in Lin Mao's view, the reason why Zhang Zhaohui made such low-end mistakes was mainly caused by psychological contempt. It is not at all, but every actor has a few "formula" supporting role shaping methods that he is good at. By giving the characters distinctive and typical external characteristics, the characters are three-dimensional. In short, it is facial makeup, which is simple enough. But it's really easy to use. Every actor can leave an impression on the audience when he comes to the camera.

Although they all originated from the Sri Lankan system, over time, coupled with the publicity of public opinion, it is inevitable to despise the mainland academics. Xu Rong is so young, let alone Zhang Zhaohui, even if Du Qifeng and You Naihai said so clearly , he didn't pay too much attention to it.

But after the scene just now, without a single line, Xu Rong took care of everyone, which means that the usual facial makeup method is not so easy to use, because they have to pay attention A difficult question that Xu Rong throws at him at any time.

The money for "Drug Wars" is not easy to earn.

Lin Mao purposely dawdled in the bathroom for a while, Du Qifeng wouldn't say anything to him if he wasted some time, but if Zhang Zhaohui didn't slow down, today's shooting would turn into a disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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