I'm just an actor

Chapter 359 Angry

Chapter 359 Angry
When Lin Mao returned to the set, he found that the crews of each group were in their positions, ready to start shooting at any time, but the director, screenwriter, and actors were busy with their own tasks.

In the corridor, You Naihai put his arms around Zhang Zhaohui's shoulders, and murmured in a low voice as he put his head together.

Near the door of the room, Du Qifeng was talking and gesticulating with the gray-haired Lu Haipeng. When Lin Mao passed by, Du Qifeng happened to clenched his fists with both hands above his waist, making a trotting gesture.

In the suite, Yi Tianxiong, a short martial artist, was arranging moves for Wu Tingye, Jiang Haowen, Li Zhenqi, and Qin Kai. The five talked and laughed, and the atmosphere was quite relaxed.

Xu Rong was still leaning on the sofa, holding a cup of steaming red dates and ginger tea, listening to Wen Yongshan, who had exquisite makeup, chirping like a lark, sometimes nodding and pondering, and sometimes laughing.

When Lin Xie entered the door, Wen Yongshan didn't know what topic Wen Yongshan was talking about. The two of them laughed at the same time. Probably the laughter was too loud. The ginger tea in Xu Rong's cup spilled a little, and Wen Yongshan was very careful. He took out a pack of tissues and took out one to help him wipe the water droplets that may or may not exist on the back of his hands.

This action was nothing at all, but for some reason, when Wen Yongshan leaned over to approach, Xu Rong subconsciously avoided it.

Wen Yongshan was stunned for a moment, her eyes widened, she looked at Xu Rong in disbelief, and said in surprise: "Ah, Brother Xu, why are you hiding so fast?"

"Are you still afraid that I will take advantage of you?!"


"Teacher Xu." Lin Qiang approached and said hello, "You Tiantian is either jujube ginger tea or red jujube wolfberry tea, won't you get angry?"

"Haha, just get used to it."

Wen Yongshan saw Lin Xiong coming back, and said: "Then you go to work first, and I won't bother you."

Xu Rong smiled and nodded, "Okay."

When Wen Yongshan left, Xu Rong raised his hand, Wang Yaqin immediately ran over, took the paper cup and turned to leave.

Lin Ao discovered something strange. From the moment Wen Yongshan turned to leave, Xu Rong's gaze never touched her again.

This made him feel incredible. As a man, even though he was old enough to be the father of the other party, he still couldn't help but have the idea of ​​saving the other party from the sea of ​​suffering in the face of such an energetic girl.

In You Naihai's words, this world is like a torrential sea of ​​suffering. As a normal man who has the ability to save others, he must not just sit and watch a young girl with a pretty face, a good figure, and a curvaceous curve fall into it and struggle. Rescue is not illegal, but it will be condemned by God!
He looked at Xu Rong, pointed in the direction of Wen Yongshan's departure, and said, "What do you think of this little girl?"

Xu Rong pondered for a moment, and said: "The talent is very good, but it's not that kind of particularly top-notch. Today's film and television environment doesn't give actresses time at all."

Wen Yongshan has a certain talent, but it is not as outrageous as Zhou Xun and Song Jia. People can tell that she is a good seed at a glance.

Lin Xie also sensed that he was being polite. How could Wen Yongshan deserve the "very good" evaluation, and after a smile, he asked, "Do you think she will go well if she develops in the Mainland?"

"Oh, it's okay. Well, let me put it bluntly. Within five years, Wang Zixuan will develop better than her. After five years, Wang Zixuan will not be as good as her."

Lin Xie glanced around the set, but did not see his sister-in-law, and asked, "What do you say?"

Xu Rong said without thinking: "Wang Zixuan has no money in her eyes, she is innocent, and people like her, but innocence will eventually fade away with the increasing suffering of the experience, and she will experience labor pains and hesitation. If you let go, the golden time that belongs to her will pass."

Lin Mao understood what Xu Rong meant, and Wen Yongshan's eyes were full of money.

In the corridor, Yu Shiman watched Wen Yongshan walk over dejectedly, and said with a smile: "Look, I told you already, don't you believe me?!"

Wen Yongshan glanced in the direction of the room, rolled her eyes angrily and said, "It is said that Director Du is very good at hitting people's self-esteem, but I found that he is even better at it."

Yu Shiman asked curiously: "What's going on?"

"It's that when you get along with him, you feel very, very comfortable, but once you cross a certain line, he will immediately let you realize that you may not even be considered a friend in his heart. Just now, do you know what happened? "

"what happened?"

"It's because he accidentally spilled the water from the water glass on the back of his hand. I wanted to wipe it off for him, but he didn't let me touch his hand at all. Isn't it, am I ugly?"


After hearing this, Yu Shiman was stunned for a long time, and suddenly covered her mouth and laughed "haha". Wen Yongshan's words are actually the mentality of most actresses and even women, and their confidence comes entirely from their faces and figures.

"Oh, don't laugh, it's so embarrassing."

Yu Shiman slowly stopped smiling, and comforted: "Actually, this doesn't mean that you are not beautiful enough, it just proves that his success today is not due to pure luck. Those who celebrate the festival can set up a game casually, and they can finish him off."

She said, sighed suddenly, and said: "All crows in the world are as black, and there is no difference between men. Don't look at a person who looks like a dog. You will find it when you take off your clothes."

"All quiet, all quiet."

Following Zheng Baorui's voice, Yu Shiman immediately closed his mouth.



"You two bastards, you have exposed us."

Xu Rong was a little surprised when he heard Zhang Zhaohui frantically stammering out his lines. Compared with the last time, Zhang Zhaohui's design this time obviously made the character have outstanding characteristics.

Zhang Zhaohui is tall, with a long and thin face, a wide forehead, two crouching silkworm eyebrows and a slightly dark complexion, making him appear dignified, but he also has a pair of peach blossom eyes, which give the whole face an extremely wide plastic space.

In the movie "Drug Wars", Zhang Zhaohui is dressed in a suit, with a stern face and a capable figure. He forcibly blends the classic but common technique of stuttering into the character he wants to create, which does not turn decay into magic. role.

In today's film and television works, all characters, especially male supporting roles, basically have an 80% chance of stuttering. Compared with other methods, this is an extremely simple but effective way to add significant How the feature is handled.

For a long time, Xu Rong has been very disgusted with this kind of rough design. Simple is simple, but this feature also greatly limits the room for actors to play. Stuttering is exclusive to some actors who are born with a sense of joy, while others have distinctive external characteristics. People who use it are purely lazy.

Du Qifeng, who was sitting behind the monitor, didn't call to stop. Zhang Zhaohui was just an ordinary actor among many Hong Kong actors. In addition, the time was too tight, so he didn't expect him to be able to play a line well.

"I'm sorry, I really can't hear the response." Li Zhenqi immediately took up his lines, and at the same time as he said "I'm sorry", Jiang Haowen picked up a baseball bat and "slammed" it on Qin Kai's back.


Tan Kai let out a cry of pain, and his body suddenly jumped like an electric shock, lying on the ground and howling.

Wu Tingye next to him followed suit, and Li Zhenqi also threw himself on the ground, rolling and screaming.

Seeing Li Zhenqi rolling on the ground, Lu Haipeng flustered like a child, got up and ran away, muttering: "Oh, don't kill them here, bring them back to Yuejiang and do it again."


This time, Du Qifeng didn't say to start over again. Li Zhenqi, Qin Kai, Wu Tingye, and Jiang Haowen are not professional action actors. It's a bit hard to see, and the coordination and response are a bit below the level.

However, Xu Rong did not criticize the cooperation of the four of them. Action scenes are always difficult to shoot, and they are easy to get hurt if they are real. Because the actors who came to fake are not stimulated enough, the performance and the body's stress response can't be compared.

He was concerned about the stress reactions of other people. At the same time when Tan Kai's "ah" sounded, his eyes blinked a little more, and the eyeballs moved slightly downward following Tan Kai's figure, and then his brows frowned. wrinkled.

Compared with him, Lu Haipeng and Zhang Zhaohui's presentation methods are much richer. The bodies of the two obviously have a relatively strong backward reaction, as if they were shocked, and they rolled on the ground with Tan Kai and Li Zhenqi Howling, his hands waved twice in bewilderment.

Lin Ao stood up, because Tan Kai rolled to his feet, he got up and patted the hem of his clothes that were not stained with dust.

Wu Tingye and Ye Xuan were expressionless, like two statues, except for blinking, they kept their faces cold from beginning to end, without any other expression, as if they were not affected by anything.

Lin Jiadong, who puzzled Xu Rong the most, was in a similar situation to Ye Xuan at the beginning, and he seemed to be putting on a bad posture, but at a certain moment, his eyes blinked a little more, and his eyeballs followed Li Zhenqi's figure. , a slight downward movement occurred, and then the eyebrows raised slightly and then returned to silence.

What a wicked way!

Du Qifeng walked over quickly, and complained to Yi Tianxiong, who was also quite embarrassed by the martial arts: "The movements are too stiff, the beating is not strong, the person being beaten is like touching a switch, you are kidding me!" What about playing?"

While Du Qifeng was talking, no one made a sound no matter whether they were standing or sitting.

In Xu Rong's intuitive feeling, Lin Ji can act, while Zhang Zhaohui, Lu Haipeng and Jiang Haowen are lacking in level, but they can also be said to be actors, because they are obviously designing characters consciously, but the preparation time is too long. It was too hasty to give a more reasonable solution. After all, You Naihai wrote the script in the middle of the night, and it was only two hours since they got it.

In comparison, Wu Tingye and Ye Xuan are more expensive directors.

A play of more than ten seconds not only tests the actor's understanding of performance, but also reserves in various aspects such as vision, experience, and culture.

Xu Rong has carefully observed that many actors, especially young actors, often fall into the trap of "first time" during performances. For example, the role of Cai Tianming, as the middle-level backbone of the Hong Kong society, is not uncommon for him to fight and fight, because He was used to the days of licking blood with knife-edge, even facing the death of his wife and two brothers-in-law, he didn't let him stay for a moment.

For Li Shuchang and Li Zhenbiao's beatings and wailing, he would be bored, like a fly buzzing in his ears, but he would never be alarmed by it.

Lin Xie's performance is also in the same state, but the panic of Lu Haipeng and Zhang Zhaohui is obviously playing the "first time". They are flustered like ordinary people, and they are not at all the appearance that a big boss who is used to the world should look like. As for Ye Xuan, who looks like the two sculptures, Xu Rong is not surprised. For Hong Kong and Taiwan artists who can't act, the industry has already given the ultimate solution: don't force any expressions, just read your own words. Successfully complete the task.

Once you don’t know how to act and try to forcefully add scenes, the gap between the emotions of the plot and the emotions of the actors will cause strong discomfort to the audience. In this case, let the fans give full play to their imagination. No matter how the facial paralysis is explained, it will not be wrong.

The only one he couldn't understand was Lin Jiadong, this guy was as evil as if he had been possessed by a god.

After Du Qifeng caught Yi Tianxiong and the four of them arguing, he turned his head and looked at the others, his lips twitched a few times, but in the end he couldn't say anything. The scene was considered qualified, but the two of them unknowingly competed with each other. In contrast, the way the others presented was completely inferior.

And he had seen it just now, and he could cut out Lin Mao, but Xu Rong's position couldn't be cut out, because every shot would have to be given to Xu Rong.

Xu Rong looked at Yi Tianxiong dragging Li Zhenqi, Qin Kai, Wu Tingye, and Jiang Haowen to practice solo. Du Qifeng was supervising the work, and he estimated that it might not be able to line up for a while. He also filmed fight scenes, in "New During the filming of "Shanghai Bund", he and Huang Xiaoming spent three days filming a fight scene that lasted just over a minute.

I don't know if it's because of the large amount of money given this time, or Du Qifeng's own requirements are relatively high. During normal shooting, he would rather prepare a few more materials and never say "almost".

A frame of footage seen by the audience may actually incorporate several days and nights of hard work by the production staff.

At 01:30 noon, Xu Rong only felt a little pain in his buttocks, because he sat on the sofa for too long.

Work started at seven o'clock in the morning, and a scene has been filmed for six and a half hours, but there is still no progress.

When I first came here in the morning, Du Qifeng would run over to give explanations and demonstrations to everyone if he didn't pass one of them. But after nine o'clock, Du Qifeng seemed to have bumped into Wang Jiawei. Don't tell the actors what to do.

I didn't say it was bad, it was just grinding one shot after another. This grinding lasted for four hours.

And what made everyone fearful was that Du Qifeng didn't curse again from the beginning to the end.

"Come again."

Du Qifeng's voice was transmitted to all parts of the set through the walkie-talkie again, and the operation of the crew was obviously sluggish. Not to mention the staff of each group, even Xu Rong felt that he was too tired. He repeated a scene over and over again, and his patience was also fast. was exhausted.

At this moment, Du Qifeng, who was sitting behind the monitor, took off his earphones and stared at You Naihai viciously: "Eat, eat, eat, and you will die if you miss a meal? Besides eating, sleeping, and sleeping, you can also do things." Well?"

You Naihai turned his head and looked away, without saying a word, he just said "Why don't you let everyone eat first?", Du Qifeng's such a violent reaction was not beyond his expectation.

After watching for a long time, even one scene was not filmed. Du Qifeng was already full of anger, but he had nothing to say. Except for Lin Xie and Lin Jiadong, everyone else was completely perfect in the same scene as Xu Rong. The background board was opened, and it was still when Xu Rong didn't have any lines.

But You Naihai could see clearly that Lu Haipeng and others had tried their best. A wolf was standing among a flock of sheep. No matter how hard the sheep hopped, they couldn't attract the attention of the herdsmen.

But what he was even more sure of was that in such a depressing and gloomy atmosphere, it was impossible for Du Qifeng to let the actor achieve a certain ideal state in a flash of inspiration.

After all, Du Qifeng is not Wang Jiawei. Wang Jiawei never gets angry with himself because the actor fails to meet his requirements, but only makes the actor angry with himself.

(End of this chapter)

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