I'm just an actor

Chapter 360 The Past

Chapter 360 The Past
The production crew has been in operation for 20 days, surrounded by three-dimensional Cantonese for more than ten hours a day, Xu Rong found that he has gradually mastered a new skill, Cantonese.

There is still a long way to go to express, because he has not deliberately learned, he can only gang some relatively simple vocabulary at the moment, but if someone communicates with him in Cantonese, he can even guess with confidence.

Hearing Du Qifeng's extremely penetrating roar, he tilted his ears to distinguish it carefully, but it was different from the usual swearing for a long time and after everyone thought it was over, Du Qifeng's roar burst out suddenly, suddenly Passed away, so that people wondered if there was an auditory hallucination.

It's just that everyone on the set breathed a sigh of relief quietly. Xu Rong confirmed that the voice he heard just now was not a hallucination. Du Qifeng was indeed angry, but he was still behind the monitor, so the target should be one of You Naihai or Zheng Zhaoqiang .

He turned his head and looked at the exhausted colleagues around him, and finally fell on Lin Jiadong and Jiang Haowen who were fidgeting.

The chubby Lin Xie was leaning on the sofa, looking at Xu Rong with resentment. In his past impressions, he always thought that Huang Xiaoming and Nicholas Tse were already the ceiling for young contemporary actors. If he had to describe it, his eyebrows would probably be furrowed , the acting skills exploded, the corners of the mouth raised, all-encompassing.

He never thought that playing with a young man would be so tiring. Xu Rong's expressions are not rich, because of the limitations of the script and the plot, he can only use so many dimensions, but he found that this guy is very suitable for the role of Cai Tianming. Xu Rong's understanding was too deep, and many times he felt that Xu Rong's reaction was inexplicable, but after thinking about it carefully, he found that the logic of his behavior was highly consistent with certain personality traits of people like Cai Tianming.

And what makes him feel helpless is that everyone has worked hard, but Xu Rong's personal aura is too strong, causing other people to find ways to overwhelm him. The worst thing is that as the boss of the plot, seven people His aura cannot be weaker than his.

Seeing Lin Xue looking at him sadly, Xu Rong smiled. In fact, he didn't do anything, but he completely "binned" himself. In the scene where he exists, everyone is the background board!
In terms of their identities in the play, everyone in the Gang of Seven has a higher status than him, and they shouldn't be his background. It's just that except for Lin Mao who is capable of resisting, even if the others try their best, It doesn't really make any sense either.

Apart from being bored, Lu Haipeng and Zhang Zhaohui didn't feel much. There were 10 actors involved in the filming. In their respective opinions, the reason why Du Qifeng asked for reshoots over and over again must be due to problems with the other 9 actors.

When they first debuted, they were also known as good seedlings. During their careers, they had some bright moments in their careers. Now that they have been in the industry for many years, they feel that although they are not as famous as those so-called top artists and superstars, in terms of business ability, Not to mention in Hong Kong, even though the three places on both sides of the strait should be top-notch, the reason why the reality has not been achieved is because of the lack of a suitable opportunity.

Ye Xuan curled her lips silently, she could tell that Du Qifeng was pretending, and Xu Rong was also pretending, because the more he could pretend, the more the audience and colleagues felt that they deserved so much money. , The wise see the wisdom, there is no such thing as high or low, and there is no standard of measurement. The so-called good and bad are just the audience's love for the house.

Tan Kai and Li Zhen with square faces lay motionless on the sofa together. They had been beaten for a long time. The costumes were thick and the temperature in the room was high. After repeated repetitions, the clothes on their bodies were wet and dry. Wet, almost exhausted at this time, but they are just young actors, and they are not qualified to be tired at all.

Compared to Wu Tingye and Ye Xuan's calmness and Li Zhenqi's and Tan Kai's exhaustion, Jiang Haowen and Lin Jiadong's state is much abnormal. They are like two machines. During the reset time, each of them shuts down. He closed his eyes and said nothing, lowered his head and kept silent, but every time before shooting, he always became energized immediately, and he didn't seem to feel tired at all.

Jiang Haowen looked five big and three rough, but after a morning, his progress was the most obvious. From the beginning, he acted by feeling, and slowly started to start with the rhythm, adjusting his own rhythm to be in line with the overall rhythm of the play.

What makes Xu Rong most incomprehensible is Lin Jiadong with a square face and a wide forehead. This guy is so stupid not to act for Wang Jiawei, because he finds that Lin Jiadong can come up with something new every time. The new things that come out of the box feel a little bit wrong, but most of the time, people can't help but shine.

Moreover, the two people's performances of constant change and improvement just illustrate one point. They can clearly perceive that their acting is not good enough, so they keep trying and changing. The only difference is that Jiang Haowen's change is perceivable, while Lin Jiadong's is The imagination is so rich.

Seeing that Du Qifeng had lost all his anger, Lin Mao looked at Xu Rong and asked, "Teacher Xu, what do you think?"

Xu Rong waved his hand, but didn't answer. He had already promised Du Qifeng that he would never ask about the arrangement of the set. If Du Qifeng had dinner now, he would follow suit. He was going to collect it and let everyone eat the food first as much as possible.

"After taking this picture, put the meal away."

An icy voice spread throughout the entire set, and the response was the continuous sound of relief from everywhere. As usual, whether you can eat or not, similar words should have been said two hours ago to give everyone something to look forward to.

Hearing Du Qifeng's voice, Lin Jiadong slowly opened his eyes. He didn't feel hungry at all, but his mind was full of excitement.

At first, he planned to be as bad as Ye Xuan, that is, to perform with the facial paralysis style that has become popular in recent years, as long as he can hold back his laughter, he can act in any scene.

But who made his angle the best, because Xu Rong was sitting diagonally across from him.

The most wonderful thing is that Tan Kai and Li Zhenqi fell to the ground one after another, creating an excellent opportunity for him.

Because this also meant how Xu Rong dealt with Tan Kai when he fell to the ground, he could follow suit after Li Zhenqi fell to the ground one after another.

It takes a lot of brains to design out of thin air, who can't copy homework? !


Xu Rong's body was half crooked, leaning on the armrest of the sofa on one side, her legs were no longer stable, but her feet were crossed next to the lower edge of the sofa, her eyes were on Li Zhenqi and Qin Kai.

"You two bastards, you have exposed us."

"Sorry, I can't really hear the response."

"Oh, don't kill them here, bring them back to Yuejiang and do it again."

Du Qifeng looked at the picture on the monitor, and suddenly felt a sense of absurdity in his heart. During the previous filming process, the overall situation always gave him a feeling of incongruity. The others are completely out of a scene.

But at this time, this scene suddenly seemed very natural, especially Lin Jiadong, who stretched out his slightly bent index finger and gently scratched the brows to make the whole character stand up.


"Put the meal away."

When You Naihai heard Du Qifeng's voice, he stayed for a long time, looked at him with both a smile and a smile on his face, and said, "This, is it over?"

Du Qifeng was about to get up to eat, when he heard his voice, he turned his head and frowned and asked, "Why, what's the problem?"

You Naihai wanted to shake his head, but he only turned his head slightly, then stopped, and said, "Exactly, why do you think you can pass?"

"Everyone has a good grasp of the role, especially Lin Jiadong."

"Lin Jiadong?" You Naihai asked back, then stared at him blankly, "But, doesn't it look familiar to you?"

Du Qifeng was actually tired, too lazy to guess, and said: "Just say what you have, don't play charades with me."

"From the beginning to the end, he has been imitating Xu Rong's previous presentation." You Naihai stood up, patted his butt, and walked straight to the outside of the studio: "Today, I understand Tai Shigong's sentence 'The life of a husband and a wise man is also , For example, if the cone is in the bag, the end can be seen immediately." It means that what some people lack is not an opportunity at all."

Seeing that You Naihai was about to leave, Du Qifeng asked, "Why are you going to eat?"

"I don't have any appetite, I don't want to eat." You Naihai waved his hand, feeling drowsy, and completely lost interest in reading. He wrote the script after staying up half the night yesterday, and this is the only filming?

He was a little unacceptable.

Du Qifeng stood in the middle of the corridor, looking at You Naihai who turned a corner and left, speechless for a while.

He understood You Naihai's disappointment, because he had spent the whole morning in this disappointment.

Before, I only thought that Xu Rong's acting was good, there was no sharp contrast. I always felt that Xu Rong was at best slightly better than the younger generation in Hong Kong, but after the actual shooting started today, he realized that the colored glasses he was wearing before were too much. Thick, based on the comparison between Xu Rong, Lin Ji, and Lin Jiadong, once the cultural confidence of mainland audiences awakens one day, what will Hong Kong actors who are still very self-confident have to compete with their mainland counterparts?

But how long can feelings last?

With mixed emotions, Du Qifeng had no appetite at noon, because no matter from the perspective of capital or talent development, the decline of Hong Kong movies seemed to be a foregone conclusion.

But despite this, the filming still has to continue. As a banner of Hong Kong movies, if he can persist for one more day, he will persist for one more day.

After everything was ready, following Zheng Baorui's "action." The shooting of the second scene of today began.

The plot is that Cai Tianming eats with the Gang of Seven.

Xu Rong was placed between Lu Haipeng and Lin Xue, Xu Rong was lowering his head and eating nonsense, and Lu Haipeng next to him said: "2000 million business, come, cheers!"

The moment Lu Haipeng started speaking, Xu Rong knew very clearly that the camera was looking at him at this time. He didn't raise his head immediately, nor stopped chewing, but gave the camera two forehead lines, telling the camera behind him The man himself was listening, paying attention to every word and every word, because there were nearly a hundred people's guards ambushing downstairs, and the communication between himself and others fell into their eyes exactly.

After dawn, it will be a life-and-death battle. If it is successful, the sky will still be flying high in the future. If it fails, this will be the last sumptuous dinner in his life. If you eat a few more bites, you will treat yourself as a farewell.

"It's all up to Tim Ming Tsai to make... great things happen."

When Zhang Zhaohui said the word "Tian Ming", Xu Rong picked up the wine glass and his mouth that was still chewing, and as his face appeared, the wrinkles on his forehead moved to the corners of his eyes visibly, as if teleporting.




Watching the flickering in the monitor, Du Qifeng and Zheng Zhaoqiang, who were sitting behind the monitor, covered their faces together and sighed in unison.

Lin Ao, who was sitting next to Xu Rong, didn't know what was going on, the wine glass slipped from his hand and fell on the table, but he seemed to be frightened, completely forgot to dodge, and let the thirst in the glass splash. all over.

On the contrary, Xu Rong who was sitting next to him reacted inexplicably fiercely. The moment the wine glass was broken, he almost instinctively pushed away the chair and crawled and rolled to hide in the corner.

It is not difficult to re-set the scene, but they are completely uncertain whether Xu Rong can reproduce the strange operation of transferring the forehead lines to the corners of the eyes.

On the set, the lighting, photography, radio, and actors of the crew looked at Lin Xue, whose hands were hanging in the air, and Xu Rong, who had overturned his chair and nestled in the corner. One scene, is it possible that you have a new script?

Throwing a cup for a number?

Lin Mao turned his head slowly, looked at Xu Rong, and showed an apologetic smile.

Xu Rong looked at the wine glass thrown away by him and the overturned chair, stood up by himself, and waved to the props group: "Teachers, please clean up."

Only at this moment did Lin Xue come to her senses and hurriedly apologized, "I'm really sorry, I'm sorry."

This kind of low-level mistake is not only inappropriate, but also adds a lot of trouble to the prop group.

Xu Rong shook his head with a smile, and asked, "Mr. Lin, is it too cold? Why don't you turn up the temperature of the air conditioner? You don't go back to the mainland often enough, so it's inevitable that you're not used to it."

"No, no, the temperature is just right, just right."

Lin Mao smiled, not only thanking Xu Rong for stepping down the steps, but also understanding why Luo Jinfu and Zheng Baorui were willing to listen to him and take responsibility.

And at this time, he finally understood what Du Qifeng and You Naihai said was beyond imagination.

He discovered some kind of strange power from Xu Rong. Xu Rong is not the kind of actor who follows the plot, but the engine of the plot, because the character of Cai Tianming handled by him is too distinct, even if he does not give positive , with only a single forehead, he can play tricks on the character's character.

Du Qifeng looked at this scene, but fell into deep thought. After a while, he turned his head, looked at Zheng Zhaoqiang, and asked, "Old Zheng, do you want to try again in the scene in the morning?"

Zheng Zhaoqiang didn't know what kind of crazy Du Qifeng was, and asked in confusion: "Director, didn't you pass the one in the morning?"

"It's over, it's over."

Du Qifeng nodded lightly, and about ten seconds later, he picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "Zheng Baorui, after this shoot, reshoot the morning scene."

Zheng Zhaoqiang was stunned. He didn't know what happened to Du Qifeng today. He had been filming for noon, and he wanted to continue filming later. Didn't he completely become Wang Jiawei? !
"We used to always talk about efficiency, thinking that everything can be made up for by technology, but now you look at this generation of young actors, there is Xu Rong in the mainland, but what about us, who do we have? We always talk about efficiency, and they are always the same. In fact, we are digging our own roots.”

Hearing Du Qifeng's almost self-talking explanation, Zheng Zhaoqiang sighed silently.

He knows a little more about the mainland than Du Qifeng, and he is very clear that even in the mainland, Xu Rong completely suppresses the existence of the 80s generation. If the special situation of Xu Rong is put aside, everyone can live with face.

(End of this chapter)

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