I'm just an actor

Chapter 361 Concerns

Chapter 361 Concerns
In the early morning, return to the hotel in the car.

Xu Rong suddenly lost interest. You Naihai stayed up late last night to write two scenes. After shooting for eighteen hours, he only finished one scene. After deciding to reshoot the scene in the morning, it lasted from [-]:[-] in the evening until the early morning. Blindfolded, who tortured everyone, still failed to achieve the ideal state.

In the past, Xu Rong had always had extremely high expectations for the film industry, but these days, especially today's shooting experience, he found that this is not the case. A Hong Kong actor who is not even worthy of lifting shoes is a first-class actor, and he is also a mixed bag.

Judging from his limited experience in filming, the reason why a film can be good-looking ultimately lies in the level of the director. They know what they want and what each actor can provide for themselves. Special effects, showing the audience a visual feast.

In terms of pure performance technology, film performances are obviously weaker than stage performances. Once the performance officially starts, although the director can still adjust the curtain, lighting, and sound to affect the performance, it is already very difficult. No matter how it affects the performance of the actors, on the contrary, other aspects must follow the actors, which means that every actor has the possibility to become a "director" when performing on stage.

Back at the hotel, upstairs, and walking in the corridor, Xu Rong suddenly heard a faint groan.

His footsteps have not stopped, and he spends half of his time living in hotels throughout the year, and he is no stranger to such situations.

It's not that there are no women in the crew, but apart from the actors, almost all the staff members are men. The few female staff members are all well versed in self-protection. Close one eye and see if you have your own opportunities, but if the staff make a mess, the risk of being fired will skyrocket.

It's just that he was walking, and when he reached the door of a room that was obviously the source of the sound, he suddenly stopped, glanced at the door, and shook his head wordlessly.

After returning to the room, he looked at Wang Yaqin behind him and asked, "Has Gao Yunxiang's girlfriend come to visit?"

"I haven't heard of it." Wang Yaqin put the start-up box next to the closet, took the down jacket that Xu Rong had taken off and hung it up, "However, I found that he was very close to an actress these days."

"This guy is real"

Xu Rong smiled and said with emotion, Gao Yunxiang has no brains and loves to pick things up. I am afraid that Sun Honglei and Li Weijie will look down on him to some extent, but this kind of person is indispensable. Besides, there are more than [-] warriors who are abroad, and now they have entered the palace, and they are under the armor. The situation is over, so why should the king have to resign!" The steps were paved, and the historian may have to spend a lot of time embellishing the changes of the Xuanwu Gate. I have strength.

After hanging up his clothes, Wang Yaqin put the water on the boil, and walked towards the bedroom, saying, "Huang Yi just left the group the day before yesterday, and now maybe the paparazzi in the opposite building is setting up equipment to secretly take pictures, and he is not vigilant at all, I think Ah, sooner or later, he will have to fall on a woman, and he will lose his good skin for nothing."

Seeing Wang Yaqin holding the dirty clothes and socks she changed yesterday, Xu Rong said, "Put it there, go back to rest early, and I'll wash it later."

"It's okay, I'll wash it in a while." Wang Yaqin smiled and rejected her proposal, "You should focus on more important things."

Xu Rong watched Wang Yaqin go out, and sighed silently. With Wang Yaqin by his side, he almost didn't need to do many things by himself, but slowly, he also developed some bad habits, such as the books he read, using I am always used to throwing things away at random. When Wang Yaqin is around, I will put them in the original place according to his usual habits and never complain. But when I get home, Xiao Zhang is not used to him. The problem is that he has forced him to learn to babble at a young age.

But he can't stop Wang Yaqin from doing it. Once Wang Yaqin takes action on such a trivial matter, if he forcibly stops her, it will only make her think wildly, unable to devote herself to her work, and even start other things Also become timid.

The winter weather was getting colder and colder. The next morning, after Xu Rong washed, he opened the curtains and looked at the withered and yellow outside the window, and couldn't help frowning.

According to the assumption, the filming of "Drug War" will span more than half of China, from Tianjin to Yunnan via Hebei, and then to Guangzhou and finally back to Yunnan. The tone of the outdoor scene in Tianjin is "heavy snow is flying all over the sky, and the world is cold and silent." Rather than the chilling look between the world and the earth right now.

The crew can wait, but as a representative of the management, he cannot let the crew wait aimlessly. The cost of dozens of people and various equipment is not a small sum every day.

Ten days, after the filming of the interior scene, if it doesn't snow within ten days, he has to ask You Naihai and Wei Jiahui to communicate and change the script.

There was no meeting on the set, Xu Rong had just finished putting on her makeup when she saw Wen Yongshan walking over with a handbag and said, "Brother Xu, good morning."


Xu Rong looked her up and down, saw her coat and short skirt with long boots, revealing a large section of fair thigh, and asked, "Isn't it cold if you wear so little?"

Wen Yongshan pointed to the jade-white scarf around her neck, and said: "Fortunately, I went shopping yesterday and bought two scarves. By the way, I brought you another one. Here, I brought it to you."

Xu Rong took the handbag Wen Yongshan handed over in surprise, glanced at the Gucci logo on the handbag, and said, "Thank you, I was thinking of buying one, but you delivered it instead."

"Haha, brother Xu, you can really talk."

Wen Yongshan narrowed her eyes and said, "Mr. Xu, can I ask you a question, is there any convenient way to improve acting?"


Facing Xu Rong's puzzled gaze, Wen Yongshan looked at him expectantly and said, "Yes."

She is about the same age as Xu Rong. She believes that Xu Rong must have some method that others don't understand. Of course, she is also prepared to pay the price.

Xu Rong looked at her curiously, and asked, "Why do you ask such a question?"

"It's Teacher Lin Xue, Teacher Lin Jiadong, and Sister Yu Shiman. They all said that you acted very well, so, so. Hehe."

Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, then suddenly smiled, and said: "Ah, no, I don't really understand, it's just a blind act, maybe it's just a blind cat bumping into a dead mouse."

He feels that Wen Yongshan is simply whimsical. If you want to be popular, as long as you can think about it, there are many shortcuts. Customize your character.

However, Wen Yongshan's words also made him finally realize the general thinking of his peers in the industry. Like all walks of life, when encountering problems, he first considers shortcuts, and then considers conventional methods.

However, most people forget that Lu Zangyong, a Jinshi who took the "shortcut to the south", ended up being exiled to the borderlands in the end.

The smile on Wen Yongshan's face remained the same, and she didn't seem to be affected by it. She said: "Brother Xu, you are so humble. You should be busy first, and we will talk later."


Wen Yongshan didn't chat with Xu Rongduo anymore, but she didn't look for Yu Shiman not far away, but sat in a corner by herself, watching the set quietly.

After a night of reflection, Du Qifeng fully understood that he was not Wang Jiawei, nor could he learn from Wang Jiawei. On the set directed by Wang Jiawei, if an actor had a pass, the actor would feel a little bit in his heart, because according to Wang Jiawei's style, this This scene will definitely be cut.

And he no longer asked the actors to try again and again, but showed Wu Tingye, Ye Xuan and others a strict demonstration.

Not far away, Chen Weibin, a new screenwriter who was asking You Naihai for advice, looked at this scene and felt his face heat up. fever.

Du Qifeng actually taught people how to act in front of Xu Rong, the director of the acting department of Chinese opera and professor of Nortel? !
Seeing Chen Weibin baring his teeth and his fair face blushing, You Naihai asked, "What's the matter, feeling uncomfortable?"

You Naihai, who watched the second cut scene last night, ran over again today, he insisted on seeing how this scene could be filmed.

Chen Weibin hugged his arms tightly, raised his chin in Du Qifeng's direction, and said in a low voice, "Do you know what else does Teacher Xu do in the Mainland besides being an actor?"

"I really don't understand this."

"Teacher, the teacher of the school."

You Naihai looked at the set with a little surprise, and saw Xu Rong with his hands behind his back, watching Du Qifeng's lectures and demonstrations to other actors with great interest, and said: "I really can't tell, he is actually a teacher, by the way, the teacher Acting?"

"Yes." Chen Weibin nodded subconsciously, "He is now the head of the Acting Department of Chinese Opera and a professor of the Acting Department of Nortel."

You Naihai suddenly said "oh", and asked indifferently, "Are China Opera and Nortel very good?"

Chen Weibin nodded in astonishment, and asked back, "You don't know?"

"Those are the two top art schools in China."

You Naihai turned his head slowly, looked at Chen Weibin for a while, and after digesting the meaning of the news, he asked uncertainly: "That is to say, in the field of performance theory, he is very good in the mainland?"

"More than that!" Chen Weibin nodded his head as a matter of course, "In fact, the performance theory in the mainland has not made any progress at all these years. It's just that small circles are doing some metaphysical things, which can't be applied to practice at all, and haven't even been widely accepted by the theoretical circle. Agreed, the situation did not change until Mr. Xu joined Human Art two years ago. He published some very innovative and practical theories and methods almost every once in a while. Now many of the usual main tasks of theoretical research are I just analyze his articles and perform for a living, and I heard from several students who are engaged in teaching work in the mainland that if Mr. Xu continues with this momentum, within ten years, he will become a unique existence in the mainland film and television industry."

"Strange existence?" You Naihai looked at him puzzled, "What do you mean?"

"That is, in the future, every actor and director with academic background may have to learn his theory in the acting courses of the university."

"I hate it, isn't it too fierce?"

You Naihai swears, quickly turns his eyes to look at the set again, he still sees Xu Rong with his hands behind his back, watching Du Qifeng's instruction to other actors with great interest, but looking at it now, a sense of embarrassment suddenly arises in his chest.

Get rid of the axe?

Bugu Leimen?

Playing big swords in front of Guan Gong?

After Du Qifeng finished his instruction, he walked back to the monitor, ready to continue shooting, but saw You Naihai's face turned red, and a piece of the carpet under his feet fell off for some reason, and he asked, "What's wrong with you?"

You Naihai lowered his voice and asked, "Did you know that Xu Rong is the head of the acting department of Chinese opera, and also a professor of the acting department of Nortel?"

Du Qifeng was stunned for a moment, and then sat down silently. He had heard Liu Yanming mention that Xu Rong was a teacher before, because the video of Xu Rongjing's speech to the freshmen went viral on the Internet for a few days, but because of his different values, he didn't listen to it at all. , nor in-depth understanding.

It's just that he never thought that Xu Rong's academic achievements are so high, that is to say, he just taught acting in front of the head and professor of the performance department of the top art college in China?

He coughed twice, saw the torn carpet under You Naihai's feet, and forcibly stopped the movement of tapping his feet on the ground.

After another NG, Du Qifeng didn't directly go up to give guidance, but looked at Xu Rong and asked, "Mr. Xu, may I trouble you to give me guidance?"

Xu Rong shook his head without thinking, and said with a smile: "I don't know much about their roles, so let the director do it."

Xu Rong looked at Du Qifeng's unnatural smile and vaguely understood his situation. Du Qifeng taught acting in front of him, roughly equivalent to students from QQHE University sharing their experience in the college entrance examination in front of Tsinghua students.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

Saying so, he walked out of the room, didn't really go, but sat on the chair on the side of the corridor.

Sun Honglei quickly came over. Although he didn't have any of his plays these two days, he didn't miss any of them. He asked, "Mr. It’s the opposite in action, but everything is natural, what’s going on?”

"Mr. Xu, you have something to do. If you have nothing to do, just go to Xu Rong. It's too quick to turn your face around?" Xu Rong took a sip of the water that Wang Yaqin handed over, "Wait, did you just turn around when you didn't meet me?" Have you become Xiao Xu?"

Sun Honglei's expression immediately became serious, as if he had suffered a great grievance, and he said anxiously, "How can you think of me so much, can I be that kind of person?"

The two looked at each other for a while, and laughed at the same time.

Seeing that Sun Honglei had been staring at him, Xu Rong pondered for a moment and asked, "What do you think we need to know most when we go to understand a character? Or from another angle, from the perspective of the audience, do you think the audience is watching a play?" What are you most concerned about when

(End of this chapter)

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