I'm just an actor

Chapter 362 Answers

Chapter 362 Answers
"When I watch a movie, I mainly pay attention to whether the performance of the actors deviates from the characteristics of the characters themselves. I have seen a movie before, and the characters were introduced directly through the narration, but the actors played the characters into different characters. A face, it made me uncomfortable at the time."

Seeing Xu Rong looking at him with a smile, Sun Honglei felt a little apprehensive, and his voice subconsciously became lower and lower. From Xu Rong's expression, he judged that Xu Rong did not agree with his point of view.

When Sun Honglei finished speaking, Xu Rong nodded his head lightly, thinking about how to explain the truth clearly.

Sun Honglei's guess is right, Xu Rong does not agree that "presentation and characteristics are consistent" is the audience's primary concern, but he neither refuted when he said it, nor questioned it immediately after he finished speaking, because if then Do it, even if his next words are reasonable, under the influence of emotions, Sun Honglei will find it difficult to agree and accept. He probably organized his words before he said in a surprised tone: "Your point of view is very constructive. I have to say, this is a very pioneering new way of thinking, which gave me a lot of inspiration.”

Sun Honglei patted him on the back heavily, and said with a smile: "Stop talking nonsense, that's what my teacher taught me when I was in school, what can be pioneering?!"


Xu Rong also smiled and said, "Shall I tell you a story?"

Sun Honglei nodded seriously. He knew that the reason why Xu Rong wanted to tell a story instead of directly telling himself the answer must be due to his own thinking.

"About 20 years ago, at the dawn of a certain day before the Spring Festival, the snow fell in the middle of the night, and the snow on the ground was almost up to the ankles. In the village of short houses, he walked to the side of the provincial road outside the village, put the bamboo basket under a tree by the roadside, and before leaving, he squatted down again and opened the bamboo basket. The basket was covered with a water-blue semi-old towel. Under the reflection of the snow, a giggling child with wide eyes showed his small face. He twisted his body. The quilt was so thick that he could only writhe like a silkworm chrysalis."

"The middle-aged man stared at the child for a few seconds, opened the towel cover, and tied it to the four corners of the bamboo basket to prevent the snow from collapsing. The snow was still falling, and snowflakes fell on the towel. The child may have fallen asleep. Maybe he didn't fall asleep, he gradually felt cold and hungry, and he began to cry loudly, but unlike in the past, no one paid any attention to him, the day was getting brighter, and the crying from the bamboo basket became smaller and smaller , because the snow has never stopped."

Speaking of this, Xu Rong stopped and didn't continue talking.

Sun Honglei listened carefully at the beginning, when he saw Xu Rong suddenly stop, he asked, "What happened next?"

Xu Rong shook his head and said, "I forgot."

"No?" Sun Honglei seemed to let out a sigh of relief, "The story you made up is full of loopholes, and it's still shocking."

After hesitating for a while, Xu Rongcai said: "This is not a story, but a fact that happened from time to time in that era."

The smile on Sun Honglei's face gradually faded. Thinking of some past rumors, he vaguely guessed the identity of the child in the story Xu Rong told. :"and after?"

"I didn't say it just now, I forgot." Xu Rong shrugged his brows with a smile, and said with a smile, "So, now you know the answer to the question you just asked?"

"Answer?" Sun Honglei slowly raised his neck following Xu Rongli's figure and asked, "What answer?"

Seeing that Xu Rong didn't answer, and walked back to the set unhurriedly, the word "Chuan" gradually froze between Sun Honglei's brows.

He just felt baffled. He asked a question, but Xu Rong told himself a story without beginning and end, and told himself that he had already answered it. Isn't this nonsense?

He pondered carefully for a long time, but still had no clue. He waved to Li Weijie who was chatting with Zhong Hanliang who had just joined the group not far away. What do you think we need to know the most when we go to understand the characters?"

"Why are you asking this?"

"Just ask."

Without even thinking about it, Li Haojie said: "Character, his character is the concentrated expression of his growth environment and experience, just like untying a ball of thread, the character of a character is just a thread, if we start from other places, it will only make the thread This ball of thread is a mess."

Sun Honglei neither nodded nor shook his head, he patted the chair next to him and said, "I'll tell you a story."

Li Haojie was taken aback by Sun Honglei's serious tone and expression, smiled in surprise, sat next to him, and asked, "No, what's the matter?"

Sun Honglei waved his hand and said, "About 20 years ago, at the dawn of a certain day before the Spring Festival, the snow fell in the middle of the night,"

After a few minutes, Li Mingjie walked up to Zhong Hanliang, and said, "Hey, I want to ask you something. Do you think it's time for us to study the characters?"

The "problem" and the accompanying story quickly spread among the small circle, and the answers were surprisingly consistent. The character of the character is the most important thing. As an actor, if you grasp this point, all problems can be easily solved.

But Sun Honglei was not sure, because he was very sure that the story Xu Rong told definitely did not intend to express this point.

When eating at noon, Li Mingjie saw that Xu Rong was not unhappy at all because the whole noon was wasted, and asked: "Xu Rong, what did you mean by the answer?"

Xu Rong raised his head, looked at him in surprise, then at Sun Honglei, and said, "Did I tell him?"

"You, didn't you just tell him a story?" Li Mingjie put down her chopsticks, "But I thought about it several times, but I didn't understand what the story and the problem are related to?"

"Get it."

Seeing that Sun Honglei wanted to help, Xu Rong stretched out his hand to stop him, and said, "Do you know how much tuition I paid for learning lines from Mr. Tong Zirong a few years ago?"

Li Haojie had read the relevant media reports, and said, "Is this price completely incomparable?"

Xu Rong shook his head and said: "No, no, let's put it this way, the value of this question will only be higher than the value of the basic training of lines. Yes, the basic training of lines is very helpful to every actor, but if you Sincerely want to learn, it's not that you can't learn it elsewhere, but it may not be so comprehensive and systematic, but there are not many people who can give you a clear answer to this question."

Li Haojie joked with a smile: "Co-author, in your opinion, we will give you 200 million?"

"That's not necessary, I've said it all, I've already told Brother Hong Lei." Xu Rong stared blankly at the few people, and said in disbelief, "You don't know, you haven't figured it out yet, have you?"

Sun Honglei and Li Weijie looked at each other. They were the first listener and the second listener respectively for that story. Even if there was information attenuation and it was difficult for others to draw conclusions from the limited information, they shouldn't be unable to figure out what Xu Rong wanted to express.

But the truth is, they really didn't figure it out.

Just looking at Xu Rong's unbelievable eyes, it's not easy for them to ask anymore, because they have the illusion that Xu Rong despises themselves.

For several hours, the questions were answered inexplicably.

Wang Zixuan took Xiao Zhang by the arm and stood at the door of the suite, and said in a low voice: "Let me tell you the story that Brother Xu told. About 20 years ago, at the dawn of a certain day before the Spring Festival, the snow fell in the middle of the night."

"Oh, what Teacher Xu wants to talk about is fate." Xiao Zhang heard Wang Zixuan tell the beginning of the story, frowned and thought for a few seconds, but still waited for the other party to finish before answering, "The fate of the characters."

"I remember he said something similar to me before, that is, the character and occupation of the characters are inherent in the play itself, which can be reflected in the form of characters, lines, body, etc., but the core is the fate of the characters, events or Contradictions have arisen, how will it develop, what will happen to each character, this is what the audience cares most about, and it is also the core foundation for us to play a character well, just like the story he told, what you are curious about is the character in the bamboo basket The situation that the child will face next, not his personality, gender, age, etc."

Wang Zixuan measured her eyes, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that it made sense, because they didn't understand the child's character at all, but they couldn't help but wonder about the child's next fate, whether the middle-aged man picked him up again, or Meeting a kind person, or the ending she was least willing to accept.

"Wow, you are amazing."

Xiao Zhang blinked his eyes and asked back embarrassedly: "Yes, is there?"

She hasn't studied these things deliberately, and she doesn't think they are too advanced. Xu Rong often discusses these issues with people at home, in the work unit, and with the crew. The last sentence of "sweat dripping down the soil" usually comes with an open mouth.

And she vaguely remembered that this question was a small detail in a big question discussed between Teacher Xu and Grandpa Su Min, but she couldn't remember what the big question was right now.

Gao Yunxiang, who happened to be passing by not far away, heard the words, quickly turned his head towards Sun Honglei, and said, "Brother Hong Lei, brother Hong Lei, I know, it's fate, the fate of the character."

Sun Honglei looked at Gao Yunxiang who rushed forward like a whirlwind, and asked, "What?"

"The answer to the question Brother Xu asked."

"Who told you that?"

"Just a girl who just arrived, here, the one in the white down jacket over there."

Sun Honglei was stunned for a moment, then looked at Gao Yunxiang, who was pointing at the tall, thin girl wearing a hat and a mask with only a pair of eyes exposed.

Behind the girl, followed Xu Rong's assistants Wang Yaqin, Li Gen, and a tall girl in a woolen coat with wavy curls, while Xu Rong's sister-in-law Wang Zixuan held the arm of the girl in white down.

Almost instantly, he guessed the identities of the two girls,
"Xu Rong's girlfriend and sister?"

"Looking at the posture, it should be."

Sun Honglei blinked his small eyes, always feeling a little unbelievable, and said: "She hasn't filmed any scenes, how would she know?"

Li Qingjie immediately said: "You forgot, he is an actor of human art."

"Oh, I remembered when you said that." Sun Honglei recalled the incident of "cheating in human arts entrance exams" that caused a lot of trouble on the Internet last year. After finally revealing that Xu Rong failed to pass even his own sister, he realized that there was a big trouble. Oolong.

At this time, Xu Rong was stunned when he saw Xiao Zhang standing outside the door.

Even though she was tightly wrapped, she still confirmed that it was Xiao Zhang with just a casual glance.

"What's the matter?" Seeing him stunned, Lin Chen asked softly.

"It's all right."

Xu Rong said, gestured to Du Qifeng, ran to the door of the room, looked at Xiao Zhang who was tightly wrapped up, and asked, "Why didn't you tell me before you came?"

Xiao Zhang originally wanted to answer "I miss you." Then she wanted to ask "Did you miss me?", even though she knew that Teacher Xu Rong would definitely say "I miss you more." Instead of "I miss you too Lah." But she still couldn't help asking.

It's just that Wang Zixuan, the super invincible big light bulb, was still holding her arm, and there were so many people watching around, she was a little embarrassed, so she could only stretch out her hand and grab the corner of his clothes, laughing twice.

"Driving here?"

"Well, the two of us took turns driving."

Only now did Xu Rong notice Xu Xing who was standing behind the two, the gentleness on his face remained undiminished, and he blamed with concern in his tone: "Why are you losing weight again?"

In her heart, Xu Rong is extremely gratified. Xu Xing's loss of weight can only prove one thing, she worked hard to let him live in a bigger house, drive a better car, and live a better life!

Xu Rong glanced at the time and asked, "Grandpa is at home alone?"

"No, Xu Xing's parents and second grandfather came to the capital to visit him, and they will stay at home for half a month." Xiao Zhang gently squeezed his palm, and answered his other question with the tacit understanding between the two. concern on the one hand.

What Xu Rong wants to ask is: Then you two have to rush back later?
Classmate Xiao Zhang told him: No, Xu Xing's parents and second grandfather are at home to take care of him.

Xu Rong nodded, then turned to look at Wang Yaqin: "Go and tell Director Wang to open two standard rooms."

Li Gen subconsciously wanted to ask why, but seeing that Xu Rong looked away, and Wang Yaqin had already answered "Yes", he couldn't say anything more.

When Xu Rong returned to the set, Wang Zixuan lamented that her guess was not wrong, she still held Xiao Zhang's arm and said, "Do you usually get along like this?"


"Haven't seen each other for such a long time, didn't you give me a hug?" After asking this question, she was stunned, because it wasn't until now that she realized that she was still hugging someone's arm?
Classmate Xiao Zhang nodded and said: "He will be embarrassed in front of so many people, and once he does that, you will not be able to survive today's scene until dawn tomorrow."

"No, the way you get along is so strange."

"Strange?" Xiao Zhang looked at her suspiciously, "Why do you say that?"

"It's just a feeling that brother Xu treats you, um, a little, a little cold."

Classmate Xiao Zhang coughed twice, in order not to expose Teacher Xu's gentle and beastly appearance, she organized her words almost immediately and defended: "Actually, I feel that a boy will pour you a glass of water or give you a drink in the middle of the night." It’s nothing unusual for you to buy milk tea, because the cost of all this is almost zero, but in fact, many people are moved to death by this low-cost payment.

I think the most commendable thing about Mr. Xu is that he will treat me well in a way that I am willing to accept, and will not change his attitude towards me or others because of fame and fortune. Stability is outstanding. In comparison, the cost of cultivating these habits is actually very high, because it takes at least ten or twenty years of hard work, and it is even rare. The best half is the battlefield of life. Allies, rather than finding someone to satisfy my laziness and vanity. "

After a pause, she said suddenly: "Of course, Teacher Xu did satisfy my laziness and vanity, hahahahaha!"

(End of this chapter)

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