I'm just an actor

Chapter 36 Society

Chapter 36 Society
After making three phone calls in a row, Xu Rongcai finally got the address of Li Xuejian's home.

It wasn't through someone else, the three calls were all to Li Xuejian.

As soon as Xu Rong mentioned thanking, Li Xuejian said that it was not unilateral guidance, but mutual learning, and he had already thanked the crew because of his busy schedule, so there was no need to make a special trip.

It wasn't until Xu Rong told the truth for the third time and wanted to ask some questions that Li Xuejian finally revealed his home address.

To evaluate a person, you should not look at what he says, but how he does it. This is what Xu Rong realized after three phone calls.

Because he himself has also learned to be modest, but he is not as thorough as Li Xuejian. Although he is more mature, at certain times, his youthful frivolity will always be revealed inadvertently. Don't laugh at the performance of "The Frowning Duo".

But Li Xuejian's modesty is not only in words, but also in actions.

He never showed that he underestimated anyone because of his superior professional level. Even when he was instructing, he used the tone of discussion or suggestion, as if he himself said that he was just a primary school student.

Elementary school students whose comprehensive evaluation has reached S.

Xu Rong sometimes thinks that Li Xuejian's reputation today is definitely closely related to his modesty, and he is envious of this.

There are quite a few actors of Li Xuejian's age, but none of them are as famous as him.

At a certain moment, he also thought about whether to learn from Li Xuejian, but in the end he denied it to himself. He asked himself that he couldn't do that. He would learn and learn from it, but he would never imitate it outright.

He is Xu Rong, not Li Xuejian, and he doesn't have a cousin who is a great director.

And in his opinion, Li Xuejian really cherishes his feathers a bit too much. Li Xuejian has almost never taken over commercial performances or brand endorsements. The problem, if you still want to be rich, it is basically impossible.

Li Xuejian is not rich, at least from the point of view of his residence. The community is old and there is no elevator. It should be a family home built in the 90s and [-]s of last century.

A doorbell or something is even more extravagant.

Xu Rong patted the anti-theft door several times, and the person who opened the door was a young man about his age, wearing a white T-shirt and blue printed shorts. The young man stood behind the anti-theft door, looked him up and down, and then opened it door, pursed his lips and said, "You are the Xu or something my dad said?"

Hearing what he said, Xu Rong knew that he had found the right door, and said with a smile, "Yes, teacher is at home, right?"

The young man in front of him looks somewhat similar to Li Xuejian, so he should be Li Xuejian's son.

"How to speak?"Li Xuejian hurriedly got up from the sofa in the living room, walked to the door, and said, "Xiao Xu is here, come in and talk."

Xu Rong entered the door and said, "Teacher, the students in your preschool class have come to see you."

"Hey, don't talk about that." Li Xuejian waved his hand with a smile, noticed the gift box in his hand, put away the smile on his face, and said, "Come here, why are you taking things?"

"That's right, how can you ask someone to do something if you don't take something?"The young man who opened the door stood aside, added a sentence lightly, and seeing Li Xuejian wanted to scold him again, he said, "I'll go back to the room first."

Xu Rong was a little embarrassed, what the other party said was true, he was indeed asking for help.

At this time, a thin middle-aged woman came from the balcony, with a few lines of laughter in the corners of her eyes, and said, "Xiao Xu, right? Sit down quickly and say, the child is not sensible, so don't take it to heart."

"This is you, Aunt Yu," Li Xuejian introduced, turned his head and yelled at the house twice, but there was no movement, and then smiled wryly, and said, "That's right, Xiao Xu, how old are you this year?"

Xu Rong first said hello to Aunt Yu, and then said: "I was born in 87, now I am 19."

"Coincidentally." Aunt Yu poured him a glass of boiled water, and said, "He is of the same year as Li Gen in our family. Come, drink some water, Xiao Xu, when is your baby?"

Xu Rong really couldn't answer this question. He really didn't know his birthday. Grandpa only said that it was a severe winter when he was picked up, but the old man couldn't tell whether he was born half a month or a month or two months. .

On his ID card, January 1 was written, because the old man picked him up that day.

Therefore, at this time, he can only give an approximate season: "I was born at the beginning of the year."

"Hey, Li Gen is a few months younger than you." Aunt Yu moved a small bench and sat across from her, and said, "Your teacher Li told you earlier that you are young and down-to-earth. He can also act, which is much more worry-free than our family's Li Gen."

"Then I have to call my brother." Xu Rong said with a smile, "It's true that you are young, practical and able to act. I can get involved."

"Don't, I can't bear it." Li Gen poked his head out of the room, looked at Xu Rong and said, "Hey, let me tell you, are you here to chat about family matters? That's a good relationship, why don't I go to the street and give it to you?" Weigh two catties of melon seeds?"

Before Li Xuejian could speak, Aunt Yu grabbed the feather duster under the table and said loudly, "Li Gen, are you itchy?"

"Okay, I don't talk, it's okay if I don't talk, brother, you talk about you, don't worry about me."

Xu Rong looked at Li Gen who shrank back, and was quite envious in his heart. He didn't have such a family, and it was difficult for him to form his character, carefree and lack of beatings.

"Is the filming over?" Li Xuejian laughed dryly before asking, "How is it going, is it going well?"

Xu Rong nodded his head first, and then talked about his general situation after leaving the group, and finally said: "It's really difficult to play a scene. It took us three days to shoot a scene. If it wasn't for the fear of delaying the progress, I would I feel like the director can come back another day."

"Haha", Li Xuejian probably thought of the distressed appearance of Xu Rong and Huang Xiaoming, and laughed.

After I finished laughing, I said: "Actually, I am also afraid of filming fight scenes, but since we are actors, since we have eaten this bowl of rice, we can't pick and choose according to our own preferences. We should take good shots seriously, and take hard ones even more." Take it seriously."

Actually, Xu Rong didn't intend to ask for advice the first time he came to the door. He was a stranger the first time, and he was familiar with it the second time. Anyway, there are still two months before the start of the new play, so just make a few more trips.

At eleven o'clock at noon, after expressing his thanks, Xu Rong got up and said, "Teacher, Aunt Yu, then I'll go back first."

Aunt Yu hurriedly said, "Why are you leaving? Stay here for a meal. Could it be that you dislike Auntie's craftsmanship?"

When people talked about this, Xu Rong couldn't insist on leaving, and said: "Then I will trouble Auntie."

Li Xuejian prepared for his arrival and cooked six dishes, which Xu Rong guessed from Li Gen's surprised expression.

While eating, Li Xuejian seemed to think of something, and asked, "Xiao Xu, what do you think of acting?"

Xu Rong didn't hide it from him. He doesn't dare to underestimate people like Li Xuejian who have lived for a long time and made certain achievements in a certain industry. People may not eat as much rice as he does when they eat salt, but , as an S-rated actor, his observation ability is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people, and he can still tell the truth from the lie.

"I like it, I feel very happy when acting." He thought for a while, and added: "But at the beginning of the year, I accepted a play, and I worked with Mr. Ni Dahong at that time. There is a sense of awe in the play.”

"Well, that's right." Li Xuejian nodded and said, "It's good that you understand this. We actors used to be actors. What is an actor? Three teachings and nine streams are what people look down on the most. Now that the society is better, it doesn't matter which one Yes, but also remember that the audience is heaven. I remember a little fat man who talked about cross talk said something very good. "

Xu Rong knew that the little fat guy Li Xuejian was talking about was not tall, his surname was Guo, and he seemed to be called something. He was quite popular in the cross talk circle recently, but he looked like a gangster, and his reputation was mixed.

Li Gen was lying halfway on the table, seeing Li Xuejian and Xu Rong with serious faces as if they were discussing important national affairs, he couldn't help making a "tsk tsk" sound, and muttered, "To put it bluntly, it's still for making money."

Xu Rong turned to look at Li Gen, nodded, and said, "That's true, but if you can make money happily, you are very lucky in itself."

"Hey, brother, look at you, you can't even make out a joke. Let me tell you, you are still young and don't understand. Hey, what about this money? It's bastard." Li Gen stroked the non-existent clothes. Sleeve, pinching the chopsticks, gesticulating in mid-air with joy, and was about to continue talking, but it might as well be knocked on the forehead by the chopsticks.

"Li Gen, you're the only one with a mouth, right?"

"Hey." Li Gen rubbed his forehead, subconsciously leaned back in the chair, opened his small eyes a little, and said, "Why are I so impatient to teach this little brother social experience?"

"As long as you have social experience, you know what society is"

Xu Rong had eaten and didn't stay long. When he came back for the first time, he was familiar with it. He found his home, so he could still run away?

When Xu Rong went out, Aunt Yu picked up the water glass on the table, went to the kitchen to wash it, came out after a while, put the water glass in the red porcelain plate on the table, and wiped the water stains on the table, At the same time, he said to Li Xuejian who was sitting on the sofa and reading the newspaper: "This kid really doesn't look like a 19-year-old student in his dealings with others. If you look at us again, it won't make you worry at all."

"Xiao Xu formed today's character, there must be reasons we don't understand. He looks like an adult at a young age, and he must have experienced the beatings that an adult must experience." Li Xuejian first glanced at his wife, paused, Then he sighed and said, "It's not a good thing."

 Seeing that there are a lot of questions from friends in the comments, please reply collectively. First of all, the author is a pure newcomer, um.There may be more female protagonists in this book, and it may not be easy to list them all. For example, Feixian of the Tang Dynasty has four beauties and four beauties in ancient costumes in a certain Xinjiang.Anyway, here is what this chapter says, if it cannot be fulfilled, it is likely that my friends have misunderstood it.

(End of this chapter)

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