Chapter 37
Every time before the final exam week, the students always turn on the "mad dog mode" on time, like a set alarm clock. Those who skip classes, those who arrive late and leave early, and those who are absent, all cheer up and open their eyes. With sleepy eyes widened, I waited anxiously for the teacher to draw the key points.

After class, I stopped wandering around. I sat in the library and the self-study room for more than half of it, and it took me a long time to sit for a long time. As for how many things I really remembered in my mind, it doesn’t matter. What is important is that It showed a rigorous attitude and spirit for the final exam, and after a day of self-study, I felt that the time of the day was not wasted, and I felt full of fulfillment.

After the evening self-study, I ran to the printing shop at the school gate, collected the key points of the exam carefully prepared by the students, and printed them on white A4 paper. I went back to the dormitory, holding the embroidered and solemn, serious Cut it to the size of a square palm, and then put it away properly. At this point, the preparations before the exam week are basically completed.

As for whether you can pass the final exam, and whether you can happily pass the first week of the next semester, first of all, it depends on the performance on the spot and whether the students around the exam can write smoothly. Secondly, you need the protection of the gods and Buddhas. It contains a bit of metaphysics.

Xu Rong was just like most of his classmates. He also just finished his evening self-study, but he didn't prepare a small note. There was no need for that. He was pointing to getting a scholarship next semester.

Because the school cafeteria had already closed, he took Xiao Zhang out of school, preparing to eat something before going back to the dormitory.

"Mr. Xu, have you reviewed your homework recently?"

Student Xiao Zhang picked up the menu and asked after ordering two noodles.

A few days ago, Xu Rong often ran to Li Xuejian's house with the script in his arms, passing one scene after another, and his experience value was less than 100 a day, so he didn't have much confidence in a day.

Although the director is familiar with him, he may not demand Huang Xiaoming like Gao Xixi did. If it really happens, no matter how generous the chairman is, he will not continue to invest in him.

He has expressed his attitude and given resources, so he doesn't live up to it, so he can't blame others. People start a company to make money, not charity.

Probably he put too much pressure on himself, and he was eager to finish his university courses early, Xu Rong caught a cold a few days ago.

Probably due to his years of farm work in the past, his health has always been very good, and he rarely catches a cold once a year, but once he catches a cold, it is like having an operation, and he has been lying in bed for four days before recovering.

Xu Rong twitched her still-clear nose, poured two glasses of water, pushed a cup in front of Xiao Zhang, and put the glass to her mouth smoothly, watching Xiao Zhang's lips move, as if she wanted to speak, he He put the water glass back on the table and said, "I've been feeling unwell recently, and I haven't studied for a few days."

After Xiao Zhang handed the menu to the proprietress, he turned his head and asked again: "Then before you felt uncomfortable, did you review your homework?"

Xu Rong glanced down at the water glass he had just put down, and secretly lamented his own wisdom, not because he was afraid of spraying classmate Xiao Zhang in the face, but he should give her water for free, mainly because he was afraid of choking himself.

But going on like this is not an option. Simply, he half taught and half doubted: "Shouldn't you ask me first, what's uncomfortable?"

"Oh, that's right." Xiao Zhang showed a dazed expression, laughed, showing two rows of big white teeth, and asked, "Then what's wrong with you, Mr. Xu?"

Xu Rong was silent for a while, poked his left chest with his index finger, and said with a serious face: "In my heart."

"Hey, Teacher Xu, look quickly, look quickly."

Xiao Zhang suddenly seemed to have discovered a new world, and frantically winked at him. Xu Rong turned his head, followed her gaze, and looked at a young couple sitting opposite each other by the window.

At this time, the boy was holding the spoon with a doting expression on his face, leaned slightly, and raised the spoon to the girl. The girl looked at the boy and drank the soup from the spoon shyly. Warm, unobtrusive and full of dog food.

Xu Rong heard a gasp of air-conditioning next to his ear, and turned his gaze back. Seeing Xiao Zhang grinning with his teeth bared, he shivered while holding his arms.

Xu Rong reckoned that although Xiao Zhang didn't talk about it, he definitely yearned for that kind of situation in his heart. Most of the girls in the class now have boyfriends, but probably because Xiao Zhang's makeup skills have not been unlocked yet. , Another day after all the time behind his buttocks, no one chased her.

After a while, Xiao Zhang said in a low voice: "Ms. Xu, is she disabled?"

Seeing Xiao Zhang's bewildered expression, Xu Rong felt the urge to open her head again.

Haven't eaten pork, haven't seen a pig run yet?
For the first time, he regretted his behavior of applying for a tutor in a training institution last year. After the college entrance examination, he thought that he should no longer have to teach Xiao Zhang, but now it seems that there is a long way to go. .

At the end of the exam week, Xu Rong invited Guo Si out for a meal, and because he was about to leave for the set, he suddenly remembered something.

He didn't have much contact with Guo Si in private. Even the phone calls were just greetings from work or during the holidays. Xu Rong felt that he was an [-]th-line actor, so he had nothing to say to Guo Si.

As for Guo Si, she is still in a wait-and-see state. Xu Rong has indeed got the favor of the chairman, but she is not sure about the future. Pretty much depends on luck.

After chatting about the current situation at work, Xu Rong started to get straight to the point and asked, "Mr. Guo, I have something to ask you about your progress. Is my assistant recruited?"

"What recruiting assistant?" Guo Si was taken aback for a moment, and seeing Xu Rong's brows slowly wrinkled, he thought for a while before asking in a low voice, "Did the leader say to assign you an assistant?"

Her tone was uncertain, but it gave Xu Rong an ambiguous feeling, as if she knew about it, but also seemed not to.

Xu Rong listened to her tone and saw her temptation, and felt a "thud" in her heart, and suddenly realized that she seemed a little naive.

Not everyone will practice what they say.

But since he said it, he had to ask about the matter, so he said, "Yes, when Mr. Chang visited the crew of "New Shanghai Beach", he once said that he wanted you to hire me an assistant."

Guo Si laughed "ha" a few times, probably understood the reason of the matter, and said: "The leader seems to have mentioned that, that, I will check with her after work tomorrow."

Xu Rong now fully understands that Chang Jihong never thought of recruiting an assistant for him at all. The original promise was just to fool him as a child. There is no reason.

If he refuses to accept it, he runs over and asks why he hasn't been recruited yet. He just needs to say "We've been recruiting, but we really don't have any suitable candidates", and he will be able to easily block him back. .

It is Mr. Chang and the company's responsibility to the artists to carefully select the right candidates for the assistant. If you randomly pull an unemployed vagrant on the street to make up the number, it is an insult to Mr. Chang's professional ethics.

After trying to understand the cause and effect of this matter, Xu Rong's reaction to Guo Si can also be understood.

She should be afraid that she would go to Chang Jihong to question him impulsively. In that situation, Chang Jihong would inevitably ask him how he knew that no assistant was recruited at all, and Guo Si, who revealed the news, would not end well without thinking about it. This is a human instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

He smiled and said in relief: "Don't worry, I asked you about today, I will definitely not tell the second person, my contract is with the company, not Mr. Chang."

Guo Siting understood the meaning of his words, looked at him for a while, and then said: "Maybe it's been too long, and I can't remember whether Mr. Chang mentioned it to me, but our company seems to have an assistant idle."

Xu Rong nodded, expressing his understanding, and Guo Si was close to saying "Mr. Chang deliberately didn't arrange to deal with it".

He bowed his head and thought for a while, then he smiled, if you don't give it, then don't give it, Xu Rong still has a bit of stomach, so let's just be a gentleman.

After sending Guo Si away, Xu Rong stood at the intersection and glanced at the system interface.

Acting training system
Name: Xu Rong

Expression: B
Lines: B
Limbs: B
Eyes: B
Rhythm: B
Overall evaluation: B
Experience Points: 7/100
Glory value: 90/100
Traits: None
The only thing he has to do next is to follow the steps and do what he has to do.

The wind has come.

During this period of time, Li Xuejian has basically read the script for him over and over again. At present, he has a general idea in his mind about how to perform each scene.

But it has not been completely settled. Li Xuejian advocates acting on the spot, and believes that the play is based on the state of mind. Only by substituting into the environment of the character can one personally understand how to act is the most extreme effect.

The experience value of the system has also reached 100 points in the day-to-day study, and the comprehensive evaluation has also reached B level after the improvement.

Deeply aware of the difficulty of going from B- to B, Xu Rong estimated that the next step is to upgrade the evaluation from B to B+ to A-, and at least three ratings will be upgraded to A. I am afraid that it will not happen overnight or after one or two plays. Things that can be done.

But what Chang Jihong did was a wake-up call for him. The situation is very urgent. Even in such a small matter as an assistant, she has to secretly make troubles. Thinking about it, it is impossible to expect her to invest resources in the future. himself.

It's funny to say that he was able to sign with Hairun back then, thanks to Chang Jihong. Although the current situation is the result of small things, since the festival has already happened, it must be resolved.

He can understand Chang Jihong's position. Xu Rong signed with the company, while a large part of Hairun's early artists signed with Chang Jihong. There are only so many resources. If he takes it, someone has to withdraw their hands.

Maybe for Chang Jihong, this is just a trivial matter, maybe it's just a little annoying.

But for him, Chang Jihong was delaying his future and cutting off his money.

He doesn't know whether Ding Li's role will be popular, but the next scene may be his last chance to turn around, and he must seize it.

Once it was done, he would have the capital to talk to Chang Jihong, or just throw her away and let Guo Si be his manager without worrying about resources.

But this possibility is unlikely, she was promoted some time ago, and the next target should be Chang Jihong's deputy.

According to Huang Xiaoming, as long as you become famous, at least three books will be stuffed in front of you through various channels in a month, and you must carefully pick and choose among them to pick up the better ones.

If it doesn't work, say no, you have to be a man with your tail between your legs.

(End of this chapter)

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