I'm just an actor

Chapter 365 Transition

Chapter 365 Transition
You Naihai sent Xu Rong to the door, closed the door, turned around and looked at Du Qifeng in puzzlement, and said, "We do need the support of the mainland market, but aren't we being too polite to him?"

"That's right, I admit that I'm not as good as him in terms of skills. In terms of influence in the mainland, I'm not even one-tenth of that. But we are a director and a screenwriter. Why do we ask for his opinion on how to design and arrange the plot? ?”

Seeing that Du Qifeng was about to defend himself, You Naihai continued: "I know you are worried about getting stuck in the review, but didn't we agree before that we will not interfere with whatever they want to cut, but we will shoot what we want, and then Take it to Hong Kong and abroad for screening.”

Du Qifeng did not refute immediately, but walked to the closet at the door, opened the closet, and took out a dark red rectangular wooden box from it.

You Naihai looked at it curiously, and asked, "What is this?"

"Cigars." Du Qifeng sat down, opened the wooden box, took out one and put it on the tip of his nose to sniff gently. He likes to smoke cigars, but he didn't dare to smoke the box Xu Rong sent.

too expensive.

"Sent by Xu Rong, this box costs about 20 yuan." Du Qifeng said, and put it back again, "Good things are good things, but they can't be smoked. The market is still too small to afford it. Ordering one stick is equivalent to directly ordering two stacks of RMB. Cai Tianming burning money to pay homage to his dead wife is already extravagant, but compared with the real person who plays Cai Tianming, he is like a poor ghost. .”

You Naihai looked at the box of cigars, and suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart. After Du Qifeng reminded him, he realized this problem. Cai Tianming burned money to pay homage to his deceased wife. No matter the truth or falsehood, he got some emotional comfort. And let the two apprentices realize that he is a person who values ​​affection.

But someone like Xu Rong who burns wads of renminbi like paper is indeed a bit shabby.

He walked to Du Qifeng's side, stretched his hand into the box, and asked, "I haven't smoked such an expensive cigarette yet, gaining knowledge and gaining knowledge."

Du Qifeng slapped his paw away bluntly, and said, "If you write me a wonderful plot, I'll let you smoke one."

"Don't." You Naihai waved his hand, "It's up to you whether it's wonderful or not, and I'm not a child."

Du Qifeng was afraid that You Naihai would miss him, so he got up and locked the wooden box back into the safe. This thing can be cashed out directly.

Standing up, he turned his head and asked, "Do you have any impression of his assistant who didn't wink?"

"The thin one?" You Naihai lingered on the safe for a few more seconds. If it cost 20 yuan, he wouldn't worry about it, but he had never smoked a cigarette worth nearly [-] yuan, and he really wanted to Try it, but he also understands that Du Qifeng will never give it to himself for no reason, because he himself is a cigar smoker, "It's a little bit, I heard Xu Rong said that he just entered the industry, and I think it's the same. It's true, but it's said that sooner or later young people are like this, what do we know when we are about the same age as people?"

"He's only a few months younger than Xu Rong."

Du Qifeng took out one of his own cigars from the bedside table, squeezed the end and rubbed it lightly for a while, then opened a small opening with a cigar scissors, but did not light it immediately, but put it on the tip of his nose to smell it. , said: "There is a reason why you are expensive. In comparison, these 51 pieces are far behind."

"Aren't you talking nonsense?"

Du Qifeng lit it, took a sip, tasted the fragrance, and said, "I've actually inquired about a lot of things during this time. That assistant named Li Gen is Li Xuejian's son."

You Naihai usually doesn't smoke cigars, because he always feels that the nicotine content of those cigars is more than ten times that of cigarettes, which can easily lead to oral cancer. Now he is even more reluctant to smoke second-hand smoke. He walked to the window, opened it, and asked inexplicably: "Li Xuejian's son, is Xu Rong's assistant?"

"No, what is Li Xuejian's son doing with Xu Rong? If he wants to be an actor, can't he take care of himself?"

"If you stayed on the set for a few more minutes, you wouldn't say such things. He is obviously a director."

"No matter what you plan to do, there is no need to be Xu Rong's assistant. What can you learn as an assistant?"

Du Qifeng shook his head, and said: "If you think this way, you are completely wrong. Li Xuejian and Xu Rong not only have the name of master and apprentice, but also the reality of master and apprentice. Li Gen and Xu Rong can be said to be brothers, and they are not Normally, if you follow others, they will at most take Li Xuejian's face into consideration and take care of him properly, but following Xu Rong is completely different, Xu Rong is an orphan and has no parents or brothers, so he will be treated as a brother."

You Naihai came to a sudden: "I just said, take him every day, and don't let him work, I still wonder, Xu Rongke is so hard to catch a little girl, as if he left a good and strong boy to support the uncle."

Du Qifeng smiled and said, "Actually, I like him quite a bit in this regard."

You Naihai looked at him in surprise, and asked, "Who do you like?"

"Xu Rong."


"Drip water, Yongquan newspaper, this is an old saying." Du Qifeng lay down on the sofa with his legs crossed, and put his hand on the back of the chair. Petty profit is everywhere, Xu Rong, you can say that he is unscrupulous and ruthless, but there is one thing that the vast majority of people in our industry can't compare to, and he will repay you with gratitude."

Seeing You Naihai nodded in approval, Du Qifeng continued: "Our traditional culture talks about respecting the old and loving the young, but what is the essence?"

"It's people's way of life, all walks of life are like this, you control the resources and power, I praise you, once you collapse one day, everyone can't wait to step on your foot, in the enterprise, this situation Fortunately, a boss, as long as there are no accidents, is rich until he dies, but there is a situation in the Mainland that is not like this, people in the system."

"Before they retired, they had a lot of glory. Once they retire, they will immediately be empty. Don't talk about prestige. If you ask your original subordinates to do things, they are willing to give face. If you call an old leader, they don't want to give face. They won't even let you meet. So, what do you think? , If you are his leader, what do you think of such a person?"

You Naihai understood Du Qifeng's words, they had an affair with Xu Rong, and still felt that they admired his excellent quality, so the leaders of his unit probably felt it even more deeply, and said, "You mean, he is so good to Li Gen, to let others watch?"

"What difference does it make if it is or is not?"

The night was getting darker and darker, the north wind howled in the middle of the night, and it would not stop until the early morning, but before dawn, the night that had not been calm for a long time uttered a high-pitched and melodious chant again.

The heavy snow that was expected by Du Qifeng and Xu Rong did not appear again. After the sky brightened, it was another sunny day.

in the hotel room.

Classmate Xiao Zhang lay on the sink and looked at himself in the mirror, frowning slowly.

I don't know the psychological effect, or some other reason, although when I live with Mr. Xu, I often toss into the middle of the night at least three days a week, but after I take a shower and then get into the bed to sleep, I fall asleep faster than usual. He also slept more soundly than usual.

What surprised her the most was that even after staying up all night, her skin seemed to be more radiant than usual.

Simply incredible.

At this time, most of the crew had already gone to the set. She was visiting the set, so there was no need to get up early at all, and she really couldn't get up. Just when she was considering whether to go back to Longsue, the door was locked Tuk Tuk" sounded.

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, open the door."

Xu Xing's voice came from outside the door, Xiao Zhang turned around and said "wait a minute", and was about to turn around and go back to the room to clean up the mess on the floor. She was probably a little anxious, she just turned around and took a step, the corner of her mouth He couldn't help but twitched, subconsciously covering his stomach with one hand, and cursed bitterly: "Dog man!"

The battlefield last night had already been cleaned before going to bed, but the damn teacher Xu dragged her to toss again before dawn.

She sighed helplessly, she only blamed herself for being worthless, why did she believe his nonsense.

Just thinking of this, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but grinned again. Although the early bird catches the worm, she always felt that Teacher Xu got up early in the morning because he was brooding over the first touch and collapse last night.

"sister in law?"

"sister in law?"

"Open the door."

"Oh, come here come here."

While Xu Xing was waiting for Xiao Zhang to open the door, Du Qifeng sighed helplessly and in despair on the set.

He didn't know what was going on, but Du Qifeng felt that things were not going well in the past two days. The heavy snow that he had been looking forward to hadn't come down, one thing hadn't been resolved, and there was a big problem with the more important props.

One of the biggest highlights of "Drug Wars" is the gun battle. At the beginning of the project, he had confirmed that he would shoot a few gun battle scenes that had never been seen in the mainland, but this plan was aborted.

no guns.

He wanted to use the firearms from Hong Kong, but the actual situation was that they had passed customs at all.

It's not that it can't be transported at all. According to the relevant management regulations of the customs, it is possible to apply for a security window for the shooting of film and television works, and the guards will transfer it and supervise the use throughout the process.

But the trouble lies in this point. As far as the customs is concerned, the security window has a time limit. The crew needs to provide an accurate expiration date, but the shooting is not an assembly line. No matter what time the filming is completed, it can be executed according to the plan, and even firearms will appear. After arriving, due to the delay in the progress, it was an embarrassing situation that the filming did not start until the deadline expired.

Xu Rong sat aside and did not express any opinion. Du Qifeng insisted on using Hong Kong firearms and explained the reason. He believed that the firearms management in the Mainland was not standard, and the personnel were unprofessional, which was prone to accidents.

He doesn't care if he uses the equipment from the mainland or Hong Kong. He used to film in the past and often cooperated with Bayi Factory. As for accidents, not to mention the mainland, it is inevitable all over the world.

And I have to admit that in terms of professionalism, the members of the Hong Kong film and television industry have indeed surpassed the mainland by a large margin.

After a while, Zhao Junkai who learned about the situation ran over, asked Du Qifeng to understand the situation, and suggested to Du Qifeng: "Then use the gun from the mainland, and I will contact you."

Although Du Qifeng was unwilling, he had no choice but to bow his head under the eaves.

Zhao Junkai sat behind the monitor and looked at it for a while, as if he remembered something, after a while he suddenly turned his head and asked, "Aren't there a few indoor scenes left?"

Du Qifeng nodded: "Hurry up, if everything goes well, we will be able to focus on shooting exterior scenes in four or five days."

"The filming should have been finished before that year." Zhao Junkai showed a little joy on his face. The struggle within the crew was completely suppressed by Xu Rong, but for "Drug War", not only the chairman placed great expectations, but as the person in charge One, if "Drug War" can achieve good results, he is ready to shift the focus of his work to movies.

Xu Rong looked up at the sun hanging high in the sky, and said with a wry smile, "I hope so."

In the hotel room, Xu Rong sighed helplessly looking at the increasingly bright sun outside the glass.

Nine days have passed since Zhao Junkai's optimistic estimate, the second day after the filming of the interior scene.

Xiao Zhang stayed here for three days and then left. She came empty-handed and left due to the limited capacity of Volvo, otherwise she and Xu Xing would have turned this visit into a three-day shopping tour in Tianjin.

Just as he was about to close the curtains and go back to his room to sleep, a scene happened downstairs that surprised him.

In order to catch up with the schedule, I finally went to four big nights in a row, which made me very tired.

Du Qifeng has a problem. He doesn't like actors to rest in the caravan when they are not playing. Because of this habit, he and Sun Honglei have had conflicts several times.

But in the mainland, this is a matter of course. When there is no scene, actors rarely stay on the set. Like Xu Rong, there are only a very few people who have special seats behind the monitor.

At this time, on the side of the road downstairs, a short beggar with a dirty face and hair like a messy chicken coop was lying in front of the trash can in front of the hotel looking for things. The beggar seemed crazy. When he came across the road, he grinned, revealing a row of yellow teeth. The clothes on his body obviously seemed to be picked up from some garbage dump.

Just at this time Du Qifeng came out from the hotel, saw the beggar, he stopped suddenly, and just looked at him steadfastly.

The beggar also seemed to notice Du Qifeng's gaze, and turned his head, revealing a row of yellow teeth.

Du Qifeng and the beggar looked at each other for a few seconds, especially his slender calf with lotus root exposed. He put the cigarette in his hand into his mouth, took off the long down jacket he was wearing, and walked to the beggar. Beside him, put it on his body.

Seeing Du Qifeng crossing his arms and trotting all the way into the car, Xu Rong standing in front of the window was stunned, as if he had only met Du Qifeng for the first time until today.

A contradictory person, a person who pursues ideals but can bow to reality, a person who has a bad temper but knows how to be gentle.

(End of this chapter)

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