I'm just an actor

Chapter 366 Itinerary

Chapter 366 Itinerary
"Ring bell bell."

"Ring bell bell."

Xu Rong picked up the mobile phone on the table and frowned when he saw the name on the caller ID.

He waited until the phone rang twice before he pressed the answer button. As the phone moved from his hand to his ear, a smile slowly appeared on his face, and he said, "Oh, hello, leader."

"Leader, you are really good at predicting things. You are filming in Tianjin. The plan is to shoot snow scenes. It hasn't snowed in the past two days. Let's rest and wait for the snow."

He briefly explained the polite words that the other party might not care about, but he had to say, and then asked: "Does the leader have any tasks to explain? Since I came to school, I haven't done anything. It always feels a little out of place.”

"Hey, how can I trouble the leader to call you personally for this matter, and you can just ask someone to greet me."

"Okay, okay, tomorrow, tomorrow I will definitely go there."

Hanging up the phone, lamenting the sudden extra trip, Xu Rong missed Renyi a little bit.

As an actor in Renyi, you can choose to lie down completely. As long as you pay the fine, no one will force you to do anything. Even if you don't enter the courtyard once a year, no one will say you are wrong.

There are many actors in Renyi, but with the increase of theaters, there is not enough manpower for the cast team, and the actual situation is getting worse in terms of increasing income and reducing expenditure. However, in terms of open source, as the quality of graduates from various colleges and universities declines year by year, there are fewer and fewer good seedlings that can be recruited.

Therefore, for actors who cannot participate in the performance arrangement in the courtyard as required, as long as they pay a symbolic fine, they can not participate in the performance in the courtyard.

From a manager's point of view, he doesn't dislike this, but the premise is that the annual assessment must be implemented, because when these people report to the entertainment industry, they will start with "I'm from Beijing Renyi!" People with real skills, such as Wu Gang, Feng Yuanzheng, etc., are giving the courtyard a face, but some people have just the opposite effect.

For the vast majority of audiences outside the capital city, they have never seen a drama at all, and what is more, they have never heard of Beijing Renyi, let alone what level and nature of the theater troupe Renyi is. The cognition is the actors on the screen who say "I'm from Beijing People's Art!".

But now that he has been transferred to the Chinese Opera, he can no longer be as free as before. The call he received just now was from Xu Xiang, the dean of the Chinese Opera, asking him to go back to participate in the recruitment promotion tomorrow.

The news was ridiculously well-informed. As soon as he had some time, Xu Xiang called.

As for coincidences, how can there be so many coincidences in the world? !

At about noon, when Du Qifeng came back, Xu Rong knocked on the door of his room.

As soon as he entered the door, he was the first to ask, "Director, what did the Meteorological Bureau say?"

When it snows is not only related to how he asks for leave, if it snows tomorrow, the crew can start shooting the location immediately, if it is delayed for another ten days and a half months, the crew's shooting plan will have to be completely revised.

"One week at the latest, there must be a heavy snowfall." Du Qifeng said extremely optimistically.

Xu Rong had heard similar words a week ago, and he had no idea whether it would snow or not.

"Sit down and talk."

Xu Rong sat on Du Qifeng's side instead of sitting opposite Du Qifeng as usual, and asked: "The actors of the crew have almost left, right?"

"Yes." Seeing him leaning on the armrest of the sofa, Du Qifeng froze for a moment, got up and poured him a glass of steaming water, "There's nothing we can do about it, everyone is huddled in the hotel It is not easy for Hong Kong actors to go back and forth, but many of them are only one or two hours away from home."

"Thank you." Xu Rong took the water glass with a smile. He has been studying body expressions, such as seats. Sitting opposite the person being talked to creates a psychological confrontation, but if the purpose is to ease the relationship, sitting opposite is an extremely failed physical behavior.

Du Qifeng didn't notice the subtle difference, and said: "Actually, it's normal to do other things when not filming, not to mention actors, we often film and film, and the script can't be continued, so we just call it a day and shoot another film."

Xu Rong has heard about this. Many directors in Hong Kong write and shoot a film, so some directors are not used to the mainland's habit of making shooting plans based on different scenes rather than the development of the plot.

"Haha, Director Du will have to get used to it slowly in the future."

Du Qifeng smiled and said: "Yes, you have to get used to it. For example, Sun Honglei and the others like to rest in the RV when they are not playing. I don't like this very much, but it's like this in the mainland, so you can't get used to it, right? "

Xu Rong looked at Du Qifeng with a strange expression, and today he finally knew why Du Qifeng and Sun Honglei hated seeing each other.

The relationship between a man and a woman is relatively more direct. If two women work together, even if they don’t deal with each other, if they go out to eat or go shopping, they will hold hands with each other like good sisters. But men are more direct. If they don’t deal with each other, Except for work, there will be no communication at all at other times.

This is the case for Du Qifeng and Sun Honglei. On the set, it seems like nothing happened between them, and they will not deliberately avoid the communication work, but after leaving the set, there is almost no intersection.

Du Qifeng understood that he was bald, so he didn't try to defend himself, but continued: "As an actor, but also as a main actor, I can't say that there is no drama without you, so it has nothing to do with you. What kind of requirements, how do the actors who play opposite you act, these are all actors should care about, if you don’t understand these, how can you perform well?”

After a pause, Du Qifeng looked directly at Xu Rong, and said aggrievedly: "Some media say that Hong Kong directors like to use Hong Kong actors, not because we like to use them, but because we have to use them."

It's not easy for Xu Rong to refute this point, because what Du Qifeng said is the truth, not to mention Sun Honglei, even he himself would lie in the car and squint for a while when he had nothing to do.

Although this kind of habit seems unprofessional to Du Qifeng, in the eyes of fans of some artists in the mainland, this kind of behavior is already diligent enough, because everyone in their family has personally participated in the filming, what else do you want?They even take it for granted that it should be the gospel of people all over the world, just like witnessing the birth, life, mission, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, they should feel honored and even bow their heads to tears.

Xu Rong often introduces to the Hong Kong people in the group how the mainland film and television industry is thriving, but he does not shy away from the problems and bad habits that have arisen during the development of the industry, and there is no need to cover up or beautify these problems. It is beautification, the more the situation is not improved, it will only destroy the industry he depends on in the end.

The change of the overall situation requires the joint efforts of the majority of people, rather than a hoarse cry of one person, which will only become a knight fighting to the death with the windmill.

As a last resort, he had no choice but to change the subject and asked, "I heard that Director Du also came to the mainland to film movies before?"

Du Qifeng nodded, and said with a sigh: "Yes, the first time I came to filming was in 78 when I was filming "The Clear Water and Cold Mountain Kills Gold" in the mountainous area of ​​northern Guangdong. Been to Taiwan."

Seeing Xu Rong's puzzled expression, Du Qifeng explained with a smile: "The situation was special at that time. The relevant departments in Taiwan had regulations. If Hong Kong filmmakers came to the mainland to make movies, they were not allowed to go to Taiwan, because they thought you were 'communist'. But that movie wasn't very good either."

"Life in the mainland was very difficult at that time, resources were insufficient, and there were fewer people who knew movies. But in fact, at that time, as far as I know, at least in northern Guangdong, the people there were very kind and obedient. When we went to make movies, they also I am very happy, the officials are also very clean, what do you need, go to communicate, they will try their best to help if they can, and they will directly tell you that they can’t do it if they can’t help.”

"Actually, the number of times I came to the mainland to film movies was more than that one time. Later, "A Fool's Birthday" and "If There Is Love 3: The Beacon of the Beacon" were all filmed in the mainland, probably in 94 and 97, in Shanghai and Changchun respectively. Shooting, but the feelings of those two times were completely different from those in 78. Many problems in the shooting process were man-made. No, if it matters, those procedures can be completely saved. In addition, there are very big problems in the industry, such as finding group performers. It is clearly agreed that they can come to 300 people, but in the end he can make up for you. 100 people is not bad, the economy has indeed developed, but people’s hearts have become very weird, that is, when you deal with people, you should be careful at all times, otherwise you don’t know if he will cheat you.”

"After I went to Changchun to film "If There Is Love 3: The Beacon of the Beacon", I decided not to come to the mainland. The interval was more than ten years. I really hate not being serious about things. The current mainland film industry is also like this, okay The filmmakers are very good, just like you, I can’t believe how much perseverance you need to maintain so many excellent habits in such a bad environment.” At the end of the day, “Actually, I also know, People like Sun Honglei are actually good, but bad ones are too bad."

Xu Rong also sighed, but he didn't feel that people's hearts changed too much. There are so many people in China, there are good people, there must be bad people, otherwise the significance of the existence of the law will be greatly weakened.

Seeing Xu Rong's silence, Du Qifeng suddenly moved closer and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Xu, I heard that you know some knowledgeable people?"

Du Qifeng kept turning a blind eye to the matter of Huang Yi raising a kid. When he was eighteen or nineteen years old, he was not superstitious at all, and firmly believed that happiness comes from hard work.

Later, when he was middle-aged, he slowly began to believe in it. Although he hadn't seen one with his own eyes, he had heard too many rumors. Secondly, he gradually discovered that there were many things beyond his ability.

Since he was 50 years old, he has gradually maintained awe and admiration for the illusory theory of ghosts and gods. Whether in public or alone, he never dared to deny its existence, let alone slander it.

Therefore, for an "expert" like Xu Rong, he actually maintains a certain awe in his heart.

Looking at Du Qifeng's meaningful eyes, Xu Rong understood what was going on, and asked, "Didn't Lao Liu say he had seen it before turning on the machine?"

"Isn't it a solution if it doesn't snow?!"

Xu Rong can't wait to roll his eyes, the Qing Dynasty has been dead for a whole hundred years, why don't they ask about science and about ghosts and gods? !
He gave a dry laugh and said, "I really don't have this one. I've seen it before, but if I say I know it, that's pure nonsense."

Most Hong Kong people are very superstitious, and Du Qifeng is also unavoidable. He guessed right, Du Qifeng probably wanted him to open the forum.

He suddenly remembered an interesting rumor, and asked, "Didn't it say that Teacher Li Lianjie would often take on this kind of work, or should Director Du invite him?"

The expression on Du Qifeng's face froze, and he laughed awkwardly, Li Lianjie knows how to give a hammer!
After a burst of laughter, Xu Rongcai said, "Director, that's it. I'll take a leave of absence for two days."

Du Qifeng nodded and said, "No problem. If it snows, you must come back early. It's important for us to hurry up."

"Don't worry, the capital is only a short time away, so there's still time."

"Okay, pay attention to safety on the road."

After asking for leave, Xu Rong immediately rushed back to the capital without stopping. In the car, he looked at the script written by the school received in the mailbox, and shook his head involuntarily.

The form of enrollment publicity is to cooperate with Sina to conduct a live broadcast on the whole network. The reason for doing it in this form is that Xu Xiang wants to replicate the sensational effect of his speech on the day of the opening ceremony on the Internet.

But Xu Rong was not very optimistic about it. That event was actually a high probability event. Firstly, as the most popular actor in the mainland, he had hardly participated in any variety shows. Secondly, it was the article that he had polished for several days. Manuscript.

The school has written the manuscript this time, and there are more than 30 allusions and classics quoted throughout the text. What he needs to do is to stand on the podium as a teacher and finish reading the manuscript.

But it's too uncreative. A second-rate tabloid office can write a similar article better with just any editor.

Furthermore, he is the head of the department. Although he can't decide what the promotional film will look like, he can at least put forward his own opinions and suggestions.

The next day, the auditorium.

Xu Rong was dressed in a suit, and on the bridge of his nose was wearing a pair of non-prescription silver-rimmed glasses that Xiao Zhang urgently pulled him to wear yesterday afternoon. With an immature face and three cameras from three angles, he took the microphone and said slowly: "Good morning, students. Today is my first class for you. First of all, I would like to say sorry to everyone here."

(End of this chapter)

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