I'm just an actor

Chapter 367 Public

Chapter 367 Public
"Come on, come on."

"Wait, is this Xu Rong?"

"No, I just apologized when I came up, what do you mean, are you going to announce the cheating?"

In the end, the enrollment publicity took the form of a live open class, and the live broadcast platform chosen was Sina Weibo, which has been in full swing in the past two years.

Not only Xu Rong's fans watched the live broadcast, but also many spectators, art candidates who were preparing for the exam, and parents who cared more about the college entrance examination than the candidates.

Because the advertising slogan of China Opera on Weibo is: Xu Rong answered online why China Opera is the first choice for art students.

It's just that when the fans and the parents of the examinees turned on the live broadcast, looking at Xu Rong who was wearing silver-rimmed glasses and bowing to apologize on the screen, he couldn't recover for a while.

The Xu Rong on the screen is really too strange, the person is indeed that person, but the image and temperament are completely different from the "Li Dabenshi" who has been popular in the north and south of the river recently, which caused a strong sense of tearing to many viewers. Therefore, as soon as the live broadcast screen appeared, Weibo was instantly flooded with various comments.

Xu Rong looked at the many students in the auditorium and said, "Take up everyone's time and explain why I have to apologize. Just now, I came all the way from the parking lot and met many students who greeted me and called me 'Teacher Xu'. I'm coming to school I have been the head of the department for almost half a year, but I have not actually given a class to everyone. To be honest, I feel ashamed in response to this teacher."

"Clap clap clap."

As Xu Rong's words fell, there was a burst of sparse applause in the auditorium, and after a while, it gradually swept the entire auditorium like a spark.

"Wow wow wow."

If Xu Rong only bears the name of a graduate of Nortel and a famous film and television actor, he is not qualified to stand here to accept the applause of all Chinese opera teachers and students, but he is an actor, and he is still a predecessor The name of the vice captain of the artist team is more than enough to stand here.

As a rule, before becoming the head of the Department of Performing Arts, the director of the Chinese Opera Acting Department will go across Yangcheng Lake like a hairy crab in September, and Renyi is the "Yangcheng Lake" where he crosses the water.

"Okay, now we start class."

Amidst the bewildered expressions of the audience at the scene and in front of the computer, Xu Rong said, turned around and walked to the desk on one side, and operated the laptop computer that had been prepared.

On the electronic screen behind him, a PPT was projected, the color tone and layout were extremely simple, and there were only six characters of "Basic Performance Theory" on the one-page PPT with a white background and a red head.

On Weibo, however, the comments continued to increase.

"It's so sudden, don't chat for a while?"

"What the hell is it like you really want to have a class, and you start the lecture while chatting?"

"Basic performance theory, who do you look down on???"

And a few minutes earlier, Nortel.

When the students stepped into the classroom, they rubbed their eyes subconsciously as they looked at the subtitles of "Open Classes of the Department of Chinese Opera Acting" on the projection cloth. When did Chinese Operas become so awesome, and the open classes were all open to Nortel. up? !

It's just that when they saw the teacher who was also sitting under the stage, they immediately filed in, quickly touched the back row, and grabbed a favorable position.

Similar scenes also happened in major training institutions.

The audience in the auditorium and various classrooms looked at Xu Rong, who seemed to be still in the picture, and held their breath. After a long while, when the picture on the screen behind him jumped, he raised his head and coughed twice: "We Classes begin."

Because it was the first time to take a serious class, and it was also the first time to do something like PPT, so he was a little unskilled.

At this time, the big screen behind him completely implemented the word "conciseness" into his grandma's house. On a PPT of Nuo Da, there were still only six words with punctuation: "What is performance?"

Xu Rong came out from the desk, took the microphone, and said: "We usually talk about acting, acting, and acting skills. Dear students, some of you are freshmen who have only been enrolled for half a year, and some are college students who are about to graduate. The fourth student should be no stranger to performances, so can anyone tell me what performances are?"

When speaking, his eyes moved from time to time, and the time he stayed on the scene and the camera in the middle was almost exactly half.

After the voice fell, countless bee swarms seemed to fly into the auditorium, buzzing, but no one raised their hands to answer his doubts.

Unlike the teachers and students of Nortel, who are proud of Xu Rong's achievements, the Chinese opera people have always had a rather ambivalent attitude towards Xu Rong.

Xu Rong was born in Nortel, and many years ago, when facing the camera with that immature face, he once said the arrogant words "I think my alma mater is the best school!".

At that time, it caused some controversy because of its super high cultural class scores. Now, as Xu Rong's status in the film and television circles and performance theory circles is getting higher and higher, the "arrogant words" of the year have become the attacking drama of Nortel students. , The important "axiom" of the play, the Chinese biography.

On the other hand, some of Xu Rong's theories are perfect and innovative on the basis of the Stanley's system, but some seem to "distort" Stanley's exposition, but the uncomfortable point is that it can stand the test of practice.

Just like traditional Chinese medicine, before the emergence of the theory of the gate of life, almost all doctors followed the method of suppressing the wood and supporting the earth or benefiting the heart and yang to treat the deficiency of the spleen and stomach, but one day a theory of the gate of life suddenly appeared, and compared with It is also more direct and effective. Apart from "Fucking True Evil Men" and "Made can do it", all Chinese medicine practitioners can only follow the example.

As a result, many people have their own answers in their hearts, but they dare not say it. Right now, it is not just an ordinary class, but an open class broadcast live on the whole network. of.

Xu Rong scanned the bustling auditorium and asked, "Can someone tell me what the performance is?"

A few seconds later, sitting in the fourth row, a girl with a thin face and a thin ponytail in a white down jacket raised her arms timidly.

Xu Rong always felt familiar looking at the girl, but for a while she couldn't remember where she met her, so she smiled and said, "This classmate, please tell me."

At the same time, a short, chubby boy with glasses sitting in the first row immediately got up and handed over a microphone. The girl took it and said, "I think acting is about creating characters."

"Acting is about shaping characters?!" Xu Rong and the girls finished speaking and repeated it with a gentle and authentic expression, "Yes, thank you for your answer. It makes sense. This classmate, please sit down."

Xu Rong pressed his hand towards the girl with the ponytail, glanced at the audience again, and asked, "Do you have any other ideas?"

Now no one dared to raise their hands. They had heard similar words many times. Since they asked this question, the first girl who raised her hand must have answered wrongly.

After waiting for a while, seeing no one raised their hands again, Xu Rong said slowly: "Then let me share my opinion, acting is a technology, a technology similar in nature to CNC, lathe, electric welding, cosmetology, and hairdressing. "

Suddenly there was a sound of discussion in the auditorium, Xu Rong looked at the relatively professional students in the audience, and he could already imagine what the vast number of netizens sitting in front of the computer thought.

Indeed, as he had expected, the discussion on Weibo had already turned into an uproar.

One of the comments was crazily liked by the majority of netizens, but in comparison, those who reposted it only had one quarter of the number of likes.

"I don't even understand acting, so how can I teach it? A showman, an outsider, an actor, a faker, the essence of acting is to use appearance to deceive others. What kind of technique is Xu Rongfei talking about? It's ridiculous!"

"Hahaha, acting is a skill? You're dying of laughter."

"It's a trick for a small circle of self-entertainment to deceive people and collect money. Let alone such sophisticated science and technology as numerical control and lathes, it can't even compare to washing feet."

"Correct upstairs, foot washing requires more skills. When you give customers a pedicure, at least you need to know the acupuncture points on the feet, otherwise the customers will cry for you."

"As we all know, Xu Rong knows how to perform ass, and you have to watch netizens to learn how to act!"

"The explanation on the first floor is thorough. Listening to what you have to say is like listening to what you have to say!"

"Hey, I can understand giving likes to the first floor. Look at the monkey, but why are there so many reprints? Brothers and sisters, give likes to the first floor, the second floor, and the third floor. Made laughed me to death, what Teacher Xu said That's right, it turns out that there are really many idiots who think that they are simply the reincarnation of a sage."

Xu Rong, as a new authority in the domestic performance industry, discusses performances, and few domestic colleges and universities dare to argue with him, but the strange thing is that some audiences on the Internet do not agree with his views, and they are always justified according to.

"Why is acting a skill? Let me give you a simple example."

Xu Rong smiled and took the microphone away from his mouth, and then suddenly read: "A murderer, a villain, a mediocre slave who is less than [-]% of your ex-husband, a buffoon pretending to be a king, a thief who steals the country pickpocket, cast that precious crown from the rack"

Xu Rong read a few words in a hurry, but stopped abruptly at the "crown", then looked at the short and fat young man in the first row, and said, "Student, please pass the microphone to anyone in the last row." Can a classmate do it?"

"Of course, as long as it's in the back row."

The chunky young man quickly ran to the back. After handing the microphone to a girl in the penultimate row, Xu Rong asked, "Excuse me, this student, do you remember what the last sentence I read just now is?"

The girl immediately replied: "Mr. Xu, it's 'steal that precious crown from the shelf' in Act Three, Scene Four of "Hamlet", and there should be a sentence behind it, 'Put it in your own pocket.'" It's over."



"The gods are fighting."

Listening to the conversation between the two, the audience in front of the computer suddenly had the feeling of being stabbed in the ass by a knife. Xu Rong recited a sentence casually, and this girl was able to say the source of it casually, and even pointed out which sentence was missing?
The teaching level of Chinese opera is simply amazing!

But in Nortel's classroom, it was dead silent, because the words that Xu Rong read were familiar to them, but they couldn't say which scene it came from with such certainty as the girl on the screen. .

"Okay, very good."

Xu Rong looked at most of the students who were baffled, and said with a smile: "Many people must be wondering, memorizing lines, who can't, what kind of skill is this?"

He smiled, pointed in the direction of the girl, and said, "I don't know if everyone has noticed the distance between her and me."

The auditorium fell silent for an instant. Until now, many people realized that Xu Rong didn't use the microphone when he was reading the words just now.
Speak a word through your voice in a conference hall with over a thousand people, and it seems that it does not take much effort, but the audience in the last row can hear what he is saying clearly. This is the basic skills of breath, voice, and mouth. comprehensive embodiment.

And on Weibo, as usual, there are trolls who directly tweet: "What the hell, talking is technology?"

It's just that after spraying, no one followed the building, but there were overwhelming curses:
"Fool, find an auditorium that can hold thousands of people and say something casually, and then ask the people in the last row if they can hear clearly before commenting."

"Brother, don't be embarrassing, let's pass the third level of Mandarin first."

Xu Rong smiled, raised his voice again, and said slowly, "This is performance, it is a very magical technology, and like many other technologies, it allows you to do many incredible things."

"Then what are the components of this technology? According to the type of occupation you need to engage in, what standards do you need to meet?"

Xu Xiang and others sitting in a corner of the auditorium looked at each other. Their original intention was to let Xu Rong read a speech, but looking at Xu Rong's posture, it seemed that he was really in class?

A middle-aged man with a square face sitting next to him looked at Xu Rong, twitched the corners of his mouth, and said with a smile: "Dean, Director Xu is really talented, look at this demeanor, this basic skill, it's really good, really good .”

Xu Xiang smiled, but didn't answer. He looked at the middle-aged man with a Chinese character face, rolled his eyes twice, and said in a low voice: "I became the head of the department at the age of 24. I'm so young and promising. I heard that there are leaders I like him very much, and his future is sure to be limitless.”

"Even if you go to a hairdressing salon after graduation, you have to reach at least a certain level. For example, if you give a customer a particularly ugly haircut, but you can't get it back, what should you do at this time?"

"You have to praise her sincerely, from the inside out, so that she is born with the confidence to introduce her new hairstyle to her friends, for example: this hairstyle is impossible for ordinary people, but only you can control it, and It really suits your face shape and temperament."

"Believe me, as long as you are sincere, sincere, and sincere enough, you will not lose this guest. Why? Let me tell you something that I just experienced. I just came back from the crew yesterday. When I got home, my wife went to In front of me, she was very confident and very smug and asked me if her freshly permed wavy curls are very beautiful. To be honest, they are really ugly, but students, do you think I have other things besides saying "very beautiful" choice?"


At this time, Xu Rong just made a joke, Xu Xiang seemed to have not heard the middle-aged man's words at all, and laughed along with him.

(End of this chapter)

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